Minesweeper for Android.
Minesweeper is hosted in the following web site
If you think the Android project Minesweeper listed in this page is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.
The following table is the detailed list of Minesweeper.
Item | Value |
Java File Count | 9 |
Activity Count | 2 |
Minesweeper has the following Java source files.
com.tk.minesweeper.GameActivity.java com.tk.minesweeper.MenuActivity.java com.tk.minesweeper.dialogs.NewGameDialog.java com.tk.minesweeper.logic.Cell.java com.tk.minesweeper.logic.Field.java com.tk.minesweeper.logic.Score.java com.tk.minesweeper.logic.Scores.java com.tk.minesweeper.views.GameView.java