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package com.gamepatriot.framework2d.implementation; //w w w.j a va 2 s. co m import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gamepatriot.androidframework.framework.AndroidBasicShape; import com.gamepatriot.androidframework.framework.AndroidScreen; import com.gamepatriot.androidframework.framework.AndroidShape; /** * The shape class contains individual shape references in the form of {@link BasicShape}s. These basic shapes are stored in a display list so that they may * be displayed to a screen by a {@link Renderer}. * * @see AndroidShape * @author Pete Schmitz, May 9, 2013 * */ public class Shape implements AndroidShape { /** * The ShapeType enum provides flags for acceptable shapes during a shape's draw call ({@link Shape#draw(Canvas)}). * * @author Pete Schmitz, May 9, 2013 * */ public static enum ShapeType{ LINE, CIRCLE, RECTANGLE, POLY, TEXT; } //Containers /** (Read-only) The position of this shape. Children basic shapes are offset by this number. Call {@link #setPosition(int, int)} to modify. **/ public Point position; /** (Read-only) The display list for this shape. Us thee various add/remove/clear calls in the {@link Shape} class to manipulate the display contents and order. **/ public ArrayList<BasicShape> basicShapes; /** The default paint of this shape **/ private Paint paint; //Flags /** Parent reference that this shape is a child of; null if no parent. **/ private Screen parent; /** Whether or not shadows are enabled for basic shapes. **/ private boolean shadowsEnabled; /** The amount of radius to apply on basic shapes' shadows. **/ private float shadowRadius; /** The X-offset of the shadow being applied. **/ private float shadowOffsetX; /** The Y-offset of the shadow being applied. **/ private float shadowOffsetY; /** The color of the shadow being applied. **/ private int shadowColor; public Shape(){ init(); setDefaultPaint(); } public Shape(Paint $paint){ init(); paint = $paint; } public void init(){ parent = null; shadowsEnabled = false; position = new Point(); basicShapes = new ArrayList<BasicShape>(0); } @Override public void setPosition(int $x, int $y) { position.x = $x; position.y = $y; for (BasicShape $basicShape : basicShapes){ if ($basicShape.path != null){ $basicShape.buildPath($x, $y); } } } @Override public void setDefaultPaint() { paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paint.setAlpha((int) (255 * .9)); paint.setAntiAlias(Main.ALLOW_ANTI_ALIASING); paint.setDither(Main.ALLOW_DITHER); paint.setFilterBitmap(Main.ALLOW_ANTI_ALIASING || Main.ALLOW_DITHER); } @Override public void enableShadows(float $radius, float $offsetX, float $offsetY, int $color) { shadowsEnabled = true; shadowRadius = $radius; shadowOffsetX = $offsetX; shadowOffsetY = $offsetY; shadowColor = $color; for (BasicShape $bs : basicShapes) checkShadow($bs.paint); } @Override public void disableShadows(){ shadowsEnabled = false; for (BasicShape $bs : basicShapes) checkShadow($bs.paint); } @Override public void draw(Canvas $canvas) { for (BasicShape $shape : basicShapes){ switch ($shape.type){ case CIRCLE: $canvas.drawCircle($shape.points[0] + position.x, $shape.points[1] + position.y, $shape.radius, $shape.paint == null ? paint : $shape.paint); break; case LINE: $canvas.drawLine($shape.points[0] + position.x, $shape.points[1] + position.y, $shape.points[2] + position.x, $shape.points[3] + position.y, $shape.paint == null ? paint : $shape.paint); break; case RECTANGLE: $canvas.drawRect($shape.points[0] + position.x, $shape.points[1] + position.y, $shape.points[2] + position.x, $shape.points[3] + position.y, $shape.paint == null ? paint : $shape.paint); break; case TEXT: if ($shape.paint == null) paint.setTextSize($shape.radius); else $shape.paint.setTextSize($shape.radius); $canvas.drawText($shape.text, $shape.points[0] + position.x, $shape.points[1] + position.y, $shape.paint == null ? paint : $shape.paint); break; case POLY: $canvas.drawPath($shape.path, $shape.paint == null ? paint : $shape.paint); break; } } } @Override public void clear() { basicShapes.clear(); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addCircle(Point $p, float $radius) { return addCircle($p.x, $p.y, $radius, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addCircle(PointF $p, float $radius) { return addCircle((int) $p.x, (int) $p.y, $radius, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addCircle(int $x, int $y, float $radius) { return addCircle($x, $y, $radius, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addCircle(int $x, int $y, float $radius, Paint $paint) { BasicShape $bShape = new BasicShape(); checkShadow($paint); $bShape.setAsCircle($x, $y, $radius, $paint); basicShapes.add($bShape); return $bShape; } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addCircle(Point $p, float $radius, Paint $paint) { return addCircle($p.x, $p.y, $radius, $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addCircle(PointF $p, float $radius, Paint $paint) { return addCircle((int) $p.x, (int) $p.y, $radius, $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addRect(Rect $r) { return addRect($r.left, $, $r.width(), $r.height(), null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addRect(RectF $r) { return addRect((int) $r.left, (int) $, (int) $r.width(), (int) $r.height(), null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addRect(int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height) { return addRect($x, $y, $width, $height, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addRect(int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height, Paint $paint) { BasicShape $bShape = new BasicShape(); checkShadow($paint); $bShape.setAsRectangle($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, $paint); basicShapes.add($bShape); return $bShape; } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addRect(Rect $r, Paint $paint) { return addRect($r.left, $, $r.width(), $r.height(), $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addRect(RectF $r, Paint $paint) { return addRect((int) $r.left, (int) $, (int) $r.width(), (int) $r.height(), $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addLine(Point $p1, Point $p2) { return addLine($p1.x, $p1.y, $p2.x, $p2.y, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addLine(PointF $p1, PointF $p2) { return addLine((int) $p1.x, (int) $p1.y, (int) $p2.x, (int) $p2.y, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addLine(int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2) { return addLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addLine(int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, Paint $paint) { BasicShape $bShape = new BasicShape(); checkShadow($paint); $bShape.setAsLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $paint); basicShapes.add($bShape); return $bShape; } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addLine(Point $p1, Point $p2, Paint $paint) { return addLine($p1.x, $p1.y, $p2.x, $p2.y, $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addLine(PointF $p1, PointF $p2, Paint $paint) { return addLine((int) $p1.x, (int) $p1.y, (int) $p2.x, (int) $p2.y, $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addText(String $text, float $size, Point $p) { return addText($text, $size, $p.x, $p.y, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addText(String $text, float $size, PointF $p) { return addText($text, $size, (int) $p.x, (int) $p.y, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addText(String $text, float $size, int $x, int $y) { return addText($text, $size, $x, $y, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addText(String $text, float $size, int $x, int $y, Paint $paint) { BasicShape $bShape = new BasicShape(); checkShadow($paint); $bShape.setAsText($text, $size, $x, $y, $paint); basicShapes.add($bShape); return $bShape; } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addText(String $text, float $size, Point $p, Paint $paint) { return addText($text, $size, $p.x, $p.y, $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addText(String $text, float $size, PointF $p, Paint $paint) { return addText($text, $size, (int) $p.x, (int) $p.y, $paint); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addPoly(int $x, int $y, int $numberPoints, float $degreeAngle, float $radius) { return addPoly($x, $y, $numberPoints, $degreeAngle, $radius, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addPoly(float[] $points) { return addPoly($points, null); } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addPoly(float[] $points, Paint $paint) { BasicShape $bShape = new BasicShape(); checkShadow($paint); $bShape.setAsPoly($points, $paint); basicShapes.add($bShape); return $bShape; } @Override public AndroidBasicShape addPoly(int $x, int $y, int $numberPoints, float $degreeAngle, float $radius, Paint $paint) { float[] $points = new float[$numberPoints * 2]; int $i; float $x1; float $y1; float $angle; for ($i = 0; $i < $numberPoints; $i++){ $angle = (float)(Math.PI * 2 * ((float) $i/ (float) $numberPoints)); $angle += $degreeAngle; $x1 = (float) ($x + Math.cos($angle) * $radius); $y1 = (float) ($y + Math.sin($angle) * $radius); $points[$i * 2] = $x1; $points[$i * 2 + 1] = $y1; } return addPoly($points, $paint); } @Override public boolean removeBasicShape(AndroidBasicShape $bShape) { return basicShapes.remove($bShape); } @Override public AndroidScreen getParent() { return parent; } @Override public void removeFromParent() { if (parent == null) return; parent.removeShape(this); } @Override public boolean hasParent() { return !(parent == null); } @Override public void setParent(AndroidScreen $screen) { parent = (Screen) $screen; } /** Apply or disable shadows for the supplied paint. **/ private void checkShadow(Paint $paint){ if ($paint == null) return; if (!shadowsEnabled) $paint.clearShadowLayer(); else $paint.setShadowLayer(shadowRadius, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, shadowColor); } }