An Android app that notifies you when you're near a friend's place, and shows you their door code..
DoorCodeNotifier is hosted in the following web site
If you think the Android project DoorCodeNotifier listed in this page is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.
The following table is the detailed list of DoorCodeNotifier.
Item | Value |
Java File Count | 19 |
Supported screen sizes | [xxxhdpi, mdpi, xxhdpi, v21, hdpi, xhdpi] |
Activity Count | 4 |
Required Permissions | android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION android.permission.INTERNET android.permission.READ_CONTACTS android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS |
The license information of DoorCodeNotifier is as follows:
GNU General Public License
There are 16 image files in DoorCodeNotifier. The names of the image files are listed as follows.
about_bg_logo.png arrow_up.png ic_action_add.png ic_action_call.png ic_action_call_full.png ic_action_show_contact_full.png ic_action_sms.png ic_action_sms_full.png ic_done_wht_24dp.png ic_menu_remove_field_holo_light.png ic_stat_entered.png scrollbar_handle_holo_light.9.png switch_thumb_checked.png switch_thumb_default.png switch_track_checked.9.png switch_track_default.9.png
The following screenshort is generated from the image listed above.