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package com.harmony.api; //w w w.jav a 2s . co m import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionListener; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import android.util.Log; import com.harmony.api.Authentication.GuestSessionTokenListener; public class Client extends ClientBase implements GuestSessionTokenListener { private static final String TAG = "Client"; public Client(String aHarmonyHubIP, int aXmppPort, HubClientSessionLoggedInListener hubClientSessionLoggedInListener, ConnectionListener connectionListenerDelegate) { super(aHarmonyHubIP, aXmppPort, hubClientSessionLoggedInListener, connectionListenerDelegate); } public void sendButtonPressedCommandToHub(onCommandTaskFinishedListener listener, long time, String deviceId, String buttonCommand) { Log.i(TAG, "sending volume up pressed command"); sendCommandToHub("holdAction", buttonCommand, "status=press:action={\"type\"::\"IRCommand\",\"deviceId\"::\"" + deviceId + "\",\"command\"::\"" + buttonCommand + "\"}:timestamp=" + time,, listener); } public void sendButtonReleasedCommandToHub(onCommandTaskFinishedListener listener, long time, String deviceId, String buttonCommand) { Log.i(TAG, "sending volume up released command"); sendCommandToHub("holdAction", buttonCommand, "status=release:action={\"type\"::\"IRCommand\",\"deviceId\"::\"" + deviceId + "\",\"command\"::\"" + buttonCommand + "\"}:timestamp=" + time, CommandStatus.release, listener); } public void sendStartActivityCommandToHub(onCommandTaskFinishedListener listener, String activityId) { Log.i(TAG, "sending startActivity command for id: " + activityId); sendCommandToHub("startActivity", "startActivity", "activityId=" + activityId + ":timestamp=0", null, listener); /* <iq type="startActivity" id="3580686812" from="757d218d-72ce-4be7-9ad4-af369434c5fd"> <oa xmlns="" mime="vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?startActivity"> activityId=6932433:timestamp=0 </oa> </iq> */ } public void sendGetCurrentActivityCommandToHub(onCommandTaskFinishedListener listener) { Log.i(TAG, "sending get current activity command"); sendCommandToHub("getCurrentActivity", "getCurrentActivity", "", null, listener); /* <iq type="get" id="782485497" from="757d218d-72ce-4be7-9ad4-af369434c5fd"> <oa xmlns="" mime="vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?getCurrentActivity"/> </iq> */ } public void sendGetConfigurationCommandToHub(onCommandTaskFinishedListener listener) { Log.i(TAG, "sending get configuration command"); sendCommandToHub("config", "config", "", null, listener); } /** * takes a json formatted string that depicts the activities and devices of the harmony and parses them to activity and device objects * @param config - json formatted string that depicts the activities and devices of the harmony * @param activityList - array list containing harmony activity objects * @param deviceList - array list containing harmony device objects * @return true if parsed and created the lists successfully, false otherwise */ public static boolean ParseConfiguration(String config, ArrayList<HarmonyActivity> activityList, ArrayList<HarmonyDevice> deviceList) { if (config == null || activityList == null || deviceList == null) { Log.e(TAG, "ParseConfiguration - bad parameters"); return false; } activityList.clear(); deviceList.clear(); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object jsonObj; try { jsonObj = parser.parse(config); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e(TAG, "error parsing configuration"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } JSONObject firstMap = (JSONObject) jsonObj; //extract the harmony activities objects JSONArray activitiesArray = (JSONArray) firstMap.get("activity"); for (Object obj : activitiesArray) { JSONObject activity = (JSONObject) obj; HarmonyActivity ha = new HarmonyActivity(); ha.label = activity.get("label").toString(); = activity.get("id").toString(); Object activityOrderObj = activity.get("activityOrder"); if (activityOrderObj != null) { ha.activityOrder = Integer.parseInt(activityOrderObj.toString()); } else { ha.activityOrder = -1; } activityList.add(ha); } //sort the activities in ascending order of activity order Collections.sort(activityList, new Comparator<HarmonyActivity>() { public int compare(HarmonyActivity one, HarmonyActivity other) { if (one.activityOrder == other.activityOrder) { return 0; } else if (one.activityOrder >= other.activityOrder) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } }); //extract the harmony devices objects JSONArray devicesArray = (JSONArray) firstMap.get("device"); for (Object obj : devicesArray) { JSONObject device = (JSONObject) obj; HarmonyDevice hd = new HarmonyDevice(); hd.label = device.get("label").toString(); = device.get("id").toString(); deviceList.add(hd); } return true; } /** * creates a json formatted string that depicts the activities and devices of the harmony from activity and device objects * @param activityList - array list containing harmony activity objects * @param deviceList - array list containing harmony device objects * @return the json string if successful, null otherwise */ public static String createShortConfigFile(ArrayList<HarmonyActivity> activityList, ArrayList<HarmonyDevice> deviceList) { if (activityList == null || deviceList == null) { Log.e(TAG, "ParseConfiguration - bad parameters"); return null; } JSONObject configJson = new JSONObject(); JSONArray activityArray = new JSONArray(); Iterator<HarmonyActivity> activityIterator = activityList.iterator(); while (activityIterator.hasNext()) { activityArray.add(; } JSONArray deviceArray = new JSONArray(); Iterator<HarmonyDevice> deviceIterator = deviceList.iterator(); while (deviceIterator.hasNext()) { deviceArray.add(; } configJson.put("activity", activityArray); configJson.put("device", deviceArray); return configJson.toJSONString(); } //an object that holds the relevant information about a device configured in the harmony public static class HarmonyDevice { String id; String label; //used for showing in the list view public String toString() { return label; } public JSONObject toJson() { JSONObject deviceJson = new JSONObject(); deviceJson.put("label", label); deviceJson.put("id", id); return deviceJson; } } //an object that holds the relevant information about an activity configured in the harmony public static class HarmonyActivity { String label; int activityOrder; String id; //used for showing in the list view public String toString() { return label; } public JSONObject toJson() { JSONObject activityJson = new JSONObject(); activityJson.put("label", label); activityJson.put("id", id); activityJson.put("activityOrder", activityOrder); return activityJson; } public String getActivityId() { return id; } } }