Android Open Source - EDCA Backbone Svc

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GNU General Public License

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Java Source Code

/* w w w.j a va2s .  c o  m*/
import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;

import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.view.animation.RotateAnimation;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;

 * This file is part of the Emergency Data Collector for Android (EDCA).  *
 * Copyright  2013 Mattias Spngmyr.                    *
 *                                       *
 * EDCA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under  *
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free    *
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your    *
 * option) any later version.                        *
 *                                      *
 * EDCA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY  *
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or    *
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License  *
 * for more details.                            *
 *                                      *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along  *
 * with EDCA. If not, see "".          *
 *                                       *
 * The latest source for this software can be accessed at          *
 * "".                        *
 *                                       *
 * EDCA also utilizes the JTS Topology Suite, Version 1.8 by Vivid      *
 * Solutions Inc. It is released under the Lesser General Public License  *
 * ("") and its source can be accessed at the  *
 * JTS Topology Suite website ("").    *
 *                                       *
 * Android is a trademark of Google Inc. The Android source is released  *
 * under the Apache License 2.0                        *
 * ("") and can be accessed at  *
 * "".                      *
 *                                       *
 * For other enquiries, e-mail to:          *
 *                                       *
 * General purpose Service, keeps track of the currently active        *
 * ServerConnection, the active GeographyLayer, the HTTP connection and    *
 * most of the other application-wide information.              *
 *                                       *
 * @author Mattias Spngmyr                          *
 * @version 0.95, 2013-08-05                        *
 *                                       *
public class BackboneSvc extends Service {
  /** The error tag for this Service. */
  public static final String TAG = "BackboneSvc";
  /** String initialized in onCreate(), storing the application's package name for easy access. This is used to e.g. determine the folder path to the applications locally stored data. */
  public static String PACKAGE_NAME;
  /** Constant identifying a non-specific Activity. */
  public static final int ACTIVITY_DEFAULT = 0;
  /** Constant identifying the ServerEditor Activity. */
  public static final int ACTIVITY_SERVEREDITOR = 1;
  /** Constant identifying the ServerViewer Activity. */
  public static final int ACTIVITY_SERVERVIEWER = 2;
  /** Constant identifying the LayerViewer Activity. */
  public static final int ACTIVITY_LAYERVIEWER = 3;
  /** Constant identifying the MapViewer Activity. */
  public static final int ACTIVITY_MAPVIEWER = 4;
  /** Constant identifying the AttributeEditor Activity. */
  public static final int ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTEEDITOR = 5;
  /** Constant identifying that the Service is in a disconnected state, lacking an active ServerConnection. */
  public static final int DISCONNECTED = 0;
  /** Constant identifying that the Service is in a connected state, with an active ServerConnection that has been reached. */
  public static final int CONNECTED = 1;
  /** Constant identifying that the Service is in a connecting state, currently using an active ServerConnection to try to reach a server. */
  public static final int CONNECTING = 2;
  /** Flag keeping track of the Service's state of connectedness to a server. DISCONNECTED by default. */
  private int mConnectState = DISCONNECTED;
  /** Stores the row number in the local SQLite database which holds the server information currently being used, or most recently used, to connect to a server. */
  private Long mConnectingRow = (long) 0;
  /** Whether or not an upload is currently underway. */
  private boolean mUploading = false;
  /** Flag showing whether or not the user is currently allowed to select points for combining into sequences (lines or polygons). */
  public boolean mCombining = false;

  /** Flag passed to renewLastServerConnection(boolean) to allow it to run. Will be changed to false after running once to ensure that the method is not run repeatedly without the user's request. */
  public boolean mInitialRenewSrvConnection = true;
  /** Checked in renewActiveLayer(boolean) and changed to false after running the method to ensure that it is only run once. */
  public boolean mInitialRenewLayer = true;
  /** The ServerConnection currently connected, or connecting, to. */
  private ServerConnection mActiveServer;
  /** The GetCapabilities object most recently created, to call the active server to request a list of layers and capabilities and to parse and report the response. */
  private GetCapabilities mActiveCapabilities;
  /** The GetMap object most recently created, to call the active server to request a map image and pass on the response. */
  private GetMap mActiveGetMap;
  /** The DescribeFeatureType task most recently created, which requests information about a layer on the geospatial server and reports it to create a new GeographyLayer. */
  private DescribeFeatureType mDescribeFeatureType;
  /** The GeoHelper most recently created, which handles saving to and loading from the external storage (e.g. sd-card) and uploading of data to the geospatial server. */
  private GeoHelper mGeoHelper;
  /** The active GeographyLayer, holding information about the layer being targeted for data collection as well as holding any collected data waiting for upload. */
  private GeographyLayer mActiveLayer;
  /** The current foreground Activity. Set in the onBound() method of each Activity. */
  private Activity mActiveActivity;
  /** The helper class used to access and edit the local SQLite database. */
  private LocalSQLDBhelper mSQLhelper;  
  /** A JTS 1.8 GeometryFactory that is kept for the lifetime of the application. It is used to create JTS 1.8 Geometry objects that wrap around coordinates. */
  private GeometryFactory mGeomFac = new GeometryFactory();
  /** An application-wide RotateAnimation that ensures that the symbol indicating communication with the geospatial server is animated similarly in each Activity. */
  private RotateAnimation mConnectionAnimation;
  /** Whether or not a thread is currently altering the RotateAnimation. */
  private boolean mAlteringAnimation = false;
  /** Constant defining the time it should take (in milliseconds) the RotateAnimation to complete one spin. */
  public static final int ROTATION_DURATION = 2000;
  /** Application-wide HttpClient stored for re-use. */
  private HttpClient mHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
  /** Whether or not a thread is currently using the HttpClient to communicate with a server. */
  private boolean mHttpConnecting = false;
  /** Binder given to client Activities in order to access this Service. */
    private final IBinder mBinder = new SvcAccessor(this);

  public void onCreate() {
    Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() called.");
    PACKAGE_NAME = getPackageName();
    /* Setup the animation which shows when a connection to the geospatial server is active. */
    mConnectionAnimation = new RotateAnimation(0, 360, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, (float) 0.5, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, (float) 0.5);
    mConnectionAnimation.setInterpolator(this, android.R.anim.linear_interpolator);
    mSQLhelper = new LocalSQLDBhelper(this);;

  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "onBind(Intent) called.");
    return mBinder; // Returns the specified interface.

  public void onDestroy() {
    Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy() called.");
    /* Cancel any running ASyncTasks managed by the BackboneSvc. */
    if(getActiveCapabilities() != null)
    if(getActiveGetMap() != null)
    if(mDescribeFeatureType != null)
    if(mGeoHelper != null)

  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) called.");
    return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

   * Set method to assign a ServerConnection object to be the currently active connection,
   * and tries to connect with a getCapabilities request.
   * @param srv The ServerConnection to be in use.
  public void setActiveServer(ServerConnection srv) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "setActiveServer(ServerConnection) called.");
    try {
      Log.i(TAG, "New active server '" + srv.getAddress());
      mActiveServer = srv;
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      Log.w(TAG, e.toString());
      mActiveServer = null;
   * Get method for retrieving the currently active ServerConnection object
   * from the BackboneSvc.
   * @return The active ServerConnection object.
  public ServerConnection getActiveServer() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getActiveServer() called.");
    return mActiveServer;
   * Stores the GetCapabilities object relating to the active ServerConnection.
   * @param getCap The active GetCapabilities object to set for this BackboneSvc.
  public void setActiveCapabilities(GetCapabilities getCap) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "setActiveCapabilities(GetCapabilities) called.");
    mActiveCapabilities = getCap;
   * Get method for retrieving the stored GetCapabilities object
   * relating to the active ServerConnection from the BackboneSvc.
   * @return The GetCapabilities object of the active ServerConnection.
  public GetCapabilities getActiveCapabilities() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getActiveCapabilities() called.");
    return mActiveCapabilities;
   * Stores the GetMap object last created by the MapViewer.
   * @param getMap The active GetMap object to set for this BackboneSvc.
  public void setActiveGetMap(GetMap getMap) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "setActiveGetMap(GetMap) called.");
    mActiveGetMap = getMap;
   * Get method for retrieving the GetMap object last
   * created by the MapViewer from the BackboneSvc.
   * @return The stored GetMap object.
  public GetMap getActiveGetMap() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getActiveGetMap() called.");
    return mActiveGetMap;
   * Method that sets the reference to the currently active Activity to which
   * results and alerts are posted.
   * @param activeActivity The Activity which is currently visible.
  public void setActiveActivity(Activity activeActivity) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "setActiveActivity(Activity) called.");
    mActiveActivity = activeActivity;
    Log.v(TAG, "New active activity: " + activeActivity.getLocalClassName());
   * Method that gets the reference to the currently active Activity to which
   * results and alerts are posted.
   * @return The Activity which is currently visible.
  public Activity getActiveActivity() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getActiveActivity() called.");
    return mActiveActivity;
   * Set method for the currently active local layer.
   * @param layer The layer to activate.
  public void setActiveLayer(GeographyLayer layer) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "setActiveLayer(GeographyLayer) called.");
    mActiveLayer = layer;
    if(layer != null)
      Log.v(TAG, "New active layer: " + mActiveLayer.getName());
      Log.v(TAG, "Active layer set to null.");
   * Get method for the currently active local layer.
   * @return The currently active local layer.
  public GeographyLayer getActiveLayer() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getActiveLayer() called.");
    return mActiveLayer;
   * Fetches the application-wide HttpClient instance.
   * Can not be fetched again until unlockHttpClient() is called.
   * Threads calling this method before unlockHttpClient() has
   * been called will wait indefinitely in a spin-loop.
   * @return The HttpClient
   * @throws InterruptedException
  public synchronized HttpClient getHttpClient() throws InterruptedException {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getHttpClient() called.");
    while(isHttpConnecting()) {
      Log.v(TAG, "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " waiting to fetch the HttpClient.");
    mHttpConnecting = true;
    Log.v(TAG, "HttpClient given to thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
    return mHttpClient;
   * Sets whether or not an HTTP connection is ongoing, to prevent
   * multiple uses of the HttpClient concurrently.
  public synchronized void unlockHttpClient() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "unlockHttpClient() called.");
    mHttpConnecting = false;
//    Log.v(TAG, "HttpClient unlocked by: " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
   * Fetches the flag showing whether or not an HTTP connection is ongoing.
   * @return True if an HTTP connection is ongoing.
  private boolean isHttpConnecting() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "isHttpConnecting() called.");
    return mHttpConnecting;
   * Should be called whenever server communication fails, requiring
   * the user to reconnect. Clears the active ServerConnection and
   * sets the state to disconnected. Also clears remote layers that
   * can no longer be accessed.
   * @param reportFailure True to show a dialog alerting the user of a failed connection attempt.
  public void clearConnection(boolean reportFailure) {
    Log.d(TAG, "clearConnection(reportFailure=" + String.valueOf(reportFailure) + ") called.");
    /* Clear the active server since it cannot be contacted and notify the user. */
    setConnectState(BackboneSvc.DISCONNECTED, 0);    
      showAlertDialog(getString(R.string.service_connectionfailed), null);
   * Sets the value of the connect state flag
   * and the connecting row.
   * @param state The state to set.
   * @param row The row that is Connected to, or Connecting to. Pass 0 if not connected to any server.
  public void setConnectState(int state, long row) {
    Log.v(TAG, "setConnectState(state=" + String.valueOf(state) + ", row=" + String.valueOf(row) + ") called.");
    mConnectState = state;
    mConnectingRow = row;
   * Gets the connect state of the BackboneSvc.
   * @return The connect state.
  public int getConnectState() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getConnectState() called.");
    return mConnectState;
   * Get method for the row (in the database table) that is currently being connected to.
   * @return The row being connected to.
  public Long getConnectingRow() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getConnectingRow() called.");
    return mConnectingRow;
  /** Start the Service's RotateAnimation. */
  public void startAnimation() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "startAnimation() called.");
    /* Start the animation in a separate thread to avoid blocking more crucial threads. */
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            try {
              Log.v(TAG, "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " starting animation.");
              getAnimation().setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); // Start the animation showing that a web communicating thread is active.
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " interrupted. " + e.toString()); }
  /** Stop the Service's RotateAnimation. */
  public void stopAnimation() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "stopAnimation() called.");
    /* Stop the animation in a separate thread to avoid blocking more crucial threads. */
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            try {
              Log.v(TAG, "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " stopping animation.");
              getAnimation().setRepeatCount(0); // Stop the animation showing that a web communicating thread has finished.
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " interrupted. " + e.toString()); }
   * Fetches the application-wide rotation animation instance.
   * Can not be fetched using this method again until unlockAnimation()
   * is called. Threads calling this method before unlockAnimation() has
   * been called will wait indefinitely in a spin-loop.
   * @return The stored animation.
   * @throws InterruptedException 
  public synchronized RotateAnimation getAnimation() throws InterruptedException {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getAnimation() called by thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
    while(getAlteringAnimation()) {
      Log.i(TAG, "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " waiting to fetch the RotateAnimation.");
    mAlteringAnimation = true;
//    Log.v(TAG, "RotateAnimation given to: " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
    return mConnectionAnimation;
   * Gets the RotateAnimation in a non-thread safe way,
   * and should thus not be used to alter the animation in any way.
   * @return The application-wide RotateAnimation.
  public RotateAnimation getAnimationNoQueue() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getAnimationNoQueue() called.");
    return mConnectionAnimation;
   * Indicates that alteration of the animation is finished, allowing
   * the first thread waiting to access the animation to proceed.
  public synchronized void unlockAnimation() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "unlockAnimation() called.");
    mAlteringAnimation = false;
//    Log.v(TAG, "RotateAnimation unlocked by: " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
   * Fetches the flag showing whether or not the RotateAnimation is being altered.
   * @return True if a thread is altering the animation.
  private boolean getAlteringAnimation() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getAlteringAnimation() called.");
    return mAlteringAnimation;
   * Sets the flag indicating whether or not an upload process is underway.
   * @param uploading True if uploading.
  public void setUploading(boolean uploading) {
//    Log.d(TAG, "setUploading(uploading=" + String.valueOf(uploading) + ") called.");
    mUploading = uploading;
   * Gets the flag indicating whether or not an upload process is underway.
   * @return True if uploading.
  public boolean getUploading() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getUploading() called.");
    return mUploading;
   * Get method for retrieving the local SQLite database helper
   * from the BackboneSvc.
   * @return The active ServerConnection object.
  public LocalSQLDBhelper getSQLhelper() {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getSQLhelper() called.");
    return mSQLhelper;
   * Gets the GeometryFactory which handles creation of
   * geometries from coordinates using a specified precision
   * model.
   * @return The GeometryFactory.
  public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory()  {
//    Log.d(TAG, "getGeometryFactory() called.");
    return mGeomFac;
   * Deactivates all layers by removing the "active" factor from
   * the layer mode.
  public void deactivateLayers() {
    Log.d(TAG, "deactivateLayers() called.");
      Cursor activeLayers = getSQLhelper().fetchData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_LAYER, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_COLUMNS, LocalSQLDBhelper.ALL_RECORDS, null, true);
    while(activeLayers.moveToNext()) { // As long as there's another row:
      if(activeLayers.getInt(2) % LocalSQLDBhelper.LAYER_MODE_ACTIVE == 0) {// If the layer is set to "active", then deactivate;
        getSQLhelper().updateData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_LAYER, activeLayers.getLong(0), LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_ID, new String[] {LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_USEMODE }, new String[] {String.valueOf(activeLayers.getInt(2) / LocalSQLDBhelper.LAYER_MODE_ACTIVE)});
   * Remove all layers that are not active or stored from the layer table,
   * e.g. because they can no longer be accessed.
  public void clearRemoteLayers() {
    Log.d(TAG, "clearRemoteLayers() called.");
    getSQLhelper().deleteData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_LAYER, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_ID, LocalSQLDBhelper.ALL_RECORDS,
        LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_USEMODE + " % " + LocalSQLDBhelper.LAYER_MODE_STORE + "<> 0" + " AND " + LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_USEMODE + " % " + LocalSQLDBhelper.LAYER_MODE_ACTIVE + "<> 0");
   * A method that checks which Activity is currently active and updates
   * its layout according to the current state of the server connection,
   * the active layer, and the map.
  public void updateLayoutOnState() {
    /* Record which is the active Activity as an int flag (for the switch). */
    String activity = getActiveActivity().getLocalClassName();
    Log.v(TAG, "updateLayoutOnState() run for: " + activity);
    int activityFlag =   (activity.equalsIgnoreCase("ServerEditor"))    ?  ACTIVITY_SERVEREDITOR :
              (activity.equalsIgnoreCase("ServerViewer"))    ?  ACTIVITY_SERVERVIEWER :
              (activity.equalsIgnoreCase("LayerViewer"))    ?  ACTIVITY_LAYERVIEWER :
              (activity.equalsIgnoreCase("MapViewer"))    ?  ACTIVITY_MAPVIEWER :
              (activity.equalsIgnoreCase("AttributeEditor"))  ?  ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTEEDITOR :
    switch(activityFlag) {
        ServerEditor srvEditor = (ServerEditor) getActiveActivity();
        ServerViewer srvViewer = (ServerViewer) getActiveActivity();
        srvViewer.setLayout_ActiveServer(getActiveServer()); // Show the currently active ServerConnection name in green.
        srvViewer.setLayout_RenewButton(getConnectState()); // Disable the renew button while a connection attempt is ongoing.
        LayerViewer lv = (LayerViewer) getActiveActivity();
        lv.setLayout_UploadButton((!getUploading() && getConnectState() != CONNECTING), getUploading()); // Don't allow upload action during another upload or during a server connection attempt.
             * By sending the code in "action" to the runOnUiThread() method from a separate thread,
             * its code will be placed in the UI Thread Message queue and thus happen after other
             * queued messages (such as displaying the layout).
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                Runnable action = new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
                    /* The following is put on the Message queue. */
                    ((LayerViewer) getActiveActivity()).setLayout_ListItems();
                ((LayerViewer) getActiveActivity()).runOnUiThread(action);            
        MapViewer mapViewer = (MapViewer) getActiveActivity();
        if(getActiveGetMap() != null) {
          if(getActiveGetMap().getImage() == null)
            Log.w(TAG, "No image stored by the active GetMap request.");
          mapViewer.showMapImage(getActiveGetMap().getImage()); // Display map image.
        // Nothing to update.
   * Method that tries to make a GetCapabilities request to the most recently
   * used server connection if there is one.
   * @param allow Whether or not to allow the renew. Used with a flag to prevent multiple calls on application start-up.
  public void renewLastSrvConnection(boolean allow) {
    Log.d(TAG, "renewLastSrvConnection() called. First time: " + String.valueOf(allow));
    if(allow) {
      mInitialRenewSrvConnection = false; // Flag the action so it will not be executed again.
      /* Fetch the information on the last server connection used. */
      Cursor lastSrv = mSQLhelper.fetchData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_SRV, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_SRV_COLUMNS, LocalSQLDBhelper.RECENT_RECORD, null, false);
      /* If a valid server connection record was found, make a new GetCapabilities request which, if successful, sets a new active server. */
      if(lastSrv.moveToFirst() == false || lastSrv.getString(1).contentEquals(this.getString(R.string.srvedit_content_nolastuse))) {
             Log.i(TAG, "No active server connection could be renewed.");
        makeGetCapabilitiesRequest(new ServerConnection(lastSrv.getLong(0), Utilities.DATE_LONG.format(new Date()), lastSrv.getString(2), lastSrv.getString(3), lastSrv.getString(4), lastSrv.getString(5), lastSrv.getString(6), lastSrv.getString(7), lastSrv.getInt(8)));
   * Try to load a Layer from the stored information
   * in the local SQLite database and on the external
   * storage of the device.
   * @param allow Whether or not to allow the renew. Used with a flag to prevent multiple calls on application start-up.
  public void renewActiveLayer(boolean allow) {
    Log.d(TAG, "renewActiveLayer() called. First time: " + String.valueOf(mInitialRenewLayer));
    if(allow) {
      mInitialRenewLayer = false; // Flag the action so it will not be executed again.
      /* Find the active layer if there is one and load it. */
      Cursor layerCursor = getSQLhelper().fetchData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_LAYER, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_COLUMNS, LocalSQLDBhelper.ALL_RECORDS, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_LAYER_USEMODE + " % " + LocalSQLDBhelper.LAYER_MODE_ACTIVE + " = 0", true);
      if(layerCursor.moveToFirst()) { // If there is an active layer:
        if(layerCursor.getInt(2) % LocalSQLDBhelper.LAYER_MODE_STORE == 0) { // If the layer is stored on the device; load it locally.
          Log.i(TAG, "Loading active layer from local storage...");
        else {// Else, try to load it from the geospatial server.
          Log.i(TAG, "Loading active layer from geospatial server...");
          makeDescribeFeatureTypeRequest(getActiveServer(), layerCursor.getString(1) , layerCursor.getInt(0));
        Log.i(TAG, "No active layer found.");
   * Method that initiates a GetCapabilities request on a separate thread.
   * @param srv The ServerConnection to use for the request.
  public void makeGetCapabilitiesRequest(ServerConnection srv) {
    Log.d(TAG, "makeGetCapabilitiesRequest(ServerConnection=" + srv.getName() + ") called.");
    /* Record the new connect state and which server is being connected to. */
    setConnectState(CONNECTING, srv.getID());
    startAnimation(); // Start the animation, showing that a web communicating thread is active
     * Start a separate Thread in which a getCapabilities request is created
     * and the input ServerConnection is set as the new ActiveConnection if the
     * server responds. If there is already a GetCapabilities thread running,
     * kill it before starting the new one.
    if(getActiveCapabilities() != null)
    setActiveCapabilities(new GetCapabilities(this));
   * Method that initiates a GetMap request on a separate thread.
   * @param srv The ServerConnection to use for the request.
   * @param layout A layout with the same dimensions as the view to fill with the image returned by the GetMap request.
   * @param bounds The LatLngBounds bounding box to use for the request, specifying what area the map should cover.
  public void makeGetMapRequest(ServerConnection srv, View layout, LatLngBounds bounds) {    
    Log.d(TAG, "makeGetMapRequest(ServerConnection=" + srv.getName() + ", View, BBox) called.");
     * Start a separate Thread in which a getMap request is created.
     * If there is already a GetCapabilities thread running, kill it
     * before starting the new one.
    if(getActiveGetMap() != null)
    setActiveGetMap(new GetMap(this, layout.getWidth(), layout.getHeight(), bounds));
   * Method that initiates a DescribeFeatureType request on a separate thread.
   * @param srv The ServerConnection to use for the request.
   * @param layerName The layer whose attribute information to request.
   * @param rowId The row ID of the layer in the local SQLite database.
  public void makeDescribeFeatureTypeRequest(ServerConnection srv, String layerName, long rowId) {
    Log.d(TAG, "makeDescribeFeatureTypeRequest(ServerConnection=" + srv.getName() + ", layerName=" + layerName + ", rowId=" + String.valueOf(rowId) + ") called.");
    /* Report that a server is being contacted. */
    setConnectState(CONNECTING, srv.getID());
    startAnimation(); // Start the animation, showing that a web communicating thread is active.
    /* Start the request on a separate thread (ASyncTask). */
    mDescribeFeatureType = new DescribeFeatureType(this, layerName, rowId);
   * Starts the process of storing the active layer's data on
   * a separate thread, on the geospatial server or locally.
   * @param rwMode Operation mode. "Upload", "Write" or "Overwrite".
  public void makeSaveOperation(int rwMode) {
    Log.d(TAG, "makeSaveOperation(rwMode=" + rwMode + ") called.");
    mGeoHelper = new GeoHelper(this, rwMode);
   * Starts the process of loading a locally stored layer into
   * the active layer on a separate thread.
   * @param rowId The rowId in the Layer table of the layer to activate.
  public void makeLoadOperation(long rowId) {
    Log.d(TAG, "makeLoadOperation(rowId=" + String.valueOf(rowId) + ") called.");
    mGeoHelper = new GeoHelper(this, GeoHelper.RWMODE_READ, rowId);
   * Generates a GeographyLayer object with attributes, ready for
   * adding geometry.
   * @param layerName The name of the layer to generate.
   * @return A geometry-less GeographyLayer with its attributes loaded.
  public GeographyLayer generateGeographyLayer(String layerName) {
    Log.d(TAG, "generateGeographyLayer(layerName=" + layerName + ") called.");
    GeographyLayer layer = null;
    /* Find out the type of the layer. */
    Cursor geomTypeCursor = getSQLhelper().fetchData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_FIELD_PREFIX + Utilities.dropColons(layerName, Utilities.RETURN_LAST), new String[] {LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_FIELD_NAME, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_FIELD_DATATYPE }, LocalSQLDBhelper.ALL_RECORDS, LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_FIELD_NAME + " LIKE('%_geom')", true);
    if(geomTypeCursor.moveToFirst()) {
      if(GeographyLayer.getGeometryType(geomTypeCursor.getString(1)) != GeographyLayer.TYPE_INVALID)
        layer = new GeographyLayer(this, layerName, geomTypeCursor.getString(1));
      else {
        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid geometry type.");
        return null;
    else {
      Log.e(TAG, "No '_geom' field found.");
      return null;
    /* Load the layer's fields. */
    Cursor fieldCursor = getSQLhelper().fetchData(LocalSQLDBhelper.TABLE_FIELD_PREFIX + Utilities.dropColons(layerName, Utilities.RETURN_LAST), LocalSQLDBhelper.KEY_FIELD_COLUMNS, LocalSQLDBhelper.ALL_RECORDS, null, true);
    if(fieldCursor.moveToFirst()) {      
      layer.addField(fieldCursor.getString(1), Boolean.parseBoolean(fieldCursor.getString(2)), fieldCursor.getString(3));
        layer.addField(fieldCursor.getString(1), Boolean.parseBoolean(fieldCursor.getString(2)), fieldCursor.getString(3));
      Log.i(TAG, "No fields found for this layer.");    
    return layer;
     * Method that displays an alert dialog to the user showing the string argument as the message text.
     * @param message Message to display in the alert dialog.
     * @param target The activity to display the AlertDialog in, pass null to default to the "active" Activity.
    public void showAlertDialog(String message, Activity target) {
      Log.d(TAG, "showAlertDialog(String) called.");
      final String msg = message;
      final Activity tg = target;
         * By sending the code in "action" to the runOnUiThread() method from a separate thread,
         * its code will be placed in the UI Thread Message queue and thus happen after other
         * queued messages (such as displaying the layout).
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            Runnable action = new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                /* The following is put on the Message queue. */
                AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder((tg == null) ? getActiveActivity() : tg).create();
                /* Add a button to the dialog and set its text and button listener. */
                alertDialog.setButton(alertDialog.getContext().getString(R.string.service_alert_buttontext_ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
      ; // Display the dialog to the user.
            ((tg == null) ? getActiveActivity() : tg).runOnUiThread(action);            
     * Method that displays an on screen text (Toast) to the user showing
     * the string resource argument as the message text.
     * @param message Resource ID of a string resource holding the message to display in the Toast.
    public void showToast(int message) {
      Log.d(TAG, "showToast(String) called.");
      final int msg = message;
      /* Show the Toast on the UI thread. */
      Runnable action = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
     * A local implementation of Binder that simply lets the calling
     * Activity fetch the Service reference.
     * @author Mattias Spngmyr
     * @version 0.10, 2013-07-16
    public class SvcAccessor extends Binder {
      /* The error tag for this Binder. */
//      private String TAG = "BackboneSvc.SvcAccessor";
      /** A reference to the application's background Service, received in the constructor. */
      public final BackboneSvc mService;
       * Default constructor setting the reference to the BackboneSvc Service.
       * @param svc The BackboneSvc Service to store a reference to.
        public SvcAccessor(BackboneSvc svc){
//          Log.d(TAG, "SvcAccessor(BackboneSvc) constructor called.");
            mService = svc;

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