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/** * Ace Shooting//from ww w . j a v a2 s . c om * * Copyright (c) 2014 Ace Shooting * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ package com.aceshooting.rssapp.handler; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.Html; import com.aceshooting.rssapp.Strings; import com.aceshooting.rssapp.provider.FeedData; import com.aceshooting.rssapp.provider.FeedDataContentProvider; import com.aceshooting.rssapp.service.FetcherService; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class RSSHandler extends DefaultHandler { private static final String ANDRHOMBUS = "&#"; private static final String TAG_RSS = "rss"; private static final String TAG_RDF = "rdf"; private static final String TAG_FEED = "feed"; private static final String TAG_ENTRY = "entry"; private static final String TAG_ITEM = "item"; private static final String TAG_UPDATED = "updated"; private static final String TAG_TITLE = "title"; private static final String TAG_LINK = "link"; private static final String TAG_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String TAG_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION = "media:description"; private static final String TAG_CONTENT = "content"; private static final String TAG_MEDIA_CONTENT = "media:content"; private static final String TAG_ENCODEDCONTENT = "encoded"; private static final String TAG_SUMMARY = "summary"; private static final String TAG_PUBDATE = "pubDate"; private static final String TAG_DATE = "date"; private static final String TAG_LASTBUILDDATE = "lastBuildDate"; private static final String TAG_ENCLOSURE = "enclosure"; private static final String TAG_GUID = "guid"; private static final String TAG_AUTHOR = "author"; private static final String TAG_NAME = "name"; private static final String TAG_CREATOR = "creator"; private static final String TAG_ENCLOSUREURL = "url"; private static final String TAG_ENCLOSURETYPE = "type"; private static final String TAG_ENCLOSURELENGTH = "length"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_URL = "url"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_HREF = "href"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = "type"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH = "length"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_REL = "rel"; private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8"; private static final String PERCENT = "%"; /** This can be any valid filename character sequence which does not contain '%' */ private static final String PERCENT_REPLACE = "____"; private static final String[] TIMEZONES = {"MEST", "EST", "PST"}; private static final String[] TIMEZONES_REPLACE = {"+0200", "-0500", "-0800"}; private static final int TIMEZONES_COUNT = 3; private static long KEEP_TIME = 345600000l; // 4 days private static final DateFormat[] PUBDATE_DATEFORMATS = { new SimpleDateFormat("EEE', 'd' 'MMM' 'yyyy' 'HH:mm:ss' 'Z", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("d' 'MMM' 'yyyy' 'HH:mm:ss' 'Z", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("EEE', 'd' 'MMM' 'yyyy' 'HH:mm:ss' 'z", Locale.US), }; private static final int PUBDATEFORMAT_COUNT = 3; private static final DateFormat[] UPDATE_DATEFORMATS = { new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", Locale.US), }; private static final int DATEFORMAT_COUNT = 3; private static final String Z = "Z"; private static final String GMT = "GMT"; private static final StringBuilder DB_FAVORITE = new StringBuilder(" AND (").append(Strings.DB_EXCUDEFAVORITE).append(')'); private static final Pattern imgPattern = Pattern.compile("<img src=\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"][^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // middle () is group 1; s* is important for non-whitespaces; ' also usable private Context context; private Date lastUpdateDate; String id; private boolean titleTagEntered; private boolean updatedTagEntered; private boolean linkTagEntered; private boolean descriptionTagEntered; private boolean pubDateTagEntered; private boolean dateTagEntered; private boolean lastUpdateDateTagEntered; private boolean guidTagEntered; private StringBuilder title; private StringBuilder dateStringBuilder; private Date entryDate; private StringBuilder entryLink; private StringBuilder description; private StringBuilder enclosure; private Uri feedEntiresUri; private int newCount; private boolean feedRefreshed; private String feedTitle; private String feedBaseUrl; private boolean done; private Date keepDateBorder; private InputStream inputStream; private Reader reader; private boolean fetchImages; private boolean cancelled; private Date lastBuildDate; private long realLastUpdate; private long now; private StringBuilder guid; private boolean efficientFeedParsing; private boolean authorTagEntered; private StringBuilder author; private boolean nameTagEntered; private boolean enclosureTagEntered; private boolean enclosureUrlTagEntered; private boolean enclosureTypeTagEntered; private boolean enclosureLengthTagEntered; private StringBuilder enclosureUrl; private StringBuilder enclosureType; private StringBuilder enclosureLength; public RSSHandler(Context context) { KEEP_TIME = Long.parseLong(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString(Strings.SETTINGS_KEEPTIME, "0"))*86400000l; this.context = context; this.efficientFeedParsing = true; } public void init(Date lastUpdateDate, final String id, String title, String url) { final long keepDateBorderTime = KEEP_TIME > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis()-KEEP_TIME : 0; keepDateBorder = new Date(keepDateBorderTime); this.lastUpdateDate = lastUpdateDate; = id; feedEntiresUri = FeedData.EntryColumns.CONTENT_URI(id); final String query = new StringBuilder(FeedData.EntryColumns.DATE).append('<').append(keepDateBorderTime).append(DB_FAVORITE).toString(); FeedData.deletePicturesOfFeed(context, feedEntiresUri, query); context.getContentResolver().delete(feedEntiresUri, query, null); newCount = 0; feedRefreshed = false; feedTitle = title; initFeedBaseUrl(url); this.title = null; this.dateStringBuilder = null; this.entryLink = null; this.description = null; this.enclosure = null; inputStream = null; reader = null; entryDate = null; lastBuildDate = null; realLastUpdate = lastUpdateDate.getTime(); done = false; cancelled = false; titleTagEntered = false; updatedTagEntered = false; linkTagEntered = false; descriptionTagEntered = false; pubDateTagEntered = false; dateTagEntered = false; lastUpdateDateTagEntered = false; now = System.currentTimeMillis(); guid = null; guidTagEntered = false; authorTagEntered = false; author = null; enclosureTagEntered = false; enclosureUrlTagEntered = false; enclosureUrl = null; enclosureTypeTagEntered = false; enclosureType = null; enclosureLengthTagEntered = false; enclosureLength = null; } public void initFeedBaseUrl(String url) { int index = url.indexOf('/', 8); // this also covers https:// if (index > -1) { feedBaseUrl = url.substring(0, index); } else { feedBaseUrl = null; } } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (TAG_UPDATED.equals(localName)) { updatedTagEntered = true; dateStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_ENTRY.equals(localName) || TAG_ITEM.equals(localName)) { description = null; entryLink = null; if (!feedRefreshed) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); if (feedTitle == null && title != null && title.length() > 0) { values.put(FeedData.FeedColumns.NAME, title.toString().trim()); } values.put(FeedData.FeedColumns.ERROR, (String) null); values.put(FeedData.FeedColumns.LASTUPDATE, System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000); if (lastBuildDate != null) { realLastUpdate = Math.max(entryDate != null && entryDate.after(lastBuildDate) ? entryDate.getTime() : lastBuildDate.getTime(), realLastUpdate); } else { realLastUpdate = Math.max(entryDate != null ? entryDate.getTime() : System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, realLastUpdate); } values.put(FeedData.FeedColumns.REALLASTUPDATE, realLastUpdate); context.getContentResolver().update(FeedData.FeedColumns.CONTENT_URI(id), values, null, null); title = null; feedRefreshed = true; } } else if (TAG_TITLE.equals(localName)) { if (title == null) { titleTagEntered = true; title = new StringBuilder(); } } else if (TAG_LINK.equals(localName)) { if (authorTagEntered) { return; } if (TAG_ENCLOSURE.equals(attributes.getValue(Strings.EMPTY, ATTRIBUTE_REL))) { startEnclosure(attributes, attributes.getValue(Strings.EMPTY, ATTRIBUTE_HREF)); } else if (entryLink == null || qName.equals(localName)) { // this indicates either there is no link yet or it is a non prefix tag which is preferred entryLink = new StringBuilder(); boolean foundLink = false; for (int n = 0, i = attributes.getLength(); n < i; n++) { if (ATTRIBUTE_HREF.equals(attributes.getLocalName(n))) { if (attributes.getValue(n) != null) { entryLink.append(attributes.getValue(n)); foundLink = true; linkTagEntered = false; } else { linkTagEntered = true; } break; } } if (!foundLink) { linkTagEntered = true; } } } else if ((TAG_DESCRIPTION.equals(localName) && !TAG_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION.equals(qName)) || (TAG_CONTENT.equals(localName) && !TAG_MEDIA_CONTENT.equals(qName))) { descriptionTagEntered = true; description = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_SUMMARY.equals(localName)) { if (description == null) { descriptionTagEntered = true; description = new StringBuilder(); } } else if (TAG_PUBDATE.equals(localName)) { pubDateTagEntered = true; dateStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_DATE.equals(localName)) { dateTagEntered = true; dateStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_LASTBUILDDATE.equals(localName)) { lastUpdateDateTagEntered = true; dateStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_ENCODEDCONTENT.equals(localName)) { descriptionTagEntered = true; description = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_ENCLOSURE.equals(localName)) { enclosureTagEntered = true; startEnclosure(attributes, attributes.getValue(Strings.EMPTY, ATTRIBUTE_URL)); } else if (TAG_GUID.equals(localName)) { guidTagEntered = true; guid = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_AUTHOR.equals(localName) || TAG_CREATOR.equals(localName)) { authorTagEntered = true; if (TAG_CREATOR.equals(localName)) { nameTagEntered = true; // we simulate the existence of a name tag to trigger the characters(..) method } if (author == null) { author = new StringBuilder(); } else if (author.length() > 0){ // this indicates multiple authors author.append(Strings.COMMASPACE); } } else if (TAG_NAME.equals(localName)) { nameTagEntered = true; } else if (enclosureTagEntered) { if (TAG_ENCLOSUREURL.equals(localName)) { enclosureUrlTagEntered = true; enclosureUrl = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_ENCLOSURETYPE.equals(localName)) { enclosureTypeTagEntered = true; enclosureType = new StringBuilder(); } else if (TAG_ENCLOSURELENGTH.equals(localName)) { enclosureLengthTagEntered = true; enclosureLength = new StringBuilder(); } } } private void startEnclosure(Attributes attributes, String url) { if (enclosure == null && url != null && url.length() > 0) { // fetch the first enclosure only enclosure = new StringBuilder(url); enclosure.append(Strings.ENCLOSURE_SEPARATOR); String value = attributes.getValue(Strings.EMPTY, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE); if (value != null) { enclosure.append(value); } enclosure.append(Strings.ENCLOSURE_SEPARATOR); value = attributes.getValue(Strings.EMPTY, ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH); if (value != null) { enclosure.append(value); } } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (titleTagEntered) { title.append(ch, start, length); } else if (updatedTagEntered) { dateStringBuilder.append(ch, start, length); } else if (linkTagEntered) { entryLink.append(ch, start, length); } else if (descriptionTagEntered) { description.append(ch, start, length); } else if (pubDateTagEntered) { dateStringBuilder.append(ch, start, length); } else if (dateTagEntered) { dateStringBuilder.append(ch, start, length); } else if (lastUpdateDateTagEntered) { dateStringBuilder.append(ch, start, length); } else if (guidTagEntered) { guid.append(ch, start, length); } else if (authorTagEntered && nameTagEntered) { author.append(ch, start, length); } else if (enclosureUrlTagEntered) { enclosureUrl.append(ch, start, length); } else if (enclosureTypeTagEntered) { enclosureType.append(ch, start, length); } else if (enclosureLengthTagEntered) { enclosureLength.append(ch, start, length); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (TAG_TITLE.equals(localName)) { titleTagEntered = false; } else if ((TAG_DESCRIPTION.equals(localName) && !TAG_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION.equals(qName)) || TAG_SUMMARY.equals(localName) || (TAG_CONTENT.equals(localName) && !TAG_MEDIA_CONTENT.equals(qName)) || TAG_ENCODEDCONTENT.equals(localName)) { descriptionTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_LINK.equals(localName)) { linkTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_UPDATED.equals(localName)) { entryDate = parseUpdateDate(dateStringBuilder.toString()); updatedTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_PUBDATE.equals(localName)) { entryDate = parsePubdateDate(dateStringBuilder.toString().replace(Strings.TWOSPACE, Strings.SPACE)); pubDateTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_LASTBUILDDATE.equals(localName)) { lastBuildDate = parsePubdateDate(dateStringBuilder.toString().replace(Strings.TWOSPACE, Strings.SPACE)); lastUpdateDateTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_DATE.equals(localName)) { entryDate = parseUpdateDate(dateStringBuilder.toString()); dateTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_ENTRY.equals(localName) || TAG_ITEM.equals(localName)) { if (title != null && (entryDate == null || ((entryDate.after(lastUpdateDate) || !efficientFeedParsing) && entryDate.after(keepDateBorder)))) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); if (entryDate != null && entryDate.getTime() > realLastUpdate) { realLastUpdate = entryDate.getTime(); values.put(FeedData.FeedColumns.REALLASTUPDATE, realLastUpdate); context.getContentResolver().update(FeedData.FeedColumns.CONTENT_URI(id), values, null, null); values.clear(); } if (entryDate != null) { values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.DATE, entryDate.getTime()); values.putNull(FeedData.EntryColumns.READDATE); } values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.TITLE, unescapeString(title.toString().trim())); if (author != null) { values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.AUTHOR, unescapeString(author.toString())); } Vector<String> images = null; if (description != null) { String descriptionString = description.toString().trim().replaceAll(Strings.HTML_SPAN_REGEX, Strings.EMPTY); if (descriptionString.length() > 0) { if (fetchImages) { images = new Vector<String>(4); Matcher matcher = imgPattern.matcher(description); while (matcher.find()) { String match =, Strings.URL_SPACE); images.add(match); try { // replace the '%' that may occur while urlencode such that the img-src url (in the abstract text) does reinterpret the parameters descriptionString = descriptionString.replace(match, new StringBuilder(Strings.FILEURL).append(FeedDataContentProvider.IMAGEFOLDER).append(Strings.IMAGEID_REPLACEMENT).append(URLEncoder.encode(match.substring(match.lastIndexOf('/')+1), UTF8)).toString().replace(PERCENT, PERCENT_REPLACE)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // UTF-8 should be supported } } } values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.ABSTRACT, descriptionString); } } String enclosureString = null; StringBuilder existanceStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(FeedData.EntryColumns.LINK).append(Strings.DB_ARG); if (enclosure == null && enclosureUrl != null && enclosureUrl.length() > 0) { enclosure = enclosureUrl; enclosure.append(Strings.ENCLOSURE_SEPARATOR); if (enclosureType != null && enclosureType.length() > 0) { enclosure.append(enclosureType); } enclosure.append(Strings.ENCLOSURE_SEPARATOR); if (enclosureLength != null && enclosureLength.length() > 0) { enclosure.append(enclosureLength); } } if (enclosure != null && enclosure.length() > 0) { enclosureString = enclosure.toString(); values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.ENCLOSURE, enclosureString); existanceStringBuilder.append(Strings.DB_AND).append(FeedData.EntryColumns.ENCLOSURE).append(Strings.DB_ARG); } String guidString = null; if (guid != null && guid.length() > 0) { guidString = guid.toString(); values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.GUID, guidString); existanceStringBuilder.append(Strings.DB_AND).append(FeedData.EntryColumns.GUID).append(Strings.DB_ARG); } String entryLinkString = Strings.EMPTY; // don't set this to null as we need *some* value if (entryLink != null && entryLink.length() > 0) { entryLinkString = entryLink.toString().trim(); if (feedBaseUrl != null && !entryLinkString.startsWith(Strings.HTTP) && !entryLinkString.startsWith(Strings.HTTPS)) { entryLinkString = feedBaseUrl + (entryLinkString.startsWith(Strings.SLASH) ? entryLinkString : Strings.SLASH + entryLinkString); } } String[] existanceValues = enclosureString != null ? (guidString != null ? new String[] {entryLinkString, enclosureString, guidString}: new String[] {entryLinkString, enclosureString}) : (guidString != null ? new String[] {entryLinkString, guidString} : new String[] {entryLinkString}); boolean skip = false; if (!efficientFeedParsing) { if (context.getContentResolver().update(feedEntiresUri, values, existanceStringBuilder.toString()+" AND "+FeedData.EntryColumns.DATE+"<"+entryDate.getTime(), existanceValues) == 1) { newCount++; skip = true; } else { values.remove(FeedData.EntryColumns.READDATE); // continue with the standard procedure but don't reset the read-date } } if (!skip && ((entryLinkString.length() == 0 && guidString == null) || context.getContentResolver().update(feedEntiresUri, values, existanceStringBuilder.toString(), existanceValues) == 0)) { values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.LINK, entryLinkString); if (entryDate == null) { values.put(FeedData.EntryColumns.DATE, now--); } String entryId = context.getContentResolver().insert(feedEntiresUri, values).getLastPathSegment(); if (fetchImages) { FeedDataContentProvider.IMAGEFOLDER_FILE.mkdir(); // create images dir for (int n = 0, i = images != null ? images.size() : 0; n < i; n++) { try { String match = images.get(n); byte[] data = FetcherService.getBytes(new URL(images.get(n)).openStream()); // see the comment where the img regex is executed for details about this replacement FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new StringBuilder(FeedDataContentProvider.IMAGEFOLDER).append(entryId).append(Strings.IMAGEFILE_IDSEPARATOR).append(URLEncoder.encode(match.substring(match.lastIndexOf('/')+1), UTF8)).toString().replace(PERCENT, PERCENT_REPLACE)); fos.write(data); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } newCount++; } else if (entryDate == null && efficientFeedParsing) { cancel(); } } else if (efficientFeedParsing) { cancel(); } description = null; title = null; enclosure = null; guid = null; author = null; enclosureUrl = null; enclosureType = null; enclosureLength = null; entryLink = null; } else if (TAG_RSS.equals(localName) || TAG_RDF.equals(localName) || TAG_FEED.equals(localName)) { done = true; } else if (TAG_GUID.equals(localName)) { guidTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_NAME.equals(localName)) { nameTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_AUTHOR.equals(localName) || TAG_CREATOR.equals(localName)) { authorTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_ENCLOSURE.equals(localName)) { enclosureTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_ENCLOSUREURL.equals(localName)) { enclosureUrlTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_ENCLOSURETYPE.equals(localName)) { enclosureTypeTagEntered = false; } else if (TAG_ENCLOSURELENGTH.equals(localName)) { enclosureLengthTagEntered = false; } } public int getNewCount() { return newCount; } public boolean isDone() { return done; } public boolean isCancelled() { return cancelled; } public void setInputStream(InputStream inputStream) { this.inputStream = inputStream; reader = null; } public void setReader(Reader reader) { this.reader = reader; inputStream = null; } public void cancel() { if (!cancelled) { cancelled = true; done = true; if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); // stops all parsing } catch (IOException e) { } } else if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); // stops all parsing } catch (IOException e) { } } } } public void setFetchImages(boolean fetchImages) { this.fetchImages = fetchImages; } private static Date parseUpdateDate(String string) { string = string.replace(Z, GMT); for (int n = 0; n < DATEFORMAT_COUNT; n++) { try { return UPDATE_DATEFORMATS[n].parse(string); } catch (ParseException e) { } // just do nothing } return null; } private static Date parsePubdateDate(String string) { for (int n = 0; n < TIMEZONES_COUNT; n++) { string = string.replace(TIMEZONES[n], TIMEZONES_REPLACE[n]); } for (int n = 0; n < PUBDATEFORMAT_COUNT; n++) { try { return PUBDATE_DATEFORMATS[n].parse(string); } catch (ParseException e) { } // just do nothing } return null; } private static String unescapeString(String str) { String result = str.replace(Strings.AMP_SG, Strings.AMP).replaceAll(Strings.HTML_TAG_REGEX, Strings.EMPTY).replace(Strings.HTML_LT, Strings.LT).replace(Strings.HTML_GT, Strings.GT).replace(Strings.HTML_QUOT, Strings.QUOT).replace(Strings.HTML_APOS, Strings.APOSTROPHE); if (result.indexOf(ANDRHOMBUS) > -1) { return Html.fromHtml(result, null, null).toString(); } else { return result; } } public void setEfficientFeedParsing(boolean efficientFeedParsing) { this.efficientFeedParsing = efficientFeedParsing; } }