Android Open Source - jotform-api-android Jotform A P I Client

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Java Source Code

package com.jotform.api;
//from   w  w  w  .j a v a2  s .co m
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.json.*;

import android.accounts.AccountManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;


public class JotformAPIClient {

  private static final String BASE_URL = "";
  private static final String VERSION = "v1/";
  private AsyncHttpClient client;
  private String apiKey;
  private int timeout;

  public static final String TAG = "Jotform API Client";

  public JotformAPIClient(String apiKey) {
    client = new AsyncHttpClient();
    this.apiKey = apiKey;

  public JotformAPIClient() {
    client = new AsyncHttpClient();
    this.apiKey = "";

  public void setTimeOut(int miliseconds) {
    timeout = miliseconds;

  public void get(String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    client.addHeader("apiKey", apiKey);

    if ( timeout > 0 )

    client.get(getAbsoluteUrl(url), params, responseHandler);

  public void post(String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    client.addHeader("apiKey", apiKey);, params, responseHandler);

  public void delete(String url, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    client.addHeader("apiKey", apiKey);    
    client.delete(getAbsoluteUrl(url), responseHandler);

  public void put(String url, JSONObject params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    client.addHeader("apiKey", apiKey);
    client.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

    try {

      StringEntity s = new StringEntity(params.toString());
      s.setContentEncoding((Header) new BasicHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"));
      HttpEntity entity = s;

      client.put(null, getAbsoluteUrl(url), entity, null, responseHandler);

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block


  private String getAbsoluteUrl(String relativeUrl) {

    return BASE_URL + VERSION + relativeUrl;

  private RequestParams createHistoryQuery(String action, String date, String sortBy, String startDate, String endDate) {

    RequestParams args = new RequestParams();

    if ( action != null )
      args.put("action", action);

    if ( date != null )
      args.put("date", date);

    if ( sortBy != null )
      args.put("sortBy", sortBy);

    if ( startDate != null )
      args.put("startDate", startDate);

    if ( endDate != null )
      args.put("endDate", endDate);

    return args;

   * Login user with given credentials
   * @param credentials Username, password, application name and access type of user
   * @return Returns logged in user's settings and app key
  public void login(HashMap<String, String> userinfo, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler){

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = userinfo.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      params.put(key, userinfo.get(key));

    post("user/login", params, responseHandler);

   * Logout user
   * @return Returns message 'success' if true
  public void logout(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
    get("user/logout", null, responseHandler);

   * Register with username, password and email
   * @param userDetails Username, password and email to register a new user
   * @return Returns new user's details
  public void registerUser(HashMap<String, String> userDetails, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = userDetails.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      params.put(key, userDetails.get(key));

    post("user/register", params, responseHandler);

  public void getForms(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler){

    get("user/forms", null, responseHandler);

  public void getForms(
      Integer limit,
      String orderBy,
      JSONObject filter,
      AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler){

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    if (limit != null) {
      params.put("limit", String.valueOf(limit));

    if (orderBy != null) {
      params.put("order_by", orderBy);

    if (filter != null) {

      Iterator<String> keys = filter.keys();
      while (keys.hasNext()) {

        String key =;

        try {
          filter.put(key, String.valueOf(filter.getJSONObject(key)));
        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

      params.put("filter", filter.toString());

    get("user/forms", params, responseHandler);

  public void getSubmissions(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("user/submissions", null, responseHandler);

  public void getSubmissions(
      Integer offset,
      Integer limit,
      String orderBy,
      JSONObject filter,
      AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler){

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    if (offset != null) {
      params.put("offset", String.valueOf(offset));

    if (limit != null) {
      params.put("limit", String.valueOf(limit));

    if (orderBy != null) {
      params.put("order_by", orderBy);

    // Make sure all filter parameters and values are String formatted as :
    // filter = {
    //     "id": "236344132991249332",
    //     "form_id": "31564842891967",
    //     "ip": "",
    //     "created_at": "2013-06-06 12:08:52",
    //     "status": "ACTIVE",
    //     "new": "0",
    //     "flag": "0",
    //     "updated_at": "2013-06-24 08:17:44"
    // }

    if (filter != null) {

      Iterator<String> keys = filter.keys();

      while (keys.hasNext()) {

        String key =;

        try {
          filter.put(key, String.valueOf(filter.getJSONObject(key)));
        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

      params.put("filter", filter.toString());

    Log.d(TAG, "url :" + "user/submissions");
    Log.d(TAG, "params : " + params.toString());

    get("user/submissions", params, responseHandler);

  public void getFormSubmissions(long formId,
      AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
    params.put("qid_enabled", "true");
    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/submissions", params,

  public void getFormSubmissions(
      long formId,
      Integer offset,
      Integer limit,
      String orderBy,
      JSONObject filter,
      AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    try {
      filter.put("form_id", formId);
    } catch (JSONException e) {


    getSubmissions(offset, limit, orderBy, filter, responseHandler);

   * Get user account details for a JotForm user.
   * @return Returns user account type, avatar URL, name, email, website URL and account limits.
  public void getUser(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
    get("user", null, responseHandler);

   * Get number of form submissions received this month.
   * @return Returns number of submissions, number of SSL form submissions, payment form submissions and upload space used by user.
  public void getUsage(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
    get("user/usage", null, responseHandler);

   * Get a list of sub users for this account.
   * @return Returns list of forms and form folders with access privileges.
  public void getSubUsers(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
    get("user/subusers", null, responseHandler);

   * Get a list of form folders for this account.
   * @return Returns name of the folder and owner of the folder for shared folders.
  public void getFolders(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("user/folders", null, responseHandler);

   * Get folder details
   * @param folderID You can get a list of folders from /user/folders.
   * @return Returns a list of forms in a folder, and other details about the form such as folder color.
  public void getFolder(long folderId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("folder/" + String.valueOf(folderId), null, responseHandler);

   * List of URLS for reports in this account.
   * @return Returns reports for all of the forms. ie. Excel, CSV, printable charts, embeddable HTML tables.
  public void getReports(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("user/reports", null, responseHandler);

   * Create new report of a form with intended fields, type and title.
   * @param formID Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @title title is report title.
   * @list_type You can specify report type. 'csv', 'excel', 'grid', 'table', 'rss'
   * @fields you can specify fields, User IP, submission date(dt) and question IDs
   * @return Report details and URL.

  public void createReport(long formId, String title, String list_type, String fields, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    params.put("title", title);
    params.put("list_type", list_type);
    params.put("fields", fields);

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/reports", params, responseHandler);

   * Get user's settings for this account.
   * @return Returns user's time zone and language.
  public void getSettings(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("user/settings", null, responseHandler);

   * Update user's settings
   * @param settings New user setting values with setting keys
   * @return Returns changes on user settings.
  public void updateSettings(HashMap<String, String> settings, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = settings.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      params.put(key, settings.get(key));

    post("user/settings", params, responseHandler);

   * Get user activity log.
   * @return Returns activity log about things like forms created/modified/deleted, account logins and other operations.
  public void getHistory(AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("user/history", null, responseHandler);

   * Get user activity log.
   * @param action Filter results by activity performed. Default is 'all'.
   * @param date Limit results by a date range. If you'd like to limit results by specific dates you can use startDate and endDate fields instead.
   * @param sortBy Lists results by ascending and descending order.
   * @param startDate Limit results to only after a specific date. Format: MM/DD/YYYY.
   * @param endDate Limit results to only before a specific date. Format: MM/DD/YYYY.
   * @return Returns activity log about things like forms created/modified/deleted, account logins and other operations.
  public void getHistory(String action, String date, String sortBy, String startDate, String endDate, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = this.createHistoryQuery(action, date, sortBy, startDate, endDate);

    get("user/history", params, responseHandler);

   * Get basic information about a form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Returns form ID, status, update and creation dates, submission count etc.
  public void getForm(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId), null, responseHandler);

   * Get a list of all questions on a form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Returns question properties of a form.
  public void getFormQuestions(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/questions", null, responseHandler);

   * Get details about a question
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param qid Identifier for each question on a form. You can get a list of question IDs from /form/{id}/questions.
   * @return Returns question properties like required and validation.
  public void getFormQuestion(long formId, long qid, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/question/" + qid, null, responseHandler);

   * Submit data to this form using the API.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param submission Submission data with question IDs.
   * @return Returns posted submission ID and URL.
  public void createFormSubmissions(long formId, HashMap<String, String> submission, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams parameters = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = submission.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      if (key.contains("_")) {
        parameters.put("submission[" + key.substring(0, key.indexOf("_")) + "][" + key.substring(key.indexOf("_") + 1) + "]", submission.get(key));
      } else {
        parameters.put("submission[" + key + "]", submission.get(key));

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/submissions", parameters, responseHandler);

   * List of files uploaded on a form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Returns uploaded file information and URLs on a specific form.
  public void getFormFiles(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/files", null, responseHandler);

   * Get list of webhooks for a form
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Returns list of webhooks for a specific form.
  public void getFormWebhooks(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/webhooks", null, responseHandler);

   * Add a new webhook
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param webhookURL Webhook URL is where form data will be posted when form is submitted.
   * @return Returns list of webhooks for a specific form.
  public void createFormWebhook(long formId, String webhookURL, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
    params.put("webhookURL", webhookURL);

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/webhooks", params, responseHandler);

   * Delete a specific webhook of a form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param webhookID You can get webhook IDs when you call /form/{formID}/webhooks.
   * @return Returns remaining webhook URLs of form.
  public void deleteFormWebhook(long formId, long webhookId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    delete("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/webhooks/" + String.valueOf(webhookId), responseHandler);

   * Get submission data
   * @param sid You can get submission IDs when you call /form/{id}/submissions.
   * @return Returns information and answers of a specific submission.
  public void getSubmission(long sid, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("submission/" + String.valueOf(sid), null, responseHandler);

   * Get report details
   * @param reportID You can get a list of reports from /user/reports.
   * @return Returns properties of a specific report like fields and status.
  public void getReport(long reportId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
    get("report/" + String.valueOf(reportId), null, responseHandler);

   * Get a list of all properties on a form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Returns form properties like width, expiration date, style etc.
  public void getFormProperties(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/properties", null, responseHandler);

   * Get a specific property of the form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param propertyKey You can get property keys when you call /form/{id}/properties.
   * @return Returns given property key value.
  public void getFormProperty(long formId, String propertyKey, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler ) {

    get("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/properties/" + propertyKey, null, responseHandler);

   * Delete a single submission.
   * @param sid You can get submission IDs when you call /user/submissions.
   * @return Returns status of request.
  public void deleteSubmission(long sid, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    delete("submission/" + String.valueOf(sid), responseHandler);

   * Edit a single submission.
   * @param sid You can get submission IDs when you call /form/{id}/submissions.
   * @param submission New submission data with question IDs.
   * @return Returns status of request.
  public void editSubmission(long sid, HashMap<String, String> submission, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams parameters = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = submission.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      if (key.contains("_")) {
        parameters.put("submission[" + key.substring(0, key.indexOf("_")) + "][" + key.substring(key.indexOf("_") + 1) + "]", submission.get(key));
      } else {
        parameters.put("submission[" + key + "]", submission.get(key));

    post("submission/" + String.valueOf(sid), parameters, responseHandler);

   * Clone a single form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Returns status of request.
  public void cloneForm(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/clone", null, responseHandler);

   * Delete a single form question.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param qid Identifier for each question on a form. You can get a list of question IDs from /form/{id}/questions.
   * @return Returns status of request.
  public void deleteFormQuestion(long formId, long qid, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    delete("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/question/" + String.valueOf(qid), responseHandler);

   * Add new question to specified form.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param question New question properties like type and text.
   * @return Returns properties of new question.
  public void createFormQuestion(long formId, HashMap<String, String> question, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = question.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      params.put("question[" + key + "]", question.get(key));

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/questions", params, responseHandler);

   *  Add new questions to specified form.
   * @param formID Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param questions New question properties like type and text.
   * @return Returns properties of new questions.
  public void createFormQuestions(long formId, Map<?, ?> questions, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    JSONObject question;

    try {

      question = (JSONObject) JsonHelper.toJSON(questions);
      put("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/questions", question, responseHandler);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block


   * Edit a single question properties.
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you sonee on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param qid Identifier for each question  a form. You can get a list of question IDs from /form/{id}/questions.
   * @param questionProperties New question properties like text and order.
   * @return Returns edited property and type of question.
  public void editFormQuestion(long formId, long qid, HashMap<String, String> questionProperties, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams question = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = questionProperties.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      question.put("question[" + key + "]", questionProperties.get(key));

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/question/" + qid, question, responseHandler);

   * Add or edit properties of a specific form
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param formProperties New properties like label width.
   * @return Returns edited properties.
  public void setFormProperties(long formId, HashMap<String, String> formProperties, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams properties = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> keys = formProperties.keySet();

    for(String key: keys) {
      properties.put("properties[" + key + "]", formProperties.get(key));

    post("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/properties", properties, responseHandler);

   * Add or edit properties of a specific form
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @param formProperties New properties like label width.
   * @return Returns edited properties.
  public void setMultipleFormProperties(long formId, Map<?, ?> params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    JSONObject param;

    try {
      param = (JSONObject) JsonHelper.toJSON(params);
      put("form/" + String.valueOf(formId) + "/properties", param, responseHandler);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

   * Create a new form
   * @param form Questions, properties and emails of new form.
   * @return Returns new form.
  public void createForm(Map form, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    RequestParams params = new RequestParams();

    Set<String> formKeys = form.keySet();

    for( String formKey: formKeys ) {

      if( formKey.equals("properties") ) {

        HashMap<String, String> properties = (HashMap<String, String>) form.get(formKey);
        Set<String> propertyKeys = properties.keySet();

        for( String propertyKey : propertyKeys)
          params.put(formKey + "[" + propertyKey + "]", properties.get(propertyKey));

      } else {

        Map formItem = (Map) form.get(formKey);
        Set<String> formItemKeys = formItem.keySet();

        for(String formItemKey: formItemKeys) {

          HashMap<String, String> fi = (HashMap<String, String>) formItem.get(formItemKey);

          Set<String> fiKeys = fi.keySet();

          for(String fiKey: fiKeys)
            params.put(formKey + "[" + formItemKey + "][" + fiKey + "]", fi.get(fiKey));



    post("user/forms", params, responseHandler);

   * Create a new form
   * @param form Questions, properties and emails of new form.
   * @return Returns new form.
  public void createForms(Map<?, ?> form, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    JSONObject param;

    try {

      param = (JSONObject) JsonHelper.toJSON(form);
      put("user/forms", param, responseHandler);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block


   * Delete a single form
   * @param formId Form ID is the numbers you see on a form URL. You can get form IDs when you call /user/forms.
   * @return Properties of deleted form.
  public void deleteForm(long formId, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {

    delete("form/" + String.valueOf(formId), responseHandler);

  public JSONObject deleteSubmissionSync(long submissionId, String authToken) {

    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpDelete httpdelete = new HttpDelete("" + submissionId + "?apiKey=" + authToken);

    try {

      HttpResponse resp = httpclient.execute(httpdelete);

      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resp.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));
      String json = reader.readLine();

      try {

        JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(json);
        JSONObject deletionResponse = new JSONObject(tokener);

        return deletionResponse;

      } catch (JSONException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return null;

  public JSONObject markAsReadSync(long submissionId, String authToken)
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("" + submissionId);

    List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(1);
    nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("apiKey", authToken));
    nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("submission[new]", "0"));

    try {

      httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
      HttpResponse resp = httpclient.execute(httppost);

      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resp.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));

      String json = reader.readLine();

      JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(json);

      try {
        JSONObject markAsReadResponse = new JSONObject(tokener);

        return markAsReadResponse;

      } catch (JSONException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return null;

  public JSONObject syncLogin(String username, String password, String version) {

    // Create a new HttpClient and Post Header
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

    HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(getAbsoluteUrl("user/login"));

    try {

      List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
      params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("username", username));
      params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("password", password));
      params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("access", "full"));
      params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("appName", "Android " + version));
      httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params));

      // Execute HTTP Post Request
      HttpResponse resp = httpclient.execute(httppost);

      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resp.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));
      String json = reader.readLine();

      try {

        JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(json);
        JSONObject loginResponse = new JSONObject(tokener);

        return loginResponse;

      } catch (JSONException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return null;


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