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/* * Copyright 2014 MbientLab Inc. All rights reserved. *//from www . j av a2s. com * IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights * granted under the terms of a software license agreement between the user who * downloaded the software, his/her employer (which must be your employer) and * MbientLab Inc, (the "License"). You may not use this Software unless you * agree to abide by the terms of the License which can be found at * . The License limits your use, and you acknowledge, * that the Software may not be modified, copied or distributed and can be used * solely and exclusively in conjunction with a MbientLab Inc, product. Other * than for the foregoing purpose, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare * derivative works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this * Software and/or its documentation for any purpose. * * YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE * PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, * NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL * MBIENTLAB OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, * STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER LEGAL EQUITABLE * THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST * PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, * SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY * DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. * * Should you have any questions regarding your right to use this Software, * contact MbientLab Inc, at */ package com.mbientlab.metawear.api.controller; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import com.mbientlab.metawear.api.MetaWearController.ModuleCallbacks; import com.mbientlab.metawear.api.MetaWearController.ModuleController; import com.mbientlab.metawear.api.Module; import static com.mbientlab.metawear.api.Module.ACCELEROMETER; /** * Controller for the accelerometer module * @author Eric Tsai * @see com.mbientlab.metawear.api.Module#ACCELEROMETER */ public interface Accelerometer extends ModuleController { /** * Enumeration of registers for the accelerometer module * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum Register implements com.mbientlab.metawear.api.Register { /** Checks module enable status and enables/disables module notifications */ GLOBAL_ENABLE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x1; } }, /** Checks motion polling status and enables/disables motion polling */ DATA_ENABLE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x2; } }, /** Sets or retrieves motion polling configuration */ DATA_SETTINGS { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x3; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { byte[] config= Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).receivedConfiguration(Component.DATA, config); } } }, /** Stores XYZ motion data. */ DATA_VALUE { @Override public byte opcode() {return 0x4; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { short x= (short)(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, 2, 2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getShort()), y= (short)(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, 4, 2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getShort()), z= (short)(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, 6, 2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getShort()); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks)it).receivedDataValue(x, y, z); } } }, /** Checks and sets movement detection status */ FREE_FALL_ENABLE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x5; } }, /** Sets or retrieves movement detection configuration */ FREE_FALL_SETTINGS { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x6; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { byte[] config= Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).receivedConfiguration(Component.FREE_FALL, config); } } }, /** Stores movement state, enables/disables movement detection */ FREE_FALL_VALUE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x7; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, final byte[] data) { if ((data[2] & 0x80) == 0x80) { MovementData ffInfo= new MovementData() { @Override public boolean isAboveThreshold(Axis axis) { byte mask= (byte) (2 << (2 * axis.ordinal())); return (data[2] & mask) == mask; } @Override public Direction getDirection(Axis axis) { byte mask= (byte) (1 << (2 * axis.ordinal())); return (data[2] & mask) == mask ? Direction.NEGATIVE : Direction.POSITIVE; } }; for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).movementDetected(ffInfo); ((Callbacks) it).inFreeFall(); } } } }, /** Sets or retrieves orientation detection status */ ORIENTATION_ENABLE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x8; } }, /** Sets or retrieves the configuration for orientation notifications */ ORIENTATION_SETTING { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x9; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { byte[] config= Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).receivedConfiguration(Component.ORIENTATION, config); } } }, /** Stores current orientation, and enables/disables orientation notifications*/ ORIENTATION_VALUE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0xa; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { byte enumOffset= (byte) (4 * (data[2] & 0x1) + ((data[2] >> 1) & 0x3)); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks)it).receivedOrientation(data[2]); ((Callbacks)it).orientationChanged(Orientation.values()[enumOffset]); } } }, /** Sets or retrieves tap detection status */ PULSE_ENABLE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0xb; } }, /** Sets or retrieves the configuration for tap detection */ PULSE_SETTING { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0xc; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { byte[] config= Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).receivedConfiguration(Component.PULSE, config); } } }, /** Stores current tap information and enables/disables tap notifications */ PULSE_STATUS { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0xd; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, final byte[] data) { if ((data[2] & 0x80) == 0x80) { MovementData moveData= new MovementData() { @Override public boolean isAboveThreshold(Axis axis) { byte mask= (byte) (0x10 << axis.ordinal()); return (data[2] & mask) == mask; } @Override public Direction getDirection(Axis axis) { return Direction.values()[(data[2] >> axis.ordinal()) & 0x1]; } }; for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { if ((data[2] & 0x8) == 0x8) ((Callbacks) it).doubleTapDetected(moveData); else ((Callbacks) it).singleTapDetected(moveData); } } } }, /** Sets or retrieves shake detection status */ TRANSIENT_ENABLE { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0xe; } }, /** Sets or retrieves the configuration for shake detection */ TRANSIENT_SETTING { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0xf; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { byte[] config= Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length); for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).receivedConfiguration(Component.TRANSIENT, config); } } }, /** Stores current shake information and enables/disables shake notifications */ TRANSIENT_STATUS { @Override public byte opcode() { return 0x10; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, final byte[] data) { if ((data[2] & 0x40) == 0x40) { MovementData moveData= new MovementData() { @Override public boolean isAboveThreshold(Axis axis) { byte mask= (byte) (0x2 << (2 * axis.ordinal())); return (data[2] & mask) == mask; } @Override public Direction getDirection(Axis axis) { return Direction.values()[(data[2] >> (2 * axis.ordinal())) & 0x1]; } }; for(ModuleCallbacks it: callbacks) { ((Callbacks) it).shakeDetected(moveData); } } } }; @Override public Module module() { return ACCELEROMETER; } @Override public void notifyCallbacks(Collection<ModuleCallbacks> callbacks, byte[] data) { } } /** * Callbacks for the accelerometer module * @author Eric Tsai */ public abstract static class Callbacks implements ModuleCallbacks { public final Module getModule() { return ACCELEROMETER; } /** * Called when the configuration of an accelerometer component has been received * @param component Component the configuration is describing * @param configuration Byte representation of the configuration */ public void receivedConfiguration(Component component, byte[] configuration) { } /** * Called when the ble radio has received accelerometer motion data. In firmware v0.9.0, * the accelerometer data will already be appropriately converted to milli Gs so there is * need to call {@link com.mbientlab.metawear.api.util.BytesInterpreter#bytesToGs(byte[], short)} * @param x X component of acceleration, in milli Gs * @param y Y component of acceleration, in milli Gs * @param z Z component of acceleration, in milli Gs */ public void receivedDataValue(short x, short y, short z) { } /** * Called when movement is detected. This function will be repeatedly called * while movement is detected. * @param moveData Movement data encapsulated in an object */ public void movementDetected(MovementData moveData) { } /** * Called when free fall is detected * @deprecated As of v1.1, replaced by {@link Callbacks#movementDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData)} */ @Deprecated public void inFreeFall() { } /** * Called when free fall has stopped * @deprecated As of v1.1, callback function was never properly implemented and * has been replaced by {@link Callbacks#movementDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData)} */ public void stoppedFreeFall() { } /** * Called when the orientation has changed * @param orientation Orientation information from the accelerometer's status register * @deprecated As of v1.1, replaced by * {@link Callbacks#orientationChanged(Accelerometer.Orientation)} */ @Deprecated public void receivedOrientation(byte orientation) { } /** * Called when the orientation has changed * @param accelOrientation Orientation of the accelerometer */ public void orientationChanged(Orientation accelOrientation) { } /** * Called when a single tap has been detected * @param moveData Movement data encapsulated in an object */ public void singleTapDetected(MovementData moveData) { } /** * Called when a double tap has been detected * @param moveData Movement data encapsulated in an object */ public void doubleTapDetected(MovementData moveData) { } /** * Called when a shake motion is detected. This function will be continuously called * as long as the set threshold is exceeded in the desired direction * @param moveData Movement data encapsulated in an object */ public void shakeDetected(MovementData moveData) { } } /** * Enumeration of components in the accelerometer * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum Component { /** XYZ data sampling */ DATA(Register.DATA_ENABLE, Register.DATA_SETTINGS, Register.DATA_VALUE), /** Free fall or motion detection */ FREE_FALL(Register.FREE_FALL_ENABLE, Register.FREE_FALL_SETTINGS, Register.FREE_FALL_VALUE), /** Orientation detection */ ORIENTATION(Register.ORIENTATION_ENABLE, Register.ORIENTATION_SETTING, Register.ORIENTATION_VALUE), /** Tap detection */ PULSE(Register.PULSE_ENABLE, Register.PULSE_SETTING, Register.PULSE_STATUS), /** Shake detection */ TRANSIENT(Register.TRANSIENT_ENABLE, Register.TRANSIENT_SETTING, Register.TRANSIENT_STATUS); public final Register enable, config, status; /** * @param enable * @param config */ private Component(Register enable, Register config, Register status) { this.enable= enable; this.config= config; this.status= status; } } /** * Orientation definitions for the accelerometer. The entries are defined * from the perspective of the accelerometer chip's placement and orientation, * not from the MetaWear board's perspective. * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum Orientation { FRONT_PORTRAIT_UP, FRONT_PORTRAIT_DOWN, FRONT_LANDSCAPE_RIGHT { @Override public boolean isFront() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPortrait() { return false; } }, FRONT_LANDSCAPE_LEFT { @Override public boolean isFront() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPortrait() { return false; } }, BACK_PORTRAIT_UP { @Override public boolean isFront() { return false; } @Override public boolean isPortrait() { return true; } }, BACK_PORTRAIT_DOWN { @Override public boolean isFront() { return false; } @Override public boolean isPortrait() { return true; } }, BACK_LANDSCAPE_RIGHT { @Override public boolean isFront() { return false; } @Override public boolean isPortrait() { return false; } }, BACK_LANDSCAPE_LEFT { @Override public boolean isFront() { return false; } @Override public boolean isPortrait() { return false; } }; public boolean isFront() { return true; } public boolean isPortrait() { return true; } } /** * Detectable tap types * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum TapType { SINGLE_TAP, DOUBLE_TAP; } /** * Axes available for motion detection. These axis entries are relative to the * orientation of the accelerometer chip. * @author etsai */ public enum Axis { X, Y, Z; } /** * Wrapper class encapsulating movement information received from the board * @author Eric Tsai */ public interface MovementData { /** * Axis information for the detection callback functions * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum Direction { /** Movement is in the positive direction */ POSITIVE, /** Movement is in the negative direction */ NEGATIVE, } /** * Returns whether or not the board exceeded the threshold on the specific axis * @param axis Axis to check * @return True if board's axis exceeded threshold, false otherwise */ public boolean isAboveThreshold(Axis axis); /** * Returns the direction the board is moving in on the specific axis * @param axis Axis to check * @return Direction enum value indicating the movement direction */ public Direction getDirection(Axis axis); } /** * Disable detection for the accelerometer component. If saveConfig is false, * you will need to reconfigure the detection parameters via the appropriate * enable detection function. * @param component Component to disable * @param saveConfig True if the component configuration should be saved */ public void disableDetection(Component component, boolean saveConfig); /** * Disable detection for all components. If saveConfig is false, you will need * to reconfigure the parameters for each component via the appropriate enable * detection function. * @param saveConfig True if the all configurations should be saved */ public void disableAllDetection(boolean saveConfig); /** * Enable tap detection. When a tap is detected, one of the tap detected * callback functions is called depending on what kind of tap was being detected * @param type Tap type to detected * @param axis Which axis to detect taps on * @return Configuration object to tweak the tap settings * @see Callbacks#singleTapDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData) * @see Callbacks#doubleTapDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData) */ public ThresholdConfig enableTapDetection(TapType type, Axis axis); /** * Enable shake detection. When a shake motion is detected along the given axis, * the {@link Callbacks#shakeDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData)} callback * function is called * @param axis Which axis to detect shake motion * @return Configuration object to tweak the shake settings */ public ThresholdConfig enableShakeDetection(Axis axis); /** * Enable orientation detection. When an orientation change is detected, the * {@link Callbacks#orientationChanged(Accelerometer.Orientation)} callback function * is called. * @return Configuration object to tweak the orientation settings */ public AccelerometerConfig enableOrientationDetection(); /** * Enable free fall detection. This function is mutually exclusive with * {@link #enableMotionDetection(Accelerometer.Axis...)}, you can only enable one or the * other. When free fall is detected, the {@link Callbacks#movementDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData)} * callback function is called * @return Configuration object to tweak free fall settings */ public ThresholdConfig enableFreeFallDetection(); /** * Enable motion detection. This function is mutually exclusive with * {@link #enableFreeFallDetection()}, you can only enable one or the * other. When motion is detected, the {@link Callbacks#movementDetected(Accelerometer.MovementData)} * callback function is called * @param axes Axis to detect motion on * @return Configuration object to tweak motion settings */ public ThresholdConfig enableMotionDetection(Axis ... axes); /** * Enable data sampling of the XYZ axes. When axis data is received, the * {@link Callbacks#receivedDataValue(short, short, short)} callback function is called * @return Configuration object to tweak the data sampling settings */ public SamplingConfig enableXYZSampling(); /** * Starts detection / sampling of enabled components */ public void startComponents(); /** * Stops activity for enabled components */ public void stopComponents(); /** * Resets configuration and stops detection for all components */ public void resetAll(); /** * Provides optional configuration options to allow users to customize the * accelerometer detection * @author Eric Tsai */ public interface AccelerometerConfig { /** * The accelerometer will internally detect the desired event however, callback functions * will not be called. * @return Calling object */ public AccelerometerConfig withSilentMode(); /** * Get the byte representation of the configuration * @return Configuration as an array of bytes */ public byte[] getBytes(); } /** * Configure threshold level for accelerometer components * @author Eric Tsai */ public interface ThresholdConfig extends AccelerometerConfig { /** * Sets the detection threshold * @param gravity Threshold of the sensor, in Gs * @return Calling object */ public ThresholdConfig withThreshold(float gravity); } /** * Configure attributes for data sampling * @author Eric Tsai */ public interface SamplingConfig extends AccelerometerConfig { /** * Max range of the accelerometer data * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum FullScaleRange { FSR_2G, FSR_4G, FSR_8G; } /** * Available data rates on the metawear accelerometer * @author Eric Tsai */ public enum OutputDataRate { ODR_800_HZ, ODR_400_HZ, ODR_200_HZ, ODR_100_HZ, ODR_50_HZ, ODR_12_5_HZ, ODR_6_25_HZ, ODR_1_56_HZ; } /** * Sets the max range of the data * @param range Data's max range * @return Calling object */ public SamplingConfig withFullScaleRange(FullScaleRange range); /** * Sets the sampling data rate * @param rate Data rate to sample at * @return Calling object */ public SamplingConfig withOutputDataRate(OutputDataRate rate); /** * Enables high-pass filtering on the accelerometer axis data. This version of the * function does not alter the cutoff setting * @return Calling object */ public SamplingConfig withHighPassFilter(); /** * Enables high-pass filtering on the accelerometer axis data * @param cutoff Cutoff frequency setting between [0, 3] where * 0 = highest cutoff freq and 3 = lowest cutoff freq * @return Calling object */ public SamplingConfig withHighPassFilter(byte cutoff); /** * Disables high-pass filtering on the accelerometer axis data * @return Calling object */ public SamplingConfig withoutHighPassFilter(); } /** * Enables accelerometer activity for the given component * @param component Component to enable * @param notify True if the API should be notified of accelerometer events. * If set to false, the assoicated callback function will not be called. */ public void enableComponent(Component component, boolean notify); /** * Disable accelerometer activity for the given component. Currently, this * function is an alias for {@link #disableNotification(Accelerometer.Component)} * @param component Component to disable */ public void disableComponent(Component component); /** * Enable notifications from a component * @param component Component to enable notifications from * @deprecated As of v1.1, use {@link #enableComponent(Accelerometer.Component, boolean)} */ public void enableNotification(Component component); /** * Disable notifications from a component * @param component Component to disable notifications from * @deprecated As of v1.1, use {@link #disableComponent(Accelerometer.Component)} */ public void disableNotification(Component component); /** * Read component configuration. When data is ready, the * {@link Callbacks#receivedConfiguration(Accelerometer.Component, byte[])} callback function * will be called * @param component Component to read configuration from * @see Callbacks#receivedConfiguration(Accelerometer.Component, byte[]) */ public void readComponentConfiguration(Component component); /** * Set component configuration * @param component Component to write configuration to */ public void setComponentConfiguration(Component component, byte[] data); }