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package com.fyp.resilience; //from www .j av a 2 s.c om import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.fyp.resilience.connection.Connectable; import com.fyp.resilience.database.ResilienceDbManager; import com.fyp.resilience.database.model.DataPiece; import com.fyp.resilience.database.model.DataWhole; import com.fyp.resilience.event.ClientListChanged; import com.fyp.resilience.event.ConnectionsModified; import com.fyp.resilience.event.WholeModified; import com.fyp.resilience.swarm.model.SwarmClient; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; /** * Controls each aspect of the {@link DataWhole} cache, {@link Connectable} * list, and {@link SwarmClient} list. */ public class ResilienceController { private final List<Connectable> mConnectionList; private final Map<String, DataWhole> mCacheDataWholeList; private final List<SwarmClient> mSwarmList; private final Context mContext; /** * Must ensure that the controller returned is that which is related to this * Context. Failure to do so may lead to undesirable errors. * * @param context {@link Context} * @return {@link ResilienceController} */ public static ResilienceController getInstance(final Context context) { return ResilienceApplication.getApplication(context).getResilienceController(); } /** * Upon construction, the object constructs a new cache array list, which is * then filled from the DB. * * @param context {@link Context} */ ResilienceController(final Context context) { mContext = context; mCacheDataWholeList = new HashMap<String, DataWhole>(); mConnectionList = new ArrayList<Connectable>(); mSwarmList = new ArrayList<SwarmClient>(); List<DataWhole> wholeCache = ResilienceDbManager.getDataWholes(mContext); if (null != wholeCache) { for (final DataWhole dataWhole : wholeCache) { mCacheDataWholeList.put(dataWhole.getKey(), dataWhole); } } } /** * @return A boolean indicating whether any {@link DataPiece}s require * upload. */ public boolean hasFilesWaiting() { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { for (final DataWhole dataWhole : mCacheDataWholeList.values()) { if (!dataWhole.isAvailable() && null != dataWhole.getPieces()) { for (DataPiece dataPiece : dataWhole.getPieces()) { if (dataPiece.getState() == DataPiece.STATE_NONE || dataPiece.requiresRetry()) { return true; } } } } return false; } } /** * Returns a new ArrayList that contains all elements within the cache. * * @return {@link List} */ public List<DataWhole> getDataWholeCache() { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { return new ArrayList<DataWhole>(mCacheDataWholeList.values()); } } /** * Returns a new {@link List} containing the Swarm Clients. * * @return */ public List<SwarmClient> getSwarmList() { return new ArrayList<SwarmClient>(mSwarmList); } /** * Gets a {@link SwarmClient} from the Swarm list with the provided * {@link InetAddress}. * * @param address {@link InetAddress} * @return {@link SwarmClient} */ public SwarmClient getClientFromListWithAddress(final InetAddress address) { for (final SwarmClient client : mSwarmList) { if (client.getAddress() != null && client.getAddress().equals(address)) { return client; } } return null; } /** * Adds a {@link SwarmClient} to the Swarm list providing it hasn't already. * * @param client - The {@link SwarmClient} to be added. */ public void addClientToList(final SwarmClient client) { if (!mSwarmList.contains(client)) { mSwarmList.add(client); postToEventBus(new ClientListChanged()); } } /** * Removes the provided {@link SwarmClient} from the Swarm list. * * @param client - The {@link SwarmClient} to be removed. */ public void removeClientFromList(final SwarmClient client) { mSwarmList.remove(client); postToEventBus(new ClientListChanged()); } /** * Clears the Swarm list of all entities. */ public void clearClientList() { mSwarmList.clear(); postToEventBus(new ClientListChanged()); } /** * @return A new {@link List} of {@link Connectable}s. */ public List<Connectable> getConnectionList() { synchronized (mConnectionList) { return new ArrayList<Connectable>(mConnectionList); } } /** * Adds a {@link Connectable} to the Connection list. * * @param connection - The {@link Connectable} to be added to the Connection * list. */ public void addConnection(final Connectable connection) { if (null != connection) { synchronized (mConnectionList) { if (!mConnectionList.contains(connection)) { mConnectionList.add(connection); } postToEventBus(new ConnectionsModified(connection.getDataWhole())); } } } /** * Removes a {@link Connectable} from the Connection list. Posts a * {@link ConnectionsModified} to the EventBus. * * @param connection - The {@link Connectable} to be removed */ public void removeConnection(final Connectable connection) { if (null != connection) { synchronized (mConnectionList) { mConnectionList.remove(connection); if (null != connection.getDataWhole()) { ResilienceDbManager.persistDataWhole(mContext, connection.getDataWhole()); } postToEventBus(new ConnectionsModified(connection.getDataWhole())); } } } /** * @param dataWhole - The {@link DataWhole} to be added * @return A boolean to dictate whether the DataWhole was persisted or not */ public void addDataWhole(final DataWhole dataWhole) { if (null != dataWhole) { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { if (!mCacheDataWholeList.containsKey(dataWhole.getKey())) { mCacheDataWholeList.put(dataWhole.getKey(), dataWhole); } ResilienceDbManager.persistDataWhole(mContext, dataWhole); postToEventBus(new WholeModified()); } } } /** * @param dataWhole - The {@link DataWhole} to be removed * @return A boolean to dictate whether the DataWhole was persisted or not */ public void removeDataWhole(final DataWhole dataWhole) { if (null != dataWhole) { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { mCacheDataWholeList.remove(dataWhole.getKey()); ResilienceDbManager.removeDataWhole(mContext, dataWhole); postToEventBus(new WholeModified()); } } } /** * Removes {@link DataPiece}s from the specified {@link DataWhole} * * @param dataWhole - {@link DataWhole} whose {@link DataPiece}s should be * removed. */ public void removeDataPieces(final DataWhole dataWhole) { if (null != dataWhole) { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { final List<DataPiece> pieces = dataWhole.getPieces(); if (null != pieces) { for (final DataPiece dataPiece : pieces) { File pieceFile = dataPiece.getFile(mContext); if (null != pieceFile) { final boolean result = dataPiece.getFile(mContext).delete(); Log.d("PIECE_DELETION", "Piece deleted: " + result); } } } dataWhole.setPieces(null); ResilienceDbManager.removeDataPieces(mContext, pieces); } } } /** * Searches through the {@link DataWhole} cache and searches for a * {@link DataPiece} that requires upload. * * @return The first {@link DataPiece} that is available for upload. */ public DataPiece getNextDataPieceToUpload() { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { for (final DataWhole dataWhole : mCacheDataWholeList.values()) { if ((dataWhole.getState() == DataWhole.STATE_IN_PROGRESS || dataWhole.getState() == DataWhole.STATE_NONE) && !dataWhole.isAvailable() && null != dataWhole.getPieces()) { for (final DataPiece dataPiece : dataWhole.getPieces()) { final int state = dataPiece.getState(); if (state == DataPiece.STATE_NONE || state == DataPiece.STATE_UPLOADED_TO_DEVICE || dataPiece.requiresRetry()) { return dataPiece; } } } } /* Indicates that there is NOTHING waiting to be uploaded */ return null; } } /** * Searches through the {@link DataWhole} cache and searches for all * {@link DataPiece}s that require upload. * * @return The first {@link DataPiece} that is available for upload or null. */ public List<DataPiece> getAllPiecesToUpload() { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { final List<DataPiece> uploadPieces = new ArrayList<DataPiece>(); for (final DataWhole dataWhole : mCacheDataWholeList.values()) { if ((dataWhole.getState() == DataWhole.STATE_IN_PROGRESS || dataWhole.getState() == DataWhole.STATE_NONE) && !dataWhole.isAvailable() && null != dataWhole.getPieces()) { for (final DataPiece dataPiece : dataWhole.getPieces()) { if (dataPiece.getState() == DataPiece.STATE_NONE) { uploadPieces.add(dataPiece); } } } } return uploadPieces; } } /** * Searches through the cache for a {@link DataWhole} with the specified ID. * * @param key - The ID to be searched. * @return The {@link DataWhole} or null. */ public DataWhole getDataWholeById(final String key) { synchronized (mCacheDataWholeList) { final DataWhole dataWhole = mCacheDataWholeList.get(key); return dataWhole != null ? dataWhole : null; } } /** * A helper method to post an event to the EventBus * * @param event - An event object */ private void postToEventBus(final Object event) { EventBus.getDefault().post(event); } }