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/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Nelson// w ww.j av a 2 s . c om * Released under the BSD license. For details see the COPYING file. */ package org.ciasaboark.tacere.database; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.provider.CalendarContract; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Instances; import android.util.Log; import org.ciasaboark.tacere.event.Calendar; import org.ciasaboark.tacere.event.EventInstance; import org.ciasaboark.tacere.event.ringer.RingerType; import org.ciasaboark.tacere.prefs.Prefs; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static android.provider.CalendarContract.Calendars; public class DatabaseInterface { private static final String TAG = "DatabaseInterface"; private static final String[] SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION = new String[]{ Instances.TITLE, Instances.BEGIN, Instances.END, Instances.DESCRIPTION, Instances.DISPLAY_COLOR, //TODO this column does not exists in API < 16 Instances.ALL_DAY, Instances.AVAILABILITY, Instances._ID, Instances.CALENDAR_ID, Instances.EVENT_ID, Instances.EVENT_LOCATION }; private static final String[] LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION = new String[]{ Columns._ID, Columns.BEGIN, Columns.EFFECTIVE_END, Columns.EVENT_ID, Columns.TITLE, Columns.CAL_ID, Columns.DESCRIPTION, Columns.DISPLAY_COLOR, Columns.IS_ALLDAY, Columns.IS_FREETIME, Columns.LOCATION, Columns.RINGER_TYPE, Columns.EXTEND_BUFFER, Columns.ORGINAL_END }; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ID = 0; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_BEGIN = 1; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_EFFECTIVE_END = 2; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_EVENT_ID = 3; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_TITLE = 4; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_CAL_ID = 5; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_DESCRIPTION = 6; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_DISPLAY_COLOR = 7; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ALLDAY = 8; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_AVAILABLE = 9; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_LOCATION = 10; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_RINGER = 11; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_EXTEND_MINUTES = 12; private static final int LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ORIGINAL_END = 13; private static final long MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; private static DatabaseInterface instance; private static Context context = null; private static Prefs prefs = null; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_TITLE = 0; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_BEGIN = 1; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_END = 2; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_DESCRIPTION = 3; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_COLOR = 4; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_ALL_DAY = 5; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_AVAILABLE = 6; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_ID = 7; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_CAL_ID = 8; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_EVENT_ID = 9; private final int SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_LOCATION = 10; private final SQLiteDatabase eventsDB; private DatabaseInterface(Context context) { DatabaseInterface.context = context; EventDatabaseOpenHelper dbHelper = new EventDatabaseOpenHelper(context); this.eventsDB = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } public static DatabaseInterface getInstance(Context ctx) { if (ctx == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context can not be null"); } context = ctx; if (instance == null) { instance = new DatabaseInterface(context); } if (prefs == null) { prefs = new Prefs(context); } return instance; } private Cursor getEventCursor(long begin, long end) { assert begin >= 0; assert end >= 0; String[] args = {String.valueOf(begin), String.valueOf(end)}; String selection = Columns.BEGIN + " >= ? AND " + Columns.EFFECTIVE_END + " <= ?"; Cursor cursor = eventsDB.query(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, null, selection, args, null, null, Columns.BEGIN, null); return cursor; } public boolean isDatabaseEmpty() { boolean isEmpty = false; Cursor cursor = getEventCursor(); if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { isEmpty = true; } cursor.close(); return isEmpty; } public Cursor getEventCursor() { return getOrderedEventCursor(Columns.BEGIN); } private Cursor getOrderedEventCursor(String order) { return eventsDB.query(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, null, null, null, null, null, order, null); } public void setExtendMinutesForInstance(long instanceId, int extendMinutes) { if (extendMinutes < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("extendMinutes must be >= 0"); } try { EventInstance eventInstance = getEvent(instanceId); eventInstance.setExtendMinutes(extendMinutes); insertEvent(eventInstance); } catch (NoSuchEventInstanceException e) { Log.e(TAG, "not able to find event with instance id : " + instanceId + ", can not extend minutes"); } } // returns the event that matches the given Instance id, throws NoSuchEventException if no match public EventInstance getEvent(long instanceId) throws NoSuchEventInstanceException { //TODO remove loop String whereClause = Columns._ID + " = ?"; String[] whereArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(instanceId)}; Cursor cursor = eventsDB.query(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION, whereClause, whereArgs, null, null, null); EventInstance thisEvent = null; if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns._ID)); if (id == instanceId) { long cal_id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.CAL_ID)); int event_id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.EVENT_ID)); String title = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.TITLE)); long begin = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.BEGIN)); long originalEnd = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.ORGINAL_END)); String description = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.DESCRIPTION)); int ringerInt = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.RINGER_TYPE)); int displayColor = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.DISPLAY_COLOR)); boolean isFreeTime = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.IS_FREETIME)) == 1; boolean isAllDay = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.IS_ALLDAY)) == 1; String location = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.LOCATION)); int extendBuffer = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.EXTEND_BUFFER)); thisEvent = new EventInstance(cal_id, id, event_id, title, begin, originalEnd, description, displayColor, isFreeTime, isAllDay, extendBuffer); RingerType ringerType = RingerType.getTypeForInt(ringerInt); thisEvent.setRingerType(ringerType); thisEvent.setLocation(location); break; } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); if (thisEvent == null) { throw new NoSuchEventInstanceException(TAG + " can not find event with given id " + instanceId); } return thisEvent; } public void insertEvent(EventInstance e) { if (!isEventValidToInsert(e)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "DatabaseInterface:insertEvent given an event with blank values"); } ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Columns._ID, e.getId()); cv.put(Columns.TITLE, e.getTitle()); cv.put(Columns.BEGIN, e.getBegin()); cv.put(Columns.ORGINAL_END, e.getOriginalEnd()); cv.put(Columns.DESCRIPTION, e.getDescription()); cv.put(Columns.IS_ALLDAY, e.isAllDay()); cv.put(Columns.IS_FREETIME, e.isFreeTime()); cv.put(Columns.RINGER_TYPE, e.getRingerType().value); cv.put(Columns.DISPLAY_COLOR, e.getDisplayColor()); cv.put(Columns.CAL_ID, e.getCalendarId()); cv.put(Columns.EVENT_ID, e.getEventId()); cv.put(Columns.LOCATION, e.getLocation()); cv.put(Columns.EXTEND_BUFFER, e.getExtendMinutes()); cv.put(Columns.EFFECTIVE_END, e.getEffectiveEnd()); long rowID = eventsDB.insertWithOnConflict(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, null, cv, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); Log.d(TAG, "inserted event " + e.toString() + " as row " + rowID); } private boolean isEventValidToInsert(EventInstance e) { boolean eventIsValid = false; if (e != null && e.getTitle() != null && e.getId() >= 0 && e.getBegin() != null && e.getOriginalEnd() != null && e.isFreeTime() != null && e.isAllDay() != null) { eventIsValid = true; } return eventIsValid; } public void setRingerForInstance(long instanceId, RingerType ringerType) { if (ringerType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ringerType must not be null"); } String mSelectionClause = Columns._ID + " = ?"; String[] mSelectionArgs = {String.valueOf(instanceId)}; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Columns.RINGER_TYPE, ringerType.value); eventsDB.beginTransaction(); try { int rowsUpdated = eventsDB.update(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, values, mSelectionClause, mSelectionArgs); if (rowsUpdated != 1) { throw new Exception("setRingerForInstance() should have updated 1 row for instance id " + instanceId + ", updated " + rowsUpdated); } else { Log.d(TAG, "set new ringer '" + ringerType + "' for instance id " + instanceId); } eventsDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error setting ringer type: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventsDB.endTransaction(); } } public Deque<EventInstance> getAllActiveEvents() { //TODO better SQL select Deque<EventInstance> events = new ArrayDeque<EventInstance>(); String whereClause = Columns.EFFECTIVE_END + " > ? AND " + Columns.BEGIN + " < ?"; long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - (EventInstance.MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE * (long) prefs.getBufferMinutes()); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (EventInstance.MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE * (long) prefs.getBufferMinutes()); String[] whereArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(beginTime), String.valueOf(endTime)}; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = eventsDB.query(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION, whereClause, whereArgs, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ID); long calId = cursor.getLong(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_CAL_ID); long eventId = cursor.getLong(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_EVENT_ID); long begin = cursor.getLong(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_BEGIN); long end = cursor.getLong(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ORIGINAL_END); String title = cursor.getString(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_TITLE); String description = cursor.getString(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_DESCRIPTION); String location = cursor.getString(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_LOCATION); int displayColor = cursor.getInt(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_DISPLAY_COLOR); boolean isAllDay = cursor.getInt(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ALLDAY) == 1; boolean isAvailable = cursor.getInt(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_AVAILABLE) == 1; int ringerInt = cursor.getInt(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_RINGER); RingerType ringerType = RingerType.getTypeForInt(ringerInt); int extendMinutes = cursor.getInt(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_EXTEND_MINUTES); EventInstance e = new EventInstance(calId, id, eventId, title, begin, end, description, displayColor, isAvailable, isAllDay, extendMinutes); e.setLocation(location); e.setRingerType(ringerType); if (e.isActiveBetween(beginTime, endTime)) { events.add(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "error getting cursor for active events"); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return events; } public void setRingerForAllInstancesOfEvent(long eventId, RingerType ringerType) { if (ringerType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ringerType can not be null"); } String mSelectionClause = Columns.EVENT_ID + " = ?"; String[] mSelectionArgs = {String.valueOf(eventId)}; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Columns.RINGER_TYPE, ringerType.value); eventsDB.beginTransaction(); try { int rowsUpdated = eventsDB.update(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, values, mSelectionClause, mSelectionArgs); Log.d(TAG, "setRingerForAllInstancesOfEvent updated " + rowsUpdated + " for event id " + eventId); eventsDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "setRingerForAllInstancesOfEvent() error setting ringer type: " + e.getMessage() + " for event id " + eventId + ", aborting"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventsDB.endTransaction(); } } /** * Sync the internal database with the system calendar database. Forward syncing is limited to * the period specified in preferences. Old events are pruned. */ public void syncCalendarDb() { // update(n) will also remove all events not found in the next n days, so we // + need to keep this in sync with the users preferences. int lookaheadDays = prefs.getLookaheadDays().value; update(lookaheadDays); pruneEventsEndBefore(System.currentTimeMillis() - EventInstance.MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE * (long) prefs.getBufferMinutes()); pruneEventsBeginAfter(System.currentTimeMillis() + (lookaheadDays * EventInstance.MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY)); pruneEventsFromRemovedCalendars(); pruneEventsRemovedFromSystemCalendar(); } // sync the calendar and the local database for the given number of days private void update(int days) { if (days < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can not sync for a negative period of days: " + days); } long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); long end = begin + MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * (long) days; // pull all events n days from now Cursor calendarCursor = getCalendarCursor(begin, end); List calendarsToSync = prefs.getSelectedCalendarsIds(); if (calendarCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { // the cursor String event_title = calendarCursor.getString(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_TITLE); long event_begin = calendarCursor.getLong(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_BEGIN); long event_end = calendarCursor.getLong(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_END); String event_description = calendarCursor.getString(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_DESCRIPTION); int event_displayColor = calendarCursor.getInt(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_COLOR); int event_allDay = calendarCursor.getInt(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_ALL_DAY); int event_availability = calendarCursor.getInt(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_AVAILABLE); long id = calendarCursor.getLong(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_ID); long cal_id = calendarCursor.getLong(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_CAL_ID); long event_id = calendarCursor.getLong(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_EVENT_ID); String event_location = calendarCursor.getString(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_LOCATION); boolean isEventAllDay = event_allDay == 1; boolean isEventAvailable = event_availability == Instances.AVAILABILITY_FREE; EventInstance newEvent = new EventInstance(cal_id, id, event_id, event_title, event_begin, event_end, event_description, event_displayColor, isEventAvailable, isEventAllDay, 0); newEvent.setLocation(event_location); // if the event is already in the local database then we need to preserve // the ringerType, all other values should be read from the system calendar // database try { EventInstance oldEvent = getEvent(id); RingerType oldRinger = oldEvent.getRingerType(); int oldExtendMinutes = oldEvent.getExtendMinutes(); newEvent.setRingerType(oldRinger); newEvent.setExtendMinutes(oldExtendMinutes); } catch (NoSuchEventInstanceException e) { // its perfectly reasonable that this event does not exist within our database // yet } // inserting an event with the same id will clobber all previous data, completing // the synchronization of this event long calendarId = newEvent.getCalendarId(); if (prefs.shouldAllCalendarsBeSynced() || calendarsToSync.contains(calendarId)) { insertEvent(newEvent); } else { removeEventIfExists(newEvent); } } while (calendarCursor.moveToNext()); } calendarCursor.close(); } private void pruneEventsEndBefore(long time) { String whereClause = Columns.EFFECTIVE_END + " < ?"; String[] args = new String[]{String.valueOf(time)}; int rowsDeleted = eventsDB.delete(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, whereClause, args); Log.d(TAG, "pruned " + rowsDeleted + " events that end before " + time); } private void pruneEventsBeginAfter(long time) { String whereClause = Columns.BEGIN + " > ?"; String[] args = new String[]{String.valueOf(time)}; int rowsDeleted = eventsDB.delete(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, whereClause, args); Log.d(TAG, "pruned " + rowsDeleted + " events that begin after " + time); } private void pruneEventsFromRemovedCalendars() { if (!prefs.shouldAllCalendarsBeSynced()) { List<Long> calendarIds = prefs.getSelectedCalendarsIds(); Iterator i = calendarIds.iterator(); int index = 0; String idList = ""; while (i.hasNext()) { String instanceId = String.valueOf(; idList += " '" + instanceId + "'"; index++; if (i.hasNext()) { idList += ", "; } } String whereClause = Columns.CAL_ID + " NOT IN (" + idList + ")"; try { int deletedRowCount = eventsDB.delete(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, whereClause, null); Log.d(TAG, "deleted " + deletedRowCount + " events that belonged to calendars " + "that should not be synced"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error deleting events not in system calendar: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void pruneEventsRemovedFromSystemCalendar() { //remove local events that no longer exist within the system calendar List<Long> systemCalendarInstanceIds = getInstanceIdsFromSystemDatabase(); List<Long> localInstanceIds = getInstanceIdsFromLocalDatabase(); for (Long id : localInstanceIds) { if (!systemCalendarInstanceIds.contains(id)) { deleteEventWithId(id); } } } private Cursor getCalendarCursor(long begin, long end) { return Instances.query(context.getContentResolver(), SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION, begin, end); } private void removeEventIfExists(EventInstance event) { long instanceId = event.getId(); String whereClause = Columns._ID + "=?"; String[] whereArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(instanceId)}; int rowsDeleted = eventsDB.delete(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, whereClause, whereArgs); Log.d(TAG, "deleted " + rowsDeleted + " rows"); } private List<Long> getInstanceIdsFromSystemDatabase() { List<Long> systemInstanceIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); int lookaheadDays = prefs.getLookaheadDays().value; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + (lookaheadDays * EventInstance.MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY); Cursor calCursor = null; try { calCursor = getCalendarCursor(begin, end); while (calCursor.moveToNext()) { long instanceId = calCursor.getLong(SYSTEM_DB_PROJECTION_ID); systemInstanceIds.add(instanceId); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error getting list of instance ids from system calendar"); } finally { if (calCursor != null) { calCursor.close(); } } return systemInstanceIds; } private List<Long> getInstanceIdsFromLocalDatabase() { List<Long> localInstanceIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); Cursor localCursor = getEventCursor(); while (localCursor.moveToNext()) { long id = localCursor.getLong(LOCAL_DB_PROJECTION_ID); localInstanceIds.add(id); } //TODO return localInstanceIds; } private void deleteEventWithId(long id) { String selection = Columns._ID + " = ?"; eventsDB.delete(EventDatabaseOpenHelper.TABLE_EVENTS, selection, new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}); } public List<Long> getInstanceIdsForEvent(long eventId) { List<Long> events = new ArrayList<Long>(); //TODO make faster with select query to avoid event id check Cursor cursor = getEventCursor(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { long _eventId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns.EVENT_ID)); if (eventId == _eventId) { long instanceId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns._ID)); events.add(instanceId); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); return events; } public String getCalendarNameForId(long id) { String calendarName = ""; final String[] projection = { Calendars._ID, Calendars.NAME }; final int projection_id = 0; final int projection_name = 1; Cursor cursor; ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); cursor = cr.query(Calendars.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { long calendarId = cursor.getLong(projection_id); if (calendarId == id) { calendarName = cursor.getString(projection_name); break; } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); return calendarName; } public List<Calendar> getCalendarIdList() { List<Calendar> calendarIds = new ArrayList<Calendar>(); final String[] projection = { Calendars._ID, Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME, Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME, Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT, Calendars.CALENDAR_COLOR }; final int projection_id = 0; final int projection_accountName = 1; final int projection_displayname = 2; final int projection_owner = 3; final int projection_color = 4; Cursor cursor; ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); //TODO wrap in try/catch/finally close cursor = cr.query(CalendarContract.Calendars.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { long id = cursor.getLong(projection_id); String accountName = cursor.getString(projection_accountName); String displayName = cursor.getString(projection_displayname); String owner = cursor.getString(projection_owner); int color = cursor.getInt(projection_color); try { Calendar c = new Calendar(id, accountName, displayName, owner, color); calendarIds.add(c); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "android database supplied bad values calendar info for id " + id + ", accountName:" + accountName + "displayName:" + displayName + " owner:" + owner); Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } else { Log.d(TAG, "no calendars installed"); } cursor.close(); return calendarIds; } public long getRemainingEventRepetitionCount(long eventId) { return getEventRepetitionCountFromTime(eventId, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public long getEventRepetitionCountFromTime(long eventId, long begin) { long eventRepetitions = 0; boolean querySucceeded = false; int tryCount = 0; while (!querySucceeded && tryCount < 20) { try { eventRepetitions = tryGetEventRepetitionCountFromTime(eventId, begin); querySucceeded = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error getting repetition count for event with id " + eventId + " on attempt number " + tryCount); } } return eventRepetitions; } private long tryGetEventRepetitionCountFromTime(long eventId, long begin) throws Exception { //the local database can not be trusted to return an accurate count of the event repetions //since its window is limited. Instead we have to query the system database long eventRepetitions = 0; final String[] EVENT_PROJECTION = new String[]{ Instances.EVENT_ID, Instances._ID, Instances.TITLE }; ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); Uri.Builder builder = Instances.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon(); ContentUris.appendId(builder, begin); ContentUris.appendId(builder, Long.MAX_VALUE); String selection = Instances.EVENT_ID + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = {String.valueOf(eventId)}; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = cr.query(, EVENT_PROJECTION, selection, selectionArgs, null); eventRepetitions = cursor.getCount(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error getting repetition count for event with id " + eventId); throw new Exception("Error performing query"); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return eventRepetitions; } public boolean doesEventRepeat(long eventId) { boolean eventRepeats = false; if (getEventRepetitionCount(eventId) > 1) { eventRepeats = true; } return eventRepeats; } public long getEventRepetitionCount(long eventId) { return getEventRepetitionCountFromTime(eventId, 0); } /** * Query the internal database for the next event. * * @return the next event in the database * @throws NoSuchEventInstanceException if there is no next event */ public EventInstance nextEvent() { EventInstance nextEvent = null; Cursor cursor = getOrderedEventCursor(Columns.BEGIN); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Columns._ID)); try { nextEvent = getEvent(id); } catch (NoSuchEventInstanceException e) { Log.e(TAG, "unable to retrieve event with id of " + id + " even though a record with this id exists in the database"); } } cursor.close(); return nextEvent; } }