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package com.appspot.afnf4199ga.twawm; /* w w w .j av a2 s .c o m*/ import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import com.appspot.afnf4199ga.twawm.router.RouterInfo; import com.appspot.afnf4199ga.twawm.router.RouterInfo.COM_TYPE; import com.appspot.afnf4199ga.utils.AndroidUtils; import com.appspot.afnf4199ga.utils.Logger; import com.appspot.afnf4199ga.utils.MyStringUtlis; import net.afnf.and.twawm2.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class StateMachine { // STATE private STATE current = null; private STATE prevState1 = null; // ?? private NETWORK_STATE netState; private int antennaLevel; private int batteryLevel; private int apConnFailedCount; private long lockTextUntil; private int notifyImageId; private String triggerName; private int wdImageId; private String wdText; private long lockRouterSwitchUntil; private COM_TYPE comState; private COM_TYPE comSetting; private Boolean wifiSpotEnabled; // ???? protected final int RATE_SIZE = 5; protected double currentRate = -1; protected double averageRate = -1; protected List<Double> pastRates = new ArrayList<Double>(); protected long startTime = -1; protected int startBattLevel = -1; protected long prevUpdateTime = -1; private static final int BATT_SAVE_THRESHOLD = 15 * 60 * 1000 + 1; // 15? private static final double BATT_RATE_THRESHOLD_MIN = 4; // 4%/h ? 25h private static final double BATT_RATE_THRESHOLD_MAX = 25; // 25%/h ? 4h public static enum STATE { /** online */ ONLINE, /** offline */ OFFLINE, /** notWM */ NOT_WM, /** AP???? */ AP_NOT_FOUND, /** wifi?? */ WIFI_DISABLED, /** BT?????? */ BT_DISABLE_WAIT, /** BT?????? */ BT_ENABLE_WAIT, /** BT?????? */ BT_CONN_WAIT, /** wifi?????? */ WIFI_ENABLE_WAIT, /** supplicant?????? */ SUPPLICANT_ENABLE_WAIT, /** online???? */ ONLINE_WAIT, /** ?????wifi?????? */ RECCONECT_WIFI_DISABLE_WAIT, /** ?????????? */ STANDBY_WAIT, /** wifi?????? */ WIFI_DISABLE_WAIT; public static STATE ordinalOf(int ordinal) { Iterator<STATE> ite = EnumSet.allOf(STATE.class).iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { STATE e =; if (e.ordinal() == ordinal) { return e; } } return null; } } public enum NETWORK_STATE { AP_NOT_FOUND, NOT_WM_ROUTER, OFFLINE, ONLINE } public static enum TRIGGER { /** ?? */ BOOT, /** ?????? + wifi ON */ BUTTON_BT_RESUME, /** wifi ON */ BUTTON_WIFI_ON, /** wifi OFF */ BUTTON_WIFI_OFF, /** BT???? */ BT_DISABLED, /** BT???? */ BT_ENABLED, /** BT???? */ BT_CONNECTED, /** BC?W_Enabled */ BC_WIFI_ENABLED, /** BC?S_Completed */ BC_SUPPLICANT_COMPLETE, /** online */ ONLINE, /** offline */ OFFLINE, /** notWM */ NOT_WM, /** AP???? */ AP_NOT_FOUND, /** watchdog?????? */ WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, /** ??????????? */ BUTTON_STANDBY, /** ????????? */ STANDBY_OK, /** ???????? */ STANDBY_NG, /** supplicant?? */ BC_SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECTED, /** BC?W_disanabling */ BC_WIFI_DISABLING, /** BC?W_disanabled */ BC_WIFI_DISABLED; public static TRIGGER ordinalOf(int ordinal) { Iterator<TRIGGER> ite = EnumSet.allOf(TRIGGER.class).iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { TRIGGER e =; if (e.ordinal() == ordinal) { return e; } } return null; } } public static final String[] STATE_ARRAY = { "ay-d-----0123-c--a-4", "ay-d-----0123-c--a-4", "ay-d----a0123------4", "-5-d----a0123------4", "-y8----9------------", "----6-8-----------d-", "-----78-----------d-", "------8-----------d-", "-------9----------d-", "--------a----z----d-", "---------012zz-----4", "-------------4-----8", "-------------3-x3--4", "-------------4-----4"}; public static final String[] ACTION_ARRAY = { "CY-D-----WW##-S--C-A", "CY-D-----WW##-S--C-A", "CY-D----CWW##------A", "-M-D----CWW##------A", "-YE----P------------", "----N-E-----------#-", "-----BE-----------#-", "------E-----------#-", "-------P----------#-", "--------C----Z----#-", "---------WW#ZZ-----A", "-------------D-----E", "-------------#-X#--A", "-------------#-----A"}; public static final int[] ANNTENA_LEVEL_BY_STATE = { // 0, // online?????????????????? -1, // offline?????????????????? -2, // notWM?????????????????? -2, // AP?????????????????????? -2, // wifi?? -2, // BT?????? -2, // BT?????? -2, // BT?????? -2, // wifi?????? -2, // supplicant?????? -2, // online???? -2, // ?????wifi?????? -1, // ?????????? -2 // wifi?????? }; public static final int[] WD_TEXT_ARRAY_BY_STATE = { //, // online R.string.offline, // offline R.string.not_wm, // notWM R.string.no_ap, // AP???? R.string.wifi_off, // wifi?? R.string.processing1, // BT?????? R.string.processing1, // BT?????? R.string.processing1, // BT?????? R.string.processing2, // wifi?????? R.string.processing3, // supplicant?????? R.string.processing4, // online???? R.string.processing, // ?????wifi?????? R.string.processing, // ?????????? R.string.processing // wifi?????? }; public static final int[] WD_TEXT_ARRAY_BY_TRIGGER = { // -1, // ?? -1, // ?????? + wifi ON -1, // wifi ON -1, // wifi OFF -1, // BT???? -1, // BT???? -1, // BT???? -1, // BC?W_Enabled -1, // BC?S_Completed -1, // online -1, // offline R.string.not_wm, // notWM -1, // AP???????????????????????????????? R.string.watchdog_timeout, // watchdog?????? -1, // ??????????? R.string.standby_ok, // ????????? R.string.standby_ng, // ???????? -1, // "BC?S_disconected -1, // BC?W_disanabling -1 // BC?W_disanabled }; public static final int[] NOTIF_TEXT_ARRAY_BY_TRIGGER = { // -1, // ?? -1, // ?????? + wifi ON -1, // wifi ON -1, // wifi OFF -1, // BT???? -1, // BT???? -1, // BT???? -1, // BC?W_Enabled -1, // BC?S_Completed -1, // online -1, // offline R.string.not_wm_long, // notWM -1, // AP???????????????????????????????? R.string.watchdog_timeout_long, // watchdog?????? -1, // ??????????? R.string.standby_ok_long, // ????????? R.string.standby_ng_long, // ???????? -1, // "BC?S_disconected -1, // BC?W_disanabling -1 // BC?W_disanabled }; public void init(boolean wifiEnable) { BackgroundService service = BackgroundService.getInstance(); if (service == null) { Logger.e("service is null on StateMachine.init"); return; } if (wifiEnable == false) { setState(STATE.WIFI_DISABLED); } else { ConnectivityState connectivityState = service.getConnectivityState(); if (connectivityState == ConnectivityState.NONE) { setState(STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND); // SUPWAIT?????????????watchdog?????????????? } else { setState(STATE.OFFLINE); } } this.apConnFailedCount = 0; this.antennaLevel = -2; this.batteryLevel = -1; this.lockTextUntil = -1; this.notifyImageId = R.drawable.ntficon_wimax_gray_batt_na; this.triggerName = service.getString(R.string.processing); this.wdImageId = R.drawable.icon_wimax_gray_batt_na; this.wdText = service.getString(wifiEnable ? R.string.processing : R.string.wifi_off); this.lockRouterSwitchUntil = -1; this.comState = COM_TYPE.NA; this.comSetting = COM_TYPE.NA; this.wifiSpotEnabled = null; } private static HashMap<Character, Integer> stateCharMap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); static { stateCharMap.put('0', 0); stateCharMap.put('1', 1); stateCharMap.put('2', 2); stateCharMap.put('3', 3); stateCharMap.put('4', 4); stateCharMap.put('5', 5); stateCharMap.put('6', 6); stateCharMap.put('7', 7); stateCharMap.put('8', 8); stateCharMap.put('9', 9); stateCharMap.put('a', 10); stateCharMap.put('b', 11); stateCharMap.put('c', 12); stateCharMap.put('d', 13); } public void perform(TRIGGER trigger) { BackgroundService service = BackgroundService.getInstance(); if (service == null) { Logger.e("service is null on StateMachine.perform"); return; } int currentInt = getState().ordinal(); int triggerInt = trigger.ordinal(); triggerName =; char action = ACTION_ARRAY[currentInt].charAt(triggerInt); char nextState = STATE_ARRAY[currentInt].charAt(triggerInt); int wdTextInt = WD_TEXT_ARRAY_BY_TRIGGER[triggerInt]; int notifyTextInt = NOTIF_TEXT_ARRAY_BY_TRIGGER[triggerInt]; String notifyText = null; if (notifyTextInt != -1) { notifyText = service.getString(notifyTextInt); } Integer nextStateInt = null; // ??????????? if (trigger == TRIGGER.BUTTON_BT_RESUME && nextState == 'y' && action == 'Y') { // BT??? String bluetoothAddress = Const.getPrefBluetoothAddress(service); if (BluetoothHelper.isValidBluetoothAddress(bluetoothAddress)) { nextStateInt = STATE.BT_DISABLE_WAIT.ordinal(); // BT?????? action = 'M'; } // Wifi??? else { nextStateInt = STATE.WIFI_ENABLE_WAIT.ordinal(); // wifi?????? action = 'E'; } } else if ((trigger == TRIGGER.WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT || trigger == TRIGGER.AP_NOT_FOUND) && nextState == 'z' && action == 'Z') { // ???? Logger.i("apConnFailedCount = " + apConnFailedCount); if (apConnFailedCount++ < Const.getPrefApConnRetryLimit(service)) { nextStateInt = STATE.RECCONECT_WIFI_DISABLE_WAIT.ordinal(); // ?????wifi?????? action = 'D'; // ????????WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT???wdtext?????????????????? if (trigger == TRIGGER.WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT) { wdTextInt = -1; } } // ??????? else { apConnFailedCount = 0; // ????????????? wdTextInt = R.string.no_ap; notifyText = service.getString(R.string.ap_not_found_long); // ????????????????wifi??????????? if (Const.getPrefDisableWifiWhenApConnFailed(service)) { nextStateInt = STATE.WIFI_DISABLE_WAIT.ordinal(); // wifi?????? action = 'D'; } else { nextStateInt = STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND.ordinal(); // AP???? action = '#'; } } } else if (trigger == TRIGGER.STANDBY_OK && nextState == 'x' && action == 'X') { // ?????????????WiFi????? if (Const.isPrefActionAfterSuspendWifiOFF(service)) { nextStateInt = STATE.WIFI_DISABLE_WAIT.ordinal(); // wifi?????? action = 'D'; // WiFi???????????????????????? } // ???? else { nextStateInt = STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND.ordinal(); // AP???? action = '#'; // ????????????? if (Const.isPrefActionAfterSuspendStopService(service)) { service.stopServiceWithDelay(); } } } Logger.i("StateMachine perform : " + currentInt + "," + triggerInt + "," + action + "," + (nextStateInt != null ? String.valueOf(nextStateInt) : nextState)); if (nextStateInt == null) { nextStateInt = stateCharMap.get(nextState); if (nextStateInt == null) { return; } } if (action != '-') { // ??????????WifiOFF boolean stanbyToWifioff = prevState1 == STATE.STANDBY_WAIT && nextStateInt == STATE.WIFI_DISABLED.ordinal(); // ???? setState(STATE.ordinalOf(nextStateInt)); // ???????????????????????????????????? if (isOnlineCheckableState() == false) { antennaLevel = ANNTENA_LEVEL_BY_STATE[nextStateInt]; notifyImageId = IconSelector.selectNotifyIcon(antennaLevel, batteryLevel, netState, comState); wdImageId = IconSelector.selectWdIcon(antennaLevel, batteryLevel, netState, comState); } // ????? if (wdTextInt != -1) { lockText(); wdText = service.getString(wdTextInt); // ?? service.postNotify(notifyImageId, notifyText); } // ???? else if (isTextLocked() == false) { // online?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? if (getState() != STATE.ONLINE) { wdText = service.getString(WD_TEXT_ARRAY_BY_STATE[nextStateInt]); } } // UI?? reflesh(stanbyToWifioff); switch (action) { case 'E': service.enableWifi(); break; case 'C': service.checkOnline(); break; case 'W': service.checkOnlineWithDelay(); break; case 'D': service.disableWifi(); break; case 'S': service.standby(); break; case 'P': service.waitSupplicantComplete(); break; case 'A': service.wifiDisabled(); break; case 'M': service.disableBT(); break; case 'N': service.enableBT(); break; case 'B': service.bluetoothResume(); break; case '#': // do nothing break; } } } public void reflesh(boolean donotUpdateWidget) { BackgroundService service = BackgroundService.getInstance(); if (service == null) { Logger.e("service is null on StateMachine.reflesh"); return; } if (donotUpdateWidget == false) { DefaultWidgetProvider.update(service); } UIAct.postActivityInfo(wdImageId, wdText, triggerName, getState().name()); boolean wifiEnabled = AndroidUtils.isWifiEnabled(service.getWifi()); boolean suppCompleted = wifiEnabled && service.isSupplicantCompleted(); UIAct.postActivityButton(isStableState(), isStableState(), wifiEnabled, suppCompleted, service.getEcoCharge(), comSetting, wifiSpotEnabled); } public void setStateToWifiRestart() { BackgroundService service = BackgroundService.getInstance(); if (service == null) { Logger.e("service is null on StateMachine.setStateToWifiRestart"); return; } batteryLevel = -1; apConnFailedCount = 0; setState(STATE.RECCONECT_WIFI_DISABLE_WAIT); wdText = service.getString(R.string.processing); wdImageId = R.drawable.icon_wimax_gray_batt_na; notifyImageId = R.drawable.ntficon_wimax_gray_batt_na; comState = COM_TYPE.NA; comSetting = COM_TYPE.NA; wifiSpotEnabled = null; service.disableWifi(); reflesh(false); } public void onOnlineCheckFinished(boolean inetReachable, boolean routerReachable, RouterInfo routerInfo) { // ?????????????????????????????????????????? if (isOnlineCheckAcceptableState() == false) { Logger.i("onOnlineCheckFinished skipped"); return; } BackgroundService service = BackgroundService.getInstance(); if (service == null) { Logger.e("service is null on StateMachine.onOnlineCheckFinished"); return; } boolean prevOnline = netState == NETWORK_STATE.ONLINE; // antennaLevel?? antennaLevel = -2; if (routerInfo != null) { antennaLevel = routerInfo.antennaLevel; } // ???????Wi-Fi??????? comState = COM_TYPE.NA; if (routerInfo != null) { if (routerInfo.comState != COM_TYPE.NA) { comState = routerInfo.comState; } if (routerInfo.nad) { if (routerInfo.comSetting != COM_TYPE.NA) { comSetting = routerInfo.comSetting; } if (routerInfo.wifiSpotEnabled != null) { wifiSpotEnabled = routerInfo.wifiSpotEnabled; } } } // ConnectivityState.COMPLETE_WIFI??????AP???? ConnectivityState connectivityState = service.getConnectivityState(); if (connectivityState != ConnectivityState.COMPLETE_WIFI) { netState = NETWORK_STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND; } else { if (routerReachable == false) { netState = NETWORK_STATE.NOT_WM_ROUTER; } else { // inetReachable????????????1??????????????????????????? if (inetReachable && antennaLevel >= 1) { netState = NETWORK_STATE.ONLINE; } else { netState = NETWORK_STATE.OFFLINE; } } } boolean becomeOnline = false; if (prevOnline == false && netState == NETWORK_STATE.ONLINE) { becomeOnline = true; } // online??? TRIGGER nextTrigger; String notifyText; if (netState == NETWORK_STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND) { notifyText = service.getString(R.string.no_ap); nextTrigger = TRIGGER.AP_NOT_FOUND; } else { apConnFailedCount = 0; if (netState == NETWORK_STATE.NOT_WM_ROUTER) { notifyText = service.getString(R.string.not_wm); nextTrigger = TRIGGER.NOT_WM; } else if (netState == NETWORK_STATE.OFFLINE) { notifyText = service.getString(R.string.offline); nextTrigger = TRIGGER.OFFLINE; } else { // netState == NETWORK_STATE.ONLINE notifyText = service.getString(; nextTrigger = TRIGGER.ONLINE; } } // ?????? long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); String remain = ""; if (routerInfo != null && routerInfo.charging == false) { updateBattCalc(routerInfo.battery, now, service); remain = createRemainText(routerInfo.battery, averageRate); } else { stopBattCalc(service, now); } if (routerInfo != null) { // N/A??????????????? if (routerInfo.comState != COM_TYPE.NA) { notifyText += "(" + routerInfo.comState.toString() + ")"; } } // ????????wdText??? batteryLevel = -1; String battNotifyText = ""; if (isTextLocked() == false) { if (routerInfo == null) { wdText = "batt=N/A"; battNotifyText = wdText; } else { batteryLevel = routerInfo.battery; if (MyStringUtlis.isEmpty(remain)) { wdText = "batt=" + routerInfo.getBatteryText(); battNotifyText = wdText; } else { wdText = routerInfo.getBatteryText() + remain; battNotifyText = "batt=" + wdText; } } } notifyText += ", " + battNotifyText; // ???????? int max = 6; // WM???????max6 if (routerInfo != null && routerInfo.nad) { if (comState == COM_TYPE.HIGH_SPEED) { max = 4; } if (comState == COM_TYPE.NO_LIMIT || comState == COM_TYPE.WIFI_SPOT) { max = 5; } } if (0 <= antennaLevel && antennaLevel <= 6) { notifyText += ", ant=" + antennaLevel + "/" + max; } else { notifyText += ", ant=N/A"; } // ??????? notifyImageId = IconSelector.selectNotifyIcon(antennaLevel, batteryLevel, netState, comState); wdImageId = IconSelector.selectWdIcon(antennaLevel, batteryLevel, netState, comState); // ???????????????????? service.onOnlineCheckComplete(nextTrigger, becomeOnline); // ????????????????????????????????????perform??????????????????????OFF???noAP?????????????????????????????????????????????? if (isTextLocked() == false) { service.postNotify(notifyImageId, notifyText); } // UI?? reflesh(false); } protected static String createRemainText(int battery, double rate) { if (rate == 0) { return ""; } double remain = (double) battery / rate; String remainText = "("; if (remain >= 100) { remainText += "99h)"; } else if (remain >= 10) { remainText += (int) remain + "h)"; } else if (remain >= 1.6) { // 96 remainText += (Math.round(remain * 10.0) / 10.0) + "h)"; } else if (remain > 0) { remainText += (int) Math.round(remain * 60.0) + "m)"; } else { remainText = ""; } return remainText; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized void startBattCalc(Context context) { currentRate = -1; averageRate = -1; startTime = -1; startBattLevel = -1; prevUpdateTime = -1; // ?? if (context != null) { pastRates = Const.getPrefBattRates(context); } // averageRate?? updateAverage(null); } protected synchronized void updateBattCalc(int battery, long now, Context context) { if (startBattLevel == -1) { startBattCalc(context); startBattLevel = battery; } else { if (startTime == -1 && startBattLevel > battery) { startTime = now; startBattLevel = battery; prevUpdateTime = now; } else if (startTime != -1) { long deltaTimeMs = now - startTime; int deltaBattLevel = startBattLevel - battery; if (deltaTimeMs > 0 && deltaBattLevel > 0) { currentRate = (double) deltaBattLevel / deltaTimeMs * 1000 * 60 * 60; // averageRate?? updateAverage(currentRate); Logger.v("startBattLevel=" + startBattLevel + ", currentRate=" + MyStringUtlis.round3(currentRate) + ", averageRate=" + MyStringUtlis.round3(averageRate) + ", pastRates=" + pastRates.size()); // ??????????15????????????????????? if (now - prevUpdateTime > BATT_SAVE_THRESHOLD) { savePastRates(context, now); } } } } } public synchronized void stopBattCalc(Context context) { stopBattCalc(context, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public synchronized void stopBattCalc(Context context, long now) { if (startTime != -1) { savePastRates(context, now); } currentRate = -1; averageRate = -1; startTime = -1; startBattLevel = -1; prevUpdateTime = -1; } protected void savePastRates(Context context, long now) { if (BATT_RATE_THRESHOLD_MIN <= currentRate && currentRate <= BATT_RATE_THRESHOLD_MAX) { prevUpdateTime = now; int size = pastRates.size(); if (size >= RATE_SIZE) { pastRates = pastRates.subList(size - RATE_SIZE + 1, size); } pastRates.add(currentRate); // ??? if (context != null) { Const.updatePrefBattRates(context, pastRates); } } } protected void updateAverage(Double currentRate) { int size = pastRates.size(); averageRate = 0; if (currentRate != null && BATT_RATE_THRESHOLD_MIN <= currentRate.doubleValue() && currentRate.doubleValue() <= BATT_RATE_THRESHOLD_MAX) { size++; averageRate = currentRate; } if (size > 0) { // averageRate?? for (Double d : pastRates) { averageRate += d; } averageRate /= size; } } public static void resetBatt(Context context) { BackgroundService service = BackgroundService.getInstance(); if (service != null) { StateMachine sm = service.getStateMachine(); sm.pastRates = new ArrayList<Double>(); sm.startTime = -1; // save????????????????????????????-1??????? sm.stopBattCalc(context); } Const.updatePrefBattRates(context, null); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void resetTextLock() { lockTextUntil = -1; } public void lockText() { lockTextUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + Const.WD_TEXT_LOCK_TIME_MS; } public boolean isTextLocked() { return lockTextUntil > System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void resetRouterSwitchLock() { lockRouterSwitchUntil = -1; } public void lockRouterSwitch() { lockRouterSwitchUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + Const.ROUTER_SWITCH_LOCK_TIME_MS; } public boolean isRouterSwitchLocked() { return lockRouterSwitchUntil > System.currentTimeMillis(); } public int getWdImageId() { return wdImageId; } public String getWdText() { return wdText; } public boolean isSupplicantEnableWaitState() { return current == STATE.NOT_WM || current == STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND || current == STATE.SUPPLICANT_ENABLE_WAIT; } public boolean isStandbyWaitState() { return current == STATE.STANDBY_WAIT; } public boolean isStableState() { return current == STATE.ONLINE || current == STATE.OFFLINE || current == STATE.NOT_WM || current == STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND || current == STATE.WIFI_DISABLED; } public boolean isOnlineCheckableState() { return current == STATE.ONLINE || current == STATE.OFFLINE; } private boolean isOnlineCheckAcceptableState() { return current == STATE.ONLINE || current == STATE.OFFLINE || current == STATE.NOT_WM || current == STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND || current == STATE.ONLINE_WAIT; } public boolean isWmReachableState() { return current == STATE.ONLINE || current == STATE.OFFLINE || current == STATE.ONLINE_WAIT; } private void setState(STATE state) { prevState1 = current; current = state; } public STATE getState() { return current; } public boolean isOnline() { return netState == NETWORK_STATE.ONLINE; // NETWORK_STATE.NOT_WM_ROUTER???????????????????? } public void setNetStateToNoAP() { netState = NETWORK_STATE.AP_NOT_FOUND; } public void setOfflineTemporarily() { netState = NETWORK_STATE.OFFLINE; batteryLevel = -1; current = STATE.OFFLINE; wdImageId = R.drawable.icon_wimax_white_batt_na; comState = COM_TYPE.NA; comSetting = COM_TYPE.NA; wifiSpotEnabled = null; // UI?? reflesh(false); } public boolean isComSettingHS() { return comSetting == COM_TYPE.HIGH_SPEED; } public boolean isWifiSpotEnabled() { return wifiSpotEnabled != null && wifiSpotEnabled == true; } // public int getNotifyImageId() { // return notifyImageId; // } // public String getNotifyText() { // return notifyText; // } }