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package org.x3n0m0rph59.breakout; // ww w .j a v a2 s. c om import org.x3n0m0rph59.breakout.Effect.Type; import org.x3n0m0rph59.breakout.SoundLayer; //import org.x3n0m0rph59.breakout.SpaceBomb.Type; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Circle; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.StretchViewport; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.Viewport; public class GameScreen implements Screen, Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1326363941962583508L; public enum State {LOADING, NEW_STAGE, WAITING_FOR_BALL, RUNNING, STAGE_CLEARED, RESTART, PAUSED, GAME_OVER, LEVEL_SET_COMPLETED, TERMINATED}; private enum ParticleEffect {BRICK_EXPLOSION, BALL_LOST}; private transient OrthographicCamera camera; private transient StretchViewport viewport; private State state = State.LOADING; private transient ScoreBoard scoreBoard; private final BottomWall bottomWall = new BottomWall(); private HashMap<String, String> levelMetadata; private final Paddle paddle = new Paddle(); private final List<Ball> balls = new ArrayList<Ball>(); private /*final*/ List<Brick> bricks = new ArrayList<Brick>(); private final List<Powerup> powerups = new ArrayList<Powerup>(); private final ObjectPool<Star> starsPool = new ObjectPool<Star>(Star.class); private final List<Star> stars = new ArrayList<Star>(); private final ObjectPool<Projectile> projectilePool = new ObjectPool<Projectile>(Projectile.class); private final List<Projectile> projectiles = new ArrayList<Projectile>(); private final List<ParticleSystem> particleEffects = new ArrayList<ParticleSystem>(); private final List<Background> backgrounds = new ArrayList<Background>(); private final List<SpaceBomb> spaceBombs = new ArrayList<SpaceBomb>(); private transient BitmapFont font; private int frameCounter = 0; private int spaceBombCoolDownTime = 0; private int cheatTouchCtr = 0; private Brick lastHitBrick; public GameScreen() { final GameInputProcessor inputProcessor = new GameInputProcessor(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(inputProcessor); initializeTransients(); initLevel(0); setState(GameScreen.State.NEW_STAGE); } public void initializeTransients() { camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(true, Config.WORLD_WIDTH, Config.WORLD_HEIGHT); camera.update(); viewport = new StretchViewport(Config.WORLD_WIDTH, Config.WORLD_HEIGHT, camera); viewport.apply(true); font = FontLoader.getInstance().getFont("font", Config.TOAST_FONT_SIZE); scoreBoard = new ScoreBoard(); scoreBoard.updateState(); } public void initLevel(int level) { // check if the new level is in valid range final int totalLevelsInSet = Integer.parseInt(LevelLoader.getLevelSetMetaData().get("Total Levels")); if (level >= totalLevelsInSet) { setState(State.LEVEL_SET_COMPLETED); } else { GameState.setLevel(level); scoreBoard.updateState(); // don't reset the frame counter for now (game balance) // it influences whether new space bombs are spawned etc. // frameCounter = 0; // reset cooldown timers spaceBombCoolDownTime = 0; EffectManager.getInstance().clearEffects(); TextAnimationManager.getInstance().clear(); paddle.getGrapplingHook().resetState(); paddle.setWidth(Config.PADDLE_DEFAULT_WIDTH); // Carry over "Multiballs" to the new level GameState.setBallsLeft(GameState.getBallsLeft() + (balls.size() - 1)); balls.clear(); spawnBall(false); powerups.clear(); projectiles.clear(); spaceBombs.clear(); // Spawn initial set of particles stars.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Config.SYNC_FPS * Config.STAR_DENSITY; i++) { try { final Star s = starsPool.get(); s.setState(new Point(Util.random(0, (int) Config.getInstance().getClientWidth()), Util.random(0, (int) Config.getInstance().getScreenHeight())), Util.random((int) Config.STAR_MIN_SPEED, (int) Config.STAR_MAX_SPEED)); stars.add(s); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } backgrounds.clear(); backgrounds.add(BackgroundFactory.getRandomBackground()); particleEffects.clear(); levelMetadata = LevelLoader.getLevelMetaData(level); bricks = LevelLoader.loadLevel(level); } } public void newGame() { // SoundLayer.getInstance().stopAllMusic(); GameState.setLevel(0); GameState.setScore(0); GameState.setBallsLeft(Config.INITIAL_BALLS_LEFT); GameState.setSpaceBombsLeft(Config.INITIAL_SPACEBOMBS_LEFT); initLevel(0); Config.getInstance().setSpeedFactor(1.0f); setState(State.NEW_STAGE); } public void restartLevel() { initLevel(GameState.getLevel()); } private String getLevelMetaData(String key) { String result = levelMetadata.get(key); if (result == null) result = "<no data>"; return result; } private void drawCenteredText(SpriteBatch batch, String[] lines, boolean eraseBackground) { int cnt = 0; for (final String line : lines) { final float width = font.getBounds(line).width; final float height = font.getBounds(line).height + 5; font.draw(batch, line, (Config.getInstance().getClientWidth() / 2) - (width / 2), (height * cnt) + Config.getInstance().getScreenHeight() / 2); cnt++; } } public void setStateAfterResume() { if (GameState.getBallsLeft() <= 0) setState(State.GAME_OVER); else if (balls.size() <= 0) setState(State.WAITING_FOR_BALL); else setState(State.PAUSED); if (!SoundLayer.isMusicPlaying()) SoundLayer.playMusic(Musics.BACKGROUND); } public void primeCache() { new Powerup(new Point(0.0f, 0.0f), Type.values()[0]); new Projectile(); BackgroundFactory.primeCache(); } @Override public void show() { final GameInputProcessor inputProcessor = new GameInputProcessor(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(inputProcessor); primeCache(); setStateAfterResume(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { viewport.update(width, height, true); } @Override public void pause() { setState(State.PAUSED); } @Override public void resume() { Logger.debug("GameScreen: resume()"); setStateAfterResume(); } @Override public void hide() { setState(State.PAUSED); } @Override public void dispose() { // setState(State.TERMINATED); } @Override public void render(float delta) { this.step(delta); final SpriteBatch batch = App.getSpriteBatch(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); for (final Background b : backgrounds) { b.render(batch); } for (final Star p : stars) { p.render(batch); } for (final Brick b : bricks) { b.render(batch); } for (final Powerup p : powerups) { p.render(batch); } for (final Projectile p : projectiles) { p.render(batch); } for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { b.render(batch); } for (final Ball b : balls) { b.render(batch); } // Draw a wall on the bottom of the screen? if (EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.BOTTOM_WALL)) { bottomWall.render(batch); } for (final ParticleSystem p : particleEffects) { p.render(batch); } paddle.render(batch); scoreBoard.render(batch); boolean drawTextAnimations = true; switch (state) { case LOADING: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"Loading, please wait..."}, true); break; case NEW_STAGE: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"Level Set: " + getLevelMetaData("Level Set"), "Level: " + getLevelMetaData("Level"), "\"" + getLevelMetaData("Name") + "\""}, true); break; case RUNNING: break; case RESTART: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"Restarting stage"}, true); break; case PAUSED: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"*GAME PAUSED*", "", "Level Set: " + getLevelMetaData("Level Set"), "Level: " + getLevelMetaData("Level"), "\"" + getLevelMetaData("Name") + "\""}, true); break; case WAITING_FOR_BALL: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"*BALL LOST*"}, true); break; case STAGE_CLEARED: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"*STAGE CLEARED*", "", "Level Set: " + getLevelMetaData("Level Set"), "Level: " + getLevelMetaData("Level"), "\"" + getLevelMetaData("Name") + "\""}, true); break; case GAME_OVER: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"*GAME OVER!*"}, true); break; case TERMINATED: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"Good bye!"}, true); break; case LEVEL_SET_COMPLETED: drawTextAnimations = false; drawCenteredText(batch, new String[] {"Congratulations!","*Level Set Completed*"}, true); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported state: " + state); } if (drawTextAnimations) TextAnimationManager.getInstance().render(batch); // Debugging: // Draw bounding boxes around the paddle // Rectangle r1 = balls.get(0).getBoundingBox(); // Rectangle r2 = paddle.getBoundingBox(); // // Rectangle left = new Rectangle(r2.getX() - r1.getWidth(), r2.getY(), r1.getWidth(), r2.getHeight()); // Rectangle top_left = new Rectangle(r2.getX() - r1.getWidth(), r2.getY() - r1.getHeight(), r1.getWidth(), r1.getHeight()); // Rectangle top = new Rectangle(r2.getX(), r2.getY() - r1.getHeight(), r2.getWidth(), r1.getHeight()); // Rectangle top_right = new Rectangle(r2.getX() + r2.getWidth(), r2.getY() - r1.getHeight(), r1.getWidth(), r1.getHeight()); // Rectangle right = new Rectangle(r2.getX() + r2.getWidth(), r2.getY(), r1.getWidth(), r2.getHeight()); // Rectangle bottom_right = new Rectangle(r2.getX() + r2.getWidth(), r2.getY() + r2.getHeight(), r1.getWidth(), r1.getHeight()); // Rectangle bottom = new Rectangle(r2.getX(), r2.getY() + r2.getHeight(), r2.getWidth(), r1.getHeight()); // Rectangle bottom_left = new Rectangle(r2.getX() - r1.getWidth(), r2.getY() + r2.getHeight(), r1.getWidth(), r1.getHeight()); // // drawRect(left); // drawRect(top_left); // drawRect(top); // drawRect(top_right); // drawRect(right); // drawRect(bottom_right); // drawRect(bottom); // drawRect(bottom_left); } // private void drawRect(Rectangle r) { // GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); // GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); // GL11.glVertex2f(r.getX(), r.getY()); // GL11.glVertex2f(r.getX() + r.getWidth(), r.getY()); // GL11.glVertex2f(r.getX() + r.getWidth(), r.getY() + r.getHeight()); // GL11.glVertex2f(r.getX(), r.getY() + r.getHeight()); // GL11.glEnd(); // } public void step(float delta) { frameCounter++; // input handling final float idX = Gdx.input.getDeltaX(); final float mdX = camera.unproject(new Vector3(idX, 0, 0)).x; final float iX = Gdx.input.getX(); final float iY = Gdx.input.getY(); final Vector3 unprojectediXY = camera.unproject(new Vector3(iX, iY, 0)); final float mX = unprojectediXY.x; // final float mY = unprojectediXY.y; // avoid div by zero with Math.max() if (frameCounter % (10 * Math.max(, 1)) == 0) cheatTouchCtr = 0; // cooldown timers spaceBombCoolDownTime--; switch (state) { case LOADING: break; case NEW_STAGE: if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { setState(State.RUNNING); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { Config.getInstance().setTerminationUserInitiated(true); setState(State.TERMINATED); } break; case PAUSED: if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { setState(State.RUNNING); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { setState(State.TERMINATED); } break; case STAGE_CLEARED: if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { initLevel(GameState.getLevel() + 1); setState(State.NEW_STAGE); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { setState(State.TERMINATED); } break; case RUNNING: if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.P)) { setState(State.PAUSED); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { setState(State.TERMINATED); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.F2)) { setState(State.RESTART); } EffectManager.getInstance().step(delta); TextAnimationManager.getInstance().step(delta); for (final Background b : backgrounds) { b.step(delta); } for (final Star p : stars) { p.step(delta); } for (final Brick b : bricks) { b.step(delta); } for (final Powerup p : powerups) { p.step(delta); } for (final Projectile p : projectiles) { p.step(delta); } for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { b.step(delta); } for (final ParticleSystem p : particleEffects) { p.step(delta); } for (final Ball b : balls) { b.step(delta); } paddle.step(delta); bottomWall.step(delta); doCollisionDetection(); doCleanup(); // check for exploding space bombs // and apply effect to bricks for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { if (b.getState() == SpaceBomb.State.EXPLODING) { final Point centerOfExplosion = b.getCenterOfExplosion(); final Circle explosionCircle = new Circle(centerOfExplosion.getX(), centerOfExplosion.getY(), Config.SPACEBOMB_EXPLOSION_RADIUS); for (final Brick brick : bricks) { if (explosionCircle.contains(brick.getBoundingBox().getX() + brick.getBoundingBox().getWidth() / 2, brick.getBoundingBox().getY() + brick.getBoundingBox().getHeight() / 2)) { // brickHit(brick, null, true); if (brick.getType() != Brick.Type.SOLID) { GameState.changeScore(100); } if (brick.getType() == Brick.Type.POWERUP) { GameState.changeScore(1000); spawnPowerup(b.getPosition()); } brick.setDestroyed(true); } } // Detonate other space bombs that are inside the explosion circle for (final SpaceBomb bomb : spaceBombs) { if (explosionCircle.contains(bomb.getBoundingBox().getX() + bomb.getBoundingBox().getWidth() / 2, bomb.getBoundingBox().getY() + bomb.getBoundingBox().getHeight() / 2)) { bomb.detonate(); } } } } // Spawn new stars for (int i = 0; i < Config.STAR_DENSITY; i++) { try { final Star s = starsPool.get(); s.setState(new Point(Util.random(0, (int) Config.getInstance().getClientWidth()), 0.0f), Util.random((int) Config.STAR_MIN_SPEED, (int) Config.STAR_MAX_SPEED)); stars.add(s); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Spawn a new background? if ((frameCounter % Config.BACKGROUND_DENSITY) == 0) { backgrounds.add(BackgroundFactory.getRandomBackground()); } // Fire projectiles? if (EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.PADDLE_GUN)) { if (true /*(Gdx.input.isTouched(2) || lastKeyID == Keyboard.KEY_SPACE)*/ && (frameCounter % Config.PROJECTILE_FIRE_RATE == 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { final float x = (frameCounter % (Config.PROJECTILE_FIRE_RATE * 2) == 0) ? paddle.getX() : paddle.getX() + paddle.getWidth() - Config.PROJECTILE_WIDTH; try { final Projectile p = projectilePool.get(); p.setState(new Point(x, paddle.getY())); projectiles.add(p); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.BULLET_FIRED); } } } // Spawn a new bonus SpaceBomb? if ((frameCounter % Config.SPACEBOMB_DENSITY) == 0) { spaceBombs.add(new SpaceBomb(new Point((float) Util.random(50, (int) Config.getInstance().getClientWidth() - 200), -50.0f), SpaceBomb.Type.BONUS)); } // Move sticky balls with the paddle and // release them if a mouse button is pushed for (final Ball ball : balls) { if (ball.getState() == Ball.State.STUCK_TO_PADDLE) { if ((mX + mdX + (paddle.getWidth() / 2) >= 0) && (mX + mdX + (paddle.getWidth() / 2) <= Config.getInstance().getClientWidth())) { // TODO BUG: // ball may be moved relative to the paddle! ball.changePosition(mdX, 0); } if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { ball.setState(Ball.State.ROLLING); } } } // Move caught power ups with the paddle for (final Powerup p : powerups) { if (p.getState() == Powerup.State.STUCK_TO_GRAPPLING_HOOK) { paddle.getGrapplingHook().setSomethingAttached(true); if ((mX + mdX + (paddle.getWidth() / 2) >= 0) && (mX + mdX + (paddle.getWidth() / 2) <= Config.getInstance().getClientWidth())) { // TODO BUG: // bomb may be moved relative to the paddle! p.setCenterPosition(paddle.getGrapplingHook().getHookCenterPoint()); } } } // Move caught space bombs with the paddle for (final SpaceBomb bomb : spaceBombs) { if (bomb.getState() == SpaceBomb.State.STUCK_TO_GRAPPLING_HOOK) { paddle.getGrapplingHook().setSomethingAttached(true); if ((mX + mdX + (paddle.getWidth() / 2) >= 0) && (mX + mdX + (paddle.getWidth() / 2) <= Config.getInstance().getClientWidth())) { // TODO BUG: // bomb may be moved relative to the paddle! bomb.setCenterPosition(paddle.getGrapplingHook().getHookCenterPoint()); } } } // Stage cleared? if (isStageCleared()) { setState(State.STAGE_CLEARED); } break; case RESTART: initLevel(GameState.getLevel()); setState(State.NEW_STAGE); break; case TERMINATED:; break; case WAITING_FOR_BALL: if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { balls.clear(); spawnBall(false); setState(State.RUNNING); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { setState(State.TERMINATED); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.F2)) { setState(State.RESTART); } break; case GAME_OVER: if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { setState(State.TERMINATED); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.F2) || Gdx.input.justTouched()) { if (HighScoreManager.getInstance().isNewHighScore(GameState.getScore())) { HighScoreManager.getInstance().addHighScore(Config.getInstance().getUserName(), GameState.getScore(), GameState.getLevel() + 1, GameState.getLevelSet() + 1); ScreenManager.getInstance().showScreen(ScreenType.HIGHSCORE); } else setState(State.RESTART); } break; case LEVEL_SET_COMPLETED: if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { if (HighScoreManager.getInstance().isNewHighScore(GameState.getScore())) HighScoreManager.getInstance().addHighScore(Config.getInstance().getUserName(), GameState.getScore(), GameState.getLevel() + 1, GameState.getLevelSet() + 1); ScreenManager.getInstance().showScreen(ScreenType.HIGHSCORE); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported state: " + state); } } public void releaseSpaceBomb() { if (GameState.getSpaceBombsLeft() > 0) { if (spaceBombCoolDownTime > 0) { TextAnimationManager.getInstance().add("Bomb not ready yet!"); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.ACTION_DENIED); } else { spaceBombs.add(new SpaceBomb(new Point(paddle.getCenterPoint().getX(), paddle.getCenterPoint().getY() - 10.0f), SpaceBomb.Type.USER_FIRED)); GameState.decrementSpaceBombsLeft(); spaceBombCoolDownTime = Config.SPACEBOMB_COOLDOWN_TIME; SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.SPACEBOMB_LAUNCH); } } else { TextAnimationManager.getInstance().add("No bomb available!"); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.ACTION_DENIED); } } public boolean detonateSpaceBombs() { boolean result = false; for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { if (b.getType() == SpaceBomb.Type.USER_FIRED) { b.detonate(); result = true; } } return result; } public boolean isStageCleared() { return getDestructibleBricksLeft() == 0; } public int getDestructibleBricksLeft() { if (bricks.isEmpty()) return 0; int destructibleBricks = 0; for (final Brick b : bricks) if (b.getType() != Brick.Type.SOLID) destructibleBricks++; return destructibleBricks; } public void doCollisionDetection() { float pdx = paddle.getdX(); // Ball vs. Edges for (final Ball ball : balls) { // sanity check ball coordinates // clamp ball to client area if ((ball.getX() + ball.getWidth()) >= Config.getInstance().getClientWidth()) { final float newX = (Config.getInstance().getClientWidth() - (ball.getWidth())); final float newY = ball.getY(); ball.setPosition(new Point(newX, newY)); } if (ball.getX() <= 0) { final float newX = 0; final float newY = ball.getY(); ball.setPosition(new Point(newX, newY)); } if (ball.getY() <= 0) { final float newX = ball.getX(); final float newY = 0.0f; ball.setPosition(new Point(newX, newY)); } // Reflect the ball if it's not stuck to the paddle if (ball.getState() != Ball.State.STUCK_TO_PADDLE) { if (ball.getX() <= 0 || ball.getX() >= Config.getInstance().getClientWidth() - ball.getWidth()) { ball.invertXVelocity(); lastHitBrick = null; ForceFeedback.wallHit(); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.WALL_HIT); } } } for (final Ball ball : balls) { if (ball.getState() != Ball.State.STUCK_TO_PADDLE) { if (ball.getY() <= 0 || (EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.BOTTOM_WALL)) && ball.getY() >= (Config.getInstance().getScreenHeight() - Config.BOTTOM_WALL_HEIGHT) - ball.getHeight()) { ball.invertYVelocity(); if (ball.getY() <= 0) { // avoid double collisions by placing the ball below the wall ball.setPosition(new Point(ball.getX(), 1.0f)); } else { // avoid double collisions by placing the ball above the wall ball.setPosition(new Point(ball.getX(), Config.getInstance().getScreenHeight() - Config.BOTTOM_WALL_HEIGHT - ball.getHeight() + 1.0f)); } lastHitBrick = null; ForceFeedback.wallHit(); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.WALL_HIT); } } } // Ball lost? Iterator<Ball> bi = balls.iterator(); while (bi.hasNext()) { final Ball ball =; if (ball.getBoundingBox().getY() >= Config.getInstance().getScreenHeight() && !EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.BOTTOM_WALL)) { ballLost(ball, bi); } } // Ball vs. Paddle for (final Ball ball : balls) { if (ball.getState() != Ball.State.STUCK_TO_PADDLE) { if (Util.collisionTest(paddle.getBoundingBox(), ball.getBoundingBox())) { // final Edge edge = Util.getCollisionEdge(ball.getBoundingBox(), paddle.getBoundingBox()); // Calculate reflection vector based on the formula // V - Velocity Vector // N - The Normal Vector of the plane // Vnew = -2*(V dot N)*N + V final Vector ballVector = new Vector(ball.getDeltaX(), ball.getDeltaY(), ball.getMovementAngleInDegrees()); final Vector paddleVector = new Vector(pdx, 1.0f, 0.0f); final Vector surfaceNormal = paddleVector.cross(ballVector).normalize(); Vector result = surfaceNormal.mult(-2 * (; result = result.mult(Config.PADDLE_DAMPENING_FACTOR); result = result.add(paddleVector); ball.setDeltaX(result.getX()); ball.setDeltaY(-result.getY()); // Apply speed constraints if (ball.getSpeed() > Config.BALL_SPEED_MAX) ball.setSpeed(Config.BALL_SPEED_MAX); else if (ball.getSpeed() < Config.BALL_SPEED_MIN) ball.setSpeed(Config.BALL_SPEED_MIN); // avoid double collisions by placing the ball above the paddle ball.setPosition(new Point(ball.getX(), paddle.getY() - (ball.getHeight() + 1.0f))); // Sticky ball? if (EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.STICKY_BALL)) ball.setState(Ball.State.STUCK_TO_PADDLE); lastHitBrick = null; ForceFeedback.paddleHit(); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.PADDLE_HIT); } } } // Ball vs. Bricks for (final Ball ball : balls) { for (final Brick b : bricks) { if (Util.collisionTest(ball.getBoundingBox(), b.getBoundingBox())) { brickHit(b, ball, false); } } } // Caught a powerup with the paddle? for (final Powerup p : powerups) { if (Util.collisionTest(paddle.getBoundingBox(), p.getBoundingBox())) { EffectManager.getInstance().addEffect(p.getType()); p.setDestroyed(true); } } // Projectile vs. Bricks for (final Projectile p : projectiles) { for (final Brick b : bricks) { if (Util.collisionTest(p.getBoundingBox(), b.getBoundingBox())) { brickHit(b, null, true); p.setDestroyed(true); } } } // Caught a power up with the grappling hook? if (paddle.getGrapplingHook().getState() != GrapplingHook.State.IDLE) { for (final Powerup p : powerups) { if (paddle.getGrapplingHook().collisionTest(p.getBoundingBox())) { paddle.getGrapplingHook().setSomethingAttached(true); p.setState(Powerup.State.STUCK_TO_GRAPPLING_HOOK); Logger.debug("Caught a Power up!"); } } } // Consume caught power ups if they are // drawn in with the grappling hook for (final Powerup p : powerups) { if (p.getState() == Powerup.State.STUCK_TO_GRAPPLING_HOOK) { if (Util.collisionTest(paddle.getBoundingBox(), p.getBoundingBox())) { EffectManager.getInstance().addEffect(p.getType()); p.setDestroyed(true); paddle.getGrapplingHook().setSomethingAttached(false); } } } // Caught a space bomb with the grappling hook? if (paddle.getGrapplingHook().getState() != GrapplingHook.State.IDLE) { for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { //if (b.getType() == SpaceBomb.Type.BONUS) { if (paddle.getGrapplingHook().collisionTest(b.getBoundingBox())) { paddle.getGrapplingHook().setSomethingAttached(true); b.setState(SpaceBomb.State.STUCK_TO_GRAPPLING_HOOK); Logger.debug("Caught a Space Bomb!"); } //} } } // Consume caught space bombs if they are // drawn in with the grappling hook for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { if (b.getState() == SpaceBomb.State.STUCK_TO_GRAPPLING_HOOK) { if (Util.collisionTest(paddle.getBoundingBox(), b.getBoundingBox())) { GameState.incrementSpaceBombsLeft(); b.setDestroyed(true); paddle.getGrapplingHook().setSomethingAttached(false); } } } // Caught a space bomb with the paddle? // for (final SpaceBomb b : spaceBombs) { // if (b.getState() == SpaceBomb.State.FLOATING && b.getType() == Type.BONUS) { // if (Util.collisionTest(paddle.getBoundingBox(), b.getBoundingBox())) { // GameState.incrementSpaceBombsLeft(); // b.setDestroyed(true); // } // } // } } private void brickHit(Brick b, Ball ball, boolean hitByProjectile) { // avoid double collisions if (b != lastHitBrick) { lastHitBrick = b; b.hit(); if (b.isDestroyed()) { addParticleEffect(new Point(b.getBoundingBox().getX(), b.getBoundingBox().getY()), ParticleEffect.BRICK_EXPLOSION); } if (hitByProjectile) { if (b.getType() != Brick.Type.SOLID) { GameState.changeScore(100); } if (b.getType() == Brick.Type.POWERUP) { GameState.changeScore(1000); spawnPowerup(b.getPosition()); } } else { // Reflect the ball? if (!EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.FIREBALL) && b.getType() != Brick.Type.WEAK) { switch (Util.getCollisionEdge(ball.getBoundingBox(), b.getBoundingBox())) { case LEFT: ball.invertXVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() - (ball.getWidth() + 1.0f), ball.getY())); break; case TOP_LEFT: ball.invertXVelocity(); // ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() - (ball.getWidth() + 1.0f), ball.getY())); break; case TOP: ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(ball.getX(), b.getY() - (ball.getHeight() + 1.0f))); break; case TOP_RIGHT: ball.invertXVelocity(); // ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(ball.getX(), b.getY() - (ball.getHeight() + 1.0f))); break; case RIGHT: ball.invertXVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() + b.getWidth() + 1.0f, ball.getY())); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: ball.invertXVelocity(); // ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() + b.getWidth() + 1.0f, b.getY() + b.getHeight() + 1.0f)); break; case BOTTOM: ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(ball.getX(), b.getY() + b.getHeight() + 1.0f)); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: ball.invertXVelocity(); // ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() - (ball.getWidth() + 1.0f), b.getY() + b.getHeight() + 1.0f)); break; case CENTER: final float angle = ball.getAngleInDegrees(); if (angle >= -90.0f && angle <= +90.0f) { // ball.invertXVelocity(); ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() - ball.getWidth() / 2, b.getY() + b.getHeight() + 1.0f)); } else { // ball.invertXVelocity(); ball.invertYVelocity(); // avoid double collisions and tunneling ball.setPosition(new Point(b.getX() - ball.getWidth() / 2, b.getY() - 1.0f)); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid egde type"); } } if (b.getType() != Brick.Type.SOLID) { GameState.changeScore(100); } if (b.getType() == Brick.Type.POWERUP) { GameState.changeScore(1000); spawnPowerup(b.getPosition()); } } } } public void spawnBall(boolean isMultiball) { final float y; float lowestY = Config.getInstance().getScreenHeight() / 2; // find y coordinate of the bottom most row for (final Brick b : bricks) { if (b.getPosition().getY() > lowestY) lowestY = b.getPosition().getY(); } y = lowestY + Config.BRICK_HEIGHT; balls.add(new Ball(new Point((Config.getInstance().getScreenWidth() - Config.SCOREBOARD_WIDTH) / 2, y + Config.BALL_SPAWN_Y_OFFSET), isMultiball)); } private void ballLost(Ball ball, Iterator<Ball> bi) { if (!ball.isMultiball()) { GameState.decrementBallsLeft(); GameState.changeScore(-1000); } bi.remove(); if (balls.isEmpty()) { paddle.getGrapplingHook().resetState(); EffectManager.getInstance().clearEffects(); setState(State.WAITING_FOR_BALL); } ForceFeedback.ballLost(); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.BALL_LOST); if (GameState.getBallsLeft() <= 0 && balls.isEmpty()) { setState(State.GAME_OVER); } } private <T extends Destroyable> void cleanupList(List<T> list) { final Iterator<T> i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { T t =; if (t.isDestroyed()) { i.remove(); } } } private <T extends Destroyable> void cleanupListPooled(List<T> list, ObjectPool<T> pool) { final Iterator<T> i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { T t =; if (t.isDestroyed()) { pool.put(t); i.remove(); } } } public void doCleanup() { cleanupList(balls); cleanupList(bricks); cleanupList(backgrounds); cleanupList(powerups); cleanupList(spaceBombs); cleanupList(particleEffects); cleanupListPooled(stars, starsPool); cleanupListPooled(projectiles, projectilePool); } public void spawnPowerup(Point position) { Effect.Type effectType = Effect.Type.values()[Util.random(0, Effect.Type.values().length - 1)]; // Filter out some effects if they don't // make sense at this time in the game if (effectType == Effect.Type.SLOW_DOWN && EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.SLOW_DOWN)) effectType = Effect.Type.PADDLE_GUN; if (effectType == Effect.Type.SPEED_UP && EffectManager.getInstance().isEffectActive(Effect.Type.SPEED_UP)) effectType = Effect.Type.BOTTOM_WALL; if (effectType == Effect.Type.SHRINK_PADDLE && getPaddle().getWidth() <= Config.PADDLE_MIN_WIDTH) effectType = Effect.Type.EXPAND_PADDLE; if (effectType == Effect.Type.EXPAND_PADDLE && getPaddle().getWidth() >= Config.PADDLE_MAX_WIDTH) effectType = Effect.Type.SHRINK_PADDLE; powerups.add(new Powerup(position, effectType)); Logger.debug("Spawned powerup: " + effectType); SoundLayer.playSound(Sounds.POWERUP_SPAWNED); } public void addTextAnimation(String text) { TextAnimationManager.getInstance().add(text); } public Paddle getPaddle() { return paddle; } public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; switch (state) { case NEW_STAGE: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(true); // SoundLayer.getInstance().stopAllMusic(); if (!SoundLayer.isMusicPlaying()) SoundLayer.playMusic(Musics.BACKGROUND); break; case RESTART: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(true); GameState.setLevel(0); GameState.setScore(0); GameState.setBallsLeft(Config.INITIAL_BALLS_LEFT); GameState.setSpaceBombsLeft(Config.INITIAL_SPACEBOMBS_LEFT); break; case GAME_OVER: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(false); break; case LOADING: break; case PAUSED: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(true); break; case RUNNING: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(true); Config.getInstance().setGameStateBeforeQuit(state); break; case STAGE_CLEARED: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(false); // check if we completed the whole level set final int totalLevelsInSet = Integer.parseInt(LevelLoader.getLevelSetMetaData().get("Total Levels")); if (GameState.getLevel() + 1 >= totalLevelsInSet) setState(State.LEVEL_SET_COMPLETED); break; case TERMINATED: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(false); break; case WAITING_FOR_BALL: Config.getInstance().setGameResumeable(true); break; case LEVEL_SET_COMPLETED: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state: " + state); } } private void addParticleEffect(Point position, ParticleEffect effect) { switch (effect) { case BRICK_EXPLOSION: particleEffects.add(new ParticleSystem(new SpriteTuple[]{new SpriteTuple(ResourceMapper.getPath("fire.png", ResourceType.SPRITE), 198.0f, 197.0f, 198, 197)}, position, 10.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 360.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f, 155.0f, 4.5f)); break; case BALL_LOST: // Do nothing break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ParticleEffect type!"); } } public void cheat(boolean withCounter) { if (withCounter) { if (cheatTouchCtr++ > 3) { cheatTouchCtr = 0; initLevel(GameState.getLevel() + 1); Logger.debug("Cheating to next level"); } } else { initLevel(GameState.getLevel() + 1); Logger.debug("Cheating to next level"); } } public Viewport getViewport() { return viewport; } public Camera getCamera() { return camera; } public void saveGameState() { Logger.debug("Saving game state..."); final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = null; try { out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeInt(GameState.getLevel()); out.writeInt(GameState.getLevelSet()); out.writeInt(GameState.getBallsLeft()); out.writeInt(GameState.getSpaceBombsLeft()); out.writeInt(GameState.getScore()); out.writeObject(this); out.writeObject(EffectManager.getInstance()); byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray(); FileHandle handle = Gdx.files.local(Config.APP_NAME + ".sav"); handle.writeBytes(bytes, false); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore close exception } try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore close exception } } } public void loadGameState() throws IOException { Logger.debug("Restoring game state..."); final FileHandle handle = Gdx.files.local(Config.APP_NAME + ".sav"); final byte[] bytes = handle.readBytes(); Logger.debug(handle.path()); final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); ObjectInput in = null; try { in = new ObjectInputStream(bis); GameState.setLevel(in.readInt()); GameState.setLevelSet(in.readInt()); GameState.setBallsLeft(in.readInt()); GameState.setSpaceBombsLeft(in.readInt()); GameState.setScore(in.readInt()); Object o = in.readObject(); final EffectManager e = (EffectManager) in.readObject(); EffectManager.setInstance(e); ((GameScreen) o).initializeTransients(); ScreenManager.getInstance().overrideAndShowScreen(ScreenType.GAME, (GameScreen) o); ((App);; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("Deleting saved state due to invalid format!"); handle.delete(); throw e; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore close exception } try { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore close exception } } } }