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package; /* w w w .j a va 2 s. c om*/ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import static java.lang.String.format; final class ResumeUploader implements Runnable { private final int size; private final String key; private final UpCompletionHandler completionHandler; private final UploadOptions options; private final HttpManager httpManager; private final Recorder recorder; private final byte[] chunkBuffer; private final String[] contexts; private final Header[] headers; private final long modifyTime; private final String recorderKey; private RandomAccessFile file; private File f; private long crc32; ResumeUploader(HttpManager httpManager, Recorder recorder, File file, String key, String token, UpCompletionHandler completionHandler, UploadOptions options, String recorderKey) { this.httpManager = httpManager; this.recorder = recorder; this.f = file; this.recorderKey = recorderKey; this.size = (int) file.length(); this.key = key; this.headers = new Header[1]; headers[0] = new BasicHeader("Authorization", "UpToken " + token); this.completionHandler = completionHandler; this.options = options; chunkBuffer = new byte[Config.CHUNK_SIZE]; long count = (size + Config.BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / Config.BLOCK_SIZE; contexts = new String[(int) count]; modifyTime = f.lastModified(); } public void run() { int offset = recoveryFromRecord(); try { file = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); completionHandler.complete(key, ResponseInfo.fileError(e), null); } nextTask(offset, 0, Config.UP_HOST); } private void makeBlock(String host, int offset, int blockSize, int chunkSize, ProgressHandler progress, CompletionHandler _completionHandler) { String url = format(Locale.ENGLISH, "http://%s/mkblk/%d", host, blockSize); try {;, 0, chunkSize); } catch (IOException e) { completionHandler.complete(key, ResponseInfo.fileError(e), null); return; } this.crc32 = Crc32.bytes(chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize); post(url, chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize, progress, _completionHandler); } private void putChunk(String host, int offset, int chunkSize, String context, ProgressHandler progress, CompletionHandler _completionHandler) { int chunkOffset = offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE; String url = format(Locale.ENGLISH, "http://%s/bput/%s/%d", host, context, chunkOffset); try {;, 0, chunkSize); } catch (IOException e) { completionHandler.complete(key, ResponseInfo.fileError(e), null); return; } this.crc32 = Crc32.bytes(chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize); post(url, chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize, progress, _completionHandler); } private void makeFile(String host, CompletionHandler _completionHandler) { String mime = ""; if (options != null && options.mimeType != null) { mime = format(Locale.ENGLISH, "/mimetype/%s", UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(options.mimeType)); } String keyStr = ""; if (key != null) { keyStr = format("/key/%s", UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(key)); } String paramStr = ""; if (options != null && options.params.size() != 0) { String str = ""; for (Map.Entry<String, String> i : options.params.entrySet()) { if (i.getKey().startsWith("x:")) { str = format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s/%s/%s", str, i.getKey(), UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(i.getValue())); } } paramStr = str; } String url = format(Locale.ENGLISH, "http://%s/mkfile/%d%s%s%s", host, size, mime, keyStr, paramStr); String bodyStr = StringUtils.join(contexts, ","); byte[] data = bodyStr.getBytes(); post(url, data, 0, data.length, null, _completionHandler); } private void post(String url, byte[] data, int offset, int size, ProgressHandler progress, CompletionHandler completion) { httpManager.postData(url, data, offset, size, headers, progress, completion); } private int calcPutSize(int offset) { int left = size - offset; return left < Config.CHUNK_SIZE ? left : Config.CHUNK_SIZE; } private int calcBlockSize(int offset) { int left = size - offset; return left < Config.BLOCK_SIZE ? left : Config.BLOCK_SIZE; } private boolean isCancelled() { return options != null && options.cancellationSignal != null && options.cancellationSignal.isCancelled(); } private void nextTask(final int offset, final int retried, final String host) { if (isCancelled()) { completionHandler.complete(key, ResponseInfo.cancelled(), null); return; } if (offset == size) { CompletionHandler complete = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void complete(ResponseInfo info, JSONObject response) { if (info.isOK()) { removeRecord(); if (options != null && options.progressHandler != null) { options.progressHandler.progress(key, 1.0); } completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); return; } if (info.needRetry() && retried < Config.RETRY_MAX) { nextTask(offset, retried + 1, host); return; } completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); } }; makeFile(host, complete); return; } final int chunkSize = calcPutSize(offset); ProgressHandler progress = null; if (options != null && options.progressHandler != null) { progress = new ProgressHandler() { @Override public void onProgress(int bytesWritten, int totalSize) { double percent = (double) (offset + bytesWritten) / size; if (percent > 0.95) { percent = 0.95; } options.progressHandler.progress(key, percent); } }; } CompletionHandler complete = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void complete(ResponseInfo info, JSONObject response) { if (!info.isOK()) { if (info.statusCode == 701) { nextTask((offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE) * Config.BLOCK_SIZE, retried, host); return; } if (retried >= Config.RETRY_MAX || !info.needRetry()) { completionHandler.complete(key, info, null); return; } String host2 = host; if (info.isNetworkBroken()) { host2 = Config.UP_HOST_BACKUP; } nextTask(offset, retried + 1, host2); return; } String context = null; if (response == null) { nextTask(offset, retried + 1, host); return; } long crc = 0; try { context = response.getString("ctx"); crc = response.getLong("crc32"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (context == null || crc != ResumeUploader.this.crc32) { nextTask(offset, retried + 1, host); return; } contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE] = context; record(offset + chunkSize); nextTask(offset + chunkSize, retried, host); } }; if (offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE == 0) { int blockSize = calcBlockSize(offset); makeBlock(host, offset, blockSize, chunkSize, progress, complete); return; } String context = contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE]; putChunk(host, offset, chunkSize, context, progress, complete); } private int recoveryFromRecord() { if (recorder == null) { return 0; } byte[] data = recorder.get(recorderKey); if (data == null) { return 0; } String jsonStr = new String(data); JSONObject obj; try { obj = new JSONObject(jsonStr); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } int offset = obj.optInt("offset", 0); long modify = obj.optLong("modify_time", 0); int fSize = obj.optInt("size", 0); JSONArray array = obj.optJSONArray("contexts"); if (offset == 0 || modify != modifyTime || fSize != size || array == null || array.length() == 0) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { contexts[i] = array.optString(i); } return offset; } private void removeRecord() { if (recorder != null) { recorder.del(recorderKey); } } // save json value //{ // "size":filesize, // "offset":lastSuccessOffset, // "modify_time": lastFileModifyTime, // "contexts": contexts //} private void record(int offset) { if (recorder == null || offset == 0) { return; } String data = format(Locale.ENGLISH, "{\"size\":%d,\"offset\":%d, \"modify_time\":%d, \"contexts\":[%s]}", size, offset, modifyTime, StringUtils.jsonJoin(contexts)); recorder.set(recorderKey, data.getBytes()); } }