A Nerdz Api based Nerdz messaging app for Android..
NerdzMessenger is hosted in the following web site
If you think the Android project NerdzMessenger listed in this page is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.
The following table is the detailed list of NerdzMessenger.
Item | Value |
Java File Count | 21 |
Supported screen sizes | [mdpi, xxhdpi, hdpi, xhdpi] |
Activity Count | 6 |
Required Permissions | android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS android.permission.GET_TASKS android.permission.INTERNET android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS android.permission.VIBRATE android.permission.WAKE_LOCK com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE |
Raw File Names | res\raw\logo_big.png |
The license information of NerdzMessenger is as follows:
GNU General Public License
There are 5 image files in NerdzMessenger. The names of the image files are listed as follows.
ic_action.png ic_menu_delete.png ic_menu_msg_compose_holo_dark.png ic_menu_refresh.png ic_stat.png
The following screenshort is generated from the image listed above.