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/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Matthias Jordan <> */*from w ww.ja v a2s . com*/ * This file is part of piRSS. * * piRSS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * piRSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with piRSS. If not, see <>. */ package; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import; /** * Content provider for news items. * <p> * The URIs are in this format: * <ul> * <li>.../11 - an action regarding one item (11)</li> * <li>.../feed/22 - an action regarding items in feed 22</li> * <li>.../...#read - an action regarding read items</li> * </ul> * * @author mj */ public class ItemProvider extends ContentProvider { public static final String ITEMS_NAME = "items"; public static final String ITEMS_TMP_NAME = "itemstmp"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_FEEDID = "_feedid"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_GUID = "guid"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_HEADLINE = "headline"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_CONTENT = "content"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_DATE = "date"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_LINK = "link"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_READ = "read"; public static final String ITEMS_COL_KEEPER = "keeper"; private static final String ITEMS_COLHACK = ITEMS_COL_HEADLINE; public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://de.codefu.rss.itemprovider"); public static final String FEED = "feed"; public static final String READ = "read"; public static final String UNREAD = "unread"; public static final String KEEP = "keep"; public static final String UNKEEP = "unkeep"; public static final String AUX = "aux"; public static final Uri CONTENT_URI_FEED = Uri.parse("content://de.codefu.rss.itemprovider/" + FEED); public static final Uri CONTENT_URI_AUX = Uri.parse("content://de.codefu.rss.itemprovider/" + AUX); private static final String TYPE = "de.codefu.rss.item"; private static final String SKIP_KEEPERS = " AND " + ITEMS_COL_KEEPER + " IS NULL OR 0=" + ITEMS_COL_KEEPER; private DB db; @Override public boolean onCreate() { db = DB.getInstance(getContext()); return false; } @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { UriParts up = UriHelper.analyze(uri); if (up.hasPath(FEED) && up.hasId()) { if (!up.hasFragment(READ)) { return removeAllItemsFromFeed(; } else { return removeReadItemsFromFeed(; } } else if (up.hasPath(AUX) && !up.hasId()) { cleanAuxTable(); } else if (up.hasPath(AUX) && up.hasId()) { deleteAuxContent(; } return 0; } @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { final String lps = uri.getLastPathSegment(); final boolean singleItem = isInteger(lps); return "" + (singleItem ? "item" : "dir") + "/vnd." + TYPE; } private boolean isInteger(String lps) { try { Integer.parseInt(lps); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } return true; } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { UriParts up = UriHelper.analyze(uri); if (up.hasPath(FEED) && up.hasId()) { if (up.hasFragment("move")) { moveItemsToFinalTable(; } else { addItemToTmpTable(, values); } } else if (up.hasPath(AUX) && !up.hasId()) { String content = values.getAsString("content"); long id = addAuxContent(content); if (id != -1) { return ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI_AUX, id); } } return null; } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { UriParts up = UriHelper.analyze(uri); if (!up.hasPath() && up.hasId()) { if (up.hasFragment("keeper")) { return getKeeperCursor(; } else { setItemRead(; return getItemCursor(; } } else if (up.hasPath(FEED) && up.hasId()) { return getItemsCursor(; } else if (up.hasPath(AUX) && up.hasId()) { return getAuxContent(; } return null; } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { UriParts up = UriHelper.analyze(uri); if (up.hasFragment(READ)) { if (!up.hasPath() && up.hasId()) { return setItemRead(; } if (up.hasPath(FEED) && up.hasId()) { return setAllItemsRead(; } } else if (up.hasFragment(KEEP)) { return setKeep(, 1); } else if (up.hasFragment(UNKEEP)) { return setKeep(, 0); } return 0; } private int setKeep(long id, int i) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(ITEMS_COL_KEEPER, i); return db.getWritableDatabase().update(ITEMS_NAME, cv, "_id=?", new String[] { "" + id }); } public static String getCreateTable() { return getCreateTableInner(ITEMS_NAME); } public static String getCreateTmpTable() { return getCreateTableInner(ITEMS_TMP_NAME); } private static String getCreateTableInner(String name) { return "CREATE TABLE " + name + " (" // + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " // + ITEMS_COL_READ + " INTEGER default 0, " // + ITEMS_COL_FEEDID + " INTEGER REFERENCES " + FeedProvider.FEEDS_NAME + ", " // + ITEMS_COL_GUID + " TEXT UNIQUE ON CONFLICT IGNORE, " // + ITEMS_COL_HEADLINE + " TEXT, " // + ITEMS_COL_CONTENT + " TEXT UNIQUE ON CONFLICT IGNORE, " // + ITEMS_COL_DATE + " INTEGER, " // + ITEMS_COL_KEEPER + " INTEGER, " // + ITEMS_COL_LINK + " TEXT " + ");"; } private static String thisOrAllFeeds(long feedId) { return "(" + ITEMS_COL_FEEDID + "=? OR " + feedId + "=" + FeedProvider.ALL_FEEDS + ")"; } public void addItemToTmpTable(long feedId, ContentValues cv) { cv.put(ITEMS_COL_FEEDID, feedId); db.getWritableDatabase().insert(ITEMS_TMP_NAME, ITEMS_COLHACK, cv); } // public Item getItem(long id) { // Item item = null; // // final Cursor res = getItemCursor(id); // if (res.moveToNext()) { // item = new Item(); // item.headline = res.getString(res.getColumnIndex(ITEMS_COL_HEADLINE)); // item.content = res.getString(res.getColumnIndex(ITEMS_COL_CONTENT)); // final long dateLong = res.getLong(res.getColumnIndex(ITEMS_COL_DATE)); // = new Date(dateLong); // = res.getString(res.getColumnIndex(ITEMS_COL_LINK)); // item.feedName = // res.getString(res.getColumnIndex(FeedProvider.FEEDS_COL_NAME)); // } // // res.close(); // return item; // } public Cursor getItemCursor(long id) { final Cursor res = db.getReadableDatabase().query( ITEMS_NAME + " JOIN " + FeedProvider.FEEDS_NAME + " ON " + ITEMS_NAME + "." + ITEMS_COL_FEEDID + "=" + FeedProvider.FEEDS_NAME + "._id", new String[] { ITEMS_COL_HEADLINE, ITEMS_COL_CONTENT, ITEMS_COL_DATE, ITEMS_COL_LINK, FeedProvider.FEEDS_COL_NAME }, ITEMS_NAME + "._id=?", new String[] { Long.toString(id) }, null, null, null); return res; } public Cursor getItemsCursor(long feedId) { final Cursor res = db.getReadableDatabase().query( ITEMS_NAME + " JOIN " + FeedProvider.FEEDS_NAME + " ON " + ITEMS_NAME + "." + ITEMS_COL_FEEDID + "=" + FeedProvider.FEEDS_NAME + "._id", new String[] { ITEMS_NAME + "._id", // FeedProvider.FEEDS_COL_NAME,// FeedProvider.FEEDS_COL_CLEANHTML,// ITEMS_COL_HEADLINE, // ITEMS_COL_CONTENT, // ITEMS_COL_DATE, // ITEMS_COL_READ, // ITEMS_COL_KEEPER, // ITEMS_COL_LINK }, thisOrAllFeeds(feedId), new String[] { Long.toString(feedId) }, null, null, ITEMS_NAME + "._id DESC"); return res; } private Cursor getKeeperCursor(long id) { final Cursor res = db.getReadableDatabase().query(ITEMS_NAME, new String[] { "_id", ITEMS_COL_KEEPER }, ITEMS_NAME + "._id=?", new String[] { Long.toString(id) }, null, null, null); return res; } public int removeAllItemsFromFeed(long feedId) { return db.getWritableDatabase().delete(ITEMS_NAME, thisOrAllFeeds(feedId) + SKIP_KEEPERS, new String[] { Long.toString(feedId) }); } public int setItemRead(long id) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(ITEMS_COL_READ, 1); return db.getWritableDatabase().update(ITEMS_NAME, cv, "_id=?", new String[] { Long.toString(id) }); } public int setAllItemsRead(long feedId) { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(ITEMS_COL_READ, 1); return db.getWritableDatabase().update(ITEMS_NAME, cv, thisOrAllFeeds(feedId), new String[] { Long.toString(feedId) }); } public int removeReadItemsFromFeed(long feedId) { return db.getWritableDatabase().delete(ITEMS_NAME, ITEMS_COL_READ + "=1 AND " + thisOrAllFeeds(feedId) + SKIP_KEEPERS, new String[] { Long.toString(feedId) }); } public void moveItemsToFinalTable(long feedId) { final SQLiteDatabase wdb = db.getWritableDatabase(); final Cursor c = wdb.query(ITEMS_TMP_NAME, new String[] { "*" }, ITEMS_COL_FEEDID + "=?", new String[] { "" + feedId }, null, null, "_id DESC"); final int idIndex = c.getColumnIndex("_id"); final String[] columnNames = c.getColumnNames(); while (c.moveToNext()) { wdb.beginTransaction(); try { final long id = c.getLong(idIndex); final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); final int cc = c.getColumnCount(); for (int column = 0; (column < cc); column++) { if (column != idIndex) { cv.put(columnNames[column], c.getString(column)); } } wdb.insert(ITEMS_NAME, ITEMS_COLHACK, cv); wdb.delete(ITEMS_TMP_NAME, "_id=?", new String[] { Long.toString(id) }); wdb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { wdb.endTransaction(); } } c.close(); } private static final String AUX_NAME = "tmp"; public static final String AUX_COL_CONTENT = "content"; public static String getCreateAuxTable() { return "CREATE TABLE " + AUX_NAME + " (" // + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " // + AUX_COL_CONTENT + " TEXT " // + ");"; } private long addAuxContent(String content) { final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(AUX_COL_CONTENT, content); return db.getWritableDatabase().insert(AUX_NAME, AUX_COL_CONTENT, values); } private Cursor getAuxContent(long id) { final SQLiteDatabase wdb = db.getWritableDatabase(); wdb.beginTransaction(); try { final String idStr = Long.toString(id); final Cursor c = wdb.query(AUX_NAME, new String[] { AUX_COL_CONTENT }, "_id=?", new String[] { idStr }, null, null, null); wdb.setTransactionSuccessful(); return c; } finally { wdb.endTransaction(); } } private void deleteAuxContent(long id) { final SQLiteDatabase wdb = db.getWritableDatabase(); wdb.beginTransaction(); try { final String idStr = Long.toString(id); wdb.delete(AUX_NAME, "_id=?", new String[] { idStr }); wdb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { wdb.endTransaction(); } } private void cleanAuxTable() { final SQLiteDatabase wdb = db.getWritableDatabase(); wdb.beginTransaction(); try { wdb.execSQL("delete from " + AUX_NAME + ";"); wdb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { wdb.endTransaction(); } } }