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/** * AirProbe// w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om * Air quality application for Android, developed as part of * EveryAware project (<>). * * Copyright (C) 2014 CSP Innovazione nelle ICT. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For any inquiry please write to <> * * CONTRIBUTORS * * This program was made with the contribution of: * Fabio Saracino <> * Patrick Facco <> * * * SOURCE CODE * * The source code of this program is available at * <> */ package org.csp.everyaware.bluetooth; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.UUID; import org.csp.everyaware.Constants; import org.csp.everyaware.Utils; import org.csp.everyaware.bluetooth.BluetoothHistoryManager.SaveHistoryTask; import org.csp.everyaware.db.DbManager; import org.csp.everyaware.db.Record; import org.csp.everyaware.db.SemanticSessionDetails; import org.csp.everyaware.gps.GpsTrackingService; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.location.Location; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; public class BluetoothManager { private int mState; //current connection status private final BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter; private Context mContext; private Handler mStartHandler; private Handler mMapHandler; private Handler mGraphHandler; private Handler mSensorBoxHandler; //it opens RFCOMM socket and estabilishes a remote device connection on socket private ConnectThread mConnectThread; //it reads received data on socket from remote device private ConnectedThread mConnectedThread; //to close while cycle in run() method of ConnectedThread private boolean mTransferON; //Patrick private static volatile BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager; private DbManager mDbManager; //read sessionId from shared prefs (sessionId is calculated when bluetooth connection is estabilished) private String mSessionId; private List<Record>mHistoryRecordsSerie = null; //containes a list of history records to be saved on db private int mNumOfHistoryRecords; private static long mPrecBoxTs; private static String mCurrentHistSessionId; private boolean mPhoneGpsOverride; //if phone gps must override sensor box gps public static BluetoothManager getInstance(Context ctx, Handler handler) { if(mBluetoothManager == null) mBluetoothManager = new BluetoothManager(ctx, handler); return mBluetoothManager; } private BluetoothManager(Context ctx, Handler handler) { Log.d("BluetoothManager", "BluetoothManager()"); mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); mContext = ctx; mStartHandler = handler; mPrecBoxTs = 0; mCurrentHistSessionId = Utils.getSessionId(mContext); mDbManager = DbManager.getInstance(mContext); mDbManager.openDb(); //after bt connection is established and before communication starts, download sensor box //addresses and parse max.txt and min.txt files new GetMaxMinTask().execute(); setState(Constants.STATE_NONE); } public void setMapHandler(Handler handler) { mMapHandler = handler; } public void setGraphHandler(Handler handler) { mGraphHandler = handler; } public void setSensorBoxHandler(Handler handler) { mSensorBoxHandler = handler; } //starts ConnectThread public synchronized void connect(BluetoothDevice device) { Log.d("BluetoothManager", "Connecting to: " +device); if(mState == Constants.STATE_CONNECTING) { if(mConnectThread != null) { mConnectThread.cancel(); mConnectThread = null; } } if(mConnectedThread != null) { mConnectedThread.cancel(); mConnectedThread = null; } //starting of Connect Thread (opening socket and estabilishing remote device connection on it) mConnectThread = new ConnectThread(device); mConnectThread.start(); setState(Constants.STATE_CONNECTING); } public synchronized void connected(BluetoothSocket socket, BluetoothDevice device) { if(mConnectThread != null) { mConnectThread.cancel(); mConnectThread = null; } if(mConnectedThread != null) { mConnectedThread.cancel(); mConnectedThread = null; } Looper.prepare(); mConnectedThread = new ConnectedThread(socket); mConnectedThread.start(); setState(Constants.STATE_CONNECTED); Utils.btConnectionOn = Constants.STATE_CONNECTED; } //to track failure of attempt to connect to remote device //UI main thread is advised private void connectionFailed() { setState(Constants.STATE_NONE); Utils.btConnectionOn = Constants.CONNECTION_LOST; if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.START) { if(mStartHandler == null) return; Message msg = mStartHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_FAILED); mStartHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if((Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.TRACK_MAP)||(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.COMM_MAP)) { if(mMapHandler == null) return; Message msg = mMapHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_FAILED); mMapHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.GRAPH) { if(mGraphHandler == null) return; Message msg = mGraphHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_FAILED); mGraphHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.SBOX) { if(mSensorBoxHandler == null) return; Message msg = mSensorBoxHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_FAILED); mSensorBoxHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } } //to track losed bluetooth connection public void connectionLost() { setState(Constants.STATE_NONE); Utils.btConnectionOn = Constants.CONNECTION_LOST; if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.START) { if(mStartHandler == null) return; Message msg = mStartHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_LOST); mStartHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if((Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.TRACK_MAP)||(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.COMM_MAP)) { if(mMapHandler == null) return; Message msg = mMapHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_LOST); mMapHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.GRAPH) { if(mGraphHandler == null) return; Message msg = mGraphHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_LOST); mGraphHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.SBOX) { if(mSensorBoxHandler == null) return; Message msg = mSensorBoxHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.CONNECTION_LOST); mSensorBoxHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } } private synchronized void setState(int state) { mState = state; if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.START) { if(mStartHandler == null) return; Message msg = mStartHandler.obtainMessage(mState); mStartHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if((Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.TRACK_MAP)||(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.COMM_MAP)) { if(mMapHandler == null) return; Message msg = mMapHandler.obtainMessage(mState); mMapHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.GRAPH) { if(mGraphHandler == null) return; Message msg = mGraphHandler.obtainMessage(mState); mGraphHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.SBOX) { if(mSensorBoxHandler == null) return; Message msg = mSensorBoxHandler.obtainMessage(mState); mSensorBoxHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } } //stop all threads public synchronized void stop() { if (mConnectThread != null) { mConnectThread.cancel(); mConnectThread = null; } if (mConnectedThread != null) { mConnectedThread.cancel(); mConnectedThread = null; } setState(Constants.STATE_NONE); } private void sensorBoxMacNotRead() { if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.START) { if(mStartHandler == null) return; Message msg = mStartHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.SENSOR_BOX_MAC_NOT_READ); mStartHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if((Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.TRACK_MAP)||(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.COMM_MAP)) { if(mMapHandler == null) return; Message msg = mMapHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.SENSOR_BOX_MAC_NOT_READ); mMapHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.GRAPH) { if(mGraphHandler == null) return; Message msg = mGraphHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.SENSOR_BOX_MAC_NOT_READ); mGraphHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } if(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.SBOX) { if(mSensorBoxHandler == null) return; Message msg = mSensorBoxHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.SENSOR_BOX_MAC_NOT_READ); mSensorBoxHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } } /************ THREAD APERTURA SOCKET E CONNESSIONE AL DISPOSIIVO SCELTO *********************/ private class ConnectThread extends Thread { private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket; private final BluetoothDevice mmDevice; public ConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device) { mmDevice = device; BluetoothSocket tmp = null; try { //5 - opening RFCOMM socket tmp = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); //to resolve pairing problem on Samsung Galaxy Tab2 - this solution requires Android 2.3.4 and later (minSdkVersion = 10) //tmp = device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mmSocket = tmp; } public void run() { try { //6 - opening remote device connection on RFCOMM socket // this call is blocking and it returns success or exception if(mmSocket != null) mmSocket.connect(); } //failure on opening connection catch(IOException e) { connectionFailed(); e.printStackTrace(); try { if(mmSocket != null) mmSocket.close(); } catch(IOException e2) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; //exit from run() } //ConnectThread reset synchronized(BluetoothManager.this) { mConnectThread = null; } if(mmSocket != null) connected(mmSocket, mmDevice); else connectionFailed(); } public void cancel() { try { if(mmSocket != null) mmSocket.close(); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /***************** THREAD RICEZIONE DATI DA DEVICE REMOTO SUL SOCKET APERTO *****************/ private class ConnectedThread extends Thread { private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket; private final InputStream mmInStream; private final OutputStream mmOutStream; boolean transmittingInfos = false; boolean transmittingHNR = false; //transmitting HistoryNumberRecords private String mSourceSessionSeed = ""; private int mSourceSessionNumber = 0; private int mSourcePointNumber = 0; //private SemanticSessionDetails mSemantic; private String mSemanticSessionSeed = ""; private int mSemanticSessionNumber = 0; private int mSemanticPointNumber = 0; private String mBoxMacAddr; double boxAcc = 0.0, boxBear = 0.0, boxSpeed = 0.0, boxAltitude = 0.0; int boxNumSat = 0; //Patrick byte[] buffer; //------------ public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) { //Patrick buffer = new byte[Constants.BLUETOOTH_BUFFER_SIZE_LIVE]; //-------- mmSocket = socket; InputStream tmpIn = null; OutputStream tmpOut = null; mTransferON = true; //important initializations Utils.counterHR = 0; //received history records Utils.lostHR = 0; //lost history records mHistoryRecordsSerie = new ArrayList<Record>(); mNumOfHistoryRecords = 0; //getting I/O streams on RFCOMM socket try { tmpIn = socket.getInputStream(); tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mmInStream = tmpIn; mmOutStream = tmpOut; mSessionId = Utils.getSessionId(mContext); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "ConnectedThread() --> sessionId: " +mSessionId); //check if phone gps must override sensor box gps if(Utils.getUsePhoneGpsIndex(mContext) == 0) { mPhoneGpsOverride = false; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "ConnectedThread()--> PHONE GPS OVERRIDE FALSE"); } else { mPhoneGpsOverride = true; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "ConnectedThread()--> PHONE GPS OVERRIDE TRUE"); } } public void run() { Looper.prepare(); //receiving buffer //buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; int lastReadIndex; //it's the previuous cycle bytesRead value boolean connectionFailed = false; //hardware informations from sensor box String infoMsg = ""; //contains measurements record String message = ""; //contantins number of history records on sd card of sensor box String numberHR = ""; //DO NOTHING UNTIL MAP ACTIVITY STARTS!!! (onCreate() method invoked) while((Utils.getStep(mContext)!=Constants.TRACK_MAP)||(mMapHandler == null)) { try { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> WAIT 1 sec "); Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } /* 1 - ASK for infos to sensor box */ transmittingInfos = true; try { //sending of "%I" string to tell the sensor box that smartphone is ready to receive data mmOutStream.write(Constants.askForInfo); //Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> SENT " +new String(Constants.askForInfo)); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while(transmittingInfos) { try { bytesRead =; infoMsg += new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead); //Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> infoMsg: " +infoMsg); if((infoMsg.length() >= 4)&&(infoMsg.substring(infoMsg.length()-4, infoMsg.length()-2).equalsIgnoreCase("%K"))) { transmittingInfos = false; infoMsg = infoMsg.substring(0, infoMsg.length()-4); //toggle %K Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> read box infos: " +infoMsg); String[] infos = infoMsg.split("\\*\\*"); if(infos != null) { for(int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> infos: "+infos[i]); //Save firmware version and mac address on static variable for continuous usage on saving record Constants.mFirmwareVersion = infos[0]; Constants.mMacAddress = Utils.getDeviceAddress(mContext); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> mac address: "+Constants.mMacAddress); if((Constants.mMacAddress != null)&&(!Constants.mMacAddress.equals(""))) { if(infos.length > 1) { if((infos[1] != null)&&(infos[1].length() == 12)) { Constants.mMacAddress = infos[1].substring(0, 2)+":"+infos[1].substring(2, 4)+":"+ infos[1].substring(4, 6)+":"+infos[1].substring(6, 8)+":"+infos[1].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+infos[1].substring(10); Utils.setDeviceAddress(Constants.mMacAddress, mContext); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> mac address recovered from info!--> mac: "+Constants.mMacAddress); } } } //check mac address with mac address read from max/min.txt files if(Utils.addresses != null) { boolean found = false; int j = 0; while((j < Utils.addresses.length)&&(!found)) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> address["+j+"] = " +Utils.addresses[j]); if(Utils.addresses[j].equals(Constants.mMacAddress)) { found = true; Utils.actual_sb_index = j; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> found sensor box with address: " +Constants.mMacAddress+ " and index: " +Utils.actual_sb_index); } else j++; } //if actual sensor box is recognized, use it mac address to select the right column in min_matrix and max_matrix if(found) { int rows = Utils.max_matrix.length; Utils.max = new double[rows]; Utils.min = new double[rows]; //copy j-mo column into max vector for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { Utils.max[i] = Utils.max_matrix[i][j]; Utils.min[i] = Utils.min_matrix[i][j]; //Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> max["+i+"] = " +Utils.max[i]+" - min["+i+"] = " +Utils.min[i]); } } Utils.mac_recognized = found; } //save received informations on shared prefs if(infos.length < 3) { Utils.setBoxInfoMsg("Firmware version: not read\nSensor models: not read", mContext); //if infos lack of some information, comunicate it if(Constants.mMacAddress.equals("")) sensorBoxMacNotRead(); } else Utils.setBoxInfoMsg("Firmware version: V" +infos[0]+"\nSensor models: " +infos[2], mContext); } //if infos from sensor box has not read, comunicate it else { if(Constants.mMacAddress.equals("")) sensorBoxMacNotRead(); } } } //this exception happens when bluetooth connection fails catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); connectionLost(); connectionFailed = true; break; //if connection fails, exit from while } } if(connectionFailed) return; /* 2 - ASK for number of history records saved on sensor box sd card */ transmittingHNR = true; try { //sending of "%N" string to tell the sensor box that smartphone wants to know the number of history records //saved on its sd card mmOutStream.write(Constants.askForNumberHist); //Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> SENT " +new String(Constants.askForNumberHist)); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while(transmittingHNR) { try { bytesRead =; numberHR += new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "numberHR parziale: " +numberHR); if((numberHR.length() >= 4)&&(numberHR.substring(numberHR.length()-4, numberHR.length()-2).equalsIgnoreCase("%K"))) { transmittingHNR = false; numberHR = numberHR.substring(0, numberHR.length()-4); //toggle %K and slash r slash n Utils.numberHR = Integer.valueOf(numberHR); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> number of history records on sensor box sdcard: " +Utils.numberHR); } } //this exception happens when bluetooth connection fails catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); connectionLost(); connectionFailed = true; break; //if connection fails, exit from while } catch(NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if(connectionFailed) return; /* 3 - ASK for real time data to sensor box */ bytesRead = 0; lastReadIndex = 0; try { //sending of "%R" string to tell the sensor box that smartphone is ready to receive data mmOutStream.write(Constants.askForRealTime); //Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> SENT " +new String(Constants.askForRealTime)); //sleep useful to send ask for history command Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); //if history download option is ON, send "%S" string to tell the sensor box to send also history data int downHistIdx = Utils.getDownloadHistIndex(mContext); if(Constants.historyDown[downHistIdx]) { mmOutStream.write(Constants.askForHistory); //Log.d("ConnectedThread", "run()--> SENT " +new String(Constants.askForHistory)); } //send msg to UI thread if((Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.TRACK_MAP)||(Utils.getStep(mContext) == Constants.COMM_MAP)) { if(mMapHandler != null) { Message msg = mMapHandler.obtainMessage(Constants.DATA_TRANSFER_STARTED); mMapHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //listening on socket (for all the time the connection is up) while(mTransferON) { try { //reading from InputStream; buffer is a vector on which data are saved bytesRead +=, bytesRead, buffer.length-bytesRead); //save on string buffer contents if(bytesRead != 0) { // \r\n: end of row if((bytesRead >= 2) && (buffer[bytesRead-2] == 13) && (buffer[bytesRead-1] == 10)) { //a) row terminates with %K: end of history set if((bytesRead >= 4) && (buffer[bytesRead-4] == Constants.endHistorySet[0]) && ((buffer[bytesRead-3]) == Constants.endHistorySet[1])) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> end of history set"); //create string array from buffer, last four bytes ('%' 'K' '\r' '\n') excluded String[] historyRecordsStr = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead-4).split("\r\n"); mNumOfHistoryRecords = historyRecordsStr.length; //reset byte count on buffer bytesRead = 0; String command = ""; if(mNumOfHistoryRecords < 10) command = new String(Constants.receivedRecordsNum)+"0"+String.valueOf(mNumOfHistoryRecords); else command = new String(Constants.receivedRecordsNum)+String.valueOf(mNumOfHistoryRecords); //inform sensor box of the number of records received (so sensor box can keep track of these record as sent) mmOutStream.write( command.getBytes() ); //Log.d("ConnectedThread", "run()--> SENT " +new String(command.getBytes())); //save history records if their number is 15 if(mNumOfHistoryRecords == 15) new SaveHistoryTask().execute(historyRecordsStr); } //b) row terminates with %KK : end of history else if((bytesRead >= 5) && (buffer[bytesRead-5] == Constants.endHistory[0]) && (buffer[bytesRead-4] == Constants.endHistory[1]) && (buffer[bytesRead-3] == Constants.endHistory[2])) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> end of history"); //create string array from buffer, last five bytes ('%' 'K' 'K' '\r' '\n') excluded String[] historyRecordsStr = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead-5).split("\r\n"); mNumOfHistoryRecords = historyRecordsStr.length; //reset byte count on buffer bytesRead = 0; String command = ""; if(mNumOfHistoryRecords < 10) command = new String(Constants.receivedRecordsNum)+"0"+String.valueOf(mNumOfHistoryRecords); else command = new String(Constants.receivedRecordsNum)+String.valueOf(mNumOfHistoryRecords); //inform sensor box of the number of records received (so sensor box can keep track of these record as sent) mmOutStream.write( command.getBytes() ); //Log.d("ConnectedThread", "run()--> SENT " +new String(command.getBytes())); new SaveHistoryTask().execute(historyRecordsStr); } //c) row terminates with </rt>: real time record else if(bytesRead >= 7) { if((buffer[bytesRead-7] == Constants.realTimeTagClose[0]) && (buffer[bytesRead-6] == Constants.realTimeTagClose[1]) && (buffer[bytesRead-5] == Constants.realTimeTagClose[2]) && (buffer[bytesRead-4] == Constants.realTimeTagClose[3]) && (buffer[bytesRead-3] == Constants.realTimeTagClose[4])) { //Log.d("ConnectedThread", "run()--> real time data"); //get string from buffer String rtMsg = new String(buffer, lastReadIndex+4, bytesRead-lastReadIndex-11); //remove '<rt>' and '</rt>\r\n' //put bytesRead to the start of this real time message, so the next reading from buffer overwrite it bytesRead = lastReadIndex; //split string String[] values = rtMsg.split(","); //from sensorbox firmware >= 1.18 there are 26 fields if(values.length == 26) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> real time data - fields number: " +values.length); mSourcePointNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[2]); //read system date and save it with record on db as timestamp long sysTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); long boxTs = 0; double boxLat = 0.0; double boxLon = 0.0; if(Utils.semanticWindowStatus) { mSemanticSessionSeed = Utils.installID; mSemanticSessionNumber = Utils.semanticSessionNumber; mSemanticPointNumber = mSourcePointNumber - Utils.semanticStartPointNumber; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> semanticWindowStatus: "+Utils.semanticWindowStatus+" semantic session seed: "+mSemanticSessionSeed+ " semantic session number: "+mSemanticSessionNumber+" semantic point number: "+mSemanticPointNumber); } else { mSemanticSessionSeed = ""; mSemanticSessionNumber = 0; mSemanticPointNumber = 0; } //********** received record is correctly georeferenced (gps from sensor box) ********** if(values[3].equalsIgnoreCase("A")) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> Valid georeferenced data received from sensor box"); //backup of box lat, lon values boxLat = Double.valueOf(values[4]); boxLon = Double.valueOf(values[6]); if(mPhoneGpsOverride) Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> Phone GPS override mode activated"); //********** switch off gps tracking service (if active and phone gps must not override box gps) ********** if((Utils.gpsTrackServIntent != null)&&(Utils.getGpsTrackingOn(mContext))&&(!mPhoneGpsOverride)) { mContext.stopService(Utils.gpsTrackServIntent); Utils.setGpsTrackingOn(false, mContext); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps tracking turned OFF"); } //*********** if gps on sensor box is not working now but gps phone override is requested, start service ********** if((mPhoneGpsOverride)&&(!Utils.getGpsTrackingOn(mContext))) { Utils.gpsTrackServIntent = new Intent(mContext,GpsTrackingService.class); mContext.startService(Utils.gpsTrackServIntent); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps tracking turned ON"); } //********** if received data is georeferenced, boxTs is a valid data and save it ********** boxTs = Utils.getTsFromBoxTimestampFields(values[0], values[1]); //*********** try to get phone gps coords (only if phone gps must override box gps) *********** boolean phoneGps = false; double phoneAccuracy = 0; if(mPhoneGpsOverride) { Location phoneLocation = Utils.lastPhoneLocation; if(phoneLocation != null) { //if smartphone coords are not older than about 3 sec save them if(Math.abs(phoneLocation.getTime()-sysTs) <= 3000) { //override sensor box gps values values[4] = String.valueOf(phoneLocation.getLatitude()); values[6] = String.valueOf(phoneLocation.getLongitude()); phoneAccuracy = phoneLocation.getAccuracy(); phoneGps = true; } } } //********** check for network location. This is IN ADDITION to sensor box gps data ********** Location networkLocation = Utils.lastNetworkLocation; double[] networkLocArray = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; //lat, lon, accuracy, bearing, speed, altitude long networkTs = 0; if(networkLocation != null) { long coordsTs = networkLocation.getTime(); //if network data location are not older then 5 minutes, use them if(Math.abs(coordsTs-sysTs) <= Constants.FIVE_MINS) { networkLocArray[0] = networkLocation.getLatitude(); networkLocArray[1] = networkLocation.getLongitude(); networkLocArray[2] = networkLocation.getAccuracy(); networkLocArray[3] = networkLocation.getBearing(); networkLocArray[4] = networkLocation.getSpeed(); networkLocArray[5] = networkLocation.getAltitude(); networkTs = networkLocation.getTime(); } } double[] valuesArray = fillValues(values); //********** calculate Air Quality Index for actual array of values ********** Utils.calcBlackCarbon(valuesArray); //********** save record ************* if(phoneGps) //phone gps data found (phone gps override gps sensor box mode) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> PHONE GPS OVERRIDING MODE ACTIVATED - PHONE GPS DATA AVAILABLE AND USED"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps: "+Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLatitude()+", "+Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLongitude()); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> box gps: "+boxLat+", "+boxLon); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> net gps: "+networkLocArray[0]+", "+networkLocArray[1]); mSourceSessionSeed = values[19]; mSourceSessionNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[18]); //ex trackId in firmware v1.17 mBoxMacAddr = values[20]; if((values[20] != null)&&(values[20].length() == 12)) { mBoxMacAddr = values[20].substring(0, 2)+":"+values[20].substring(2, 4)+":"+ values[20].substring(4, 6)+":"+values[20].substring(6, 8)+":"+values[20].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+values[20].substring(10); } try { boxAcc = Double.valueOf(values[22]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxBear = Double.valueOf(values[25]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxSpeed = Double.valueOf(values[24]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxAltitude = Double.valueOf(values[22]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxNumSat = Integer.valueOf(values[21]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> "+values[22]+" "+values[25]+" "+values[24]+" "+values[23]+" "+values[21]); mDbManager.saveRecord(sysTs, boxTs, valuesArray, mSessionId, Constants.LOCALIZATION[1], Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[1], phoneAccuracy, networkLocArray, networkTs, mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber, mSemanticSessionSeed, mSemanticSessionNumber, mSemanticPointNumber, Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLatitude(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLongitude(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getAccuracy(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getBearing(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getSpeed(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getAltitude(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getTime(), boxLat, boxLon, boxAcc, boxBear, 0.51 * boxSpeed, boxAltitude, boxNumSat, networkLocArray[3], networkLocArray[4], networkLocArray[5], mBoxMacAddr); } else //phone gps not available, use only from sensor box { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> box gps: "+boxLat+", "+boxLon); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> net gps: "+networkLocArray[0]+", "+networkLocArray[1]); //gps values in this case are from sensor box, so accuracy is not present and set to 0 mSourceSessionSeed = values[19]; mSourceSessionNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[18]); mBoxMacAddr = values[20]; if((values[20] != null)&&(values[20].length() == 12)) { mBoxMacAddr = values[20].substring(0, 2)+":"+values[20].substring(2, 4)+":"+ values[20].substring(4, 6)+":"+values[20].substring(6, 8)+":"+values[20].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+values[20].substring(10); } try { boxAcc = Double.valueOf(values[22]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxBear = Double.valueOf(values[25]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxSpeed = Double.valueOf(values[24]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxAltitude = Double.valueOf(values[22]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxNumSat = Integer.valueOf(values[21]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; mDbManager.saveRecord(sysTs, boxTs, valuesArray, mSessionId, Constants.LOCALIZATION[1], Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[0], 0, networkLocArray, networkTs, mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber, mSemanticSessionSeed, mSemanticSessionNumber, mSemanticPointNumber, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, boxLat, boxLon, Double.valueOf(values[22]), Double.valueOf(values[25]), 0.51 * Double.valueOf(values[24]), Double.valueOf(values[23]), Integer.valueOf(values[21]), networkLocArray[3], networkLocArray[4], networkLocArray[5], mBoxMacAddr); } if(Utils.firstAvailableLocation[0] == 0.0) { Utils.firstAvailableLocation[0] = valuesArray[0]; Utils.firstAvailableLocation[1] = valuesArray[1]; if(phoneGps) Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> first available location comes from SMARTPHONE"); else Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> first available location comes from SENSOR BOX"); //after the first location data is available, download sensor box //calibration model data of the nearest city to this fix and parse it new GetCalibrationDataTask().execute(); } } //received record is not georeferenced: use phone gps if available or network gps else { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> Received data IS NOT GEOREFERENCED"); //*********** if gps on sensor box is not working now, activate smartphone gps ********** if(!Utils.getGpsTrackingOn(mContext)) { Utils.gpsTrackServIntent = new Intent(mContext,GpsTrackingService.class); mContext.startService(Utils.gpsTrackServIntent); } //*********** try to get phone gps coords *********** Location phoneLocation = Utils.lastPhoneLocation; boolean phoneGps = false; double phoneAccuracy = 0; if(phoneLocation != null) { //if smartphone coords are not older than about 3 sec save them if(Math.abs(phoneLocation.getTime()-sysTs) <= 3000) { values[4] = String.valueOf(phoneLocation.getLatitude()); values[6] = String.valueOf(phoneLocation.getLongitude()); phoneAccuracy = phoneLocation.getAccuracy(); phoneGps = true; } } //if I don't have valid phone coords, put lat/lon values to '0.0' else { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone location is null!"); values[4] = "0.0"; values[6] = "0.0"; } //*********** check for network location. This is in addition to phone/sensor box gps data *********** Location networkLocation = Utils.lastNetworkLocation; double[] networkLocArray = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; //lat, lon, accuracy, bearing, speed, altitude long networkTs = 0; if(networkLocation != null) { long coordsTs = networkLocation.getTime(); //if network data location are not older then 5 minutes, save them on record if(Math.abs(coordsTs-sysTs) <= Constants.FIVE_MINS) { networkLocArray[0] = networkLocation.getLatitude(); networkLocArray[1] = networkLocation.getLongitude(); networkLocArray[2] = networkLocation.getAccuracy(); networkLocArray[3] = networkLocation.getBearing(); networkLocArray[4] = networkLocation.getSpeed(); networkLocArray[5] = networkLocation.getAltitude(); networkTs = networkLocation.getTime(); } } double[] valuesArray = fillValues(values); //********** if received data is georeferenced, boxTs is a valid data and save it ********** try { boxTs = Utils.getTsFromBoxTimestampFields(values[0], values[1]); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //********** calculate Air Quality Index for actual array of values ********** Utils.calcBlackCarbon(valuesArray); //********** save record ********** if(phoneGps) //phone gps data (plus additional eventual network gps data) { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps: "+Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLatitude()+", "+Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLongitude()); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> box gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> net gps: "+networkLocArray[0]+", "+networkLocArray[1]); mSourceSessionSeed = values[19]; mSourceSessionNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[18]); //ex trackId in firmware v1.17 mBoxMacAddr = values[20]; if((values[20] != null)&&(values[20].length() == 12)) { mBoxMacAddr = values[20].substring(0, 2)+":"+values[20].substring(2, 4)+":"+ values[20].substring(4, 6)+":"+values[20].substring(6, 8)+":"+values[20].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+values[20].substring(10); } mDbManager.saveRecord(sysTs, boxTs, valuesArray, mSessionId, Constants.LOCALIZATION[1], Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[1], phoneAccuracy, networkLocArray, networkTs, mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber, mSemanticSessionSeed, mSemanticSessionNumber, mSemanticPointNumber, Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLatitude(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getLongitude(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getAccuracy(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getBearing(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getSpeed(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getAltitude(), Utils.lastPhoneLocation.getTime(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, networkLocArray[3], networkLocArray[4], networkLocArray[5], mBoxMacAddr); if(Utils.firstAvailableLocation[0] == 0.0) { Utils.firstAvailableLocation[0] = valuesArray[0]; Utils.firstAvailableLocation[1] = valuesArray[1]; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> first available location comes from SMARTPHONE"); //after the first location data is available, download sensor box //calibration model data of the nearest city to this fix and parse it new GetCalibrationDataTask().execute(); } } else { if(networkTs > 0) //only network gps data { //if record doesn't have gps data, use network gps data as official record gps value valuesArray[0] = networkLocArray[0]; valuesArray[1] = networkLocArray[1]; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> box gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> net gps: "+networkLocArray[0]+", "+networkLocArray[1]); mSourceSessionSeed = values[19]; mSourceSessionNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[18]); //ex trackId in firmware v1.17 mBoxMacAddr = values[20]; if((values[20] != null)&&(values[20].length() == 12)) { mBoxMacAddr = values[20].substring(0, 2)+":"+values[20].substring(2, 4)+":"+ values[20].substring(4, 6)+":"+values[20].substring(6, 8)+":"+values[20].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+values[20].substring(10); } mDbManager.saveRecord(sysTs, boxTs, valuesArray, mSessionId, Constants.LOCALIZATION[1], Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[2], phoneAccuracy, networkLocArray, networkTs, mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber, mSemanticSessionSeed, mSemanticSessionNumber, mSemanticPointNumber, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, networkLocArray[3], networkLocArray[4], networkLocArray[5], mBoxMacAddr); if(Utils.firstAvailableLocation[0] == 0.0) { Utils.firstAvailableLocation[0] = valuesArray[0]; Utils.firstAvailableLocation[1] = valuesArray[1]; Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> first available location comes from NETWORK PROVIDER"); //after the first location data is available, download sensor box //calibration model data of the nearest city to this fix and parse it new GetCalibrationDataTask().execute(); } } else //if record doesn't have sensorbox, phone, network gps data, put gps provider filled to none { Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> phone gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> box gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> net gps: NOT AVAILABLE"); mSourceSessionSeed = values[19]; mSourceSessionNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[18]); //ex trackId in firmware v1.17 mBoxMacAddr = values[20]; if((values[20] != null)&&(values[20].length() == 12)) { mBoxMacAddr = values[20].substring(0, 2)+":"+values[20].substring(2, 4)+":"+ values[20].substring(4, 6)+":"+values[20].substring(6, 8)+":"+values[20].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+values[20].substring(10); } mDbManager.saveRecord(sysTs, boxTs, valuesArray, mSessionId, Constants.LOCALIZATION[1], Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[3], phoneAccuracy, networkLocArray, networkTs, mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber, mSemanticSessionSeed, mSemanticSessionNumber, mSemanticPointNumber, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mBoxMacAddr); } } } } else Log.d("ConnectedThreadRT", "run()--> REAL TIME message incomplete! # of fields: " +values.length); } /* else if(((buffer[bytesRead-7]) == Constants.historyTagClose[0]) && (buffer[bytesRead-6] == Constants.historyTagClose[1]) && (buffer[bytesRead-5] == Constants.historyTagClose[2]) && (buffer[bytesRead-4] == Constants.historyTagClose[3]) && (buffer[bytesRead-3] == Constants.historyTagClose[4])) { Log.d("ConnectedThread", "run()--> history data "); } else { Log.d("ConnectedThread", "run()--> not recognized data"); }*/ } lastReadIndex = bytesRead; } } } //this exception happens when bluetooth connection falls catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); connectionLost(); break; //if connection fails, exit from while } catch(NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d("BluetoothManager", "Error on following received message: " +message); } } Looper.loop(); } public void cancel() { mTransferON = false; try { //delayed socket closing; in this way while cycle can't read socket when this is closed new Handler().postDelayed(new CloseSocketDelayedRunnable(mmSocket), 1500); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class CloseSocketDelayedRunnable implements Runnable { private final BluetoothSocket mSocket; public CloseSocketDelayedRunnable(BluetoothSocket socket) { mSocket = socket; } @Override public void run() { try { mSocket.close(); Log.d("CloseSocketDelayedRunnable", "close socket"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; /******************** RIEMPIMENTO ARRAY VALORI ********************************************/ public double[] fillValues(String[] values) throws NumberFormatException { double[] valuesArray = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; //lat if(!values[4].equals("")) valuesArray[0] = Double.valueOf(values[4]); //lon if(!values[6].equals("")) valuesArray[1] = Double.valueOf(values[6]); //co if(!values[8].equals("")) valuesArray[2] = Double.valueOf(values[8]); if(!values[9].equals("")) valuesArray[3] = Double.valueOf(values[9]); if(!values[10].equals("")) valuesArray[4] = Double.valueOf(values[10]); if(!values[11].equals("")) valuesArray[5] = Double.valueOf(values[11]); //no2 if(!values[12].equals("")) valuesArray[6] = Double.valueOf(values[12]); if(!values[13].equals("")) valuesArray[7] = Double.valueOf(values[13]); //voc if(!values[14].equals("")) valuesArray[8] = Double.valueOf(values[14]); //o3 if(!values[15].equals("")) valuesArray[9] = Double.valueOf(values[15]); //temp if(!values[16].equals("")) valuesArray[10] = Double.valueOf(values[16]); //hum if(!values[17].equals("")) { //Log.d("BluetootManager", "fillValues()--> " +values[16]); //to correct a possible bug of substring! do not remove int index = values[17].indexOf("<"); if(index != -1) values[17] = values[17].substring(0, index); valuesArray[11] = Double.parseDouble(values[17]); } return valuesArray; } public class SaveHistoryTask extends AsyncTask<String[], Integer, Integer> { private DbManager mDbManager; private String mSourceSessionSeed = ""; private int mSourceSessionNumber = 0; private int mSourcePointNumber = 0; private SemanticSessionDetails mSemantic; private String mSemanticSessionSeed = ""; private int mSemanticSessionNumber = 0; private int mSemanticPointNumberStart = 0; private String mBoxMacAddr; double boxAcc = 0.0, boxBear = 0.0, boxSpeed = 0.0, boxAltitude = 0.0; int boxNumSat = 0; @Override protected Integer doInBackground(String[]... params) { //split history buffer in <hi> strings String[] historyRecordsStr = params[0]; Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> # received records: " +historyRecordsStr.length); mDbManager = DbManager.getInstance(null); for(int i = 0; i < historyRecordsStr.length; i++) { String msg = historyRecordsStr[i]; //remove <hi> and </hi> tags int i1 = msg.indexOf(">"); int i2 = msg.lastIndexOf("<"); if((i1 != -1)&&(i2 != -1)) msg = msg.substring(i1+1, i2); //in some cases, substring doens't remove final tag </hi> //Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "msg post: " +msg); //Log.d("BluetoothManager", "saveHistoryRecordsOnDb()--> " +historyRecordsStr[i]); String[] values = msg.split(","); //from sensorbox firmware >= 1.18 if(values.length == 26) { //Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> history data - fields number: " +values.length); long boxTs = 0; String gpsProvider = ""; //if history records contains valid gps coordinates, then it contains also valid sensorbox timestamp if(values[3].equalsIgnoreCase("A")) gpsProvider = Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[0]; //sensorbox gps provider else gpsProvider = Constants.GPS_PROVIDERS[3]; //no gps data //in box cases I convert sensor box date into utc timestamp (from AirProbe 1.1.3) try { boxTs = Utils.getTsFromBoxTimestampFields(values[0], values[1]); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //if timestamp of actual history records is almost five minutes after timestamp of precedent history //record, this is a new track. So I change current session Id and save it in new records from now if(Math.abs(boxTs - mPrecBoxTs) >= Constants.mHistoryTracksDistance) { String sessionId = String.valueOf(boxTs); mCurrentHistSessionId = sessionId; //Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> new session id: " +mCurrentSessionId); } //else if this is first history records (mPrecBoxTs is zero) then save its timestamp as current session id else if(mPrecBoxTs == 0) { String sessionId = String.valueOf(boxTs); mCurrentHistSessionId = sessionId; } //save ts of actual timestamp mPrecBoxTs = boxTs; Record newHistRec = null; mSourcePointNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[2]); //sinceOn field (also called sb_time_on) mSourceSessionSeed = values[19]; mSourceSessionNumber = Integer.valueOf(values[18]); mSemantic = mDbManager.checkIfActualSourceIdBelongsToASemanticSessionEntry(mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber); if(mSemantic != null) { mSemanticSessionSeed = mSemantic.mSemanticSessionSeed; mSemanticSessionNumber = mSemantic.mSourceSessionNumber; mSemanticPointNumberStart = mSourcePointNumber - mSemantic.mPointNumberStart; } else { mSemanticSessionSeed = ""; mSemanticSessionNumber = 0; mSemanticPointNumberStart = 0; } mBoxMacAddr = values[20]; if((values[20] != null)&&(values[20].length() == 12)) { mBoxMacAddr = values[20].substring(0, 2)+":"+values[20].substring(2, 4)+":"+ values[20].substring(4, 6)+":"+values[20].substring(6, 8)+":"+values[20].substring(8, 10)+ ":"+values[20].substring(10); } try { boxAcc = Double.valueOf(values[22]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxBear = Double.valueOf(values[25]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxSpeed = Double.valueOf(values[24]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxAltitude = Double.valueOf(values[22]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; try { boxNumSat = Integer.valueOf(values[21]); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}; newHistRec = new Record(0, boxTs, fillValues(values), "offline_"+mCurrentHistSessionId, Constants.LOCALIZATION[1], gpsProvider, 0, new double[]{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, 0, mSourceSessionSeed, mSourceSessionNumber, mSourcePointNumber, mSemanticSessionSeed, mSemanticSessionNumber, mSemanticPointNumberStart, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, Double.valueOf(values[4]), Double.valueOf(values[6]), boxAcc, boxBear, 0.51 * boxSpeed, boxAltitude, boxNumSat, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mBoxMacAddr); newHistRec.mUserData2 = Constants.mFirmwareVersion; newHistRec.mUserData3 = mBoxMacAddr; newHistRec.mUniquePhoneId = Constants.mUniquePhoneId; newHistRec.mPhoneModel = Constants.mPhoneModel; mHistoryRecordsSerie.add(newHistRec); } else { Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> History record NOT valid!"); Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> msg lost: " +msg); Utils.lostHR++; } } Record[] recordsToSaveArray = new Record[mHistoryRecordsSerie.size()]; mHistoryRecordsSerie.toArray(recordsToSaveArray); int size = recordsToSaveArray.length; if(mDbManager.saveHistoryRecordsSerie(recordsToSaveArray)) { //save received history records Utils.counterHR += size; //clear array to avoid duplicated records mHistoryRecordsSerie.clear(); Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> history records saved count: " +Utils.counterHR); } else Log.d("SaveHistoryTask", "doInBackground()--> error saving history records"); return 1; } public double[] fillValues(String[] values) throws NumberFormatException { double[] valuesArray = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; //lat if(!values[4].equals("")) valuesArray[0] = Double.valueOf(values[4]); //lon if(!values[6].equals("")) valuesArray[1] = Double.valueOf(values[6]); //co if(!values[8].equals("")) valuesArray[2] = Double.valueOf(values[8]); if(!values[9].equals("")) valuesArray[3] = Double.valueOf(values[9]); if(!values[10].equals("")) valuesArray[4] = Double.valueOf(values[10]); if(!values[11].equals("")) valuesArray[5] = Double.valueOf(values[11]); //no2 if(!values[12].equals("")) valuesArray[6] = Double.valueOf(values[12]); if(!values[13].equals("")) valuesArray[7] = Double.valueOf(values[13]); //voc if(!values[14].equals("")) valuesArray[8] = Double.valueOf(values[14]); //o3 if(!values[15].equals("")) valuesArray[9] = Double.valueOf(values[15]); //temp if(!values[16].equals("")) valuesArray[10] = Double.valueOf(values[16]); //hum if(!values[17].equals("")) { //Log.d("BluetootManager", "fillValues()--> " +values[16]); //to correct a possible bug of substring! do not remove int index = values[17].indexOf("<"); if(index != -1) values[17] = values[17].substring(0, index); valuesArray[11] = Double.parseDouble(values[17]); } return valuesArray; } } //read max.txt and min.txt, parse all rows and get also sensor box mac addresses private class GetMaxMinTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { private final boolean D = false; @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { try { List<String>maxLines = readFile("max.txt"); List<String>minLines = readFile("min.txt"); if((maxLines != null)&&(maxLines.size() > 0)) { Utils.max_matrix = new double[maxLines.size()-1][maxLines.get(0).split(",").length-1]; //each row corresponds to a different sensor for(int i = 1; i < maxLines.size(); i++) { String row = maxLines.get(i); String[] rowValues = row.split(","); //each column (from 1 to end) corresponds to a different sensor box for(int j = 1; j < rowValues.length; j++) Utils.max_matrix[i-1][j-1] = Double.valueOf(rowValues[j]); } } else Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = false; //PARSING OF min.txt FILE if((minLines != null)&&(minLines.size() > 0)) { String[] firstLine = minLines.get(0).split(","); int cols = firstLine.length-1; //parsing fo first row, that contains mac address of sensor boxes Utils.addresses = new String[cols]; for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++) Utils.addresses[j] = firstLine[j+1]; Utils.min_matrix = new double[minLines.size()-1][cols]; //each row corresponds to a different sensor for(int i = 1; i < minLines.size(); i++) { String row = minLines.get(i); String[] rowValues = row.split(","); //each column (from 1 to end) corresponds to a different sensor box for(int j = 1; j < rowValues.length; j++) Utils.min_matrix[i-1][j-1] = Double.valueOf(rowValues[j]); } if(D) { //print addresses vector String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < Utils.addresses.length; i++) str += Utils.addresses[i]+ " "; Log.d("GetMaxMinTask", "doInBackground()--> addresses vector: " + str); } } else Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = false; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } //read a file and returns the lines of it private List<String> readFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { boolean fileNotFound = false; InputStream is = null; try { //is = mContext.getResources().getAssets().open(dirName+"/"+filename); is = mContext.getResources().getAssets().open(filename); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { //Log.d("BluetoothManager", "File Not Found Exception - complete filename: " +dirName+"/"+filename); Log.d("GetMaxMinTask", "File Not Found Exception - complete filename: " +filename); fileNotFound = true; } if((is == null)||(fileNotFound)) { //Log.d("BluetoothManager", "loading default sensor box profile 00066645D635"); //is = mContext.getResources().getAssets().open("00066645D635/"+filename); return null; } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); List<String> fileLines = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { fileLines.add(line); line = br.readLine(); } } finally { br.close(); } return fileLines; } } //obtain from url calibration model data for connected sensor box, selected from its mac address private class GetCalibrationDataTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { private final boolean D = false; @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { //find nearest city int cityIndex = findNearestCity(Utils.firstAvailableLocation); //save in global var the name of the nearest city Utils.nearestCityName = Constants.CITY_NAMES[cityIndex]; try { List<String>modelParamsLines = readFile(Constants.MODEL_PARAMS_NAMES[cityIndex]); //List<String>maxLines = readFile("max.txt"); //List<String>minLines = readFile("min.txt"); Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = true; //PARSING OF modelParams.txt FILE if((modelParamsLines != null)&&(modelParamsLines.size() > 0)) { //1 - read line 0, parse it and get vector b1 String b1Str = modelParamsLines.get(0); String[] b1Values = b1Str.split(","); for(int i = 0; i < b1Values.length; i++) Utils.b1[i] = Double.valueOf(b1Values[i]); //2 - read lines [1-10], parse each one and fill w1 matrix for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { String w1LineStr = modelParamsLines.get(i); String[] w1LineValues = w1LineStr.split(","); for(int j = 0; j < w1LineValues.length; j++) Utils.w1[i-1][j] = Double.valueOf(w1LineValues[j]); } //3 - read line [11], parse it and get vector w2 String w2Str = modelParamsLines.get(11); String w2Values[] = w2Str.split(","); for(int i = 0; i < w2Values.length; i++) Utils.w2[i] = Double.valueOf(w2Values[i]); //4 - read line [12] and get value b2 String b2Str = modelParamsLines.get(12); String b2Value = b2Str.split(",")[0]; Utils.b2 = Double.valueOf(b2Value); } else Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = false; //PARSING OF max.txt FILE /* if((maxLines != null)&&(maxLines.size() > 0)) { Utils.max_matrix = new double[maxLines.size()-1][maxLines.get(0).split(",").length-1]; //each row corresponds to a different sensor for(int i = 1; i < maxLines.size(); i++) { String row = maxLines.get(i); String[] rowValues = row.split(","); //each column (from 1 to end) corresponds to a different sensor box for(int j = 1; j < rowValues.length; j++) Utils.max_matrix[i-1][j-1] = Double.valueOf(rowValues[j]); } } else Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = false; //PARSING OF min.txt FILE if((minLines != null)&&(minLines.size() > 0)) { String[] firstLine = minLines.get(0).split(","); int cols = firstLine.length-1; //parsing fo first row, that contains mac address of sensor boxes Utils.addresses = new String[cols]; for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++) Utils.addresses[j] = firstLine[j+1]; Utils.min_matrix = new double[minLines.size()-1][cols]; //each row corresponds to a different sensor for(int i = 1; i < minLines.size(); i++) { String row = minLines.get(i); String[] rowValues = row.split(","); //each column (from 1 to end) corresponds to a different sensor box for(int j = 1; j < rowValues.length; j++) Utils.min_matrix[i-1][j-1] = Double.valueOf(rowValues[j]); } } else Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = false; */ //print debug values if(D) { //print b1 vector String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < Utils.b1.length; i++) str += Utils.b1[i]+" "; Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> b1 vector: " + str); //print w1 matrix for(int i = 0; i < Utils.w1.length; i++) { str = ""; for(int j = 0; j < Utils.w1[i].length; j++) str += String.valueOf(Utils.w1[i][j])+ " "; Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> w1 matrix row["+i+"] = "+str); } //print w2 vector str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < Utils.w2.length; i++) str += Utils.w2[i]+ " "; Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> w2 vector: " + str); //print b2 value Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> b2 value: " + Utils.b2); //print addresses vector str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < Utils.addresses.length; i++) str += Utils.addresses[i]+ " "; Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> addresses vector: " + str); //print max matrix for(int i = 0; i < Utils.max_matrix.length; i++) { str = ""; for(int j = 0; j < Utils.max_matrix[i].length; j++) str += String.valueOf(Utils.max_matrix[i][j])+ " "; Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> max matrix row["+i+"] = "+str); } //print min matrix for(int i = 0; i < Utils.min_matrix.length; i++) { str = ""; for(int j = 0; j < Utils.min_matrix[i].length; j++) str += String.valueOf(Utils.min_matrix[i][j])+ " "; Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "doInBackground()--> min matrix row["+i+"] = "+str); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Utils.calibrationDataLoaded = false; } return null; } //read a file and returns the lines of it private List<String> readFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { boolean fileNotFound = false; InputStream is = null; try { //is = mContext.getResources().getAssets().open(dirName+"/"+filename); is = mContext.getResources().getAssets().open(filename); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { //Log.d("BluetoothManager", "File Not Found Exception - complete filename: " +dirName+"/"+filename); Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "File Not Found Exception - complete filename: " +filename); fileNotFound = true; } if((is == null)||(fileNotFound)) { //Log.d("BluetoothManager", "loading default sensor box profile 00066645D635"); //is = mContext.getResources().getAssets().open("00066645D635/"+filename); return null; } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); List<String> fileLines = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { fileLines.add(line); line = br.readLine(); } } finally { br.close(); } return fileLines; } //restituisce indice sull'array Constants.CITY_NAMES della citt? pi? vicina alla coppia di coordinate passate private int findNearestCity(double[] loc) { float minDistance = 0; float[] results = new float[3]; int minDistanceCityIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Constants.CITY_NAMES.length; i++) { Location.distanceBetween(Constants.CITIES_COORDS[i][0], Constants.CITIES_COORDS[i][1], loc[0], loc[1], results); Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "findNearestCity()--> city: "+Constants.CITY_NAMES[i]+" - distance between city coords ("+Constants.CITIES_COORDS[i][0]+","+Constants.CITIES_COORDS[i][1]+") and first location: "+loc[0]+", "+loc[1]+" is: "+results[0]); if(i == 0) { minDistance = results[0]; minDistanceCityIndex = i; } else if(results[0] < minDistance) { minDistance = results[0]; minDistanceCityIndex = i; } } Log.d("GetCalibrationDataTask", "findNearestCity()--> minimum distance is: "+minDistance+ " from city: "+Constants.CITY_NAMES[minDistanceCityIndex]); return minDistanceCityIndex; } }; }