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package com.asigbe.slidekeyboardpro; // ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard; import android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.widget.TextView; import com.asigbe.slidekeyboardpro.AsigbeKeyboard.Key; import com.asigbe.view.ViewTools; /** * A view that renders a virtual {@link Keyboard}. It handles rendering of keys * and detecting key presses and touch movements. */ public class SlideKeyboardView extends View implements View.OnClickListener { /** * Listener for virtual keyboard events. */ public interface OnKeyboardActionListener { /** * Called when the user presses a key. This is sent before the * {@link #onKey} is called. For keys that repeat, this is only called * once. * * @param primaryCode * the unicode of the key being pressed. If the touch is not * on a valid key, the value will be zero. */ void onPress(int primaryCode); /** * Called when the user releases a key. This is sent after the * {@link #onKey} is called. For keys that repeat, this is only called * once. * * @param primaryCode * the code of the key that was released */ void onRelease(int primaryCode); /** * Send a key press to the listener. * * @param primaryCode * this is the key that was pressed */ void onKeyDown(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, Object option); /** * Send a long key press to the listener. * * @param primaryCode * this is the key that was pressed */ void onLongKeyDown(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, Object option); /** * Send a key press to the listener. * * @param primaryCode * this is the key that was pressed */ void onKeyUp(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, Object option); /** * Sends a sequence of characters to the listener. * * @param text * the sequence of characters to be displayed. */ void onText(CharSequence text); /** * Called when the user quickly moves the finger from right to left. */ void swipeLeft(); /** * Called when the user quickly moves the finger from left to right. */ void swipeRight(); /** * Called when the user quickly moves the finger from up to down. */ void swipeDown(); /** * Called when the user quickly moves the finger from down to up. */ void swipeUp(); } private final class CacheKey { public final int swipingDirection; public final Key key; public CacheKey(Key key, int swipingDirection) { this.key = key; this.swipingDirection = swipingDirection; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((this.key == null) ? 0 : this.key.hashCode()); result = prime * result + this.swipingDirection; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } CacheKey other = (CacheKey) obj; if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType())) { return false; } if (this.key == null) { if (other.key != null) { return false; } } else if (!this.key.equals(other.key)) { return false; } if (this.swipingDirection != other.swipingDirection) { return false; } return true; } private SlideKeyboardView getOuterType() { return SlideKeyboardView.this; } } static final int KEYCODE_OPTIONS = -100; static final int KEYCODE_SHIFT_LONGPRESS = -101; private static final int FIGURE_NORMAL = 0; private static final int FIGURE_OCTOGONAL = 1; private static final int NO_LINE = 0; private static final int LINE_NORMAL = 1; private static final int LINE_OBLIQUE = 2; private static final int NO_SWIPING = 0; private static final int SWIPING_TOP = 1; private static final int SWIPING_BOTTOM = 2; private static final int SWIPING_LEFT = 3; private static final int SWIPING_RIGHT = 4; private static final int NOT_A_KEY = -1; private static final int[] LONG_PRESSABLE_STATE_SET = { android.R.attr.state_long_pressable }; private AsigbeKeyboard keyboard; private int labelTextSize; private int keyTextSize; private int keyTextColor; private float shadowRadius; private int shadowColor; private int centerTextColor; private float backgroundDimAmount; private TextView previewText; private PopupWindow previewPopup; private int previewTextSizeLarge; private int previewOffset; private int previewHeight; private int[] offsetInWindow; private PopupWindow popupKeyboard; private View miniKeyboardContainer; private SlideKeyboardView miniKeyboard; private boolean miniKeyboardOnScreen; private View popupParent; private int mMiniKeyboardOffsetX; private int mMiniKeyboardOffsetY; private Map<CacheKey, View> miniKeyboardCache; private int[] mWindowOffset; private Key[] keys; /** Listener for {@link OnKeyboardActionListener}. */ private OnKeyboardActionListener keyboardActionListener; private int sensitivity = 15; private static final int MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW = 1; private static final int MSG_REMOVE_PREVIEW = 2; private static final int MSG_REPEAT = 3; private static final int MSG_LONGPRESS = 4; private static final int DELAY_BEFORE_PREVIEW = 70; private static final int DELAY_AFTER_PREVIEW = 60; private int verticalCorrection; private int mProximityThreshold; private final boolean mPreviewCentered = false; private boolean mShowPreview = true; private int mPopupPreviewX; private int mPopupPreviewY; private boolean mProximityCorrectOn; private final Paint paint; private Rect padding; private final int[] mKeyIndices = new int[12]; private int popupX; private int popupY; private int popupLayout; private List<Key> invalidatedKeys; private final Rect clipRegion = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); private Drawable keyBackground; private int repeatInterval; private static final int REPEAT_START_DELAY = 400; private static final Rect INTERNAL_PADDING = new Rect(5, 5, 5, 5); // Deemed to be too short : ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout(); private static int MAX_NEARBY_KEYS = 12; private final int[] mDistances = new int[MAX_NEARBY_KEYS]; /** Whether the keyboard bitmap needs to be redrawn before it's blitted. **/ private boolean mDrawPending; /** The dirty region in the keyboard bitmap */ private final Rect dirtyRect = new Rect(); /** The keyboard bitmap for faster updates */ private Bitmap buffer; /** The canvas for the above mutable keyboard bitmap */ private Canvas canvas; Handler handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage( Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW: showKey((TouchInfo) msg.obj); break; case MSG_REMOVE_PREVIEW: SlideKeyboardView.this.previewText .setVisibility(INVISIBLE); break; case MSG_REPEAT: if (repeatKey((TouchInfo) msg.obj)) { Message repeat = Message .obtain(this, MSG_REPEAT, msg.obj); sendMessageDelayed( repeat, SlideKeyboardView.this.repeatInterval); } break; case MSG_LONGPRESS: openPopupIfRequired((TouchInfo) msg.obj); break; } } }; private final int displayWidth; private int textStyle; private int temporaryBackgroundColor; private int permanentBackgroundColor; private int figureStyle; private int lineStyle; private boolean displayKeyPreview; private final AttributeSet attrs; private boolean mustLeaveSpaceWhenNoLetter; public SlideKeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs,; } public SlideKeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); this.attrs = attrs; this.invalidatedKeys = new ArrayList<AsigbeKeyboard.Key>(); WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context .getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); final Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay(); this.displayWidth = display.getWidth(); this.paint = new Paint(); this.paint.setAntiAlias(true); this.paint.setTextSize(keyTextSize); this.paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); this.padding = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); this.popupParent = this; this.touchInfos[0] = new TouchInfo(); this.touchInfos[1] = new TouchInfo(); applySkin(context, defStyle); } public void applySkin(Context context, int defStyle) { LayoutInflater inflate = (LayoutInflater) context .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(this.attrs, R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView, 0, defStyle); int previewLayout = 0; int n = a.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int attr = a.getIndex(i); switch (attr) { case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_keyBackground: this.keyBackground = a.getDrawable(attr); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_verticalCorrection: this.verticalCorrection = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_keyPreviewLayout: previewLayout = a.getResourceId(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_keyPreviewOffset: this.previewOffset = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_keyPreviewHeight: this.previewHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 80); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_keyTextSize: this.keyTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 18); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_keyTextColor: this.keyTextColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.WHITE); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_labelTextSize: this.labelTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 14); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_popupLayout: this.popupLayout = a.getResourceId(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_shadowColor: this.shadowColor = a.getColor(attr, 0); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_shadowRadius: this.shadowRadius = a.getFloat(attr, 0f); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_android_textStyle: this.textStyle = a.getInt(attr, Typeface.NORMAL); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_centerTextColor: this.centerTextColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.WHITE); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_temporaryBackgroundColor: this.temporaryBackgroundColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.BLUE); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_permanentBackgroundColor: this.permanentBackgroundColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.BLACK); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_figureStyle: this.figureStyle = a.getInt(attr, FIGURE_NORMAL); break; case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_lineStyle: this.lineStyle = a.getInt(attr, LINE_NORMAL); case R.styleable.SlideKeyboardView_leaveSpaceWhenNoLetter: this.mustLeaveSpaceWhenNoLetter = a.getBoolean(attr, true); break; } switch (this.textStyle) { case Typeface.NORMAL: this.textTypeFace = SlideKeyboard.textTypeFace; break; case Typeface.BOLD: this.textTypeFace = SlideKeyboard.boldTextTypeFace; break; case Typeface.ITALIC: this.textTypeFace = SlideKeyboard.italicTextTypeFace; break; default: this.textTypeFace = SlideKeyboard.textTypeFace; break; } } // No theme configured // a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(android.R.attr.theme); // mBackgroundDimAmount = a.getFloat(R.attr.Theme_backgroundDimAmount, // 0.5f); this.backgroundDimAmount = 0.5f; this.previewPopup = new PopupWindow(context); if (previewLayout != 0) { this.previewText = (TextView) inflate.inflate(previewLayout, null); this.previewText.setTypeface(this.textTypeFace); this.previewTextSizeLarge = (int) this.previewText.getTextSize(); this.previewPopup.setContentView(this.previewText); this.previewPopup.setBackgroundDrawable(null); } else { this.mShowPreview = false; } this.previewPopup.setTouchable(false); this.popupKeyboard = new PopupWindow(context); this.popupKeyboard.setBackgroundDrawable(null); // mPopupKeyboard.setClippingEnabled(false); // mPredicting = true; this.miniKeyboardCache = new HashMap<CacheKey, View>(); if (!this.keyBackground.getPadding(this.padding)) { this.padding = INTERNAL_PADDING; } resetSwiping(); } public void setOnKeyboardActionListener(OnKeyboardActionListener listener) { this.keyboardActionListener = listener; } /** * Returns the {@link OnKeyboardActionListener} object. * * @return the listener attached to this keyboard */ protected OnKeyboardActionListener getOnKeyboardActionListener() { return this.keyboardActionListener; } /** * Attaches a keyboard to this view. The keyboard can be switched at any * time and the view will re-layout itself to accommodate the keyboard. * * @see Keyboard * @see #getKeyboard() * @param keyboard * the keyboard to display in this view */ public void setKeyboard(AsigbeKeyboard keyboard) { if (this.keyboard != null) { cancelPreview(); } this.keyboard = keyboard; List<Key> keys = this.keyboard.getKeys(); this.keys = keys.toArray(new Key[keys.size()]); releaseAllKeys(); requestLayout(); // Release buffer, just in case the new keyboard has a different size. // It will be reallocated on the next draw. this.buffer = null; invalidateAll(); computeProximityThreshold(keyboard); this.miniKeyboardCache.clear(); // Not really necessary to do every // time, // but will free up views } /** * Returns the current keyboard being displayed by this view. * * @return the currently attached keyboard * @see #setKeyboard(Keyboard) */ public AsigbeKeyboard getKeyboard() { return this.keyboard; } /** * Sets the state of the shift key of the keyboard, if any. * * @param shifted * whether or not to enable the state of the shift key * @return true if the shift key state changed, false if there was no change * @see KeyboardView#isShifted() */ public boolean setShifted(boolean shifted, boolean locked) { if (this.keyboard != null) { if (this.keyboard.setShifted(shifted, locked)) { // The whole keyboard probably needs to be redrawn invalidateAll(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the state of the shift key of the keyboard, if any. * * @return true if the shift is in a pressed state, false otherwise. If * there is no shift key on the keyboard or there is no keyboard * attached, it returns false. * @see KeyboardView#setShifted(boolean) */ public boolean isShifted() { if (this.keyboard != null) { return this.keyboard.isShifted(); } return false; } /** * Enables or disables the key feedback popup. This is a popup that shows a * magnified version of the depressed key. By default the preview is * enabled. * * @param previewEnabled * whether or not to enable the key feedback popup * @see #isPreviewEnabled() */ public void setPreviewEnabled(boolean previewEnabled) { this.mShowPreview = previewEnabled; } /** * Returns the enabled state of the key feedback popup. * * @return whether or not the key feedback popup is enabled * @see #setPreviewEnabled(boolean) */ public boolean isPreviewEnabled() { return this.mShowPreview; } public void setPopupParent(View v) { this.popupParent = v; } public void setPopupOffset(int x, int y) { this.mMiniKeyboardOffsetX = x; this.mMiniKeyboardOffsetY = y; if (this.previewPopup.isShowing()) { this.previewPopup.dismiss(); } } /** * When enabled, calls to {@link OnKeyboardActionListener#onKey} will * include key codes for adjacent keys. When disabled, only the primary key * code will be reported. * * @param enabled * whether or not the proximity correction is enabled */ public void setProximityCorrectionEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.mProximityCorrectOn = enabled; } /** * Returns true if proximity correction is enabled. */ public boolean isProximityCorrectionEnabled() { return this.mProximityCorrectOn; } /** * Popup keyboard close button clicked. * * @hide */ public void onClick(View v) { dismissPopupKeyboard(); } private CharSequence adjustCase(CharSequence label) { if (this.keyboard.isShifted() && label != null && label.length() < 3 && Character.isLowerCase(label.charAt(0))) { label = label.toString().toUpperCase(); } return label; } @Override public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { // Round up a little if (this.keyboard == null) { setMeasuredDimension(getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom()); } else { int width = this.keyboard.getFillScreenWidth() ? this.displayWidth : this.keyboard.getMinWidth() + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(); if (MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec) < width + 10) { width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); } setMeasuredDimension(width, this.keyboard.getHeight() + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom()); } } /** * Compute the average distance between adjacent keys (horizontally and * vertically) and square it to get the proximity threshold. We use a square * here and in computing the touch distance from a key's center to avoid * taking a square root. * * @param keyboard */ private void computeProximityThreshold(AsigbeKeyboard keyboard) { if (keyboard == null) { return; } final Key[] keys = this.keys; if (keys == null) { return; } int length = keys.length; int dimensionSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Key key = keys[i]; dimensionSum += Math.min(key.width, key.height) +; } if ((dimensionSum < 0) || (length == 0)) { return; } this.mProximityThreshold = (int) (dimensionSum * 1.4f / length); this.mProximityThreshold *= this.mProximityThreshold; // Square it } @Override public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); // Release the buffer, if any and it will be reallocated on the next // draw this.buffer = null; } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (this.mDrawPending || (this.buffer == null)) { onBufferDraw(); } canvas.drawBitmap(this.buffer, 0, 0, null); } private void onBufferDraw() { final Key[] keys = this.keys; if (this.buffer == null) { this.buffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(getWidth(), getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); this.canvas = new Canvas(this.buffer); this.octagonalPath = new Path(); this.octagonalPath.moveTo(keys[0].width / 2, 0); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(getWidth() - keys[0].width / 2, 0); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(getWidth(), keys[0].height / 2); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(getWidth(), getHeight() - keys[0].height / 2); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(getWidth() - keys[0].width / 2, getHeight()); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(keys[0].width / 2, getHeight()); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(0, getHeight() - keys[0].height / 2); this.octagonalPath.lineTo(0, keys[0].height / 2); this.borderPath = new Path(); this.borderPath.moveTo(keys[0].width / 2 + 1, 0); this.borderPath.lineTo(getWidth() - keys[0].width / 2 - 1, 0); this.borderPath.lineTo(getWidth(), keys[0].height / 2 + 1); this.borderPath.lineTo(getWidth(), getHeight() - keys[0].height / 2 - 1); this.borderPath.lineTo(getWidth() - keys[0].width / 2 - 1, getHeight()); this.borderPath.lineTo(keys[0].width / 2 + 1, getHeight()); this.borderPath.lineTo(0, getHeight() - keys[0].height / 2 - 1); this.borderPath.lineTo(0, keys[0].height / 2 + 1); invalidateAll(); } final Canvas canvas = this.canvas; canvas.clipRect(this.dirtyRect, Op.REPLACE); if (this.keyboard == null) { return; } int centerOffset = getWidth() - this.keyboard.getMinWidth(); canvas.translate(centerOffset / 2, 0); if (this.figureStyle == FIGURE_OCTOGONAL) { canvas.clipPath(this.octagonalPath); canvas.drawPath(this.borderPath, paint); } final Paint paint = this.paint; final Rect clipRegion = this.clipRegion; final Rect padding = this.padding; final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft(); final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop(); paint.setAlpha(255); paint.setColor(this.keyTextColor); boolean drawSingleKey = false; for (Key invalidKey : this.invalidatedKeys) { if (canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) { // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated // key? if ((invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft + centerOffset - 1 <= clipRegion.left) && (invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= && (invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + centerOffset + 1 >= clipRegion.right) && (invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom)) { drawSingleKey = true; } } } final Drawable keyBackground = this.keyBackground; int keyTextSize = this.keyTextSize; int centerTextColor = this.centerTextColor; int keyTextColor = this.keyTextColor; canvas.drawColor(0x00000000, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); final int keyCount = keys.length; for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { final Key key = keys[i]; if (drawSingleKey) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < this.invalidatedKeys.size() && !found; j++) { found = (this.invalidatedKeys.get(j) == key); } if (!found) { continue; } } int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(); keyBackground.setState(drawableState); final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds(); if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) { keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height); } canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop); keyBackground.draw(canvas); // initializes the typeface paint.setTextSize(keyTextSize); int keyHeightWithoutPadding = key.height - - padding.bottom; if (!this.mustLeaveSpaceWhenNoLetter) { // we translate if we must not leave space for empty letters // right letter is missing if ((key.labelLeft != null || key.iconLeft != null) && (key.labelRight == null && key.iconRight == null)) { canvas.translate( (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6, 0); } // left letter is missing if ((key.labelRight != null || key.iconRight != null) && (key.labelLeft == null && key.iconLeft == null)) { canvas.translate( -((key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6), 0); } // bottom letter is missing if ((key.labelTop != null || key.iconTop != null) && (key.labelBottom == null && key.iconBottom == null)) { canvas.translate( 0, keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + + (paint.getTextSize() - paint.descent()) / 2); } // top letter is missing if ((key.labelBottom != null || key.iconBottom != null) && (key.labelTop == null && key.iconTop == null)) { canvas.translate(0, -(keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + + (paint.getTextSize() - paint .descent()) / 2)); } } float centerx = (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 2 + padding.left; float centery = keyHeightWithoutPadding / 2 + (paint.getTextSize() - paint.descent()) / 2 + - 1; // paint on center paint.setColor(centerTextColor); if (key.icon != null) { key.icon.setColorFilter(centerTextColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); } int iconWidth = key.icon != null ? key.icon.getIntrinsicWidth() : 0; int centerDrawableX = computeCenterDrawableX(padding, key, key.icon); int centerDrawableY = computeCenterDrawableY(padding, key, key.icon); paintLabel(key.label, key.icon, centerx, centery, centerDrawableX, centerDrawableY, key, canvas, paint); // paint on left paint.setColor(keyTextColor); iconWidth = key.iconLeft != null ? key.iconLeft.getIntrinsicWidth() : 0; centerDrawableX = computeCenterDrawableX(padding, key, key.iconLeft); centerDrawableY = computeCenterDrawableY(padding, key, key.iconLeft); paintLabel(key.labelLeft, key.iconLeft, (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6 + padding.left, centery, (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6 - iconWidth / 2, centerDrawableY, key, canvas, paint); // paint on right iconWidth = key.iconRight != null ? key.iconRight .getIntrinsicWidth() : 0; centerDrawableX = computeCenterDrawableX(padding, key, key.iconRight); centerDrawableY = computeCenterDrawableY(padding, key, key.iconRight); paintLabel(key.labelRight, key.iconRight, 5 * (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6 + padding.left, centery, 5 * (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6 + padding.left - iconWidth / 2, centerDrawableY, key, canvas, paint); // paint on top int iconHeight = key.iconTop != null ? key.iconTop .getIntrinsicHeight() : 0; centerDrawableX = computeCenterDrawableX(padding, key, key.iconTop); centerDrawableY = computeCenterDrawableY(padding, key, key.iconTop); paintLabel( key.labelTop, key.iconTop, centerx, keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + + (paint.getTextSize() - paint.descent()) / 2 - 2, centerDrawableX, keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + - iconHeight / 2, key, canvas, paint); // paint on bottom iconHeight = key.iconBottom != null ? key.iconBottom .getIntrinsicHeight() : 0; centerDrawableX = computeCenterDrawableX(padding, key, key.iconBottom); centerDrawableY = computeCenterDrawableY(padding, key, key.iconBottom); paintLabel( key.labelBottom, key.iconBottom, centerx, 5 * keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + + (paint.getTextSize() - paint.descent()) / 2, centerDrawableX, 5 * keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + - iconHeight / 2 + 2, key, canvas, paint); if (!this.mustLeaveSpaceWhenNoLetter) { // we cancel the translatation if we must not leave space for // empty letters if ((key.labelLeft != null || key.iconLeft != null) && (key.labelRight == null && key.iconRight == null)) { canvas.translate( -((key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6), 0); } if ((key.labelRight != null || key.iconRight != null) && (key.labelLeft == null && key.iconLeft == null)) { canvas.translate( (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 6, 0); } if ((key.labelTop != null || key.iconTop != null) && (key.labelBottom == null && key.iconBottom == null)) { canvas.translate(0, -(keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + + (paint.getTextSize() - paint .descent()) / 2)); } if ((key.labelBottom != null || key.iconBottom != null) && (key.labelTop == null && key.iconTop == null)) { canvas.translate( 0, keyHeightWithoutPadding / 6 + + (paint.getTextSize() - paint.descent()) / 2); } } if (this.lineStyle == LINE_NORMAL) { // draw vertical lines float offset = padding.left + (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 3; canvas.drawLine(offset,, offset, key.height - padding.bottom, paint); offset += (key.width - padding.left - padding.right) / 3; canvas.drawLine(offset,, offset, key.height - padding.bottom, paint); // draw horizontal lines offset = + keyHeightWithoutPadding / 3; canvas.drawLine(padding.left, offset, key.width - padding.right, offset, paint); offset += keyHeightWithoutPadding / 3; canvas.drawLine(padding.left, offset, key.width - padding.right, offset, paint); } else if (this.lineStyle == LINE_OBLIQUE) { paint.setAlpha(123); int leftOffset = (key.width - padding.left - padding.right - this.keyTextSize) / 2; int rightOffset = key.width - leftOffset; int topOffset = (key.height - - padding.bottom - this.keyTextSize) / 2; int bottomOffset = key.height - topOffset; if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT) != Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT) { if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) { canvas.drawLine(0, 0, leftOffset, topOffset, paint); } if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) != Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) { canvas.drawLine(0, key.height, leftOffset, bottomOffset, paint); } // if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != // Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) // { // canvas.drawLine(key.width, 0, rightOffset, // bottomOffset, // paint); // } } if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) != Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) { if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) { canvas.drawLine(key.width, 0, rightOffset, topOffset, paint); } if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) != Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) { canvas.drawLine(key.width, key.height, rightOffset, bottomOffset, paint); } // if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != // Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) // { // canvas.drawLine(key.width, 0, rightOffset, // bottomOffset, // paint); // } } if (((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) != Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) && ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT) != Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT)) { if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) == Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) { canvas.drawLine(key.width / 2, 0, key.width / 2, topOffset, paint); } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) == Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) { canvas.drawLine(key.width / 2, key.height, key.width / 2, bottomOffset, paint); } } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT) == Keyboard.EDGE_LEFT) { if (((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) && ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) != Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM)) { canvas.drawLine(0, key.height / 2, leftOffset, key.height / 2, paint); } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) == Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) { canvas.drawLine(0, 0, leftOffset, topOffset, paint); } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) == Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) { canvas.drawLine(0, key.height, leftOffset, bottomOffset, paint); } } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) == Keyboard.EDGE_RIGHT) { if (((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) && ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) != Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM)) { canvas.drawLine(key.width, key.height / 2, rightOffset, key.height / 2, paint); } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) == Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) { canvas.drawLine(key.width, 0, rightOffset, topOffset, paint); } else if ((key.edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) == Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) { canvas.drawLine(key.width, key.height, rightOffset, bottomOffset, paint); } } paint.setAlpha(255); } canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop); } this.invalidatedKeys.clear(); // Overlay a dark rectangle to dim the keyboard if (this.miniKeyboardOnScreen) { paint.setColor((int) (this.backgroundDimAmount * 0xFF) << 24); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), paint); } this.mDrawPending = false; this.dirtyRect.setEmpty(); canvas.translate(-centerOffset / 2, 0); } private int computeCenterDrawableY(final Rect padding, final Key key, Drawable icon) { if (icon == null) { return 0; } return (key.height - - padding.bottom - icon .getIntrinsicHeight()) / 2 +; } private int computeCenterDrawableX(final Rect padding, final Key key, Drawable icon) { if (icon == null) { return 0; } return (key.width - padding.left - padding.right - icon .getIntrinsicWidth()) / 2 + padding.left; } private final Rect rect = new Rect(); private int longPressTimeOut; private boolean isTemporarySwitch; private Typeface textTypeFace; private Path octagonalPath; private Path borderPath; private void paintLabel(CharSequence labelToPaint, Drawable icon, float x, float y, int drawableX, int drawableY, Key key, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) { // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed String label = labelToPaint == null ? null : adjustCase(labelToPaint) .toString(); if (label != null) { // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use // small font. if ((label.length() > 1) && (( != null) && ( < 2))) { paint.setTextSize(this.labelTextSize); paint.getTextBounds(label, 0, label.length(), this.rect); // if (this.rect.right - this.rect.left < 20) { // paint.setTextSize(this.labelTextSize + 4); // } } else { paint.setTextSize(this.keyTextSize); } paint.setTypeface(this.textTypeFace); // Draw a drop shadow for the text paint.setShadowLayer(this.shadowRadius, 0, 0, this.shadowColor); canvas.drawText(label, x, y, paint); // Turn off drop shadow paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0); } else if (icon != null) { canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY); icon.setBounds(5, 5, icon.getIntrinsicWidth() - 5, icon.getIntrinsicHeight() - 5); icon.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY); } } private int getKeyIndices(int x, int y, int[] allKeys) { final Key[] keys = this.keys; int primaryIndex = NOT_A_KEY; int closestKey = NOT_A_KEY; int closestKeyDist = this.mProximityThreshold + 1; java.util.Arrays.fill(this.mDistances, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int[] nearestKeyIndices = this.keyboard.getNearestKeys(x, y); final int keyCount = nearestKeyIndices.length; for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { final Key key = keys[nearestKeyIndices[i]]; int dist = 0; boolean isInside = key.isInside(x, y); if (((this.mProximityCorrectOn && ((dist = key.squaredDistanceFrom( x, y)) < this.mProximityThreshold)) || isInside) && (( != null) && ([0] > 32))) { // Find insertion point final int nCodes =; if (dist < closestKeyDist) { closestKeyDist = dist; closestKey = nearestKeyIndices[i]; } if (allKeys == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < this.mDistances.length; j++) { if (this.mDistances[j] > dist) { // Make space for nCodes codes System.arraycopy(this.mDistances, j, this.mDistances, j + nCodes, this.mDistances.length - j - nCodes); System.arraycopy(allKeys, j, allKeys, j + nCodes, allKeys.length - j - nCodes); for (int c = 0; c < nCodes; c++) { allKeys[j + c] =[c]; this.mDistances[j + c] = dist; } break; } } } if (isInside) { primaryIndex = nearestKeyIndices[i]; } } if (primaryIndex == NOT_A_KEY) { primaryIndex = closestKey; } return primaryIndex; } /** * Detects the key by using the current slide status. */ private void detectAndSendKey(TouchInfo touchInfo, boolean isDown) { if (touchInfo.currentKeyIndex >= 0 && touchInfo.currentKeyIndex < this.keys.length) { final Key key = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex]; CharSequence text = null; Object option = null; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: text = key.text; option = key.keyboard; break; case SWIPING_TOP: text = key.textTop; option = key.keyboardTop; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: text = key.textBottom; option = key.keyboardBottom; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: text = key.textLeft; option = key.keyboardLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: text = key.textRight; option = key.keyboardRight; break; } if (text == null) { text = key.defaultText; } if (text != null) { // if the key has a text we write it this.keyboardActionListener.onText(text); this.keyboardActionListener.onRelease(NOT_A_KEY); } else { // stores codes of each direction for alternatives ArrayList<Integer> codes = new ArrayList<Integer>(5); codes.add( != null ?[0] : 0); codes.add(key.codesTop != null ? key.codesTop[0] : 0); codes.add(key.codesBottom != null ? key.codesBottom[0] : 0); codes.add(key.codesLeft != null ? key.codesLeft[0] : 0); codes.add(key.codesRight != null ? key.codesRight[0] : 0); int swippedCode[]; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: swippedCode =; option = key.keyboard; break; case SWIPING_TOP: swippedCode = key.codesTop; option = key.keyboardTop; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: swippedCode = key.codesBottom; option = key.keyboardBottom; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: swippedCode = key.codesLeft; option = key.keyboardLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: swippedCode = key.codesRight; option = key.keyboardRight; break; default: swippedCode =; option = key.keyboard; break; } if (swippedCode == null) { if (key.defaultCodes == null) { return; } swippedCode = key.defaultCodes; } Integer code = swippedCode[0]; if (code != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { codes.remove(code); int[] alternatesCodes = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < alternatesCodes.length; i++) { alternatesCodes[i] = codes.get(i); } if (isDown) { this.keyboardActionListener.onKeyDown(code, alternatesCodes, option); } else { this.keyboardActionListener.onKeyUp(code, alternatesCodes, option); this.keyboardActionListener.onRelease(code); } } } } } /** * Handle slide keys by producing the key label for the current slide state. */ private CharSequence getPreviewText(TouchInfo touchInfo, Key key) { CharSequence chaine; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: chaine = key.label; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: chaine = key.labelBottom; break; case SWIPING_TOP: chaine = key.labelTop; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: chaine = key.labelLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: chaine = key.labelRight; break; default: chaine = key.label; break; } if (chaine == null) { chaine = key.label; } return adjustCase(chaine); } private void cancelPreview() { if (this.displayKeyPreview) { this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW); if (previewPopup.isShowing()) { this.handler.sendMessageDelayed( this.handler.obtainMessage(MSG_REMOVE_PREVIEW), DELAY_AFTER_PREVIEW); } } } private void showPreview(TouchInfo touchInfo) { final PopupWindow previewPopup = this.previewPopup; if (this.displayKeyPreview) { // If key changed and preview is on ... if (this.mShowPreview) { if (touchInfo.currentKeyIndex != NOT_A_KEY) { if (previewPopup.isShowing() && (this.previewText.getVisibility() == VISIBLE)) { // Show right away, if it's already visible and finger // is moving around showKey(touchInfo); } else { Message obtainMessage = this.handler.obtainMessage( MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW, touchInfo); this.handler.sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage, DELAY_BEFORE_PREVIEW); } } } } } private void showKey(TouchInfo touchInfo) { final PopupWindow previewPopup = this.previewPopup; final Key[] keys = this.keys; Key key = keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex]; Drawable iconPreview = null; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: iconPreview = key.iconPreview; break; case SWIPING_TOP: iconPreview = key.iconPreviewTop; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: iconPreview = key.iconPreviewBottom; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: iconPreview = key.iconPreviewLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: iconPreview = key.iconPreviewRight; break; } if (iconPreview != null) { this.previewText .setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, iconPreview); this.previewText.setText(null); } else { this.previewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null); this.previewText.setText(getPreviewText(touchInfo, key)); if (((key.label != null) && (key.label.length() > 1)) && ( < 2)) { this.previewText.setTextSize(this.keyTextSize); this.previewText.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); } else { this.previewText.setTextSize(this.previewTextSizeLarge); this.previewText.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); } } this.previewText.measure( MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED)); int popupWidth = Math.max(this.previewText.getMeasuredWidth(), key.width + this.previewText.getPaddingLeft() + this.previewText.getPaddingRight()); final int popupHeight = this.previewHeight; LayoutParams lp = this.previewText.getLayoutParams(); if (lp != null) { lp.width = popupWidth; lp.height = popupHeight; } if (!this.mPreviewCentered) { this.mPopupPreviewX = key.x - this.previewText.getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingLeft(); this.mPopupPreviewY = key.y - popupHeight + this.previewOffset; } else { this.mPopupPreviewX = 160 - this.previewText.getMeasuredWidth() / 2; this.mPopupPreviewY = -this.previewText.getMeasuredHeight(); } this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_REMOVE_PREVIEW); if (this.offsetInWindow == null) { this.offsetInWindow = new int[2]; getLocationInWindow(this.offsetInWindow); this.offsetInWindow[0] += this.mMiniKeyboardOffsetX; // Offset may // be zero this.offsetInWindow[1] += this.mMiniKeyboardOffsetY; // Offset may // be zero } // Set the preview background state Drawable background = this.previewText.getBackground(); if (background != null) { int popupResId = 0; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: popupResId = key.popupResId; break; case SWIPING_TOP: popupResId = key.popupResIdTop; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: popupResId = key.popupResIdBottom; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: popupResId = key.popupResIdLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: popupResId = key.popupResIdRight; break; } background.setState(popupResId != 0 ? LONG_PRESSABLE_STATE_SET : EMPTY_STATE_SET); } if (previewPopup.isShowing()) { previewPopup.update(this.mPopupPreviewX + this.offsetInWindow[0], this.mPopupPreviewY + this.offsetInWindow[1], popupWidth, popupHeight); } else { previewPopup.setWidth(popupWidth); previewPopup.setHeight(popupHeight); previewPopup.showAtLocation(this.popupParent, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, this.mPopupPreviewX + this.offsetInWindow[0], this.mPopupPreviewY + this.offsetInWindow[1]); } this.previewText.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } private void invalidateAll() { this.dirtyRect.union(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); this.mDrawPending = true; invalidate(); } private void invalidateKey(int keyIndex) { if ((keyIndex < 0) || (keyIndex >= this.keys.length)) { return; } final Key key = this.keys[keyIndex]; this.invalidatedKeys.add(key); int centerOffset = (getWidth() - this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; this.dirtyRect.union(key.x + getPaddingLeft() + centerOffset, key.y + getPaddingTop(), key.x + key.width + getPaddingLeft() + centerOffset, key.y + key.height + getPaddingTop()); onBufferDraw(); invalidate(key.x + getPaddingLeft() + centerOffset, key.y + getPaddingTop(), key.x + key.width + getPaddingLeft() + centerOffset, key.y + key.height + getPaddingTop()); } private boolean openPopupIfRequired(TouchInfo touchInfo) { // Check if we have a popup layout specified first. if (this.popupLayout == 0) { return false; } // Check if the key really exist if ((touchInfo.currentKeyIndex < 0) || (touchInfo.currentKeyIndex >= this.keys.length)) { return false; } // Retrieve the key Key popupKey = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex]; boolean result = onLongPress(touchInfo, popupKey); if (result) { cancelPreview(); } return result; } /** * Called when a key is long pressed. By default this will open any popup * keyboard associated with this key through the attributes popupLayout and * popupCharacters. * * @param popupKey * the key that was long pressed * @return true if the long press is handled, false otherwise. Subclasses * should call the method on the base class if the subclass doesn't * wish to handle the call. */ protected boolean onLongPress(TouchInfo touchInfo, Key popupKey) { int popupKeyboardId = 0; int codes[] =; Object option = null; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: popupKeyboardId = popupKey.popupResId; codes =; option = popupKey.keyboard; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: popupKeyboardId = popupKey.popupResIdLeft; codes = popupKey.codesLeft; option = popupKey.keyboardLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: popupKeyboardId = popupKey.popupResIdRight; codes = popupKey.codesRight; option = popupKey.keyboardRight; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: popupKeyboardId = popupKey.popupResIdBottom; codes = popupKey.codesBottom; option = popupKey.keyboardBottom; break; case SWIPING_TOP: popupKeyboardId = popupKey.popupResIdTop; codes = popupKey.codesTop; option = popupKey.keyboardTop; break; } // there is no key on the swiping direction if (codes == null) { return false; } CacheKey cacheKey = new CacheKey(popupKey, popupKeyboardId); if (popupKeyboardId != 0) { this.miniKeyboardContainer = this.miniKeyboardCache.get(popupKey); if (this.miniKeyboardContainer == null) { this.miniKeyboardContainer = ViewTools.inflateView( getContext(), this.popupLayout); this.miniKeyboard = (SlideKeyboardView) this.miniKeyboardContainer .findViewById(; View closeButton = this.miniKeyboardContainer .findViewById(; if (closeButton != null) { closeButton.setOnClickListener(this); } this.miniKeyboard .setOnKeyboardActionListener(new OnKeyboardActionListener() { public void onKeyUp(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, Object option) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener .onKeyUp(primaryCode, keyCodes, option); dismissPopupKeyboard(); } public void onText(CharSequence text) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener .onText(text); dismissPopupKeyboard(); } @Override public void swipeLeft() { } @Override public void swipeRight() { } @Override public void swipeUp() { } @Override public void swipeDown() { } @Override public void onPress(int primaryCode) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener .onPress(primaryCode); } @Override public void onRelease(int primaryCode) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener .onRelease(primaryCode); } @Override public void onKeyDown(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, Object option) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener .onKeyDown(primaryCode, keyCodes, option); } @Override public void onLongKeyDown(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, Object option) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener .onLongKeyDown(primaryCode, keyCodes, option); } }); // mInputView.setSuggest(mSuggest); AsigbeKeyboard keyboard = new AsigbeKeyboard(getContext(), popupKeyboardId); this.miniKeyboard.setKeyboard(keyboard); this.miniKeyboard.setPopupParent(this); this.miniKeyboardContainer.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec( getWidth(), MeasureSpec.AT_MOST), MeasureSpec .makeMeasureSpec(getHeight(), MeasureSpec.AT_MOST)); this.miniKeyboardCache .put(cacheKey, this.miniKeyboardContainer); } else { this.miniKeyboard = (SlideKeyboardView) this.miniKeyboardContainer .findViewById(; } if (this.mWindowOffset == null) { this.mWindowOffset = new int[2]; getLocationInWindow(this.mWindowOffset); } this.popupX = popupKey.x + getPaddingLeft(); this.popupY = popupKey.y + getPaddingTop(); this.popupX = this.popupX + popupKey.width - this.miniKeyboardContainer.getMeasuredWidth(); this.popupY = this.popupY - this.miniKeyboardContainer.getMeasuredHeight(); final int x = this.popupX + this.miniKeyboardContainer.getPaddingRight() + this.mWindowOffset[0]; final int y = this.popupY + this.miniKeyboardContainer.getPaddingBottom() + this.mWindowOffset[1]; this.miniKeyboard.setPopupOffset(x < 0 ? 0 : x, y); this.miniKeyboard.setShifted(isShifted(), false); this.popupKeyboard.setContentView(this.miniKeyboardContainer); this.popupKeyboard.setWidth(this.miniKeyboardContainer .getMeasuredWidth()); this.popupKeyboard.setHeight(this.miniKeyboardContainer .getMeasuredHeight()); this.popupKeyboard.showAtLocation(this, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, x, y); this.miniKeyboardOnScreen = true; // mMiniKeyboard.onTouchEvent(getTranslatedEvent(me)); invalidateAll(); return true; } else { Integer code = codes[0]; if (code != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { SlideKeyboardView.this.keyboardActionListener.onLongKeyDown( code, null, option); } } return false; } private static class TouchInfo { private int lastCodeX; private int lastCodeY; private int lastMoveX; private int lastMoveY; private long downTime; private long lastMoveTime; private int lastKey; private int currentKeyIndex = NOT_A_KEY; private long lastKeyTime; private long currentKeyTime; private int repeatKeyIndex = NOT_A_KEY; private int repeatSwiping; private boolean isRepeating; public Object previousSwiping; public int currentSwiping; } private final TouchInfo touchInfos[] = new TouchInfo[2]; private int pointerId1; private int pointerId2; private boolean handleKeyDown(TouchInfo touchInfo, int touchX, int touchY, int keyIndex, long eventTime) { // Debug.waitForDebugger(); touchInfo.lastCodeX = touchX; touchInfo.lastCodeY = touchY; touchInfo.lastMoveX = touchX; touchInfo.lastMoveY = touchY; touchInfo.lastKeyTime = 0; touchInfo.currentKeyTime = 0; touchInfo.lastKey = NOT_A_KEY; touchInfo.currentKeyIndex = keyIndex; touchInfo.downTime = eventTime; touchInfo.lastMoveTime = touchInfo.downTime; this.keyboardActionListener .onPress(((touchInfo.currentKeyIndex != NOT_A_KEY) && (this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].codes != null)) ? this.keys[keyIndex].codes[0] : 0); if (touchInfo.currentKeyIndex != NOT_A_KEY) { Message msg = this.handler.obtainMessage(MSG_LONGPRESS, touchInfo); this.handler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, this.longPressTimeOut); // Release the old key and press the new key final Key[] keys = this.keys; if (keys.length > touchInfo.currentKeyIndex) { keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].onPressed(); invalidateKey(touchInfo.currentKeyIndex); } showPreview(touchInfo); } else { return false; } if ((touchInfo.currentKeyIndex >= 0) && isCurrentKeyRepeatable(touchInfo)) { touchInfo.repeatKeyIndex = touchInfo.currentKeyIndex; touchInfo.repeatSwiping = touchInfo.currentSwiping; touchInfo.isRepeating = false; Message msg = this.handler.obtainMessage(MSG_REPEAT, touchInfo); this.handler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, REPEAT_START_DELAY); } identifySwipingMove(touchInfo, touchX, touchY); detectAndSendKey(touchInfo, true); return true; } private void handleKeyMove(TouchInfo touchInfo, int touchX, int touchY) { identifySwipingMove(touchInfo, touchX, touchY); if ((Math.abs(touchInfo.lastMoveX - touchX) > 2) || (Math.abs(touchInfo.lastMoveY - touchY) > 2)) { touchInfo.lastMoveX = touchX; touchInfo.lastMoveY = touchY; this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS); Message msg = this.handler.obtainMessage(MSG_LONGPRESS, touchInfo); this.handler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, this.longPressTimeOut); } } private void handleKeyUp(TouchInfo touchInfo, int touchX, int touchY, int keyIndex, long eventTime) { identifySwipingMove(touchInfo, touchX, touchY); detectAndSendKey(touchInfo, false); touchInfo.repeatKeyIndex = NOT_A_KEY; this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW); this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_REPEAT); this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS); if (keyIndex == touchInfo.currentKeyIndex) { touchInfo.currentKeyTime += eventTime - touchInfo.lastMoveTime; } else { touchInfo.lastKey = touchInfo.currentKeyIndex; touchInfo.lastKeyTime = touchInfo.currentKeyTime + eventTime - touchInfo.lastMoveTime; touchInfo.currentKeyIndex = keyIndex; touchInfo.currentKeyTime = 0; } if ((touchInfo.currentKeyTime < touchInfo.lastKeyTime) && (touchInfo.lastKey != NOT_A_KEY)) { touchInfo.currentKeyIndex = touchInfo.lastKey; touchX = touchInfo.lastCodeX; touchY = touchInfo.lastCodeY; } cancelPreview(); releaseKey(touchInfo); Arrays.fill(this.mKeyIndices, NOT_A_KEY); touchInfo.lastKey = NOT_A_KEY; touchInfo.currentKeyIndex = NOT_A_KEY; invalidateKey(keyIndex); resetSwiping(); } private void releaseKey(TouchInfo touchInfo) { final Key[] keys = this.keys; if (keys.length > touchInfo.currentKeyIndex && touchInfo.currentKeyIndex >= 0) { keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].onReleased(); invalidateKey(touchInfo.currentKeyIndex); } } private void releaseAllKeys() { final Key[] keys = this.keys; for (Key key : keys) { key.onReleased(); } } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) { // Needs to be called after the gesture detector gets a turn, as it may // have // displayed the mini keyboard if (this.miniKeyboardOnScreen) { return true; } long eventTime = me.getEventTime(); int touchX = (int) me.getX() - getPaddingLeft() - (getWidth() - this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; int touchY = (int) me.getY() + this.verticalCorrection - getPaddingTop(); int action = me.getAction(); int keyIndex = getKeyIndices(touchX, touchY, null); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if (!handleKeyDown(this.touchInfos[0], touchX, touchY, keyIndex, eventTime)) { return false; } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: handleKeyMove(this.touchInfos[0], touchX, touchY); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: handleKeyUp(this.touchInfos[0], touchX, touchY, keyIndex, eventTime); break; } // Debug.waitForDebugger(); /* * int touchX; int touchY; // Extract the index of the pointer that left * the touch sensor // final int pointerId = * me.getPointerId(pointerIndex); int pointerIndex = (action & * MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK) >> * MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT; int pointerId = * me.getPointerId(pointerIndex); * * int keyIndex; switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) { case * MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: this.pointerId1 = pointerId; // * this.pointerId = me.getPointerId(pointerIndex); touchX = (int) * me.getX(pointerIndex) - getPaddingLeft() - (getWidth() - * this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; touchY = (int) * me.getY(pointerIndex) + this.verticalCorrection - getPaddingTop(); * keyIndex = getKeyIndices(touchX, touchY, null); if * (!handleKeyDown(this.touchInfos[pointerIndex], touchX, touchY, * keyIndex, eventTime)) { return false; } break; case * MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: this.pointerId2 = pointerId; // * this.pointerId = me.getPointerId(pointerIndex); touchX = (int) * me.getX(pointerIndex) - getPaddingLeft() - (getWidth() - * this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; touchY = (int) * me.getY(pointerIndex) + this.verticalCorrection - getPaddingTop(); * keyIndex = getKeyIndices(touchX, touchY, null); if * (!handleKeyDown(this.touchInfos[pointerIndex], touchX, touchY, * keyIndex, eventTime)) { return false; } break; * * // this.pointerId = me.getPointerId(pointerIndex); // touchX = (int) * me.getX(pointerIndex) - getPaddingLeft() // - (getWidth() - * this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; // touchY = (int) * me.getY(pointerIndex) + this.verticalCorrection // - getPaddingTop(); * // keyIndex = getKeyIndices(touchX, touchY, null); // if * (!handleKeyDown(this.touchInfos[pointerIndex], touchX, touchY, // * keyIndex, eventTime)) { // return false; // } // break; * * case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: // pointerIndex = (action & * MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK) >> // * MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT; // if * (me.getPointerId(pointerIndex) == this.pointerId) { * * pointerIndex = me.findPointerIndex(this.pointerId2); if (pointerIndex * != -1) { touchX = (int) me.getX(pointerIndex) - getPaddingLeft() - * (getWidth() - this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; touchY = (int) * me.getY(pointerIndex) + this.verticalCorrection - getPaddingTop(); * * handleKeyMove(this.touchInfos[pointerIndex], touchX, touchY); * Log.d("test", "x:" + touchX + ",y:" + touchY + ",pointerId:" + * pointerId); // } } break; * * case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: // * pointerIndex = me.findPointerIndex(this.pointerId); touchX = (int) * me.getX(pointerIndex) - getPaddingLeft() - (getWidth() - * this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; touchY = (int) * me.getY(pointerIndex) + this.verticalCorrection - getPaddingTop(); * keyIndex = getKeyIndices(touchX, touchY, null); * handleKeyUp(this.touchInfos[pointerIndex], touchX, touchY, keyIndex, * eventTime); break; * * // pointerIndex = me.findPointerIndex(this.pointerId); // touchX = * (int) me.getX(pointerIndex) - getPaddingLeft() // - (getWidth() - * this.keyboard.getMinWidth()) / 2; // touchY = (int) * me.getY(pointerIndex) + this.verticalCorrection // - getPaddingTop(); * // handleKeyUp(this.touchInfos[pointerIndex], touchX, touchY, // * keyIndex, eventTime); // break; } */ return true; } private boolean isCurrentKeyRepeatable(TouchInfo touchInfo) { if (this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex] == null) { return false; } boolean isRepeatable = false; switch (touchInfo.currentSwiping) { case NO_SWIPING: isRepeatable = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].repeatable; break; case SWIPING_TOP: isRepeatable = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].repeatableTop; break; case SWIPING_BOTTOM: isRepeatable = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].repeatableBottom; break; case SWIPING_LEFT: isRepeatable = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].repeatableLeft; break; case SWIPING_RIGHT: isRepeatable = this.keys[touchInfo.currentKeyIndex].repeatableRight; break; } return isRepeatable; } public void cancelDetection() { if (this.touchInfos[0].currentKeyIndex >= 0 || this.touchInfos[1].currentKeyIndex >= 0) { for (TouchInfo touchInfo : this.touchInfos) { releaseKey(touchInfo); } cancelPreview(); this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW); this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_REPEAT); this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS); resetSwiping(); dismissPopupKeyboard(); } } private void identifySwipingMove(TouchInfo touchInfo, int touchX, int touchY) { final float moveX = touchInfo.lastCodeX - touchX; final float moveY = touchInfo.lastCodeY - touchY; if (Math.abs(moveX) > Math.abs(moveY)) { if (moveX < -this.sensitivity) { swipeRight(touchInfo); } else if (moveX > this.sensitivity) { swipeLeft(touchInfo); } else { noSwipe(touchInfo); } } else { if (moveY > this.sensitivity) { swipeUp(touchInfo); } else if (moveY < -this.sensitivity) { swipeDown(touchInfo); } else { noSwipe(touchInfo); } } } private void resetSwiping() { for (TouchInfo touchInfo : this.touchInfos) { touchInfo.currentSwiping = NO_SWIPING; touchInfo.previousSwiping = NO_SWIPING; } } protected void swipeRight(TouchInfo touchInfo) { touchInfo.previousSwiping = touchInfo.currentSwiping; touchInfo.currentSwiping = SWIPING_RIGHT; showPreview(touchInfo); this.keyboardActionListener.swipeRight(); } protected void swipeLeft(TouchInfo touchInfo) { touchInfo.previousSwiping = touchInfo.currentSwiping; touchInfo.currentSwiping = SWIPING_LEFT; showPreview(touchInfo); this.keyboardActionListener.swipeLeft(); } protected void swipeUp(TouchInfo touchInfo) { touchInfo.previousSwiping = touchInfo.currentSwiping; touchInfo.currentSwiping = SWIPING_TOP; showPreview(touchInfo); this.keyboardActionListener.swipeUp(); } protected void swipeDown(TouchInfo touchInfo) { touchInfo.previousSwiping = touchInfo.currentSwiping; touchInfo.currentSwiping = SWIPING_BOTTOM; showPreview(touchInfo); this.keyboardActionListener.swipeDown(); } protected void noSwipe(TouchInfo touchInfo) { touchInfo.previousSwiping = touchInfo.currentSwiping; touchInfo.currentSwiping = NO_SWIPING; showPreview(touchInfo); } public void closing() { if (this.previewPopup.isShowing()) { this.previewPopup.dismiss(); } this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS); this.handler.removeMessages(MSG_SHOW_PREVIEW); dismissPopupKeyboard(); this.buffer = null; this.canvas = null; this.miniKeyboardCache.clear(); } @Override public void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); closing(); } private void dismissPopupKeyboard() { if (this.popupKeyboard.isShowing()) { this.popupKeyboard.dismiss(); this.miniKeyboardOnScreen = false; invalidateAll(); } } /** * Handles when the back button is pressed on the phone. */ public boolean handleBack() { if (this.popupKeyboard.isShowing()) { dismissPopupKeyboard(); return true; } return false; } private boolean repeatKey(TouchInfo touchInfo) { if ((touchInfo.isRepeating || (touchInfo.repeatKeyIndex == touchInfo.currentKeyIndex && touchInfo.repeatSwiping == touchInfo.currentSwiping)) && touchInfo.repeatKeyIndex < this.keys.length) { final Key key = this.keys[touchInfo.repeatKeyIndex]; int code =[0]; if (code != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { this.keyboardActionListener.onKeyUp(code,, key.keyboard); this.keyboardActionListener.onRelease(code); touchInfo.isRepeating = true; return true; } } return false; } /** * Sets the sensitivity of the keyboard when swiping. */ public void setSensitivity(int level) { this.sensitivity = level * 10; } /** * Sets the time interval between two repetition of a character (en ms). */ public void setRepeatInterval(int repeatInterval) { this.repeatInterval = repeatInterval; } /** * Sets the time before the popup keyboard is displayed (en ms). */ public void setLongPressTimeOut(int popupKeyboardTimeOut) { this.longPressTimeOut = popupKeyboardTimeOut; } /** * Indicates if the view is temporary. */ public void setTemporarySwitch(boolean isTemporarySwitch) { this.isTemporarySwitch = isTemporarySwitch; if (this.isTemporarySwitch) { setBackgroundColor(this.temporaryBackgroundColor); } else { setBackgroundColor(this.permanentBackgroundColor); } } /** * Gets if the view is temporary. */ public boolean isTemporarySwitch() { return this.isTemporarySwitch; } /** * Sets the boolean which indicates if the preview popup is displayed. */ public void setDisplayKeyPreview(boolean displayKeyPreview) { this.displayKeyPreview = displayKeyPreview; } }