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package com.geminnu.hexagon; /* w w w. ja v a 2 s. com*/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Timer; import com.geminnu.hexagon.ArduinoService.ArduinoServiceBinder; import; import; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.IBinder; import android.util.Log; public class BioSensorManagerService extends Service { //###################################################################################################################### // Essential parts for the service in order to be able to be binded with components (Main Activity and ArduinoService) //###################################################################################################################### private final String TAG = "BioSensorManagerService"; private final IBinder mBinder = new BioSensorServiceBinder(); boolean mBoundArduinoService = false; private MessageSender arduinoSender; private boolean mFirstTime = false; public final static int GLUCOMETER = 0; public final static int BODYTEMP = 1; public final static int BLOODPRESURE = 2; public final static int PULSE_OXYGEN_BLOOD = 3; public final static int AIRFLOW = 4; public final static int GALVANICSKIN = 5; public final static int ECG = 6; public final static int EMG = 7; public final static int PATIENTPOSITION = 8; public final static int MEDICAL = 0; public final static int GENERIC = 1; public final static int ANALOG = 0; public final static int DIGITAL = 1; public final static String FIRST_NAME = "FirstName"; public final static String LAST_NAME = "LastName"; public final static String SEX = "Sex"; public final static String AGE = "Age"; public final static String USER_ID = "UserId"; public final static String ALERTLIST = "AlerList"; private String mFirstName; private String mLastName; private String mSex; private int mAge; private int mUserId; private Profile mProfile; private MySQLiteHelper db; private ArduinoService mArduinoService; private Timer mScheduler; private Random r = new Random(); private ArrayList<BioSensorListenerItem> mRegisterdListeners = new ArrayList<BioSensorListenerItem>(); private ArrayList<ArduinoTask> mArduinoTasks = new ArrayList<ArduinoTask>(); private ArrayList<Alert> alertList = new ArrayList<Alert>(); public class BioSensorServiceBinder extends Binder { public BioSensorManagerService getServerInstance() { return BioSensorManagerService.this; } } @Override public void onCreate() { Log.d(TAG, "onCreate"); if(!mBoundArduinoService) { db = new MySQLiteHelper(getApplicationContext()); Intent arduinoService = new Intent(this, ArduinoService.class); bindService(arduinoService, mConnectionWithArduinoService, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); mFirstTime = true; } } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { mFirstName = intent.getStringExtra(FIRST_NAME); mLastName = intent.getStringExtra(LAST_NAME); mSex = intent.getStringExtra(SEX); mAge = intent.getIntExtra(AGE, 0); mUserId = intent.getIntExtra(USER_ID, 1); alertList = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(ALERTLIST); if(mFirstTime) { mProfile = new Profile(mFirstName, mLastName, mSex, mAge, mUserId); db.addProfile(mProfile); Log.d(TAG, db.getProfile(1).getFirstName() + " " + db.getProfile(1).getId()); } return START_REDELIVER_INTENT; } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } @Override public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { Log.d(TAG, "onUnbind"); if (mBoundArduinoService) { mFirstTime = false; } return true; } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy"); super.onDestroy(); if (mBoundArduinoService) { unbindService(mConnectionWithArduinoService); Intent arduinoService = new Intent(this, ArduinoService.class); for(int i = 0; i < mArduinoTasks.size(); i++) { mArduinoTasks.get(i).cancel(); mArduinoTasks.remove(i); } mScheduler.cancel(); myAction = null; if(isMyServiceRunning(ArduinoService.class)) { stopService(arduinoService); } } } private ServiceConnection mConnectionWithArduinoService = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { Log.d(TAG, "ArduinoService is disconnected"); mBoundArduinoService = false; } @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { ArduinoServiceBinder binder = (ArduinoServiceBinder) service; mArduinoService = binder.getServerInstance(); mBoundArduinoService = true; Log.d(TAG, "Service is connected with ArduinoService"); if(mArduinoService != null && mBoundArduinoService) { arduinoSender = mArduinoService.getMessageSenderListener(); mArduinoService.sendActionListenerForSensors(myAction); if(mFirstTime) { schedule(arduinoSender); } } } }; //#################################################################################################################### //#################################################################################################################### // Methods that provide the functionality of the service //#################################################################################################################### // Register a new BioSensor Listener to communicate with the UI public void registerListener(BioSensorEventListener listener, BioSensor sensor, int sampleRate) { mRegisterdListeners.add(new BioSensorListenerItem(listener, sensor, sampleRate)); } // Unregister the BioSensor listener public void unegisterListener(BioSensorEventListener listener, BioSensor sensor, int sampleRate) { Log.d(TAG, "unregister"); for(int i = 0; i < mRegisterdListeners.size(); i++) { if(sensor.getSensorId() == mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSensor().getSensorId()) { if(sampleRate == mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSampleRate()) { mRegisterdListeners.remove(i); // mArduinoTasks.get(i).cancel(); // mArduinoTasks.remove(i); } } } // mScheduler.cancel(); } // Schedule an ArduinoTask for every registered listener (sensor) public void schedule(MessageSender sender) { mScheduler = new Timer(); if(!mRegisterdListeners.isEmpty()) { for(int i = 0; i < mRegisterdListeners.size(); i++) { mArduinoTasks.add(new ArduinoTask(sender,mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSensor().getSensorId(), mArduinoService.getContainer())); Log.d(TAG, "rate: " + mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSampleRate()); } for(int i = 0; i < mArduinoTasks.size(); i++) { mScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(mArduinoTasks.get(i), (r.nextInt(2000 - 1010 + 1) + 1000) * (i + 1), mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSampleRate()); } } } // public void rescedule() { // Log.d(TAG, "onresceduleSensor"); // if(mBoundArduinoService) { // mScheduler.cancel(); // schedule(arduinoSender); // } // } // Get the a list with all the supported biosensors public ArrayList<BioSensor> getBioSensorsList() { ArrayList<BioSensor> list = new ArrayList<BioSensor>(); list.add(new BioSensor(GLUCOMETER, MEDICAL, DIGITAL)); list.add(new BioSensor(BODYTEMP, MEDICAL, ANALOG)); list.add(new BioSensor(BLOODPRESURE, MEDICAL, DIGITAL)); list.add(new BioSensor(PULSE_OXYGEN_BLOOD, MEDICAL, DIGITAL)); list.add(new BioSensor(AIRFLOW, MEDICAL, DIGITAL)); list.add(new BioSensor(GALVANICSKIN, MEDICAL, ANALOG)); list.add(new BioSensor(ECG, MEDICAL, ANALOG)); list.add(new BioSensor(EMG, MEDICAL, DIGITAL)); list.add(new BioSensor(PATIENTPOSITION, MEDICAL, DIGITAL)); return list; } // Listener that waits for messages from Arduino related to the registered biosensors private CoordinatorActionListener myAction = new CoordinatorActionListener() { @Override public void onNewAction(ArduinoMessage message) { if(message.getType() != 111){ if(!mRegisterdListeners.isEmpty()) { for(int i = 0; i < mRegisterdListeners.size(); i++) { if (message.getType() == mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSensor().getSensorId()) { for(int j = 0; j < alertList.size(); j++) { if(alertList.get(j).getSensorId() == message.getType()) { db.addReading(new Reading(message.getValue(), mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSensor().getSensorId(), mProfile.getUserId(), alertList.get(j).check(message.getValue()))); Log.d(TAG, db.getUserLatestReading(mProfile.getUserId()).getTime()); BioSensorEvent event = new BioSensorEvent(mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getSensor(), message.getValue()); mRegisterdListeners.get(i).getListener().onBioSensorChange(event); } } } } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Hello from storing"); for(int i = 0; i < alertList.size(); i++) { if(alertList.get(i).getSensorId() == message.getType()) { db.addReading(new Reading(message.getValue(), message.getType(), mProfile.getUserId(), alertList.get(i).check(message.getValue()))); } } } } else { mScheduler.cancel(); } } }; private boolean isMyServiceRunning(Class<?> serviceClass) { ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); for (RunningServiceInfo service : manager.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { if (serviceClass.getName().equals(service.service.getClassName())) { return true; } } return false; } }