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/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Joel Edstrm/*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c om*/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package foo.joeledstrom.spreadsheets; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import foo.joeledstrom.spreadsheets.SpreadsheetsService.FeedIterator; import foo.joeledstrom.spreadsheets.SpreadsheetsService.SpreadsheetsException; import foo.joeledstrom.spreadsheets.SpreadsheetsService.WiseUrl; public class Worksheet { private SpreadsheetsService service; private String id; private String title; private String listFeed; private String cellsFeed; private String editUrl; private int rowCount; private AtomParser atomParser; Worksheet(SpreadsheetsService service, String id, String title, String listFeed, String cellsFeed, String editUrl, String rowCount) { this.service = service; = id; this.title = title; this.listFeed = listFeed; this.cellsFeed = cellsFeed; this.editUrl = editUrl; this.rowCount = Integer.parseInt(rowCount); } public void applyDelete() throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { Request<Void>() { public Void run() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { WiseUrl url = new WiseUrl(editUrl); HttpRequest request = service.wiseRequestFactory.buildDeleteRequest(url); request.headers.ifMatch = "*"; request.execute().ignore(); return null; } }.execute(); } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getId() { return id; } public int getRowCount() { return rowCount; } public Set<String> getColumns() throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { FeedIterator<WorksheetRow> rows = getRows(); WorksheetRow firstEntry = rows.getNextEntry(); rows.close(); return firstEntry.getColumnNames(); } static final XmlNamespaceDictionary CELLS_FEED_NS = new XmlNamespaceDictionary() .set("", "") .set("openSearch", "") .set("gs", "") .set("gd", "") .set("app", "") .set("batch", ""); static class RowUploadToken { public RowUploadToken(int row, List<String> cells) { this.row = row; this.cells = cells; } public final int row; public final List<String> cells; int cellsUploaded; } // was't planning on making these public because it can't really guarantee that uploads were done correctly (no etag support) Collection<RowUploadToken> batchUpload(final Iterable<RowUploadToken> rows) throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { final Map<String, RowUploadToken> transfersInFlight = new HashMap<String, RowUploadToken>(); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<feed xmlns=\"\" ") .append("xmlns:batch=\"\" ") .append("xmlns:gs=\"\">") .append("<id>").append(cellsFeed).append("</id>"); for (RowUploadToken token : rows) { for (int i = 0; i < token.cells.size(); i++) { // i thought adding the UUID below would fix the "Feed processing was interrupted." // "a response has already been sent for batch operation update id=XXXXXX" errors. // but doesn't seem like it String batchId = token.hashCode() + "_" + i + UUID.randomUUID(); builder.append("<entry>") .append("<batch:id>").append(batchId).append("</batch:id>") .append("<batch:operation type=\"update\"/>") .append("<id>").append(cellsFeed).append("/R"+token.row+"C"+(i+1)).append("</id>") .append("<link rel=\"edit\" type=\"application/atom+xml\" ") .append("href=\"").append(cellsFeed).append("/R"+token.row+"C"+(i+1)).append("\"/>") .append("<gs:cell row=\"").append(token.row) .append("\" col=\"").append(i+1) .append("\" inputValue=\"").append(token.cells.get(i)).append("\"/>") .append("</entry>"); } token.cellsUploaded = 0; // reset this because the user may upload the same token again, after failure transfersInFlight.put(token.hashCode() + "", token); } builder.append("</feed>"); Request<Void>() { public Void run() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { WiseUrl url = new WiseUrl(cellsFeed + "/batch"); HttpContent content = new ByteArrayContent(builder.toString()); HttpRequest request = service.wiseRequestFactory.buildPostRequest(url, content); request.enableGZipContent = false; GoogleHeaders headers = (GoogleHeaders)request.headers; headers.contentType = "application/atom+xml"; headers.acceptEncoding = null; headers.contentEncoding = null; headers.ifMatch = "*"; HttpResponse response = request.execute(); AtomFeedParser<CellsFeed, CellsEntry> feedParser = AtomFeedParser.create(response, CELLS_FEED_NS, CellsFeed.class, CellsEntry.class); try { feedParser.parseFeed(); while (true) { CellsEntry entry = feedParser.parseNextEntry(); if (entry == null || entry.batchId == null) { break; } int divider = entry.batchId.indexOf("_"); String perRowBatchId = entry.batchId.substring(0, divider); RowUploadToken token = transfersInFlight.get(perRowBatchId); token.cellsUploaded++; if (token.cellsUploaded == token.cells.size()) { // row completed if (entry.batchStatus.code.equals("200")) // successfully transfersInFlight.remove(perRowBatchId); } } } finally { try { feedParser.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} // really ignore this } return null; } }.execute(); // return the failed transfers return transfersInFlight.values(); } public void setColumns(List<String> columnNames) throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { List<RowUploadToken> rows = Arrays.asList(new RowUploadToken(1, columnNames)); Collection<RowUploadToken> failedUploads = batchUpload(rows); int retryCounter = 0; while (failedUploads.size() != 0) { if(retryCounter > 3) throw new IOException("setColumns(..) FAILURE"); failedUploads = batchUpload(failedUploads); retryCounter++; } } public WorksheetRow addRow(Map<String, String> values) throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { if (atomParser == null) { atomParser = new AtomParser(); atomParser.namespaceDictionary = LIST_FEED_NS; } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<entry xmlns=\"\" xmlns:gsx=\"\">"); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(builder, Locale.US); for (Map.Entry<String, String> value : values.entrySet()) formatter.format("<gsx:%1$s>%2$s</gsx:%1$s>", Utils.encodeXML(value.getKey()), Utils.encodeXML(value.getValue())); builder.append("</entry>"); return Request<WorksheetRow>() { public WorksheetRow run() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { WiseUrl url = new WiseUrl(listFeed); HttpContent content = new ByteArrayContent(builder.toString()); HttpRequest request = service.wiseRequestFactory.buildPostRequest(url, content); request.enableGZipContent = false; GoogleHeaders headers = (GoogleHeaders)request.headers; headers.contentType = "application/atom+xml"; headers.acceptEncoding = null; headers.contentEncoding = null; HttpResponse response = request.execute(); ListEntry entry = atomParser.parse(response, ListEntry.class); return new WorksheetRow(service, entry.etag,, entry.getEditUrl(), entry.getValues()); } }.execute(); } static final XmlNamespaceDictionary LIST_FEED_NS = new XmlNamespaceDictionary() .set("", "") .set("openSearch", "") .set("gs", "") .set("gd", "") .set("app", ""); public FeedIterator<WorksheetRow> getRows() throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { return getRows(null, null, false); } public FeedIterator<WorksheetRow> getRows(final String sq, final String orderby, final boolean reverse) throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { return getRows(sq, orderby, reverse, null); } public FeedIterator<WorksheetRow> getRows(final String sq, final String orderby, final boolean reverse, final FeedIterator<WorksheetRow> lastQuery) throws IOException, SpreadsheetsException { try { return FeedIterator<WorksheetRow>() { public void init() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { boolean abortedBecauseNotModified = true; HttpResponse response = null; try { WiseUrl url = new WiseUrl(listFeed); url.sq = sq; if (orderby != null) url.orderby = "column:" + orderby; url.reverse = reverse; HttpRequest request = service.wiseRequestFactory.buildGetRequest(url); if (lastQuery != null) { request.headers.ifNoneMatch = lastQuery.etag; } response = request.execute(); etag = response.headers.etag; feedParser = AtomFeedParser.create(response, LIST_FEED_NS, ListFeed.class, ListEntry.class); abortedBecauseNotModified = false; } finally { if (abortedBecauseNotModified && response != null) response.ignore(); // clear up resources if we dont need the content of the response } } public WorksheetRow parseOne() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { ListEntry entry = (ListEntry)feedParser.parseNextEntry(); if (entry == null) return null; return new WorksheetRow(service, entry.etag,, entry.getEditUrl(), entry.getValues()); } }; } catch (SpreadsheetsException e) { if (e.getMessage().equals("304 Not Modified")) { return null; } else { throw e; } } } // model classes for ListFeed public static class ListFeed { @Key("entry") public List<String> entries; } public static class ListEntry extends GenericXml { @Key public String id; @Key("@gd:etag") String etag; @Key("link") private List<ListLink> links; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Map<String, String> getValues() throws XmlPullParserException { Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("gsx:")) { String value; try { Object textOfElement = ((Map)((List)e.getValue()).get(0)).get("text()"); value = textOfElement == null ? "" : textOfElement.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new XmlPullParserException("List feed entry structure incorrect (gsx)"); } values.put(key.substring(4), value); } } return values; } public String getEditUrl() throws XmlPullParserException { String editUrl = null; for (ListLink link : links) { if (link.rel.equals("edit")) { editUrl = link.href; } } if (editUrl == null) throw new XmlPullParserException("List feed entry structure incorrect (edit url)"); return editUrl; } } public static class ListLink { @Key("@rel") public String rel; @Key("@href") public String href; } // model classes for CellFeed used in batchUpload(..) public static class CellsFeed { @Key("entry") public List<CellsEntry> entries; } public static class CellsEntry { @Key("batch:id") public String batchId; @Key("batch:status") public CellsBatchStatus batchStatus; } public static class CellsBatchStatus { @Key("@code") public String code; } }