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Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Dropbox Inc., Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "So...

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Java Source Code

 * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Dropbox, Inc.
 *//from w ww  . jav  a2 s. c o m
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

package com.dropbox.client2;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;

import com.dropbox.client2.ProgressListener.ProgressHttpEntity;
import com.dropbox.client2.RESTUtility.RequestMethod;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxFileSizeException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxIOException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxLocalStorageFullException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxParseException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxPartialFileException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxServerException;
import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxUnlinkedException;
import com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonExtractionException;
import com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonExtractor;
import com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonList;
import com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonMap;
import com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonThing;
import com.dropbox.client2.session.Session;

 * Location of the Dropbox API functions.
 * The class is parameterized with the type of session it uses. This will be
 * the same as the type of session you pass into the constructor.
public class DropboxAPI<SESS_T extends Session> {

     * The version of the API that this code uses.
    public static final int VERSION = 1;

     * The version of this Dropbox SDK.
    public static final String SDK_VERSION = SdkVersion.get();

     * The max upload file size that Dropbox servers can handle, in bytes.
    public static final long MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE = 180 * 1024 * 1024; // 180MiB

    protected static final int METADATA_DEFAULT_LIMIT = 25000;
    private static final int REVISION_DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1000;
    private static final int SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10000;
    private static final int UPLOAD_SO_TIMEOUT_MS = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 3 minutes

    protected final SESS_T session;

    public DropboxAPI(SESS_T session) {
        if (session == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Session must not be null.");
        this.session = session;

     * Information about a user's account.
    public static class Account implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2097522622341535732L;

        /** The user's ISO country code. */
        public final String country;

        /** The user's "real" name. */
        public final String displayName;

        /** The user's quota, in bytes. */
        public final long quota;

        /** The user's quota excluding shared files. */
        public final long quotaNormal;

        /** The user's quota of shared files. */
        public final long quotaShared;

        /** The user's account ID. */
        public final long uid;

        /** The url the user can give to get referral credit. */
        public final String referralLink;

         * Creates an account from a Map.
         * @param map a Map that looks like:
         * <pre>
         * {"country": "",
         *  "display_name": "John Q. User",
         *  "quota_info": {
         *    "shared": 37378890,
         *    "quota": 62277025792,
         *    "normal": 263758550
         *   },
         *  "uid": "174"}
         * </pre>
        protected Account(Map<String, Object> map) {
            country = (String) map.get("country");
            displayName = (String) map.get("display_name");
            uid = getFromMapAsLong(map, "uid");
            referralLink = (String) map.get("referral_link");

            Object quotaInfo = map.get("quota_info");
            Map<String, Object> quotamap = (Map<String, Object>) quotaInfo;
            quota = getFromMapAsLong(quotamap, "quota");
            quotaNormal = getFromMapAsLong(quotamap, "normal");
            quotaShared = getFromMapAsLong(quotamap, "shared");

         * Creates an account object from an initial set of values.
        protected Account(String country, String displayName,
                long uid, String referralLink, long quota, long quotaNormal,
                long quotaShared) {
   = country;
            this.displayName = displayName;
            this.uid = uid;
            this.referralLink = referralLink;
            this.quota = quota;
            this.quotaNormal = quotaNormal;
            this.quotaShared = quotaShared;

     * A metadata entry that describes a file or folder.
    public static class Entry {

        /** Size of the file. */
        public long bytes;

         * If a directory, the hash is its "current version". If the hash
         * changes between calls, then one of the directory's immediate
         * children has changed.
        public String hash;

         * Name of the icon to display for this entry. Corresponds to filenames
         * (without an extension) in the icon library available at
        public String icon;

        /** True if this entry is a directory, or false if it's a file. */
        public boolean isDir;

         * Last modified date, in "EEE, dd MMM yyyy kk:mm:ss ZZZZZ" form (see
         * {@code RESTUtility#parseDate(String)} for parsing this value.
        public String modified;

         * For a file, this is the modification time set by the client when
         * the file was added to Dropbox.  Since this time is not verified (the
         * Dropbox server stores whatever the client sends up) this should only
         * be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example,
         * to determine if a file has changed or not.
         * <p>
         * This is not set for folders.
         * </p>
        public String clientMtime;

        /** Path to the file from the root. */
        public String path;

         * Name of the root, usually either "dropbox" or "app_folder".
        public String root;

         * Human-readable (and localized, if possible) description of the
         * file size.
        public String size;

        /** The file's MIME type. */
        public String mimeType;

         * Full unique ID for this file's revision. This is a string, and not
         * equivalent to the old revision integer.
        public String rev;

        /** Whether a thumbnail for this is available. */
        public boolean thumbExists;

         * Whether this entry has been deleted but not removed from the
         * metadata yet. Most likely you'll only want to show entries with
         * isDeleted == false.
        public boolean isDeleted;

        /** A list of immediate children if this is a directory. */
        public List<Entry> contents;

         * Creates an entry from a map, usually received from the metadata
         * call. It's unlikely you'll want to create these yourself.
         * @param map the map representation of the JSON received from the
         *         metadata call, which should look like this:
         * <pre>
         * {
         *    "hash": "528dda36e3150ba28040052bbf1bfbd1",
         *    "thumb_exists": false,
         *    "bytes": 0,
         *    "modified": "Sat, 12 Jan 2008 23:10:10 +0000",
         *    "path": "/Public",
         *    "is_dir": true,
         *    "size": "0 bytes",
         *    "root": "dropbox",
         *    "contents": [
         *    {
         *        "thumb_exists": false,
         *        "bytes": 0,
         *        "modified": "Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:11:59 +0000",
         *        "path": "/Public/\u2665asdas\u2665",
         *        "is_dir": true,
         *        "icon": "folder",
         *        "size": "0 bytes"
         *    },
         *    {
         *        "thumb_exists": false,
         *        "bytes": 4392763,
         *        "modified": "Thu, 15 Jan 2009 02:52:43 +0000",
         *        "path": "/Public/\u540d\u79f0\u672a\u8a2d\u5b9a\u30d5\u30a9\u30eb\",
         *        "is_dir": false,
         *        "icon": "page_white_compressed",
         *        "size": "4.2MB"
         *    }
         *    ],
         *    "icon": "folder_public"
         * }
         * </pre>
        public Entry(Map<String, Object> map) {
            bytes = getFromMapAsLong(map, "bytes");
            hash = (String) map.get("hash");
            icon = (String) map.get("icon");
            isDir = getFromMapAsBoolean(map, "is_dir");
            modified = (String) map.get("modified");
            clientMtime = (String) map.get("client_mtime");
            path = (String) map.get("path");
            root = (String) map.get("root");
            size = (String) map.get("size");
            mimeType = (String) map.get("mime_type");
            rev = (String) map.get("rev");
            thumbExists = getFromMapAsBoolean(map, "thumb_exists");
            isDeleted = getFromMapAsBoolean(map, "is_deleted");

            Object json_contents = map.get("contents");
            if (json_contents != null && json_contents instanceof JSONArray) {
                contents = new ArrayList<Entry>();
                Object entry;
                Iterator<?> it = ((JSONArray) json_contents).iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    entry =;
                    if (entry instanceof Map) {
                        contents.add(new Entry((Map<String, Object>) entry));
            } else {
                contents = null;

        public Entry() {

         * Returns the file name if this is a file (the part after the last
         * slash in the path).
        public String fileName() {
            int ind = path.lastIndexOf('/');
            return path.substring(ind + 1, path.length());

         * Returns the path of the parent directory if this is a file.
        public String parentPath() {
            if (path.equals("/")) {
                return "";
            } else {
                int ind = path.lastIndexOf('/');
                return path.substring(0, ind + 1);

        public static final JsonExtractor<Entry> JsonExtractor = new JsonExtractor<Entry>() {
            public Entry extract(JsonThing jt) throws JsonExtractionException {
                return new Entry(jt.expectMap().internal);

     * Represents Dropbox's response to a call to the /chunked_upload endpoint,
     * which contains the uploadId of the upload as well as the expected file offset.
    public static final class ChunkedUploadResponse {

        final private String uploadId;
        final private long offset;

         * Constructs a ChunkedUploadResponse from the raw json Map returned by the server
        public ChunkedUploadResponse(Map<String, Object> fields) {
            this.uploadId = (String)fields.get("upload_id");
            this.offset = (Long)fields.get("offset");

        public String getUploadId() {
            return uploadId;

        public long getOffset() {
            return offset;

     * Contains info describing a downloaded file.
    public static final class DropboxFileInfo {

        private String mimeType = null;
        private long fileSize = -1;
        private String charset = null;
        private Entry metadata = null;

        // fileSize and metadata are guaranteed to be valid if the constructor
        // doesn't throw an exception.
        private DropboxFileInfo(HttpResponse response) throws DropboxException {
            metadata = parseXDropboxMetadata(response);
            if (metadata == null) {
                throw new DropboxParseException("Error parsing metadata.");

            fileSize = parseFileSize(response, metadata);
            if (fileSize == -1) {
                throw new DropboxParseException("Error determining file size.");

            // Parse mime type and charset.
            Header contentType = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type");
            if (contentType != null) {
                String contentVal = contentType.getValue();
                if (contentVal != null) {
                    String[] splits = contentVal.split(";");
                    if (splits.length > 0) {
                        mimeType = splits[0].trim();
                    if (splits.length > 1) {
                        splits = splits[1].split("=");
                        if (splits.length > 1) {
                            charset = splits[1].trim();

         * Parses the JSON in the the 'x-dropbox-metadata' header field of the
         * http response.
         * @param response The http response for the downloaded file.
         * @return An Entry object based on the metadata JSON. Can be null if
         * metadata isn't available.
        private static Entry parseXDropboxMetadata(HttpResponse response) {
            if (response == null) {
                return null;

            Header xDropboxMetadataHeader =
            if (xDropboxMetadataHeader == null) {
                return null;

            // Returns null if the parsing fails.
            String json = xDropboxMetadataHeader.getValue();
            Object metadata = JSONValue.parse(json);
            if (metadata == null) {
                return null;
            Map<String,Object> map = (Map<String,Object>) metadata;
            return new Entry(map);

         * Determines the size of the downloaded file.
         * @param response The http response for the file whose size we're
         * interested in.
         * @param metadata The metadata associated with the file. Can be null if
         * unavailable.
         * @return The determined file size. -1 if the size of the file can't be
         * determined.
        private static long parseFileSize(HttpResponse response,
                                          Entry metadata) {
            // Use the response's content-length, if available (negative if
            // unavailable).
            long contentLength = response.getEntity().getContentLength();
            if (contentLength >= 0) {
                return contentLength;

            // Fall back on the metadata, if available.
            if (metadata != null) {
                return metadata.bytes;

            return -1;

         * Returns the MIME type of the associated file, or null if it is
         * unknown.
        public final String getMimeType() {
            return mimeType;

         * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getFileSize()}
        public final long getContentLength() {
            return getFileSize();

         * Returns the size of the file in bytes (always >= 0).
        public final long getFileSize() {
            return fileSize;

         * Returns the charset of the associated file, or null if it is
         * unknown.
        public final String getCharset() {
            return charset;

         * Returns the metadata of the associated file (always non-null).
        public final Entry getMetadata() {
            return metadata;

     * An {@link InputStream} for a file download that includes the associated
     * {@link DropboxFileInfo}. Closing this stream will cancel the associated
     * download request.
    public static class DropboxInputStream extends FilterInputStream {

        private final HttpUriRequest request;
        private final DropboxFileInfo info;

        public DropboxInputStream(HttpUriRequest request,
                HttpResponse response) throws DropboxException {
            // Give the FilterInputStream a null stream at first so we can
            // handle errors better.

            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
            if (entity == null) {
                throw new DropboxException("Didn't get entity from HttpResponse");

            // Now set the input stream on FilterInputStream. This will throw
            // an IOException itself if something goes wrong.
            try {
                in = entity.getContent();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new DropboxIOException(e);

            this.request = request;
            info = new DropboxFileInfo(response);

         * Closes this stream and aborts the request to Dropbox, releasing
         * any associated resources. No more bytes will be downloaded after
         * this is called.
         * @throws IOException if an error occurs while closing this stream.
        public void close() throws IOException {
            // Aborting the request also closes the input stream that it
            // creates (the in variable). Do not try to close it again.

         * Returns the {@link DropboxFileInfo} for the associated file.
        public DropboxFileInfo getFileInfo() {
            return info;

         * Copies from a {@link DropboxInputStream} to an
         * {@link OutputStream}, optionally providing updates via a
         * {@link ProgressListener}. You probably won't have a use for this
         * function because most API functions that return a
         * {@link DropboxInputStream} have an alternate that will copy to an
         * {@link OutputStream} for you.
         * @param os the stream to copy to.
         * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive progress
         *         updates as the stream is copied, or null.
         * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if only part of the input stream was
         *         copied.
         * @throws DropboxIOException for network-related errors.
         * @throws DropboxLocalStorageFullException if there is no more room to
         *         write to the output stream.
         * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
         *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
         *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
         *         occurred.
        public void copyStreamToOutput(OutputStream os, ProgressListener listener)
                throws DropboxIOException, DropboxPartialFileException,
                DropboxLocalStorageFullException {
            BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
            long totalRead = 0;
            long lastListened = 0;
            long length = info.getFileSize();

            try {
                bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                int read;
                while (true) {
                    read = read(buffer);
                    if (read < 0) {
                        if (length >= 0 && totalRead < length) {
                            // We've reached the end of the file, but it's unexpected.
                            throw new DropboxPartialFileException(totalRead);
                        // TODO check for partial success, if possible

                    bos.write(buffer, 0, read);

                    totalRead += read;

                    if (listener != null) {
                        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (now - lastListened > listener.progressInterval()) {
                            lastListened = now;
                            listener.onProgress(totalRead, length);

                // Make sure it's flushed out to disk
                try {
                    if (os instanceof FileOutputStream) {
                } catch (SyncFailedException e) {

            } catch (IOException e) {
                String message = e.getMessage();
                if (message != null && message.startsWith("No space")) {
                    // This is a hack, but it seems to be the only way to check
                    // which exception it is.
                    throw new DropboxLocalStorageFullException();
                } else {
                     * If the output stream was closed, we notify the caller
                     * that only part of the file was copied. This could have
                     * been because this request is being intentionally
                     * canceled.
                    throw new DropboxPartialFileException(totalRead);
            } finally {
                if (bos != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {}
                if (os != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {}
                // This will also abort/finish the request if the download is
                // canceled early.
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {}

     * A request to upload a file to Dropbox.  This request can be canceled
     * by calling abort().
    public interface UploadRequest {
         * Aborts the request. The original call to upload() will throw a
         * {@link DropboxPartialFileException}.
        public void abort();

         * Executes the request.
         * @return an {@link Entry} representing the uploaded file.
         * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if the request was canceled
         *         before completion.
         * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
         *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
         *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes
         *         you can expect from this call are 404 (path to upload not
         *         found), 507 (user over quota), and 400 (unexpected parent
         *         rev).
         * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
         * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
         *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
         *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
         *         occurred.
        public Entry upload() throws DropboxException;

     * Identical to {@link #getChunkedUploader(InputStream, long)}, but
     * sets length to -1, meaning the entire inputstream will be read.
    public ChunkedUploader getChunkedUploader(InputStream is) {
        return new ChunkedUploader(is, -1);

     * Identical to {@link #getChunkedUploader(InputStream, long, int)}, but
     * provides a default chunkSize of 4mb
    public ChunkedUploader getChunkedUploader(InputStream is, long length) {
        return new ChunkedUploader(is, length);

     * Creates a ChunkedUploader using this DropboxAPI's credentials, to upload a
     * file using the chunked upload protocol.
     * @param is An inputstream providing the source of the data to be uploaded
     * @param length The number of bytes to upload. If set to -1, the inputstream is
     *        read until exhaustion.
     * @param chunkSize The default size of each chunk to be uploaded.
     * @return A ChunkedUploader object which can be used to upload the file to Dropbox.
    public ChunkedUploader getChunkedUploader(InputStream is, long length, int chunkSize) {
        return new ChunkedUploader(is, length, chunkSize);

     * Represents a single chunked upload in progress. Uploads bytes from the given
     * InputStream to dropbox using the chunked upload protocol. Completion of the
     * upload can be detected by comparing the ChunkedUploader's offset against the
     * expected size of the file being uploaded.
     * Expected use:
     * <pre>
     *     DropboxAPI api = ...
     *     File bigFile = new File("99mb.avi");
     *     FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(bigFile);
     *     DropboxAPI.Entry uploadedFileMetadata;
     *     try {
     *         DropboxAPI.ChunkedUploader uploader = api.getChunkedUploader(in, bigFile.length());
     *         int retryCounter = 0;
     *         while(!uploader.isComplete()) {
     *             try {
     *                 uploader.upload();
     *             } catch (DropboxException e) {
     *                 if (retryCounter &gt; MAX_RETRIES) break;  // Give up after a while.
     *                 retryCounter++;
     *                 // Maybe wait a few seconds before retrying?
     *             }
     *         }
     *         uploadedFileMetadata = uploader.finish("/Videos/99mb.avi", null);
     *     } finally {
     *         in.close();
     *     }
     * </pre>
    public class ChunkedUploader {
        private String uploadId;
        private long offset = 0;

        private static final int DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024;  // 4 MB

        private byte[] chunk;
        private int bytesInChunkToUpload = 0;
        private InputStream stream;
        private long targetLength;

        private boolean active = true;
        private ChunkedUploadRequest lastRequest = null;

        private ChunkedUploader(InputStream is, long length, int chunkSize) {
            stream = is;
            targetLength = length;
            chunk = new byte[chunkSize];

        private ChunkedUploader(InputStream is, long length) {
            this(is, length, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE);

         * Returns the last-known byte offset that the server expects to receive. Used
         * to find the appropriate range of bytes to next upload. May be out of date
         * if there has been a network failure between the server receiving an upload
         * and acknowledging with a response.
         * @return The last byte offset that was received from the server.
        public long getOffset() {
            return offset;

         * Whether or not this ChunkedUploader has completed its upload. An upload is complete
         * when the desired number of bytes has been uploaded from the InputStream.
        public boolean isComplete() {
            return offset == targetLength;

         * Whether or not this ChunkedUploader is active and has not yet been aborted. If you want
         * to find out whether the upload has completed successfully, see {@link #isComplete()}.

        public boolean getActive() {
            return active;

         * Aborts this chunked upload if it was already in progress. Actively aborts the
         * in-progress http request if called in the middle of uploading a chunk. The
         * original call to upload() will exit with a DropboxPartialFileException. An upload
         * which is aborted cannot be resumed.
        public void abort() {
            synchronized(this) {
                if (lastRequest != null) {
                active = false;

         * Convenience wrapper around {@link #upload(ProgressListener)}
         * defaulting to a chunk size of 4 megabytes and no progress listener.
         * @throws DropboxException If there was a transmission error
         * @throws IOException If there was a problem reading from the given InputStream.
         * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if the request was canceled before completion.
        public void upload() throws DropboxException, IOException {

         * Uploads multiple chunks of data to the server until the upload is complete or an
         * error occurs.
         * This method makes multiple requests to Dropbox, uploading multiple chunks of data
         * from the given ChunkedUploader's input stream. In the event of a network error or
         * a server error, an IOException or DropboxServerException respectively will be thrown.
         * This gives the user an opportunity to resume the upload by calling this method again,
         * or aborting and abandoning it.
         * @param listener A ProgressListener (can be {@code null}) that will be notified of upload
         *                 progress. The progress notifications will be for the entire file.
         * @throws DropboxException If there was a transmission error
         * @throws IOException If there was a problem reading from the given InputStream.
         * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if the request was canceled before completion.
        public void upload(ProgressListener listener) throws DropboxException, IOException {

            // whether we should read from the input stream until EOF
            boolean readUntilEOF = (targetLength == -1);

            while (true) {
                ProgressListener adjustedListener = null;
                if (listener != null) {
                    adjustedListener = new ProgressListener.Adjusted(listener, offset, targetLength);

                // If there are no bytes in the current chunk to upload, then we prepare
                // a new chunk of data for the next request. If there are bytes, then the
                // previous upload must have failed, so we should re-upload it.
                if (bytesInChunkToUpload == 0) {
                    // prepare next chunk
                    int bytesToRead;
                    if (readUntilEOF) {
                        bytesToRead = chunk.length;
                    } else {
                        // ensure that we read only the target amount from the input stream
                        bytesToRead = (int)Math.min(chunk.length, targetLength - offset);

                    bytesInChunkToUpload =, 0, bytesToRead);
                    if (bytesInChunkToUpload == -1) {
                        if (readUntilEOF) {
                            // If a stream ends, we set the targetLength, which has
                            // up until now been set to -1, to the number of bytes
                            // that were read from the stream. This mimics the
                            // behavior of the uploader when the targetLength is
                            // specified initially.
                            targetLength = offset;
                            bytesInChunkToUpload = 0;
                        } else {
                            // We're at the end of the stream, but we haven't reached
                            // the target length yet.
                            throw new IllegalStateException("InputStream ended after " + offset + " bytes, expecting " + targetLength + " bytes.");

                try {
                    synchronized(this) {
                        if(!active) {
                            throw new DropboxPartialFileException(0);
                        lastRequest = chunkedUploadRequest(new ByteArrayInputStream(chunk), bytesInChunkToUpload, adjustedListener, offset, uploadId);

                    ChunkedUploadResponse resp = lastRequest.upload();

                    offset = resp.getOffset();
                    uploadId = resp.getUploadId();
                    bytesInChunkToUpload = 0;
                } catch (DropboxServerException e) {
                    if (e.body.fields.containsKey("offset")) {
                        long newOffset = (Long)e.body.fields.get("offset");
                        if (newOffset > offset) {
                            bytesInChunkToUpload = 0;
                            offset = newOffset;
                        } else {
                            throw e;
                    } else {
                        throw e;

                if (!readUntilEOF && offset >= targetLength) {
                    // offset should not exceed targetLength, otherwise we read too much
                    assert(offset == targetLength);
                    // we've finished uploading the requested amount of data

         * Completes a chunked upload, commiting the already uploaded file to Dropbox.
         * The upload will not overwrite any existing
         * version of the file, unless the latest version on the Dropbox server
         * has the same rev as the parentRev given. Pass in null if you're expecting
         * this to create a new file.
         * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
         *         directories and filename.
         * @param parentRev the rev of the file at which the user started editing
         *         it (obtained from a metadata call), or null if this is a new
         *         upload. If null, or if it does not match the latest rev on the
         *         server, a copy of the file will be created and you'll receive
         *         the new metadata upon executing the request.
         *  @return an Entry containing the metadata of the committed file.
         *  @throws DropboxException if anything goes wrong.
        public Entry finish(String path, String parentRev) throws DropboxException {
            return commitChunkedUpload(path, uploadId, false, parentRev);

     * Creates a request that can upload a single chunk of data to the server via the
     * chunked upload protocol. This request reads the InputStream and advances it by
     * an amount equal to the number of bytes uploaded. For most users, the {@link ChunkedUploader}
     * object provides an easier interface to use and should provide most of the
     * functionality needed. If offset is 0 and uploadId is null, a new chunked upload is
     * created on the server.
     * @param is A stream containing the data to be uploaded.
     * @param length The number of bytes to upload.
     * @param listener A ProgressListener (can be {@code null}) that will be notified of upload
     *                 progress.  The progress will be for this individual file chunk (starting
     *                 at zero bytes and ending at {@code length} bytes).
     * @param offset The offset into the file that the contents of the these bytes belongs to.
     * @param uploadId The unique ID identifying this upload to the server.
     * @return A ChunkedUploadRequest which can be used to upload a single chunk of data to Dropbox.

    public ChunkedUploadRequest chunkedUploadRequest(InputStream is, long length,
                                                     ProgressListener listener,
                                                     long offset, String uploadId) {
        String[] params;
        if (offset == 0) {
            params = new String[0];
        } else {
            params = new String[] {"upload_id", uploadId, "offset", ""+offset};
        String url = RESTUtility.buildURL(session.getContentServer(), VERSION, "/chunked_upload/", params);
        HttpPut req = new HttpPut(url);

        InputStreamEntity ise = new InputStreamEntity(is, length);
        HttpEntity entity = ise;

        if (listener != null) {
            entity = new ProgressHttpEntity(entity, listener);

        return new ChunkedUploadRequest(req, session);

     * Class representing the uploading of a single chunk of data to Dropbox using the long
     * upload protocol.
    protected static final class ChunkedUploadRequest {
        private final HttpUriRequest request;
        private final Session session;

        protected ChunkedUploadRequest(HttpUriRequest request, Session session) {
            this.request = request;
            this.session = session;

         * Aborts the upload. If the upload is already in progress, it will be interrupted
         * and throw an IOException to the caller.
        public void abort() {

         * Uploads the chunk to Dropbox using /chunked_upload endpoint.
         * @return The response of the server to the upload request
         * @throws DropboxServerException If the given offset does not match
         *         the offset the server expects
         * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs. Could also
         *         occur if there was an error reading from the input stream
         * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if the user has revoked access.
         * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
         *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
         *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
         *         occurred.
        public ChunkedUploadResponse upload() throws DropboxException{
            HttpResponse hresp;
            try {
                hresp = RESTUtility.execute(session, request, UPLOAD_SO_TIMEOUT_MS);
            } catch (DropboxIOException e) {
                if (request.isAborted()) {
                    throw new DropboxPartialFileException(-1);
                    throw e;
            Map<String,Object> fields = (Map<String,Object>)RESTUtility.parseAsJSON(hresp);
            return new ChunkedUploadResponse(fields);
    protected static final class BasicUploadRequest implements UploadRequest {
        private final HttpUriRequest request;
        private final Session session;

        public BasicUploadRequest(HttpUriRequest request, Session session) {
            this.request = request;
            this.session = session;

         * Aborts the request. The original call to upload() will throw a
         * {@link DropboxPartialFileException}.
        public void abort() {

         * Executes the request.
         * @return an {@link Entry} representing the uploaded file.
         * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if the request was canceled
         *         before completion.
         * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
         *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
         *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes
         *         you can expect from this call are 404 (path to upload not
         *         found), 507 (user over quota), and 400 (unexpected parent
         *         rev).
         * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
         * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
         *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
         *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
         *         occurred.
        public Entry upload() throws DropboxException {
            HttpResponse hresp;
            try {
                hresp = RESTUtility.execute(session, request,
            } catch (DropboxIOException e) {
                if (request.isAborted()) {
                    throw new DropboxPartialFileException(-1);
                } else {
                    throw e;

            Object resp = RESTUtility.parseAsJSON(hresp);

            Map<String, Object> ret = (Map<String, Object>) resp;

            return new Entry(ret);

     * Holds an {@link HttpUriRequest} and the associated {@link HttpResponse}.
    public static final class RequestAndResponse {
        /** The request */
        public final HttpUriRequest request;
        /** The response */
        public final HttpResponse response;

        protected RequestAndResponse(HttpUriRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
            this.request = request;
            this.response = response;

     * Contains a link to a Dropbox stream or share and its expiration date.
    public static class DropboxLink {
        /** The url it links to */
        public final String url;
        /** When the url expires (after which this link will no longer work) */
        public final Date expires;

        private DropboxLink(String returl, boolean secure) {
            if (!secure && returl.startsWith("https://")) {
                returl = returl.replaceFirst("https://", "http://");
                returl = returl.replaceFirst(":443/", "/");
            url = returl;
            expires = null;

        private DropboxLink(Map<String, Object> map) {
            this(map, true);

         * Creates a DropboxLink, with security optionally set to false.
         * This is useful for some clients, such as Android, which use
         * this to play a streaming audio or video file, and which are
         * unable to play from streaming https links.
         * @param map the parsed parameters returned from Dropbox
         * @param secure if false, returns an http link
        private DropboxLink(Map<String, Object> map, boolean secure) {
            String returl = (String)map.get("url");
            String exp = (String)map.get("expires");
            if (exp != null) {
                expires = RESTUtility.parseDate(exp);
            } else {
                expires = null;

            if (!secure && returl.startsWith("https://")) {
                returl = returl.replaceFirst("https://", "http://");
                returl = returl.replaceFirst(":443/", "/");
            url = returl;

     * Represents the size of thumbnails that the API can return.
    public enum ThumbSize {
         * Will have at most a 32 width or 32 height, maintaining its
         * original aspect ratio.
        /** 64 width or 64 height, with original aspect ratio. */
        /** 128 width or 128 height, with original aspect ratio. */
        /** 256 width or 256 height, with original aspect ratio. */
         * Will either fit within a 320 x 240 rectangle or a
         * 240 x 320 rectangle, whichever results in a larger image.
        /** Fits within 480x320 or 320x480 */
        /** Fits within 640x480 or 480x640 */
        /** Fits within 960x640 or 640x960 */
        /** Fits within 1024x768 or 768x1024 */

        private String size;

        ThumbSize(String size) {
            this.size = size;

        public String toAPISize() {
            return size;

     * Represents the image format of thumbnails that the API can return.
    public enum ThumbFormat {
        PNG, JPEG

     * Returns the {@link Session} that this API is using.
    public SESS_T getSession() {
        return session;

     * Returns the {@link Account} associated with the current {@link Session}.
     * @return the current session's {@link Account}.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code.
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Account accountInfo() throws DropboxException {

        Map<String, Object> accountInfo =
                (Map<String, Object>) RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getAPIServer(), "/account/info", VERSION,
                new String[] {"locale", session.getLocale().toString()},

        return new Account(accountInfo);

     * Downloads a file from Dropbox, copying it to the output stream. Returns
     * the {@link DropboxFileInfo} for the file.
     * A typical use of {@code getFile()} would be:
     *FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
     *try {
     *    File file = new File("/path/to/new/file.txt");
     *    outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
     *    DropboxFileInfo info = mDBApi.getFile("/testing.txt", null, outputStream, null);
     *} catch (Exception e e) {
     *    System.out.println("Something went wrong: " + e);
     *} finally {
     *    if (outputStream != null) {
     *        try {
     *            outputStream.close();
     *        } catch (IOException e) {}
     *    }
     * which would retrieve the file {@code /testing.txt} in Dropbox and save it
     * to the file {@code /path/to/new/file.txt} on the local filesystem
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file.
     * @param rev the revision (from the file's metadata) of the file to
     *         download, or null to get the latest version.
     * @param os the {@link OutputStream} to write the file to.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive progress
     *         updates as the file downloads, or null.
     * @return the {@link DropboxFileInfo} for the downloaded file.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 404 (path not found) and 400 (bad
     *         rev).
     * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if a network error occurs during the
     *         download.
     * @throws DropboxIOException for some network-related errors.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DropboxFileInfo getFile(String path, String rev, OutputStream os,
            ProgressListener listener) throws DropboxException {
        DropboxInputStream dis = getFileStream(path, rev);
        dis.copyStreamToOutput(os, listener);
        return dis.getFileInfo();

     * Downloads a file from Dropbox. Returns a {@link DropboxInputStream} via
     * which the file contents can be read from the network. You must close the
     * stream when you're done with it to release all resources.
     * You can also cancel the download by closing the returned
     * {@link DropboxInputStream} at any time.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file.
     * @param rev the revision (from the file's metadata) of the file to
     *         download, or null to get the latest version.
     * @return a {@link DropboxInputStream} from which to read the file
     *         contents. The contents are retrieved from the network and not
     *         stored locally.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 404 (path not found) and 400 (bad
     *         rev).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DropboxInputStream getFileStream(String path, String rev)
            throws DropboxException {

        if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
            path = "/" + path;

        String url = "/files/" + session.getAccessType() + path;
        String[] args = new String[] {
                "rev", rev,
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString(),
        String target = RESTUtility.buildURL(session.getContentServer(),
                VERSION, url, args);
        HttpGet req = new HttpGet(target);

        HttpResponse response = RESTUtility.execute(session, req);

        return new DropboxInputStream(req, response);

     * Uploads a file to Dropbox. The upload will not overwrite any existing
     * version of the file, unless the latest version on the Dropbox server
     * has the same rev as the parentRev given. Pass in null if you're expecting
     * this to create a new file.  Note: use {@code putFileRequest()} if you want
     * to be able to cancel the upload.
     * A typical usage of {@code putFile()} would be:
     * <pre>
     * FileInputStream inputStream = null;
     * try {
     *     File file = new File("/path/to/file.txt");
     *     inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
     *     Entry newEntry = mDBApi.putFile("/testing.txt", inputStream,
     *             file.length(), null, null);
     * } catch (Exception e) {
     *     System.out.println("Something went wrong: " + e);
     * } finally {
     *     if (inputStream != null) {
     *         try {
     *             inputStream.close();
     *         } catch (IOException e) {}
     *     }
     * }
     * </pre>
     * which would read the file {@code /path/to/filetxt} off the local
     * filesystem and store it in Dropbox as {@code testing.txt}.
     * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
     *         directories and filename.
     * @param is the {@link InputStream} from which to upload.
     * @param length the amount of bytes to read from the {@link InputStream}.
     * @param parentRev the rev of the file at which the user started editing
     *         it (obtained from a metadata call), or null if this is a new
     *         upload. If null, or if it does not match the latest rev on the
     *         server, a copy of the file will be created and you'll receive
     *         the new metadata upon executing the request.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive upload
     *         progress updates, or null.
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry} representing the uploaded file.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file does not exist.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxFileSizeException if the file is bigger than the
     *         maximum allowed by the API. See
     *         {@code DropboxAPI.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 404 (path to upload not found),
     *         507 (user over quota), and 400 (unexpected parent rev).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry putFile(String path, InputStream is, long length,
            String parentRev, ProgressListener listener)
            throws DropboxException {
        UploadRequest request =
            putFileRequest(path, is, length, parentRev, listener);
        return request.upload();

     * Creates a request to upload a file to Dropbox, which you can then
     * {@code upload()} or {@code abort()}. The upload will not overwrite any
     * existing version of the file, unless the latest version has the same rev
     * as the parentRev given.  Pass in null if you're expecting this to create
     * a new file.
     * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
     *         directories and filename.
     * @param is the {@link InputStream} from which to upload.
     * @param length the amount of bytes to read from the {@link InputStream}.
     * @param parentRev the rev of the file at which the user started editing
     *         it (obtained from a metadata call), or null if this is a new
     *         upload. If null, or if it does not match the latest rev on the
     *         server, a copy of the file will be created and you'll receive
     *         the new metadata upon executing the request.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive upload
     *         progress updates, or null.
     * @return an {@link UploadRequest}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file does not exist.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxFileSizeException if the file is bigger than the
     *         maximum allowed by the API. See
     *         {@code DropboxAPI.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public UploadRequest putFileRequest(String path, InputStream is,
            long length, String parentRev, ProgressListener listener)
            throws DropboxException {
        return putFileRequest(path, is, length, false,
                parentRev, listener);

     * Uploads a file to Dropbox. The upload will overwrite any existing
     * version of the file. Use {@code putFileRequest()} if you want to be able
     * to cancel the upload.  If you expect the user to be able
     * to edit a file remotely and locally, then conflicts may arise and
     * you won't want to use this call: see {@code putFileRequest} instead.
     * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
     *         directories and filename.
     * @param is the {@link InputStream} from which to upload.
     * @param length the amount of bytes to read from the {@link InputStream}.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive upload
     *         progress updates, or null.
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry} representing the uploaded file.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file does not exist.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxFileSizeException if the file is bigger than the
     *         maximum allowed by the API. See
     *         {@code DropboxAPI.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 404 (path to upload not found),
     *         507 (user over quota), and 400 (unexpected parent rev).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry putFileOverwrite(String path, InputStream is, long length,
            ProgressListener listener) throws DropboxException {
        UploadRequest request = putFileOverwriteRequest(path, is, length,
        return request.upload();

     * Creates a request to upload a file to Dropbox, which you can then
     * {@code upload()} or {@code abort()}. The upload will overwrite any
     * existing version of the file.  If you expect the user to be able
     * to edit a file remotely and locally, then conflicts may arise and
     * you won't want to use this call: see {@code putFileRequest} instead.
     * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
     *         directories and filename.
     * @param is the {@link InputStream} from which to upload.
     * @param length the amount of bytes to read from the {@link InputStream}.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive upload
     *         progress updates, or null.
     * @return an {@link UploadRequest}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file does not exist locally.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxFileSizeException if the file is bigger than the
     *         maximum allowed by the API. See
     *         {@code DropboxAPI.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public UploadRequest putFileOverwriteRequest(String path, InputStream is,
            long length, ProgressListener listener) throws DropboxException {
        return putFileRequest(path, is, length, true, null, listener);

     * Downloads a thumbnail from Dropbox, copying it to the output stream.
     * Returns the {@link DropboxFileInfo} for the downloaded thumbnail.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file for which you want to get a
     *         thumbnail.
     * @param os the {@link OutputStream} to write the thumbnail to.
     * @param size the size of the thumbnail to download.
     * @param format the image format of the thumbnail to download.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive progress
     *         updates as the thumbnail downloads, or null.
     * @return the {@link DropboxFileInfo} for the downloaded thumbnail.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 404 (path not found or can't be
     *         thumbnailed), 415 (this type of file can't be thumbnailed), and
     *         500 (internal error while creating thumbnail).
     * @throws DropboxPartialFileException if a network error occurs during the
     *         download.
     * @throws DropboxIOException for some network-related errors.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DropboxFileInfo getThumbnail(String path, OutputStream os,
            ThumbSize size, ThumbFormat format, ProgressListener listener)
            throws DropboxException {
        DropboxInputStream thumb = getThumbnailStream(path, size, format);

        thumb.copyStreamToOutput(os, listener);

        return thumb.getFileInfo();

     * Downloads a thumbnail from Dropbox. Returns a {@link DropboxInputStream}
     * via which the thumbnail can be read from the network. You must close the
     * stream when you're done with it to release all resources.
     * You can also cancel the thumbnail download by closing the returned
     * {@link DropboxInputStream} at any time.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file for which you want to get a
     *         thumbnail.
     * @param size the size of the thumbnail to download.
     * @param format the image format of the thumbnail to download.
     * @return a {@link DropboxInputStream} from which to read the thumbnail.
     *         The contents are retrieved from the network and not stored
     *         locally.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 404 (path not found or can't be
     *         thumbnailed), 415 (this type of file can't be thumbnailed), and
     *         500 (internal error while creating thumbnail)
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DropboxInputStream getThumbnailStream(String path, ThumbSize size,
            ThumbFormat format) throws DropboxException {

        String target = "/thumbnails/" + session.getAccessType() + path;
        String[] params = {"size", size.toAPISize(),
                           "format", format.toString(),
                           "locale", session.getLocale().toString()};
        RequestAndResponse rr = RESTUtility.streamRequest(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getContentServer(), target, VERSION, params, session);

        return new DropboxInputStream(rr.request, rr.response);

     * Returns the metadata for a file, or for a directory and (optionally) its
     * immediate children.
     * A typical usage of metadata is:
     * <pre>
     * try {
     *     Entry existingEntry = mDBApi.metadata("/testing.txt", 1, null, false, null);
     *     // do stuff with the Entry
     * } catch (DropboxException e) {
     *     System.out.println("Something went wrong: " + e);
     * }
     * </pre>
     * Which would return an {@code Entry} containing the metadata for the file
     * {@code /testing.txt} in the user's Dropbox.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file or directory for which to get
     *         metadata.
     * @param fileLimit the maximum number of children to return for a
     *         directory. Default is 25,000 if you pass in 0 or less. If there
     *         are too many entries to return, you will get a 406
     *         {@link DropboxServerException}. Pass in 1 if getting metadata
     *         for a file.
     * @param hash if you previously got metadata for a directory and have it
     *         stored, pass in the returned hash. If the directory has not
     *         changed since you got the hash, a 304
     *         {@link DropboxServerException} will be thrown. Pass in null for
     *         files or unknown directories.
     * @param list if true, returns metadata for a directory's immediate
     *         children, or just the directory entry itself if false. Ignored
     *         for files.
     * @param rev optionally gets metadata for a file at a prior rev (does not
     *         apply to folders). Use null for the latest metadata.
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry}.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 304 (contents haven't changed
     *         based on the hash), 404 (path not found or unknown rev for
     *         path), and 406 (too many entries to return).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry metadata(String path, int fileLimit, String hash,
            boolean list, String rev) throws DropboxException {

        if (fileLimit <= 0) {
            fileLimit = METADATA_DEFAULT_LIMIT;

        String[] params = {
                "file_limit", String.valueOf(fileLimit),
                "hash", hash,
                "list", String.valueOf(list),
                "rev", rev,
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString()

        String url_path = "/metadata/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        Map<String, Object> dirinfo =
                (Map<String, Object>) RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getAPIServer(), url_path, VERSION, params, session);

        return new Entry(dirinfo);

     * Returns a list of metadata for all revs of the path.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file for which to get revisions
     *         (directories are not supported).
     * @param revLimit the maximum number of revisions to return. Default is
     *         1,000 if you pass in 0 or less, and 1,000 is the most that will
     *         ever be returned.
     * @return a list of metadata entries.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error code you
     *         can expect from this call is 404 (no revisions found for path).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public List<Entry> revisions(String path, int revLimit)
            throws DropboxException {

        if (revLimit <= 0) {
            revLimit = REVISION_DEFAULT_LIMIT;

        String[] params = {
                "rev_limit", String.valueOf(revLimit),
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString()

        String url_path = "/revisions/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        JSONArray revs =
                session.getAPIServer(), url_path, VERSION, params, session);

        List<Entry> entries = new LinkedList<Entry>();
        for (Object metadata : revs) {
            entries.add(new Entry((Map<String, Object>)metadata));

        return entries;

     * Searches a directory for entries matching the query.
     * @param path the Dropbox directory to search in.
     * @param query the query to search for (minimum 3 characters).
     * @param fileLimit the maximum number of file entries to return. Default
     *         is 10,000 if you pass in 0 or less, and 1,000 is the most that
     *         will ever be returned.
     * @param includeDeleted whether to include deleted files in search
     *         results.
     * @return a list of metadata entries of matching files.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code.
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public List<Entry> search(String path, String query, int fileLimit,
            boolean includeDeleted) throws DropboxException {

        if (fileLimit <= 0) {
            fileLimit = SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT;

        String target = "/search/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        String[] params = {
                "query", query,
                "file_limit", String.valueOf(fileLimit),
                "include_deleted", String.valueOf(includeDeleted),
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString()

        Object response = RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getAPIServer(), target, VERSION, params, session);

        ArrayList<Entry> ret = new ArrayList<Entry>();
        if (response instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray jresp = (JSONArray)response;
            for (Object next: jresp) {
                if (next instanceof Map) {
                    Entry ent = new Entry((Map<String, Object>)next);

        return ret;

     * Moves a file or folder (and all of the folder's contents) from one path
     * to another.
     * @param fromPath the Dropbox path to move from.
     * @param toPath the full Dropbox path to move to (not just a directory).
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry}.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 403 (operation is forbidden), 404
     *         (path not found), and 507 (user over quota).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry move(String fromPath, String toPath)
            throws DropboxException {

        String[] params = {"root", session.getAccessType().toString(),
                           "from_path", fromPath,
                           "to_path", toPath,
                           "locale", session.getLocale().toString()};

        Map<String, Object> resp = (Map<String, Object>)RESTUtility.request(
                session.getAPIServer(), "/fileops/move", VERSION,
                params, session);

        return new Entry(resp);

     * Copies a file or folder (and all of the folder's contents) from one path
     * to another.
     * @param fromPath the Dropbox path to copy from.
     * @param toPath the full Dropbox path to copy to (not just a directory).
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry}.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 403 (operation is forbidden), 404
     *         (path not found), and 507 (user over quota).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry copy(String fromPath, String toPath)
            throws DropboxException {

        String[] params = {"root", session.getAccessType().toString(),
                           "from_path", fromPath,
                           "to_path", toPath,
                           "locale", session.getLocale().toString()};

        Map<String, Object> resp = (Map<String, Object>)RESTUtility.request(
                session.getAPIServer(), "/fileops/copy", VERSION,
                params, session);

        return new Entry(resp);

     * Creates a new Dropbox folder.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the new folder.
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry} for the new folder.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error codes you
     *         can expect from this call are 403 (something already exists at
     *         that path), 404 (path not found), and 507 (user over quota).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry createFolder(String path) throws DropboxException {

        String[] params = {"root", session.getAccessType().toString(),
                           "path", path,
                           "locale", session.getLocale().toString()};

        Map<String, Object> resp = (Map<String, Object>) RESTUtility.request(
                RequestMethod.POST, session.getAPIServer(),
                "/fileops/create_folder", VERSION, params, session);

        return new Entry(resp);

     * Deletes a file or folder (and all of the folder's contents). After
     * deletion, metadata calls may still return this file or folder for some
     * time, but the metadata {@link Entry}'s {@code isDeleted} attribute will
     * be set to {@code true}.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to delete.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error code you
     *         can expect from this call is 404 (path not found).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public void delete(String path) throws DropboxException {

        String[] params = {"root", session.getAccessType().toString(),
                           "path", path,
                           "locale", session.getLocale().toString()};

        RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.POST, session.getAPIServer(),
                "/fileops/delete", VERSION, params, session);

     * Restores a file to a previous rev.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to the file to restore.
     * @param rev the rev to restore to (obtained from a metadata or revisions
     *         call).
     * @return a metadata {@link Entry} for the newly restored file.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error code you
     *         can expect from this call is 404 (path not found or unknown
     *         revision).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry restore(String path, String rev) throws DropboxException {

        String[] params = {
                "rev", rev,
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString()

        String target = "/restore/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        Map<String, Object> metadata =
                (Map<String, Object>)RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getAPIServer(), target, VERSION, params, session);

        return new Entry(metadata);

     * Returns a {@link DropboxLink} for a stream of the given file path (for
     * streaming media files).
     * @param path the Dropbox path of the file for which to get a streaming
     *         link.
     * @param ssl whether the streaming URL is https or http.  Some Android
     *         and other platforms won't play https streams, so false converts
     *         the link to an http link before returning it.
     * @return a {@link DropboxLink} for streaming the file.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error code you
     *         can expect from this call is 404 (path not found).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DropboxLink media(String path, boolean ssl)
            throws DropboxException {
        String target = "/media/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        Map<String, Object> map =
                (Map<String, Object>)RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                        session.getAPIServer(), target, VERSION,
                        new String[] {"locale", session.getLocale().toString()},

        return new DropboxLink(map, ssl);

     * Generates a {@link DropboxLink} for sharing the specified directory or
     * file.
     * @param path the Dropbox path to share, either a directory or file.
     * @return a {@link DropboxLink} for the path.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxServerException if the server responds with an error
     *         code. See the constants in {@link DropboxServerException} for
     *         the meaning of each error code. The most common error code you
     *         can expect from this call is 404 (path not found).
     * @throws DropboxIOException if any network-related error occurs.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DropboxLink share(String path) throws DropboxException {

        String target = "/shares/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        Map<String, Object> map =
                (Map<String, Object>)RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                        session.getAPIServer(), target, VERSION,
                        new String[] {"locale", session.getLocale().toString()},

        String url = (String)map.get("url");
        Date expires = RESTUtility.parseDate((String)map.get("expires"));

        if (url == null || expires == null) {
            throw new DropboxParseException("Could not parse share response.");

        return new DropboxLink(map);

     * Helper function to read boolean JSON return values
     * @param map
     *            the one to read from
     * @param name
     *            the parameter name to read
     * @return the value, with false as a default if no parameter set
    protected static boolean getFromMapAsBoolean(Map<String, Object> map, String name) {
        Object val = map.get(name);
        if (val != null && val instanceof Boolean) {
            return ((Boolean) val).booleanValue();
        } else {
            return false;

     * Creates a request to upload an {@link InputStream} to a Dropbox file.
     * You can then {@code upload()} or {@code abort()} this request. This is
     * the advanced version, which you should only use if you really need the
     * flexibility of uploading using an {@link InputStream}.
     * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
     *         directories and filename.
     * @param is the {@link InputStream} from which to upload.
     * @param length the amount of bytes to read from the {@link InputStream}.
     * @param overwrite whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. If
     *         true, any existing file will always be overwritten. If false,
     *         files will be overwritten only if the {@code parentRev} matches
     *         the current rev on the server or otherwise a conflicted copy of
     *         the file will be created and you will get the new file's
     *         metadata {@link Entry}.
     * @param parentRev the rev of the file at which the user started editing
     *         it (obtained from a metadata call), or null if this is a new
     *         upload. If null, or if it does not match the latest rev on the
     *         server, a copy of the file will be created and you'll receive
     *         the new metadata upon executing the request.
     * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive upload
     *         progress updates, or null.
     * @return an {@link UploadRequest}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code newFilename} is null or
     *         empty.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxFileSizeException if the file is bigger than the
     *         maximum allowed by the API. See
     *         {@code DropboxAPI.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    private UploadRequest putFileRequest(String path, InputStream is, long length,
                                         boolean overwrite, String parentRev,
                                         ProgressListener listener) throws DropboxException {
        if (path == null || path.equals("")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is null or empty.");


        if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
            path = "/" + path;

        String target = "/files_put/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        if (parentRev == null) {
            parentRev = "";

        String[] params = new String[] {
                "overwrite", String.valueOf(overwrite),
                "parent_rev", parentRev,
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString()

        String url = RESTUtility.buildURL(session.getContentServer(), VERSION,
                target, params);

        HttpPut req = new HttpPut(url);

        InputStreamEntity isEntity = new InputStreamEntity(is, length);

        HttpEntity entity = isEntity;

        if (listener != null) {
            entity = new ProgressHttpEntity(entity, listener);


        return new BasicUploadRequest(req, session);


    private Entry commitChunkedUpload(String path, String uploadId, boolean overwrite, String parentRev)
                                                  throws DropboxException {

        if (path == null || path.equals("")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is null or empty.");


        if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
            path = "/" + path;

        String target = "/commit_chunked_upload/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

        String[] params = new String[] {
                "overwrite", String.valueOf(overwrite),
                "parent_rev", parentRev,
                "locale", session.getLocale().toString(),
                "upload_id", uploadId

        String url = RESTUtility.buildURL(session.getContentServer(), VERSION,
                target, params);

        HttpUriRequest req = new HttpPost(url);


        HttpResponse hresp = RESTUtility.execute(session, req);
        Map<String,Object> json = (Map<String,Object>)RESTUtility.parseAsJSON(hresp);
        return new Entry(json);

     * A way of letting you keep up with changes to files and folders in a user's
     * Dropbox.  You can periodically call this function to get a list of "delta
     * entries", which are instructions on how to update your local state to match
     * the server's state.
     * @param cursor
     *     On the first call, you should pass in <code>null</code>.  On subsequent
     *     calls, pass in the {@link DeltaPage#cursor cursor} returned by the previous
     *     call.
     * @return
     *     A single {@link DeltaPage DeltaPage} of results.  The {@link DeltaPage#hasMore hasMore}
     *     field will tell you whether the server has more pages of results to return.
     *     If the server doesn't have more results, you can wait a bit (say,
     *     5 or 10 minutes) and poll again.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public DeltaPage<Entry> delta(String cursor) throws DropboxException {
        String[] params = new String[] {
            "cursor", cursor,
            "locale", session.getLocale().toString(),

        Object json = RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.POST,
                session.getAPIServer(), "/delta", VERSION, params, session);
        try {
            return DeltaPage.extractFromJson(new JsonThing(json), Entry.JsonExtractor);
        } catch (JsonExtractionException ex) {
            throw new DropboxParseException("Error parsing /delta results: " + ex.getMessage());

     * A page of {@link DeltaEntry DeltaEntry}s (returned by {@link #delta delta}).
    public static final class DeltaPage<MD> {
         * If <code>true</code>, then you should reset your local state to be an empty
         * folder before processing the list of delta entries.  This is only <code>true</code>
         * in rare situations.
        public final boolean reset;

         * A string that is used to keep track of your current state.  On the next call to
         * {@link #delta delta}, pass in this value to pick up where you left off.
        public final String cursor;

         * Apply these entries to your local state to catch up with the Dropbox server's state.
        public final List<DeltaEntry<MD>> entries;

         * If <code>true</code>, then there are more entries available; you can call {@link
         * #delta delta} again immediately to retrieve those entries.  If <code>false</code>,
         * then wait at least 5 minutes (preferably longer) before checking again.
        public final boolean hasMore;

        public DeltaPage(boolean reset, List<DeltaEntry<MD>> entries, String cursor, boolean hasMore) {
            this.reset = reset;
            this.entries = entries;
            this.cursor = cursor;
            this.hasMore = hasMore;

        public static <MD> DeltaPage<MD> extractFromJson(JsonThing j, JsonExtractor<MD> entryExtractor) throws JsonExtractionException {
            JsonMap m = j.expectMap();
            boolean reset = m.get("reset").expectBoolean();
            String cursor = m.get("cursor").expectString();
            boolean hasMore = m.get("has_more").expectBoolean();
            List<DeltaEntry<MD>> entries = m.get("entries").expectList().extract(new DeltaEntry.JsonExtractor<MD>(entryExtractor));

            return new DeltaPage<MD>(reset, entries, cursor, hasMore);


     * A single entry in a {@link DeltaPage DeltaPage}.
    public static final class DeltaEntry<MD> {
         * The lower-cased path of the entry.  Dropbox compares file paths in a
         * case-insensitive manner.  For example, an entry for <code>"/readme.txt"</code>
         * should overwrite the entry for <code>"/ReadMe.TXT"</code>.
         * <p>
         * To get the original case-preserved path, look in the {@link #metadata metadata} field.
         * </p>
        public final String lcPath;

         * If this is <code>null</code>, it means that this path doesn't exist on
         * on Dropbox's copy of the file system.  To update your local state to
         * match, delete whatever is at that path, including any children.
         * If your local state doesn't have anything at this path, ignore this entry.
         * <p>
         * If this is not <code>null</code>, it means that Dropbox has a file/folder
         * at this path with the given metadata.  To update your local state to match,
         * add the entry to your local state as well.
         * </p>
         * <ul>
         * <li>
         *     If the path refers to parent folders that don't exist yet in your local
         *     state, create those parent folders in your local state.
         * </li>
         * <li>
         *     If the metadata is for a file, replace whatever your local state has at
         *     that path with the new entry.
         * </li>
         * <li>
         *     If the metadata is for a folder, check what your local state has at the
         *     path.  If it's a file, replace it with the new entry.  If it's a folder,
         *     apply the new metadata to the folder, but do not modify the folder's
         *     children.
         * </li>
         * </ul>
        public final MD metadata;

        public DeltaEntry(String lcPath, MD metadata) {
            this.lcPath = lcPath;
            this.metadata = metadata;

        public static final class JsonExtractor<MD> extends com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonExtractor<DeltaEntry<MD>> {
            public final com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonExtractor<MD> mdExtractor;

            public JsonExtractor(com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonExtractor<MD> mdExtractor) {
                this.mdExtractor = mdExtractor;

            public DeltaEntry<MD> extract(JsonThing j) throws JsonExtractionException {
                return extract(j, this.mdExtractor);

            public static <MD> DeltaEntry<MD> extract(JsonThing j, com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.JsonExtractor<MD> mdExtractor) throws JsonExtractionException {
                JsonList l = j.expectList();
                String path = l.get(0).expectString();
                MD metadata = l.get(1).optionalExtract(mdExtractor);
                return new DeltaEntry<MD>(path, metadata);


     * Creates a reference to a path that can be used with {@link #addFromCopyRef
     * addFromCopyRef()} to copy the contents of the file at that path to a
     * different Dropbox account.  This is more efficient than copying the content
     * @param sourcePath
     *     The full path to the file that you want a
     * @return
     *     A string representation of the file pointer.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public CreatedCopyRef createCopyRef(String sourcePath) throws DropboxException {

        if (!sourcePath.startsWith("/")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'sourcePath' must start with \"/\": " + sourcePath);

        String[] params = {
            "locale", session.getLocale().toString()

        String url_path = "/copy_ref/" + session.getAccessType() + sourcePath;

        Object result = RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getAPIServer(), url_path, VERSION, params, session);

        try {
            return CreatedCopyRef.extractFromJson(new JsonThing(result));
        } catch (JsonExtractionException ex) {
            throw new DropboxParseException("Error parsing /copy_ref results: " + ex.getMessage());

    public static final class CreatedCopyRef
        public final String copyRef;
        public final String expiration;

        public CreatedCopyRef(String copyRef, String expiration) {
            this.copyRef = copyRef;
            this.expiration = expiration;

        public static CreatedCopyRef extractFromJson(JsonThing j) throws JsonExtractionException {
            JsonMap m = j.expectMap();
            String string = m.get("copy_ref").expectString();
            String expiration = m.get("expires").expectString();
            return new CreatedCopyRef(string, expiration);

     * Creates a file in the Dropbox that the client is currently connected to, using
     * the contents from a {@link com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI.CreatedCopyRef CopyRef} created with
     * {@link #createCopyRef createCopyRef()}.  The {@link CreatedCopyRef CreatedCopyRef}
     * can be for a file in a different Dropbox account.
     * @param sourceCopyRef
     *     The copy-ref to use as the source of the file data (comes from
     *     {@link CreatedCopyRef#copyRef CreatedCopyRef.copyRef}, which is created
     *     through {@link #createCopyRef createCopyRef()}).
     * @param targetPath
     *     The path that you want to create the file at.
     * @return
     *     The {@link Entry} for the new file.
     * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
     *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
     * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
     *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
     *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
     *         occurred.
    public Entry addFromCopyRef(String sourceCopyRef, String targetPath) throws DropboxException {

        if (!targetPath.startsWith("/")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'targetPath' doesn't start with \"/\": " + targetPath);

        String[] params = {
            "locale", session.getLocale().toString(),
            "root", session.getAccessType().toString(),
            "from_copy_ref", sourceCopyRef,
            "to_path", targetPath,

        String url_path = "/fileops/copy";

        Map<String, Object> dirinfo =
            (Map<String, Object>) RESTUtility.request(RequestMethod.GET,
                session.getAPIServer(), url_path, VERSION, params, session);

        return new Entry(dirinfo);

     * Throws a {@link DropboxUnlinkedException} if the session in this
     * instance is not linked.
    protected void assertAuthenticated() throws DropboxUnlinkedException {
        if (!session.isLinked()) {
            throw new DropboxUnlinkedException();

     * Helper function to read long JSON return values
     * @param map
     *            the one to read from
     * @param name
     *            the parameter name to read
     * @return the value, with 0 as a default if no parameter set
    protected static long getFromMapAsLong(Map<String, Object> map, String name) {
        Object val = map.get(name);
        long ret = 0;
        if (val != null) {
            if (val instanceof Number) {
                ret = ((Number) val).longValue();
            } else if (val instanceof String) {
                // To parse cases where JSON can't represent a Long, so
                // it's stored as a string
                ret = Long.parseLong((String)val, 16);
        return ret;


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