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package; /*www . ja v a2 s .co m*/ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import; public class Standalone { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Define args Options options = new Options(); int debug_level = 1; boolean should_daemon = false; options.addOption("c", false, "Use config file. (Default: off)"); options.addOption("d", true, "Set Debug Level (Default: 1 (DEBUG) )"); options.addOption("daemon", false, "Run without console. (Default: " + Boolean.valueOf(should_daemon) + ")"); options.addOption("log", true, "Send log output to a file. (Default: Standard output/error)"); options.addOption("provider", true, "Set KeyStore Provider (Default: " + SSLServer.DEFAULT_PROVIDER); options.addOption("ssl", true, "Use SSL (Default: No)"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse( options, args); } catch(ParseException pe) { System.err.println("Error parsing command line arguments."); System.err.println(pe.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } // Parse args boolean use_initial_config = cmd.hasOption("c"); File keystore = null; PrintStream logstream = null; String ssl_provider = null; if(cmd.hasOption("d")) { debug_level = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("d")); System.out.println("Setting debug level to " + debug_level); } if(cmd.hasOption("daemon")) should_daemon = true; if(cmd.hasOption("log")) logstream = new PrintStream(cmd.getOptionValue("log")); if(cmd.hasOption("provider")) ssl_provider = cmd.getOptionValue("provider"); if(cmd.hasOption("ssl")) { keystore = new File(cmd.getOptionValue("ssl")); } StandaloneHandler handler = new Standalone().new StandaloneHandler(debug_level); if(logstream != null) handler.set_logstream(logstream); ServerBundle server = new ServerBundle(handler); if(ssl_provider != null) server.set_provider(ssl_provider); Console console = System.console(); // Start up server if(use_initial_config) { server.load_config(keystore);"Standalone.main", "Waiting for server start"); while(!server.is_running()) { continue; } } else { if(keystore != null) handler.debug("Standalone.main", "Starting server with SSL"); try { server.start_server(keystore); handler.error("Standalone.main", "Waiting for server start"); while(!server.is_running()) { continue; } } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { handler.error("Standalone.main", "Unable to start server. Host Unknown"); handler.traceback(uhe); } } if(should_daemon || console == null) { System.out.println("Running simple server. Press Ctrl-C to terminate."); server.blocking_wait(); System.exit(0); } PrintWriter cout = console.writer(); cout.println("Server is running on port " + server.get_port()); String input; while ((input = console.readLine(">")) != null) { if (input.equals("stop")) { break; } else if (input.equals("getaddr")) { InetAddress addr = server.get_address(); if (addr == null) cout.println("Not connected"); else cout.println(addr.getHostAddress()); } else if (input.equals("setaddr")) { String addr = console.readLine("What address? "); try { server.stop_server(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { cout.println("Error ending server: " + ie.getMessage()); } try { server.start_server(InetAddress.getByName(addr)); cout.println("Server is running on port " + server.get_port()); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { cout.println("Unknown host: " + addr); } } else if (input.equals("getport")) { if(server == null) cout.println("Not connected"); else cout.println(server.get_port()); } else if (input.equals("setport")) { String port_string = console.readLine("What port? "); try { int port = Integer.parseInt(port_string); InetAddress addr = server.get_address(); server.stop_server(); server.start_server(addr, port); cout.println("Server is running on port " + server.get_port()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { cout.println("Not a vaild port number:" + port_string); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { cout.println("Error ending server: " + ie.getMessage()); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { cout.println("Unknown host: " + uhe.getMessage()); } } else if (input.equals("getdir")) { cout.println(server.getdir()); } else if (input.equals("setdir")) { String dir = console.readLine("What directory? "); server.setdir(dir); } else if (input.equals("setpin")) { String pin = console.readLine("New Pin?"); try { int pin_int = Integer.valueOf(pin); //server.setpin(pin_int); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { cout.println("Invalid PIN: " + pin); } } else if (input.equals("debug")) { handler.verbosity = 1; } else if (input.equals("info")) { handler.verbosity = 2; } else if (input.equals("error")) { handler.verbosity = 0; } else if (input.equals("status")) { if (server == null || !server.is_running()) cout.println("Closed"); else cout.println("Listening on " + server.get_address() + ":" + server.get_port()); } else if (input.equals("allowwrite")) { if(server != null) server.set_write_permission(true); } else if (input.equals("disallowwrite")) { if(server != null) server.set_write_permission(false); } else if (input.equals("dumpconfig")) { if(server != null) { try { server.dump_config(); } catch(Exception e) { cout.println("Could not save configuration"); handler.traceback(e); } } } else if (input.equals("loadconfig")) { if(server != null) { try { if(server.is_running()) server.stop_server(); server.load_config(keystore); //server.start(); } catch(Exception e) { cout.println("Could not load configuration"); handler.traceback(e); } } } else if (input.equals("plugin")) { cout.println("Plugin path: " + server.get_plugin_path()); String new_path = console.readLine("Set plugin path (leave empty to ignore): "); if(new_path.length() > 0) { server.set_plugin_path(new_path); cout.println("Path set to " + server.get_plugin_path()); } } else { if(input.trim().length() > 0) cout.println("Unknown: " + input); } } cout.println("Stopping"); try { server.stop_server(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { cout.println("Error ending server: " + ie.getMessage()); } } public class StandaloneHandler implements ServerHandler { public int verbosity = 1; private PrintStream logstream = System.out; public StandaloneHandler() { } public StandaloneHandler(int verbosity) { this.verbosity = verbosity; } public void traceback(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(logstream); } public void error(String tag, String msg) { logstream.println(get_prefix() + tag + ": " + msg); } public void debug(String tag, String msg) { if(verbosity >= 1) logstream.println(get_prefix() + tag + ": " + msg); } public void info(String tag, String msg) { if(verbosity >= 2) logstream.println(get_prefix() + tag + ": " + msg); } public char[] get_password() throws HTTPError { Console console = System.console(); if(console == null) throw new HTTPError("Could not access Console"); return console.readPassword("Enter password: "); } public String get_prefix() { return "[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "]"; } public void set_logstream(PrintStream newstream) { logstream = newstream; } } }