Android Open Source - RadaeePDF-B4A R S P D F Annotation

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Java Source Code

package com.rootsoft.rspdfviewer.pdf;
//from w ww .j ava 2 s .c om
import anywheresoftware.b4a.AbsObjectWrapper;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ShortName;

import com.radaee.pdf.Page;
import com.radaee.pdf.Page.Annotation;
import com.radaee.pdf.PageContent;
import com.radaee.pdf.Path;

public class RSPDFAnnotation extends AbsObjectWrapper<Annotation> {

  // Attributes

  // Constructors - Initialization

   * Initializes the PDF Annotation.
  public void Initialize(Annotation annotation) {

   * get this annotation index in page.
   * @return 0 based index value or -1;
  public int getIndexInPage() {
    return getObject().GetIndexInPage();

   * move annotation to another page.<be/> this method valid in professional
   * or premium version.<br/>
   * this method just like invoke Page.CopyAnnot() and
   * Annotation.RemoveFromPage(), but, less data generated.<br/>
   * Notice: ObjsStart or RenderXXX shall be invoked for dst_page.
   * @param dst_page
   *            page to move.
   * @param rect
   *            [left, top, right, bottom] in PDF coordinate in dst_page.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean MoveToPage(Page dst_page, float[] rect) {
    return getObject().MoveToPage(dst_page, rect);

   * render an annotation to Bitmap. this method fully scale annotation to
   * bitmap object.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version.<br/>
   * Notice 1: the render result may not correct for some annotation that not
   * used Alpha Color blending.<br/>
   * example: highlight annotation may not render correctly.<br/>
   * Notice 2: you can invoke Global.hideAnnots() in Global.Init(), and invoke
   * this method to handle Annotations by yourself.
   * @param bitmap
   *            Bitmap object.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean RenderToBmp(Bitmap bitmap) {
    return getObject().RenderToBmp(bitmap);

   * get annotation field type in acroForm.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return type as these values:<br/>
   *         0: unknown<br/>
   *         1: button field<br/>
   *         2: text field<br/>
   *         3: choice field<br/>
   *         4: signature field<br/>
  public int GetFieldType() {
    return getObject().GetFieldType();

   * get name of the annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return null if it is not field, or name of the annotation, example:
   *         "EditBox1[0]".
  public String GetFieldName() {
    return getObject().GetFieldName();

   * get name of the annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return null if it is not field, or full name of the annotation, example:
   *         "Form1.EditBox1".
  public String GetFieldFullName() {
    return getObject().GetFieldFullName();

   * get full name of the annotation with more details.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return null if it is not field, or full name of the annotation, example:
   *         "Form1[0].EditBox1[0]".
  public String GetFieldFullName2() {
    return getObject().GetFieldFullName2();

   * get annotation type.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return type as these values:<br/>
   *         0: unknown<br/>
   *         1: text<br/>
   *         2: link<br/>
   *         3: free text<br/>
   *         4: line<br/>
   *         5: square<br/>
   *         6: circle<br/>
   *         7: polygon<br/>
   *         8: polyline<br/>
   *         9: text hilight<br/>
   *         10: text under line<br/>
   *         11: text squiggly<br/>
   *         12: text strikeout<br/>
   *         13: stamp<br/>
   *         14: caret<br/>
   *         15: ink<br/>
   *         16: popup<br/>
   *         17: file attachment<br/>
   *         18: sound<br/>
   *         19: movie<br/>
   *         20: widget<br/>
   *         21: screen<br/>
   *         22: print mark<br/>
   *         23: trap net<br/>
   *         24: water mark<br/>
   *         25: 3d object<br/>
   *         26: rich media
  public int GetType() {
    return getObject().GetType();

   * check if position and size of the annotation is locked?<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return true if locked, or not locked.
  public boolean IsLocked() {
    return getObject().IsLocked();

   * set annotation lock status.<br/>
   * @param lock
   *            true if lock, otherwise false.
  public void setLocked(boolean lock) {

   * check if texts of the annotation is locked?<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return true if locked, or not locked.
  public boolean IsLockedContent() {
    return getObject().IsLockedContent();

   * check whether the annotation is hide.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean IsHide() {
    return getObject().IsHide();

   * get annotation's box rectangle.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return 4 elements: left, top, right, bottom in PDF coordinate system
  public float[] GetRect() {
    return getObject().GetRect();

   * set annotation's box rectangle.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version.<br/>
   * you shall render page after this invoked, to resize or move annotation.
  public void SetRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
    getObject().SetRect(left, top, right, bottom);

   * get markup annotation's boxes.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return float array, container many boxes.<br/>
   *         each 4 elements defined a box, as [left, top, right, bottom] in
   *         PDF coordinate.<br/>
   *         length of this array must be 4 times.
  public float[] GetMarkupRects() {
    return getObject().GetMarkupRects();

   * set hide status for annotation. this method valid in professional or
   * premium version.<br/>
   * you shall render page after this invoked, to hide annotation.
   * @param hide
   *            true or false.
  public void SetHide(boolean hide) {

   * get annotation's popup text.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version.
   * @return text string or null if failed.
  public String GetPopupText()
    return getObject().GetPopupText();

   * set annotation's popup text.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param val
   *            text string
   * @return true or false
  public boolean SetPopupText( String val )
    return getObject().SetPopupText(val);

   * get annotation's popup subject.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return subject string or null if failed.
  public String GetPopupSubject()
    return getObject().GetPopupSubject();

   * set annotation's popup subject.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param val
   *            subject string
   * @return true or false
  public boolean SetPopupSubject( String val )
    return getObject().SetPopupSubject(val);

   * get annotation's destination.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return 0 based page NO, or -1 if failed.
  public int GetDest()
    return getObject().GetDest();

   * get annotation's URL link string.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return string of URL, or null
  public String GetURI()
    return getObject().GetURI();

   * get annotation's 3D object name.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return name of the 3D object, or null
  public String Get3D()
    return getObject().Get3D();

   * get annotation's movie name.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return name of the movie, or null
  public String GetMovie()
    return getObject().GetMovie();

   * get annotation's sound name.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return name of the audio, or null
  public String GetSound()
    return getObject().GetSound();

   * get annotation's attachment name.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return name of the attachment, or null
  public String GetAttachment()
    return getObject().GetAttachment();

   * get annotation's 3D data. must be *.u3d format.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param save_file
   *            full path name to save data.
   * @return true if save_file created, or false.
  public boolean Get3DData( String save_file )
    return getObject().Get3DData(save_file);

   * get annotation's movie data.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param save_file
   *            full path name to save data.
   * @return true if save_file created, or false.
  public boolean GetMovieData( String save_file )
    return getObject().GetMovieData(save_file);

   * get annotation's sound data.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param paras
   *            paras[0] == 0, if formated audio file(*.mp3 ...).
   * @param save_file
   *            full path name to save data.
   * @return true if save_file created, or false.
  public boolean GetSoundData( int paras[], String save_file )
    return getObject().GetSoundData(paras, save_file);

   * get annotation's attachment data.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param save_file
   *            full path name to save data.
   * @return true if save_file created, or false.
  public boolean GetAttachmentData( String save_file )
    return getObject().GetAttachmentData(save_file);

   * get type of edit-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return <br/>
   *         -1: this annotation is not text-box.<br/>
   *         1: normal single line.<br/>
   *         2: password.<br/>
   *         3: MultiLine edit area.
  public int GetEditType()
    return getObject().GetEditType();

   * get max-len of edit-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return 0 if no limit, great than 0 if has limit.
  public int GetEditMaxlen()
    return getObject().GetEditMaxlen();

   * get position and size of edit-box.<br/>
   * for FreeText annotation, position of edit-box is not the position of
   * annotation.<br/>
   * so this function is needed for edit-box. this method valid in premium
   * version
   * @param rect
   *            4 elements in order: left, top, right, bottom, in PDF
   *            coordinate.
   * @return true or false
  public boolean GetEditTextRect( float[] rect )
    return getObject().GetEditTextRect(rect);

   * get text size of edit-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return size of text, in PDF coordinate system.
  public float GetEditTextSize()
    return getObject().GetEditTextSize();

   * get contents of edit-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return content in edit-box
  public String GetEditText()
    return getObject().GetEditText();

   * set contents of edit-box.<br/>
   * you should re-render page to display modified data.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @param text
   *            contents to be set.<br/>
   *            in MultiLine mode: '\r' or '\n' means change line.<br/>
   *            in password mode the edit box always display "*".
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetEditText( String text )
    return getObject().SetEditText(text);

   * get item count of combo-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return -1: this is not combo. otherwise: items count.
  public int GetComboItemCount()
    return getObject().GetComboItemCount();

   * get an item of combo-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @param item
   *            0 based item index. range:[0, GetAnnotComboItemCount()-1]
   * @return null if this is not combo-box, "" if no item selected, otherwise
   *         the item selected.
  public String GetComboItem(int item) {
    return getObject().GetComboItem(item);

   * get current selected item index of combo-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return -1 if this is not combo-box or no item selected, otherwise the
   *         item index that selected.
  public int GetComboItemSel() {
    return getObject().GetComboItemSel();

   * set current selected.<br/>
   * you should re-render page to display modified data.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @param item
   *            0 based item index to set.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetComboItem(int item) {
    return getObject().SetComboItem(item);

   * get item count of list-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return -1: this is not a list. otherwise: items count.
  public int GetListItemCount() {
    return getObject().GetListItemCount();

   * get an item of list-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @param item
   *            0 based item index. range:[0, GetListItemCount()-1]
   * @return null if this is not list-box, "" if no item selected, otherwise
   *         the item selected.
  public String GetListItem( int item )
    return getObject().GetListItem(item);

   * get selected indexes of list-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return null if it is not a list-box, or no items selected.
  public int[] GetListSels()
    return getObject().GetListSels();

   * set selects of list-box this method valid in premium version
   * @param items
   *            0 based indexes of items.
   * @return true or false
  public boolean SetListSels( int[] items )
    return getObject().SetListSels(items);

   * get status of check-box and radio-box.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return <br/>
   *         -1 if annotation is not valid control.<br/>
   *         0 if check-box is not checked.<br/>
   *         1 if check-box checked.<br/>
   *         2 if radio-box is not checked.<br/>
   *         3 if radio-box checked.
  public int GetCheckStatus()
    return getObject().GetCheckStatus();

   * set value to check-box.<br/>
   * you should re-render page to display modified data.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @param check
   *            true or false.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetCheckValue( boolean check )
    return getObject().SetCheckValue(check);

   * check the radio-box and deselect others in radio group.<br/>
   * you should re-render page to display modified data.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetRadio()
    return getObject().SetRadio();

   * get status of signature field.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return -1 if this is not signature field<br/>
   *         0 if not signed.<br/>
   *         1 if signed.
  public int GetSignStatus()
    return getObject().GetSignStatus();

   * check if the annotation is reset button?<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean GetReset()
    return getObject().GetReset();

   * perform the button and reset the form.<br/>
   * you should re-render page to display modified data.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetReset()
    return getObject().SetReset();

   * get annotation submit target.<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return null if this is not submit button.
  public String GetSubmitTarget()
    return getObject().GetSubmitTarget();

   * get annotation submit parameters.<br/>
   * mail mode: return whole XML string for form data.<br/>
   * other mode: url data likes: "para1=xxx&para2=xxx".<br/>
   * this method valid in premium version
   * @return null if this is not submit button.
  public String GetSubmitPara()
    return getObject().GetSubmitPara();

   * get fill color of square/circle/highlight/line/ploygon/polyline/sticky
   * text/free text annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return color value formatted as 0xAARRGGBB, if 0 returned, means false.
  public int GetFillColor()
    return getObject().GetFillColor();

   * set fill color of square/circle/highlight/line/ploygon/polyline/sticky
   * text/free text annotation.<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param color
   *            color value formatted as 0xAARRGGBB, if alpha channel is too
   *            less or 0, return false.
   * @return true or false
  public boolean SetFillColor( int color )
    return getObject().SetFillColor(color);

   * get stroke color of
   * square/circle/ink/line/underline/Squiggly/strikeout/ploygon/polyline/free
   * text annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return color value formatted as 0xAARRGGBB, if 0 returned, means false.
  public int GetStrokeColor()
    return getObject().GetStrokeColor();

   * set stroke color of
   * square/circle/ink/line/underline/Squiggly/strikeout/ploygon/polyline/free
   * text annotation.<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param color
   *            color value formatted as 0xAARRGGBB, if alpha channel is too
   *            less or 0, return false.
   * @return true or false
  public boolean SetStrokeColor( int color )
    return getObject().SetStrokeColor(color);

   * get stroke width of square/circle/ink/line/ploygon/polyline/free text
   * annotation.<br/>
   * for free text annotation: width of edit-box border<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return width value in PDF coordinate, or 0 if error.
  public float GetStrokeWidth()
    return getObject().GetStrokeWidth();

   * set stroke width of square/circle/ink/line/ploygon/polyline/free text
   * annotation.<br/>
   * for free text annotation: width of edit-box border<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param width
   *            stroke width in PDF coordinate.
   * @return true or false
  public boolean SetStrokeWidth( float width )
    return getObject().SetStrokeWidth(width);

   * get Path object from Ink annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return a new Path object, you need invoke Path.Destroy() to free memory.
  public Path GetInkPath()
    return getObject().GetInkPath();

   * set Path to Ink annotation.<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param path
   *            Path object.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetInkPath( Path path )
    return getObject().SetInkPath(path);

   * get Path object from Polygon annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return a new Path object, you need invoke Path.Destroy() to free memory.
  public Path GetPolygonPath()
    return getObject().GetPolygonPath();

   * set Path to Polygon annotation.<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param path
   *            Path object.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetPolygonPath( Path path )
    return getObject().SetPolygonPath(path);

   * get Path object from Polyline annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return a new Path object, you need invoke Path.Destroy() to free memory.
  public Path GetPolylinePath()
    return getObject().GetPolylinePath();

   * set Path to Polyline annotation.<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param path
   *            Path object.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetPolylinePath( Path path )
    return getObject().SetPolylinePath(path);

   * set icon for sticky text note/file attachment/Rubber Stamp annotation.<br/>
   * you need render page again to show modified annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @param icon
   *            icon value depends on annotation type.<br/>
   *            <strong>For sticky text note:</strong><br/>
   *            0: Note<br/>
   *            1: Comment<br/>
   *            2: Key<br/>
   *            3: Help<br/>
   *            4: NewParagraph<br/>
   *            5: Paragraph<br/>
   *            6: Insert<br/>
   *            7: Check<br/>
   *            8: Circle<br/>
   *            9: Cross<br/>
   *            <strong>For file attachment:</strong><br/>
   *            0: PushPin<br/>
   *            1: Graph<br/>
   *            2: Paperclip<br/>
   *            3: Tag<br/>
   *            <strong>For Rubber Stamp:</strong><br/>
   *            0: "Draft"(default icon)<br/>
   *            1: "Approved"<br/>
   *            2: "Experimental"<br/>
   *            3: "NotApproved"<br/>
   *            4: "AsIs"<br/>
   *            5: "Expired"<br/>
   *            6: "NotForPublicRelease"<br/>
   *            7: "Confidential"<br/>
   *            8: "Final"<br/>
   *            9: "Sold"<br/>
   *            10: "Departmental"<br/>
   *            11: "ForComment"<br/>
   *            12: "TopSecret"<br/>
   *            13: "ForPublicRelease"<br/>
   *            14: "Accepted"<br/>
   *            15: "Rejected"<br/>
   *            16: "Witness"<br/>
   *            17: "InitialHere"<br/>
   *            18: "SignHere"<br/>
   *            19: "Void"<br/>
   *            20: "Completed"<br/>
   *            21: "PreliminaryResults"<br/>
   *            22: "InformationOnly"<br/>
   *            23: "End"<br/>
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetIcon( int icon )
    return getObject().SetIcon(icon);

   * set customized icon for sticky text note/file attachment annotation.<br/>
   * @param name
   *            customized icon name.
   * @param content
   *            PageContent object to display icon, must be 20 * 20 size.
   * @return true or false.
  public boolean SetIcon( String name, PageContent content )
    return getObject().SetIcon(name, content);

   * get icon value for sticky text note/file attachment/Rubber Stamp
   * annotation.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return icon value depends on annotation type.<br/>
   *         <strong>For sticky text note:</strong><br/>
   *         0: Note<br/>
   *         1: Comment<br/>
   *         2: Key<br/>
   *         3: Help<br/>
   *         4: NewParagraph<br/>
   *         5: Paragraph<br/>
   *         6: Insert<br/>
   *         7: Check<br/>
   *         8: Circle<br/>
   *         9: Cross<br/>
   *         <strong>For file attachment:</strong><br/>
   *         0: PushPin<br/>
   *         1: Graph<br/>
   *         2: Paperclip<br/>
   *         3: Tag<br/>
   *         <strong>For Rubber Stamp:</strong><br/>
   *         0: "Draft"(default icon)<br/>
   *         1: "Approved"<br/>
   *         2: "Experimental"<br/>
   *         3: "NotApproved"<br/>
   *         4: "AsIs"<br/>
   *         5: "Expired"<br/>
   *         6: "NotForPublicRelease"<br/>
   *         7: "Confidential"<br/>
   *         8: "Final"<br/>
   *         9: "Sold"<br/>
   *         10: "Departmental"<br/>
   *         11: "ForComment"<br/>
   *         12: "TopSecret"<br/>
   *         13: "ForPublicRelease"<br/>
   *         14: "Accepted"<br/>
   *         15: "Rejected"<br/>
   *         16: "Witness"<br/>
   *         17: "InitialHere"<br/>
   *         18: "SignHere"<br/>
   *         19: "Void"<br/>
   *         20: "Completed"<br/>
   *         21: "PreliminaryResults"<br/>
   *         22: "InformationOnly"<br/>
   *         23: "End"<br/>
  public int GetIcon()
    return getObject().GetIcon();

   * remove annotation<br/>
   * you should re-render page to display modified data.<br/>
   * this method valid in professional or premium version
   * @return true or false
  public boolean RemoveFromPage()
    return getObject().RemoveFromPage();


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