Android Open Source - ABTester A B Tests Shared Prefs

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Java Source Code

package ab.tester.prefs;
/* ww w .java2 s . c o  m*/
import ab.tester.ABTest;
import ab.tester.ABTest.ABVariable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;

public class ABTestsSharedPrefs extends ABSharedPrefs {

  private static final String FIRST_TIME_READY_KEY = "FIRST_TIME_READY_KEY____";
  public ABTestsSharedPrefs(Context context) {

  protected String getPrefsName() {
    return "ABTester_experiments_values_tests";

  public void save(ABTest test) {
    Editor editor = prefs.edit();
    ABVariable[] variables = test.getVariables();
    String testName = test.getName();
    int length = variables.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      String key = testName + SEPARATOR + variables[i].getName();
      // save only if not locked, or locked and yet to be set
      boolean lock = test.getLock();
      if ( (variables[i].getValue() != null) && ((lock == false) || (lock == true && prefs.contains(key) == false)) ) {
        editor.putString(key , variables[i].getValue());
    // set it to true, so we can check that that has been downloaded
    editor.putBoolean(testName, true);
   * Will return true in case the test data (variables) has been fetched
   * @param test the test
   * @return true if the data is fetched and ready
  protected boolean isTestReady(ABTest test) {
    return isTestReady(test.getName());
   * Will return true in case the test data (variables) has been fetched
   * @param testName the name of the test will be checked
   * @return true if the data is fetched and ready
  protected boolean isTestReady(String testName) {
    return prefs.getBoolean(testName, false);
   * This method used to determine if the user is part of the test, in other words,
   * if the data for the test was ready at the time this method was called, it will return the same
   * value forever. for instance: if the data was ready at the time, it will forever return true (since the data is always ready and saved in SP)
   * otherwise it will always return false, since we don't want to change the functionality of the user based on his network availability  at first run
   * @param testName - the test
   * @return - true or false (see above)
  public boolean wasReadyAtFirstRequest(ABTest test) {
    return wasReadyAtFirstRequest(test.getName());
   * This method used to determine if the user is part of the test, in other words,
   * if the data for the test was ready at the time this method was called, it will return the same
   * value forever. for instance: if the data was ready at the time, it will forever return true (since the data is always ready and saved in SP)
   * otherwise it will always return false, since we don't want to change the functionality of the user based on his network availability  at first run
   * @param testName - the test
   * @return - true or false (see above)
  public boolean wasReadyAtFirstRequest(String testName) {
    boolean result;
    String key = FIRST_TIME_READY_KEY + testName;
    if (prefs.contains(key)) {
      boolean wasReady = prefs.getBoolean(key, false);
      if (wasReady) {
        result = true;
      } else {
        result = false;
    } else {
      if (isTestReady(testName)) {
        apply(prefs.edit().putBoolean(key, true));
        result = true;
      } else {
        apply(prefs.edit().putBoolean(key, false));
        result = false;
    return result;
   * get the variable synced previously to the SharedPreferences
   * fetched locally
   * @param sp - the SharedPreferences
   * @param abName - the name of the ABtest (project name)
   * @param variableName - the name of the variable to be fetched
   * @param defaultValue - the default will be returned when, the value is not synced. you can check if synced via isABTestSynced();
   * @return
  public String getVariable(String abName, String variableName, String defaultValue){
    return prefs.getString(abName + ABSharedPrefs.SEPARATOR + variableName, defaultValue);
   * get the variable synced previously to the SharedPreferences
   * fetched locally
   * @param sp - the SharedPreferences
   * @param test - the test
   * @param ABVariable - the variable
   * @param defaultValue - the default will be returned when, the value is not synced. you can check if synced via isABTestSynced();
   * @return
  public String getVariable(ABTest test, ABVariable variable, String defaultValue){
    return getVariable(test.getName(), variable.getName(), defaultValue);

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