Android Open Source - App/github

    1. hubroid
      The Original & Awesome GitHub App for Android
      Score:355 Fragment:2 Activity:7 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:47 Manifest File:1

    2. Bitocle
      Bitocle is a simple android app which allows you to view your source code in GitHub.
      Score:182 Fragment:9 Activity:9 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:200 Manifest File:3

    3. fosdem-android
      My fork of the original "official" FOSDEM app hosted on SourceForge SVN ( It's since been forked and updated by rkallensee ( The latest version is on Google Play.
      Score:11 Activity:5 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:13 Java File:30 Manifest File:1

    4. npr-android-app
      unofficial NPR Android App mirror on github
      Score:7 Activity:13 Min SDK:3 Target SDK:3 Java File:43 Manifest File:1

    5. quadcopter-controller
      Android app for controlling my quadcopter (
      Score:5 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    6. mezzofanti
      a github fork of the android application written by ITWizard (Apache 2.0 license) Original Google Code page:
      Score:5 Activity:5 Min SDK:3 Java File:16 Manifest File:1

    7. GithubViewer
      Small github viewer application! :)
      Score:4 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Java File:66 Manifest File:2

    8. android_packages_apps_SQLiteManager
      repo fork of
      Score:4 Activity:14 Min SDK:3 Target SDK:15 Java File:33 Manifest File:1

    9. meteroid
      Meteroid is a small Android application to manage your account in
      Score:4 Activity:5 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:19 Java File:22 Manifest File:1

    10. Cervantes
      Android app using
      Score:3 Fragment:2 Activity:1 Java File:50 Manifest File:2

    11. SuperHerbert
      DoodleJump Android App for the Pirate Party Frankfurt using cocos2d-android. iOS Version by plaetzchen: /
      Score:3 Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Java File:7 Manifest File:1

    12. deal
      android app for deals built at le mobile 2 hackathon in Paris. Server code here:
      Score:3 Activity:3 Min SDK:14 Java File:7 Manifest File:1

    13. GitHub-Jobs
      Android app for checking
      Score:2 Fragment:2 Activity:2 Java File:9 Manifest File:1

    14. BdpvDroid
      Application Andro?d pour estimer une production photovolta?que et acc?der aux informations du site - Il existe d?j? l'application iPhone avec le code partag? :
      Score:1 Activity:5 Min SDK:8 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    15. android_packages_apps_GerritCodeReview
      Modified mGerrit app from AOKP
      Score:1 Fragment:5 Activity:4 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:18 Java File:106 Manifest File:1

    16. Download-Count-For-GitHub
      A simple Android app to check your git repository's download counts
      Score:1 Fragment:4 Activity:3 Java File:17 Manifest File:1

    17. GitHub-App
      Github application on android
      Score:1 Activity:16 Min SDK:8 Java File:55 Manifest File:1

    18. Jobbe-Android-App
      Jobbe Android App. An Github Jobs Finder.
      Score:1 Fragment:4 Activity:5 Min SDK:4 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    19. gamr
      One-stop Android app for gamers. Powered by Inspired by SeriesGuide (
      Score:1 Fragment:3 Activity:3 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:67 Manifest File:2

    20. traffic_fines_android
      Android app to browse
      Score:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:17 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    21. Technovanza-2014
      Github repository for the official Technovanza '14 Android app.
      Score:1 Fragment:9 Activity:14 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:36 Manifest File:1

    22. gitty
      gitty is an android app that let's you compete on GitHub with your friends.
      Score:1 Fragment:2 Activity:1 Java File:11 Manifest File:1

    23. FragmentLoaderExample
      Example app for
      Fragment:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:9 Manifest File:1

    24. photohunt-app
      The android app that works with
      Activity:2 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

      Android app for project
      Activity:7 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:19 Java File:18 Manifest File:1

    26. apps-android-translate
      Github mirror of "apps/android/translate" - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing
      Activity:3 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:16 Java File:23 Manifest File:1

    27. nDn-Dice-Roller
      GitHub repository for the nDn Dice Roller Android application, a simple and powerful dice rolling application.
      Activity:5 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:8 Java File:20 Manifest File:1

    28. android-application-pause
      Inspired from Just playing around with it
      Fragment:2 Activity:2 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    29. RocketTracker
      A simple android app for talking to
      Activity:1 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    30. MireDroid
      miredo android app using
      Activity:1 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:19 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    31. AndroidInstagram
      android app based on
      Activity:1 Java File:9 Manifest File:1

    32. fuel-oracle-android
      Fuel economy savings Android application
      Fragment:7 Activity:2 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:163 Manifest File:1

    33. android
      Learn @github Android app
      Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:10 Java File:26 Manifest File:2

    34. Arabic-Almanac
      (Dec 2013-Now) Arabic Almanac is an Android version of the Mawrid Reader web app: It's purpose is to provide students of the Arabic language with dictionaries of various languanges at a convenience to
      Fragment:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:20 Java File:19 Manifest File:1

    35. github-issues
      An Android app for browsing your GitHub issues by label.
      Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    36. xmas-touchpad
      An Android app that talks to an xmaspi server. (See also
      Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:10 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    37. GitHub-Android
      My take on a GitHub app for andorid
      Fragment:4 Activity:2 Java File:21 Manifest File:1

    38. autoHomeAndroid
      autoHomeAndroid is an Android app to control autoHomepi from any android device. Core project on:
      Activity:1 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:16 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    39. DassCompanionAndroid
      DassCompanionAndroid app on GIThub
      Activity:5 Min SDK:4 Target SDK:8 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    40. UnitConverter
      Target: 1. Learn how to use Github. 2. Learn Android. Additional Info: This is my first Github repository as well as first Android Application.
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Java File:7 Manifest File:1

    41. Mnemonic-Dictionary-Android
      The Android App for
      Fragment:8 Activity:5 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:21 Java File:168 Manifest File:7

    42. ghsc
      An Android app: GitHub Streak Checker
      Activity:2 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:18 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    43. Android-learning-app
      My repo on Github
      Activity:3 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:18 Java File:31 Manifest File:1

    44. github-sso-android
      Drop-in solution for Github Authentication in your Android app.
      Activity:3 Java File:4 Manifest File:2

    45. teleport
      Github de l'application Android de t?l?portation
      Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:21 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    46. GitHub-Android-App-
      GitHub Android App
      Fragment:11 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:16 Java File:247 Manifest File:1

    47. universal-init.d
      A simple android app which emulates the behavior of the init.d folder/mechanism on linux environments (automatic execution of scripts contained in a defined folder at each boot/shutdown). Requires SwitchCompatLibrary :
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    48. OAuth-Sample-Android
      This is just a simple code to authenticate your app using Google auth. The original code is available at
      Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:11 Manifest File:1

    49. EdmondAppsAndroidUtilsSample
      Sample app for
      Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:18 Manifest File:1

    50. AndroMedian
      This is android app named AndroMedian. It is a web app that is based on the website
      Activity:2 Min SDK:15 Java File:3 Manifest File:1