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package com.couchbase.lite; /*w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ import; import com.couchbase.test.lite.*; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.Body; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.Replication; import com.couchbase.lite.router.*; import com.couchbase.lite.router.Router; import; import; import com.couchbase.lite.util.Log; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; public class LitePerfTestCase extends LiteTestCase { public static final String TAG = "summary"; JSONObject perfConfig, envConfig; public String replicationServer; public int replicationPort; public String replicationDatabase; public static final String _propertyValue = "1"; //If a test return this number, it means the test completed, but there is an error //For example, if the replication tests does not get the same number of document as created public static final int failingPerfNumber = 999999; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "setUp in LitePerfTestCase"); super.setUp(); Log.enableLogging("PerformanceStats",Log.VERBOSE); loadCustomProperties(); loadConfigs(); runMultiple(); } public double runOne(int numberOfDocuments, int sizeOfDocuments) throws Exception { return 0; }; public void loadConfigs() { JSONObject json; try { InputStream is = getAsset("config.json"); perfConfig = new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8")); envConfig = perfConfig.getJSONObject("environment"); replicationServer = new String(envConfig.getString("sync_gateway_ip")); replicationPort = envConfig.getInt("sync_gateway_port"); replicationDatabase = new String(envConfig.getString("sync_gateway_db")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (JSONException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return; } return; } protected String getReplicationProtocol() { return new String("http"); } protected String getReplicationServer() { return replicationServer; } protected int getReplicationPort() { return replicationPort; } protected String getReplicationAdminUser() { return System.getProperty("replicationAdminUser"); } protected String getReplicationAdminPassword() { return System.getProperty("replicationAdminPassword"); } protected String getReplicationDatabase() { return replicationDatabase; } void runMultiple() { if (!performanceTestsEnabled()) { return; } JSONObject testConfig; Integer repeat_count; ArrayList<Integer> arrayNumberOfDocuments, arraySizeofDocuments; ArrayList<ArrayList> arrayKpiNumbers, arrayBaselines; int repeatCount; double SumKpiBaseline; String className; try { String str = new String(getClass().getName()); String[] tempArray = str.split("\\."); className = tempArray[tempArray.length - 1]; testConfig = perfConfig.getJSONObject(className); arrayNumberOfDocuments = new ArrayList<Integer>(); JSONArray jsonArray = testConfig.getJSONArray(new String("numbers_of_documents")); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) arrayNumberOfDocuments.add(new Integer(jsonArray.getInt(i))); arraySizeofDocuments = new ArrayList<Integer>(); jsonArray = testConfig.getJSONArray(new String("sizes_of_document")); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) arraySizeofDocuments.add(new Integer(jsonArray.getInt(i))); arrayKpiNumbers = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); jsonArray = testConfig.getJSONArray(new String("kpi")); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONArray oneRowJson = jsonArray.getJSONArray(i); ArrayList<Double> oneRow = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int j = 0; j < oneRowJson.length(); j++) { oneRow.add(oneRowJson.getDouble(j)); } arrayKpiNumbers.add(oneRow); } arrayBaselines = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); jsonArray = testConfig.getJSONArray(new String("baseline")); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONArray oneRowJson = jsonArray.getJSONArray(i); ArrayList<Double> oneRow = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int j = 0; j < oneRowJson.length(); j++) { oneRow.add(oneRowJson.getDouble(j)); } arrayBaselines.add(oneRow); } repeatCount = testConfig.getInt(new String("repeat_count")); SumKpiBaseline = testConfig.getDouble(new String("sum_kpi_baseline")); } catch (JSONException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return; } boolean kpiIsTotal = false; try { kpiIsTotal = testConfig.getBoolean(new String("kpi_is_total")); } catch (JSONException ex) { // It is ok if "kpi_is_total" is not specified } Log.v("PerformanceStats",TAG+","+"------------- "+className+" - Count of params: " + arrayNumberOfDocuments.size() + " NumberOfDocuments, " + arraySizeofDocuments.size() + " SizeOfDocuments " ); ArrayList<ArrayList> resultNumberOfDocuments = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); ArrayList<ArrayList> diffBaselinesNumberofDocuments = new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); int failCount = 0; int testCount = 0; double sumKpi = 0; Object object; for (int arrayNumbers = 0; arrayNumbers < arrayNumberOfDocuments.size(); arrayNumbers++) { int kNumberOfDocuments = arrayNumberOfDocuments.get(arrayNumbers); ArrayList<Double> arrayKpiRow = new ArrayList<Double>(arrayKpiNumbers.get(arrayNumbers)); ArrayList<Double> arrayBaselineRow = new ArrayList<Double>(arrayBaselines.get(arrayNumbers)); ArrayList<Double> resultSizeOfDocuments = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> diffBaselinesSizeofDocument = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int arraySizes = 0; arraySizes < arraySizeofDocuments.size(); arraySizes++) { int kSizeOfDocuments = arraySizeofDocuments.get(arraySizes); double kBaseline = arrayBaselineRow.get(arraySizes); double kpiTotalTime = arrayKpiRow.get(arraySizes); testCount++; if (kpiTotalTime < 0) { resultSizeOfDocuments.add(-1.0); diffBaselinesSizeofDocument.add(-1.0); Log.v("PerformanceStats", "#"+testCount+": skpi" + ". (docs="+kNumberOfDocuments+",size="+kSizeOfDocuments+"B) "); continue; } ArrayList<Double> arrayResults = new ArrayList<Double>(); double sum = 0, min = 999999, max = 0, avg = 0; for (int repeat = 0; repeat < repeatCount; repeat++) { try { //Force close and reopen of manager and database to ensure cold start before the iteration tearDown(); Thread.sleep(1000); startCBLite(); startDatabase(); //manager = new Manager(new LiteTestContext(), Manager.DEFAULT_OPTIONS); //database = manager.getDatabase(DEFAULT_TEST_DB); //Run test double ExecutionTime = runOne(kNumberOfDocuments, kSizeOfDocuments); arrayResults.add(ExecutionTime); sum += ExecutionTime; if (ExecutionTime < min) min = ExecutionTime; if (ExecutionTime > max) max = ExecutionTime; } catch (CouchbaseLiteException ex) { Log.v("PerformanceStats", "Got CouchbaseLiteException. " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); fail(); } catch(InterruptedException ex) { Log.v("PerformanceStats", "Got InterruptedException. " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); fail(); } catch(Exception ex) { Log.v("PerformanceStats", "Got Exception. " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); fail(); } } avg = sum / arrayResults.size(); double result; if (kpiIsTotal) result = min; else result = min / kNumberOfDocuments; sumKpi = sumKpi + result; resultSizeOfDocuments.add(result); double diffBaseline = (result - kBaseline)/kBaseline*100; diffBaselinesSizeofDocument.add(diffBaseline); String passFail; if (result > kpiTotalTime || diffBaseline > 20 ) { passFail = new String("Fail"); failCount++; } else passFail = new String("Pass"); Log.v("PerformanceStats", "#"+testCount+": "+passFail+ ". (docs="+kNumberOfDocuments+",size="+kSizeOfDocuments+"B) "+ "avg "+String.format("%.2f",avg)+", max "+String.format("%.2f",max)+", min "+String.format("%.2f",min) + ", result "+String.format("%.2f",result)+"\nkpi "+String.format("%.2f",kpiTotalTime)+ ", baseline "+String.format("%.2f",kBaseline)+", "+"diffBaseline "+String.format("%.2f",diffBaseline)+ "?, RepeatExecutionTime:"+arrayResults.toString()); } resultNumberOfDocuments.add(resultSizeOfDocuments); diffBaselinesNumberofDocuments.add(diffBaselinesSizeofDocument); } // This is the number for easier comparison between test runs to see whether there are over 10% variation. The number does not have meaning of its own because it is the sum of all test iterations double diffPercent = (sumKpi - SumKpiBaseline)/SumKpiBaseline*100; String summaryPassFail = (failCount == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL"; String baselineComparePassFail = (diffPercent > 10) ? "FAIL" : "PASS"; Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + className + ": "+summaryPassFail+". "+testCount+" sub-tests ran. "+failCount+" sub-tests fail"); Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + "Baseline compare "+baselineComparePassFail+". sumKpi:"+String.format("%.2f",sumKpi)+ " baseline:"+String.format("%.2f",SumKpiBaseline)+" difference:"+String.format("%.2f",diffPercent)+"%"); StringBuffer columHeader = new StringBuffer(" # docs; "); for (int arrayNumbers = 0; arrayNumbers < arraySizeofDocuments.size(); arrayNumbers++) { columHeader.append(arraySizeofDocuments.get(arrayNumbers) + "B, "); } Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + columHeader); for (int i = 0; i < arrayNumberOfDocuments.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Double> row = resultNumberOfDocuments.get(i); StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append(arrayNumberOfDocuments.get(i)).append("; "); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { str.append(String.format("%.2f",row.get(j))).append("; "); } Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + str + ";"); } Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + "--- Percentage of deviation from baselines"); Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + columHeader); for (int i = 0; i < arrayNumberOfDocuments.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Double> row = diffBaselinesNumberofDocuments.get(i); StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append(arrayNumberOfDocuments.get(i)).append("; "); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { if (row.get(j) == 1.0) str.append("SKIP; "); else str.append(String.format("%.2f",row.get(j))).append("%; "); } Log.v("PerformanceStats", TAG + "," + str + ";"); } } public boolean isSyncGateway(URL remote) { return (remote.getPort() == 4984 || remote.getPort() == 4984); } public void addDocWithId(String docId, Map<String, Object> props, String attachmentName, boolean gzipped) throws IOException, CouchbaseLiteException { final String docJson; if (attachmentName == null) { Document doc = database.getDocument(docId); doc.putProperties(props); } else { // add attachment to document InputStream attachmentStream = getAsset(attachmentName); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(attachmentStream, baos); if (gzipped == false) { String attachmentBase64 = Base64.encodeBytes(baos.toByteArray()); Map<String, Object> attachment = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attachment.put("content_type", "image/png"); attachment.put("data", attachmentBase64); Map<String, Object> attachments = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attachments.put(attachmentName, attachment); props.put("_attachments", attachments); Document doc = database.getDocument(docId); doc.putProperties(props); } else { byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); String attachmentBase64 = Base64.encodeBytes(bytes, Base64.GZIP); Map<String, Object> attachment = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attachment.put("content_type", "image/png"); attachment.put("data", attachmentBase64); attachment.put("encoding", "gzip"); attachment.put("length", bytes.length); Map<String, Object> attachments = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attachments.put(attachmentName, attachment); props.put("_attachments", attachments); Document doc = database.getDocument(docId); doc.putProperties(props); } } } }