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/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013 Dan Brough All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * // ww w .j a va 2s . c om ******************************************************************************/ package org.danbrough.mega; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; public class MegaApplication extends Application { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory .getLogger(MegaApplication.class.getSimpleName()); private static final String PREF_SESSION = "session"; protected AndroidClient client; Handler handler; protected Thread uiThread; protected Activity activity; protected MegaListener listener; protected ThreadPool threadPool; public MegaApplication() { super(); } public SharedPreferences getPrefs() { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); } AlertDialog busyDialog; public void showBusyDialog() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (busyDialog != null) return; ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(activity) { int backPressCount = 0; @Override public void onBackPressed() { backPressCount++; if (backPressCount > 1) { dismiss(); activity.finish(); } } }; dialog.setMessage(getString(R.string.please_wait)); dialog.setIndeterminate(true); dialog.setCancelable(false); // dialog.setOnCancelListener(cancelListener);; busyDialog = dialog;; } }); } public void hideBusyDialog() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (busyDialog == null) return; busyDialog.dismiss(); busyDialog = null; } }); } public void runOnUiThread(Runnable runnable) { if (Thread.currentThread() == uiThread); else; } public AlertDialog.Builder createAlertDialog() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); builder.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher); builder.setTitle(R.string.app_name); return builder; } public AlertDialog.Builder createPromptDialog(int message, DialogInterface.OnClickListener positive, DialogInterface.OnClickListener negative) { return createPromptDialog(getString(message), positive, negative); } public void showMessage(final String message) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { createPromptDialog(message, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }, null).show(); } }); } public AlertDialog.Builder createPromptDialog(String message, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener positive, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener negative) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = createAlertDialog(); builder.setMessage(message); builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (positive == null) dialog.dismiss(); else positive.onClick(dialog, which); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (negative == null) dialog.dismiss(); else negative.onClick(dialog, which); } }); return builder; } public AlertDialog.Builder createLoginDialog() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = createAlertDialog(); builder.setCancelable(false); View view = activity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog_login, null); final TextView txtUsername = (TextView) view.findViewById(; final TextView txtPassword = (TextView) view.findViewById(; builder.setView(view); builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.login, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); String username = txtUsername.getText().toString(); String password = txtPassword.getText().toString(); showBusyDialog(); try { client.login(username, password, new Callback<Void>() { @Override public void onError(APIError error) { displayError(error); } @Override public void onError(Exception e) { displayError(e); } @Override public void onResult(Void result) { hideBusyDialog(); onLogin(); } }); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); return builder; } public void logout() {"logout();"); if (client != null) { client.stop(); client = null; } getPrefs().edit().remove(PREF_SESSION).commit(); startClient(); onLogout(); } public void displayError(Throwable e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); displayError(e.getMessage()); } public void displayError(int msgId) { displayError(getString(msgId)); } public void displayError(APIError error) { displayError(error.getMessage()); } public void displayError(final String msg) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { hideBusyDialog(); createErrorDialog(msg).show(); } }); } public AlertDialog.Builder createErrorDialog(String msg) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = createAlertDialog().setMessage(msg); builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); builder.setTitle(R.string.msg_an_error_occurred); return builder; } @Override public void onCreate() {"onCreate();"); super.onCreate(); handler = new Handler(); uiThread = Thread.currentThread(); threadPool = createThreadPool(); try { String json = getPrefs().getString(PREF_SESSION, null); if (json != null) { client = GSONUtil.getGSON().fromJson( getPrefs().getString(PREF_SESSION, null), AndroidClient.class); } } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error("failed to restore session", ex); } startClient(); } protected void startClient() { if (client == null) client = new AndroidClient(); client.setApplication(this); client.setAppKey(getString(R.string.app_key)); client.setThreadPool(threadPool); client.start(); } protected ThreadPool createThreadPool() { threadPool = new ExecutorThreadPool(); threadPool.start(); return threadPool; } protected void destroyThreadPool() { if (threadPool == null) return; threadPool.stop(); threadPool = null; } @Override public void onTerminate() {"onTerminate()"); super.onTerminate(); if (client != null) { client.stop(); client = null; } destroyThreadPool(); } public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { this.activity = activity; if (activity instanceof MegaListener) listener = (MegaListener) activity; } public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) { } public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) {"onActivityResumed()"); client.startSC(); } public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {"onActivityPaused()"); client.stopSC(); } public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) { } public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {"onActivitySaveInstanceState() {}", activity); saveSession(null); } public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) { } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return client != null && client.getSessionID() != null; } protected void onLogin() { if (listener != null) listener.onLogin(); saveSession(null); } protected void onLogout() { if (listener != null) listener.onLogout(); } public void onFolderChanged(Node folder) { if (listener != null) listener.onFolderChanged(folder); } protected void onNodesModified() { saveSession(new Callback<Void>() { @Override public void onResult(Void result) { if (listener != null) listener.onNodesModified(); } }); } public void runInBackground(Runnable runnable) { threadPool.background(runnable); } public void saveSession(final Callback<Void> callback) { runInBackground(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { String json = null; synchronized (client) { json = GSONUtil.getGSON().toJson(client); } getPrefs().edit().putString(PREF_SESSION, json).commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { displayError(ex); } finally { if (callback != null) callback.onResult(null); } } }); } public AndroidClient getClient() { return client; } public void setFolder(Node node) {"setFolder(): {}", node); client.setCurrentFolder(node); } public void download(final Node node) {"download() {}", node); File downloadDir = Environment .getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS); File file = new File(downloadDir, node.getName()); client.enqueueCommand(new CommandGetFile(node, file) { @Override public void onError(Exception e) { displayError(e); } @Override public void onError(APIError error) { displayError(error); } @Override public void onResult(File result) { showMessage("Saved to " + result.getAbsolutePath()); } }); } }