Drivers-English2Go.2 is an application available on the Android App store under the same name. The application offers a list of phrases in Hindi (the local language of Delhi) upon the pressing of which, a voice in English will play the clicked phrase.
Drivers.English2Go.2 is hosted in the following web site
If you think the Android project Drivers.English2Go.2 listed in this page is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.
The following table is the detailed list of Drivers.English2Go.2.
Item | Value |
Java File Count | 1 |
Supported screen sizes | [ldpi, mdpi, xxhdpi, hdpi, xhdpi] |
Target SDK Version | 17 |
Minimum SDK Version | 8 |
Activity Count | 1 |
jar files used | android-support-v4.jar |
Raw File Names | res\raw\afternoon.mp3 res\raw\goodnight.mp3 res\raw\hello.mp3 res\raw\heresmynumber.mp3 res\raw\howareyou.mp3 res\raw\illcallbacklater.mp3 res\raw\morning.mp3 res\raw\nicetomeetyou.mp3 res\raw\thankyou.mp3 res\raw\whatstheaddress.mp3 res\raw\whereisit.mp3 res\raw\wherewouldyouliketogo.mp3 |
There are 10 image files in Drivers.English2Go.2. The names of the image files are listed as follows.
hello_h.png heresmynumber_h.png howareyou_h.png iwillcallbacklater_h.png morning_h.png nicetomeetyou_h.png pressabutton_h.png thankyou_h.png whatstheaddress_h.png wherewouldyouliketogo_h.png
The following screenshort is generated from the image listed above.
Drivers.English2Go.2 has the following Java source files.