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package com.Litterfeldt.AStory.dbConnector; /* ww w. j av a 2s .com*/ import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import com.Litterfeldt.AStory.models.Book; import com.Litterfeldt.AStory.models.Chapter; import java.util.ArrayList; public class dbBook { public static void purge(Context c){ (new dbBook(c)).purgeAllBooks(); } public static ArrayList<Book> getBooks(Context c){ return (new dbBook(c)).getAllBooks(); } public static void addBook(Context c, Book b){ (new dbBook(c)).addBook(b); } public static Book bookById(Context c, int id){ return (new dbBook(c)).getBookById(id); } public static int bookIdByName(Context c, String name){ return (new dbBook(c)).getBookId(name); } private static final String ALL_BOOKS = "SELECT * FROM "+ dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_LIST + " ;"; private static final String ALL_BOOKS_BY_ID = "SELECT * FROM " + dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_LIST + " WHERE "+dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_LIST_ID+" = ? ;"; private static final String ALL_CHAPTERS_BY_BOOK = "SELECT * FROM " + dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_CHAPTER_LIST + " WHERE BOOK_ID = ? ;"; private static final String IMAGE = "Select IMG_BLOB from " + dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_IMG + " where BOOK_ID = ?;"; private static final String PURGE = "DELETE FROM "; private dbConnector connector; public dbBook(Context c) { connector = dbConnector.getInstance(c); } public void addImg (int bookId, byte[] img){ ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues(); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_IMG_BOOK_IMG,img); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_IMG_BOOK_ID,bookId); connector.write().insert(dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_IMG, null, initialValues); } public void addChapter(Chapter chapter, int bookID){ ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues(); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_CHAPTER_LIST_CHAPTER_PATH,chapter.Path()); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_CHAPTER_LIST_CHAPTER_NR,chapter.Nr()); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_CHAPTER_LIST_CHAPTER_DURATION,chapter.Duration()); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_CHAPTER_LIST_BOOK_ID,bookID); connector.write().insert(dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_CHAPTER_LIST, null, initialValues); } public void addBook(Book book) { ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues(); initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_LIST_NAME,; initialValues.put(dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_LIST_AUTHOR,; connector.write().insert(dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_LIST, null, initialValues); int bookID = getBookId(; for (Chapter chapter : book.getChapters()){ addChapter(chapter, bookID); } addImg(bookID,book.image()); } public int getBookId(String bookName){ Cursor c =, new String[]{dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_LIST_ID}, dbConnector.COLUMN_BOOK_LIST_NAME+"="+"\""+bookName+"\"", null,null,null,null); c.moveToFirst(); return c.getInt(0); } private Book getBookById(int id){ Cursor bookCursor ="?",Integer.toString(id)), null); boolean notEmpty = bookCursor.moveToFirst(); if (notEmpty) { String name = bookCursor.getString(1); String author = bookCursor.getString(2); ArrayList<Chapter> chapters = getAllChapters(id); byte[] img = getImageById(id); Book book = new Book(id,name, author, chapters, img); return book; } else { return null; } } public void purgeAllBooks(){ connector.write().execSQL(PURGE + dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_LIST +";" ); connector.write().execSQL(PURGE + dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_CHAPTER_LIST+";" ); connector.write().execSQL(PURGE + dbConnector.TABLE_NAME_BOOK_IMG+";" ); } public ArrayList<Book> getAllBooks() { Cursor bookCursor =, null); boolean notEmpty = bookCursor.moveToFirst(); if (notEmpty) { ArrayList<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); while(!bookCursor.isAfterLast()){ int id = bookCursor.getInt(0); String name = bookCursor.getString(1); String author = bookCursor.getString(2); ArrayList<Chapter> chapters = getAllChapters(id); byte[] img = getImageById(id); Book book = new Book(id,name, author, chapters, img); books.add(book); bookCursor.moveToNext(); } return books; } else { return new ArrayList<Book>(); } } public byte[] getImageById(int bookId) { Cursor imageCursor ="?", Integer.toString(bookId)), null); boolean notEmpty = imageCursor.moveToFirst(); if (notEmpty) { return imageCursor.getBlob(0); } else { return null; } } public ArrayList<Chapter> getAllChapters(int bookId) { Cursor chapterCursor = .rawQuery(ALL_CHAPTERS_BY_BOOK.replace("?", Integer.toString(bookId)), null); boolean notEmpty = chapterCursor.moveToFirst(); if (notEmpty) { ArrayList<Chapter> chapters = new ArrayList<Chapter>(); while(!chapterCursor.isAfterLast()){ int chapterID = chapterCursor.getInt(0); int chapterNr = chapterCursor.getInt(2); String chapterPath = chapterCursor.getString(3); int chapterDuration = chapterCursor.getInt(4); Chapter chapter = new Chapter(chapterID, chapterPath, chapterNr, chapterDuration); chapters.add(chapter); chapterCursor.moveToNext(); } return chapters; } else { return null; } } }