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/** * (AdFlakeSDK-Android) *// w w w .j a v a2s . co m * Copyright ? 2013 MADE GmbH - All Rights Reserved. * * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited * unless otherwise noted in the License section of this document header. * * @file * @copyright 2013 MADE GmbH. All rights reserved. * @section License * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.adflake; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import com.adflake.adapters.AdFlakeAdapter; import com.adflake.obj.Custom; import com.adflake.obj.Extra; import com.adflake.obj.Ration; import com.adflake.util.AdFlakeUtil; /** * The AdFlakeLayout class manages the display of ADs as received from the * AdFlake server. */ public class AdFlakeLayout extends RelativeLayout { public static final String ADFLAKE_KEY = "ADFLAKE_KEY"; public WeakReference<Activity> activityReference; /** * The UI handler. * * @note Only the UI thread can update the UI, so we need a Handler for UI * callbacks */ public final Handler handler = new Handler(); /** * The background scheduler manages background threads. */ public final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); public Extra extra; public Custom currentCustom; /** @note This is just so our threads can reference us explicitly. */ public WeakReference<RelativeLayout> superViewReference; public Ration activeRation; public Ration nextRation; public AdFlakeInterface adFlakeInterface; public AdFlakeManager adFlakeManager; /** * Instantiates a new ad flake layout. * * @param context * the context * @param adFlakeKey * the ad flake key */ public AdFlakeLayout(final Activity context, final String adFlakeKey) { super(context); init(context, adFlakeKey); } /** * Instantiates a new ad flake layout. * * @param context * the context * @param attrs * the attrs */ public AdFlakeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); if (this.isInEditMode()) return; // Retrieves AdFlake key. String key = getAdFlakeKey(context); init((Activity) context, key); } /** * Gets the optimal layout params. * * @return the layout params */ public LayoutParams getOptimalRelativeLayoutParams() { DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); final float density = displayMetrics.density; final int width = (int) (AdFlakeUtil.BANNER_DEFAULT_WIDTH * density); final int height = (int) (AdFlakeUtil.BANNER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT * density); return new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(width, height); } /** * Sets the max height. * * @param height * the new max height */ public void setMaxHeight(int height) { _maximumHeight = height; } /** * Sets the max width. * * @param width * the new max width */ public void setMaxWidth(int width) { _maximumWidth = width; } /** * Gets the ad flake key. * * @param context * the context * @return the ad flake key */ protected String getAdFlakeKey(Context context) { if (this.isInEditMode()) return "EDITMODE"; final String packageName = context.getPackageName(); final String activityName = context.getClass().getName(); final PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); Bundle bundle = null; // Attempts to retrieve Activity-specific AdFlake key first. If not // found, retrieve Application-wide AdFlake key. try { ActivityInfo activityInfo = pm.getActivityInfo(new ComponentName(packageName, activityName), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); bundle = activityInfo.metaData; if (bundle != null) { return bundle.getString(AdFlakeLayout.ADFLAKE_KEY); } } catch (NameNotFoundException exception) { // Activity cannot be found. Shouldn't be here. return null; } try { ApplicationInfo appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); bundle = appInfo.metaData; if (bundle != null) { return bundle.getString(AdFlakeLayout.ADFLAKE_KEY); } } catch (NameNotFoundException exception) { // Application cannot be found. Shouldn't be here. return null; } return null; } /** * Initializes this instance. * * @param context * the context * @param adFlakeKey * the ad flake key */ protected void init(final Activity context, final String adFlakeKey) { this.activityReference = new WeakReference<Activity>(context); this.superViewReference = new WeakReference<RelativeLayout>(this); this._adFlakeKey = adFlakeKey; this._hasWindow = true; this._isScheduled = true; if (!this.isInEditMode()) { scheduler.schedule(new UpdateAdFlakeConfigurationRunnable(this, adFlakeKey), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(false); setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); this._maximumWidth = 0; this._maximumHeight = 0; } /** * On measure. * * @param widthMeasureSpec * the width measure spec * @param heightMeasureSpec * the height measure spec */ @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); if (_maximumWidth > 0 && widthSize > _maximumWidth) { widthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(_maximumWidth, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST); } if (_maximumHeight > 0 && heightSize > _maximumHeight) { heightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(_maximumHeight, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST); } super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } /** * On window visibility changed. * * @param visibility * the visibility */ @Override protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) { if (visibility == VISIBLE && !this.isInEditMode()) { this._hasWindow = true; if (!this._isScheduled) { this._isScheduled = true; if (this.extra != null) { rotateThreadedNow(); } else { scheduler.schedule(new UpdateAdFlakeConfigurationRunnable(this, _adFlakeKey), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } } else { this._hasWindow = false; } } /** * Rotate ad. */ public void rotateAd() { if (!this._hasWindow) { this._isScheduled = false; return; } if (adFlakeManager.sleeperMode) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "AdFlake has no rations and is in sleeper mode"); return; } Log.i(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Rotating Ad"); nextRation = adFlakeManager.getDartedRation(); HandleAdRunnable(this)); } /** * Initialize the proper ad view from nextRation. */ @SuppressLint("DefaultLocale") private void handleAd() { // We shouldn't ever get to a state where nextRation is null unless all // networks fail if (nextRation == null) { Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "nextRation is null!"); rotateThreadedDelayed(); return; } String rationInfo = String.format("Showing ad:\n\tnid: %s\n\tname: %s\n\ttype: %d\n\tkey: %s\n\tkey2: %s", nextRation.nid,, nextRation.type, nextRation.key, nextRation.key2); Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, rationInfo); try { // Tell the previous adapter that its view will be destroyed. if (this._previousAdapter != null) { this._previousAdapter.willDestroy(); } this._previousAdapter = this._currentAdapter; this._currentAdapter = AdFlakeAdapter.getAdapterForRation(this, nextRation, true); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.w(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Caught an exception in adapter:", t); rollover(); return; } } /** * Rotate immediately. */ public void rotateThreadedNow() { scheduler.schedule(new RotateAdRunnable(this), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Rotate in extra.cycleTime seconds. */ public void rotateThreadedDelayed() { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Will call rotateAd() in " + extra.cycleTime + " seconds"); scheduler.schedule(new RotateAdRunnable(this), extra.cycleTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Remove old views and push the new adView. * * @param subView * the sub view */ public void pushSubView(ViewGroup subView) { RelativeLayout superView = superViewReference.get(); if (superView == null) { return; } superView.removeAllViews(); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_IN_PARENT); superView.addView(subView, layoutParams); Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Added subview"); this.activeRation = nextRation; sendImpressionToMetricServer(); if (this.adFlakeInterface != null) { this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidPushAdSubView(this); } } /** * Rollover. */ public void rollover() { if (adFlakeManager.sleeperMode) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "AdFlake has no rations and is in sleeper mode"); return; } nextRation = adFlakeManager.getRationForCurrentRolloverListPosition(); HandleAdRunnable(this)); } /** * Send impression to metric server. */ private void sendImpressionToMetricServer() { if (activeRation == null) return; sendImpressionToMetricServerForRation(activeRation); } /** * Send impression to metric server. */ private void sendImpressionToMetricServerForRation(Ration ration) { if (ration == null) return; String url = String.format(AdFlakeUtil.urlImpression, adFlakeManager.adFlakeKey, ration.nid, ration.type, adFlakeManager.deviceIDHash, adFlakeManager.localeString, AdFlakeUtil.VERSION); scheduler.schedule(new PingUrlRunnable(url), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Send ad click to metric server. */ private void sendAdClickToMetricServer() { if (activeRation == null) return; sendAdClickToMetricServerForRation(activeRation); } /** * Send ad click to metric server. */ private void sendAdClickToMetricServerForRation(Ration ration) { if (ration == null) return; String url = String.format(AdFlakeUtil.urlClick, adFlakeManager.adFlakeKey, ration.nid, ration.type, adFlakeManager.deviceIDHash, adFlakeManager.localeString, AdFlakeUtil.VERSION); scheduler.schedule(new PingUrlRunnable(url), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * On intercept touch event. We intercept clicks to provide raw metrics. * * @param event * the event * @return true, if successful */ @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (this.isInEditMode()) return false; switch (event.getAction()) { // Sending on an ACTION_DOWN isn't 100% correct... user could have // touched // down and dragged out. Unlikely though. case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Intercepted ACTION_DOWN event"); if (activeRation != null) { sendAdClickToMetricServer(); if (activeRation.type == 9) { if (currentCustom != null && != null) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(; intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try { if (activityReference == null) { return false; } Activity activity = activityReference.get(); if (activity == null) { return false; } activity.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Could not handle click to " +, e); } } else { Log.w(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "In onInterceptTouchEvent(), but custom or is null"); } } break; } } // Return false so subViews can process event normally. return false; } /** * The Interface AdFlakeInterface provides methods to react to changes of a * AdFlakeLayout. */ public interface AdFlakeInterface { /** * Invoked when a GenericAdapter instance is handled. */ public void adFlakeGeneric(); /** * Invoked when a banner ad's view has been pushed into the * AdFlakeLayout. * * @param layout * the layout */ public void adFlakeDidPushAdSubView(AdFlakeLayout layout); public void adFlakeDidPresentFullScreenModal(AdFlakeLayout layout); public void adFlakeWillPresentFullScreenModal(AdFlakeLayout layout); public void adFlakeWillPresentVideoAdModal(AdFlakeLayout layout); public void adFlakeDidFailToRequestVideoAd(AdFlakeLayout layout); public void adFlakeUserDidWatchEntireVideo(AdFlakeLayout layout); public void adFlakeDidLoadVideoAd(AdFlakeLayout layout); } /** * Sets the ad flake interface. * * @param i * the new ad flake interface */ public void setAdFlakeInterface(AdFlakeInterface i) { this.adFlakeInterface = i; } /** * The Class UpdateAdFlakeConfigurationRunnable fetches the AdFlake * configuration from the server. */ private static class UpdateAdFlakeConfigurationRunnable implements Runnable { private WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout> _adFlakeLayoutReference; private String _adFlakeKey; /** * Instantiates a new update ad flake configuration runnable. * * @param adFlakeLayout * the ad flake layout * @param adFlakeKey * the ad flake key */ public UpdateAdFlakeConfigurationRunnable(AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout, String adFlakeKey) { _adFlakeLayoutReference = new WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout>(adFlakeLayout); _adFlakeKey = adFlakeKey; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { final AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout = _adFlakeLayoutReference.get(); if (adFlakeLayout != null) { Activity activity = adFlakeLayout.activityReference.get(); if (activity == null) { return; } if (adFlakeLayout.adFlakeManager == null) { adFlakeLayout.adFlakeManager = new AdFlakeManager(new WeakReference<Context>(activity.getApplicationContext()), _adFlakeKey); } if (!adFlakeLayout._hasWindow) { adFlakeLayout._isScheduled = false; return; } adFlakeLayout.adFlakeManager.fetchConfigFromServer(); adFlakeLayout.extra = adFlakeLayout.adFlakeManager.getExtra(); if (adFlakeLayout.adFlakeManager.videoAdsAvailable) { // NOTE: we have to prepare the video adapters since they // preload Runnable() { @Override public void run() { adFlakeLayout.prepareVideoAdapters(); } }); } if (adFlakeLayout.adFlakeManager.sleeperMode == true) { // NOTE: if we do not have a configuration it's highly // probable that // we're in sleeper more, so only check every 10 minutes adFlakeLayout.scheduler.schedule(this, 600, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } else if (adFlakeLayout.extra == null) { adFlakeLayout.scheduler.schedule(this, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } else { adFlakeLayout.rotateAd(); } } } } /** * The Class HandleAdRunnable Callback for external networks. */ private static class HandleAdRunnable implements Runnable { private WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout> adFlakeLayoutReference; /** * Instantiates a new handle ad runnable. * * @param adFlakeLayout * the ad flake layout */ public HandleAdRunnable(AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout) { adFlakeLayoutReference = new WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout>(adFlakeLayout); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout = adFlakeLayoutReference.get(); if (adFlakeLayout != null) { adFlakeLayout.handleAd(); } } } /** * The Class PushAdViewRunnable inserts the specified ViewGroup into as * primary view into the AdFlakeLayout. */ public static class PushAdViewRunnable implements Runnable { private WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout> adFlakeLayoutReference; private ViewGroup nextView; /** * Instantiates a new view ad runnable. * * @param adFlakeLayout * the ad flake layout * @param nextView * the next view */ public PushAdViewRunnable(AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout, ViewGroup nextView) { adFlakeLayoutReference = new WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout>(adFlakeLayout); this.nextView = nextView; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout = adFlakeLayoutReference.get(); if (adFlakeLayout != null) { adFlakeLayout.pushSubView(nextView); } } } /** * The Class RotateAdRunnable rotates the current ad. */ private static class RotateAdRunnable implements Runnable { private WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout> adFlakeLayoutReference; /** * Instantiates a new rotate ad runnable. * * @param adFlakeLayout * the ad flake layout */ public RotateAdRunnable(AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout) { adFlakeLayoutReference = new WeakReference<AdFlakeLayout>(adFlakeLayout); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { AdFlakeLayout adFlakeLayout = adFlakeLayoutReference.get(); if (adFlakeLayout != null) { adFlakeLayout.rotateAd(); } } } /** * The Class PingUrlRunnable performs a HTTP get with the specified URL and * ignores the result. This is basically used to trigger a remote operation * on the server. */ private static class PingUrlRunnable implements Runnable { private String url; /** * Instantiates a new ping url runnable. * * @param url * the url */ public PingUrlRunnable(String url) { this.url = url; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Pinging URL: " + url); HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url); try { httpClient.execute(httpGet); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Caught ClientProtocolException in PingUrlRunnable", e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Caught IOException in PingUrlRunnable", e); } } } /** * Adapter did fail to receive ad with error. This method should be invoked * by adapter when an error occured during the retrieval of a remote ad. * * @param adapter * the adapter * @param string * the string */ public void adapterDidFailToReceiveAdWithError(AdFlakeAdapter adapter, String string) { this.rollover(); Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "ERROR: " + adapter.getRation().name + ": " + string); } /** * Adapter did receive ad. This method should be invoked by adapter when a * remote ad has been fetched successfully and the specified view is ready * to be displayed in the AdWhirlLayout. * * @param adapter * the adapter * @param view * the view */ public void adapterDidReceiveAd(AdFlakeAdapter adapter, ViewGroup view) { this.adFlakeManager.resetRollover(); PushAdViewRunnable(this, view)); this.rotateThreadedDelayed(); } public void prepareVideoAdapters() { this.adFlakeManager.prepareVideoAdaptersForLayout(this); } private void requestVideoAdAndPresent(boolean presentVideoAd) { if (!adFlakeManager.videoAdsAvailable) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "video ads are not available"); this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidFailToRequestVideoAd(this); return; } if (_usedVideoRations != null) { // this means that an interstitial request is already active Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "interstitial request already active for layout"); this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidFailToRequestVideoAd(this); return; } if (_videoAdLoaded) { if (presentVideoAd) { presentLoadedVideoAd(); return; } Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "VIDEO ERROR: video already loaded"); this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidFailToRequestVideoAd(this); return; } _autoPresentVideoAd = presentVideoAd; _usedVideoRations = new ArrayList<Ration>(); tryRequestNextVideoAd(); } public void requestVideoAd() { requestVideoAdAndPresent(false); } public void requestAndPresentVideoAd() { requestVideoAdAndPresent(true); } private void didFailActiveVideoAdRequest() { this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidFailToRequestVideoAd(this); _usedVideoRations = null; _autoPresentVideoAd = false; } private void tryRequestNextVideoAd() { if (_usedVideoRations == null) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "no request active"); this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidFailToRequestVideoAd(this); return; } if (_usedVideoRations.size() == this.adFlakeManager.getVideoRationCount()) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "no video ads left to try"); didFailActiveVideoAdRequest(); return; } if (_videoAdLoaded) { Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "VIDEO ERROR: video already loaded"); didFailActiveVideoAdRequest(); return; } Ration videoRation = this.adFlakeManager.getNextDartedVideoRation(_usedVideoRations); if (videoRation == null) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "video ads are not available"); didFailActiveVideoAdRequest(); return; } if (_currentVideoAdapter != null && _currentVideoAdapter.getRation() == videoRation) { Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "already played network, increasing chance for other networks"); // increase chance of using another network's ad videoRation = this.adFlakeManager.getNextDartedVideoRation(_usedVideoRations); } _usedVideoRations.add(videoRation); String rationInfo = String.format("Showing ad:\n\tnid: %s\n\tname: %s\n\ttype: %d\n\tkey: %s\n\tkey2: %s", videoRation.nid,, videoRation.type, videoRation.key, videoRation.key2); Log.d(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, rationInfo); try { // Tell the previous adapter that its view will be destroyed. if (this._previousVideoAdapter != null) { this._previousVideoAdapter.willDestroy(); } this._previousVideoAdapter = this._currentAdapter; this._currentVideoAdapter = AdFlakeAdapter.getAdapterForRation(this, videoRation, false); this._currentVideoAdapter.handle(); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.w(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "Caught an exception in adapter:", t); tryRequestNextVideoAd(); return; } } /** * @param adapter * @param string */ public void adapterDidFailToReceiveVideoAdWithError(AdFlakeAdapter adapter, String string) { Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "VIDEOAD ERROR: " + adapter.getRation().name + ": " + string); tryRequestNextVideoAd(); } /** * * @return */ public boolean isVideoAdLoaded() { return _videoAdLoaded; } /** * */ public void presentLoadedVideoAd() { if (!_videoAdLoaded || this._currentVideoAdapter == null) { if (_autoPresentVideoAd) { Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "VIDEOAD ERROR: load and present failed"); didFailActiveVideoAdRequest(); } Log.e(AdFlakeUtil.ADFLAKE, "VIDEOAD ERROR: No video loaded"); return; } if (this.adFlakeInterface != null) { this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeWillPresentVideoAdModal(this); this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeWillPresentFullScreenModal(this); } sendImpressionToMetricServerForRation(_currentVideoAdapter.getRation()); _currentVideoAdapter.playLoadedVideoAd(); _videoAdLoaded = false; _autoPresentVideoAd = false; } /** * * @param adapter */ public void adapterDidReceiveVideoAd(AdFlakeAdapter adapter) { _usedVideoRations = null; _videoAdLoaded = true; if (this.adFlakeInterface != null) { this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidLoadVideoAd(this); } if (_autoPresentVideoAd) { presentLoadedVideoAd(); } } /** * * @param adapter */ public void adapterDidFinishVideoAd(AdFlakeAdapter adapter, boolean userDidWatchEntireVideo) { if (this.adFlakeInterface != null) { this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeDidPresentFullScreenModal(this); if (userDidWatchEntireVideo) this.adFlakeInterface.adFlakeUserDidWatchEntireVideo(this); } _videoAdLoaded = false; } /** * * @return */ public Ration getCurrentVideoRation() { if (_currentVideoAdapter == null) return null; return _currentVideoAdapter.getRation(); } private String _adFlakeKey; /** Added so we can tell the previous adapter that it is being destroyed. */ private AdFlakeAdapter _previousAdapter; private AdFlakeAdapter _currentAdapter; private AdFlakeAdapter _previousVideoAdapter; private AdFlakeAdapter _currentVideoAdapter; private List<Ration> _usedVideoRations; private boolean _autoPresentVideoAd; private boolean _videoAdLoaded; private boolean _hasWindow; private boolean _isScheduled; private int _maximumWidth; private int _maximumHeight; }