Android Open Source - vocabuloid Vocabulary List

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Java Source Code

package me.vocabulario.vocabuloid;
/*w  w w . j a va  2  s. co m*/
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import me.vocabulario.vocabuloid.R;

import android.content.Context;

 * Provides access to VocabularyList model. 
 * @author Ulf Moehring
 * @version 0.3
public class VocabularyList extends RestClient {
  /** Maps to id */
  private int id;
  /** Maps to name */
  private String name;
  /** Maps to type */
  private String type;
  /** Maps to source language (id) */
  private int languageFromId;
  /** Maps to source language (name) */
  private String languageFromName;
  /** Maps to target language (id) */
  private int languageToId;
  /** Maps to target language (name) */
  private String languageToName;
  /** Number of vocabularies contained in list */
  private int size;
  /** Collection of contained vocabularies */  
  private Vocabulary[] vocabularies;
  /** Collection of supported tenses */  
  private Hashtable<Integer,String> tenses;
  /** Currently selected tense */  
  private int selectedTense;
     * Initializes RESTful connection
     * @param ctx Context needed for assessing shared resources
  public VocabularyList(Context context) {
     * Returns a specific {@link Vocabulary Vocabulary} from {@link vocabularies vocabularies} Array
     * @param position Position of VocabularyList in Array
  public Vocabulary getVocabulary(int position) {
    if (vocabularies == null) { getRemoteData(); }
    return vocabularies[position];
     * Returns contained vocabularies as {@link Vocabulary Vocabulary} Array
  public Vocabulary[] getVocabularies() {
    if (vocabularies == null) { getRemoteData(); }
    return vocabularies;
     * Returns a String Array with the words of all contained vocabularies
  public String[] getVocabulariesAsStrings() {
    if (vocabularies == null) { getRemoteData(); }
    String[] values = new String[vocabularies.length];
    for (int i=0; i<vocabularies.length; i++) {
      values[i] = vocabularies[i].getWord();
    return values;
     * Fetches new vocabularies from server
  protected void getRemoteData() {
    try {
      JSONObject response = getObject("/lists/" + id + ".json");
      JSONObject root = response.getJSONObject(response.names().getString(0));
      name = root.getString("name");
      size = root.getInt("size");
      languageFromId = root.getJSONObject("language_from").getInt("id");
      languageFromName = root.getJSONObject("language_from").getString("word");
      if (root.has("language_to")) { languageToId = root.getJSONObject("language_to").getInt("id"); languageToName = root.getJSONObject("language_to").getString("word"); };
      JSONArray result = root.getJSONArray("vocabularies");
      vocabularies = new Vocabulary[result.length()];
      for (int i=0;i<result.length();i++) {
        JSONObject remote_vocabulary = result.getJSONObject(i);
        Vocabulary vocabulary = new Vocabulary(mContext);
        vocabulary.initialize(remote_vocabulary.getInt("id"), "Vocabulary", remote_vocabulary.getString("word"), root.getJSONObject("language_from").getInt("id"), root.getJSONObject("language_from").getString("word"));
        if (isVerbList()) {
        else {
        vocabularies[i] = vocabulary;
    catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
     * Determines whether list is empty
  public Boolean empty() {
    return vocabularies == null || vocabularies.length == 0;
     * Determines whether list is a VerbList
  public Boolean isVerbList() {
    return type == "VerbList";
  /** Returns vocabulary list id */
  public int getId() { return id; }
  /** Set new vocabulary list id */
  public void setId(int id) { = id; }
  /** Sets type of vocabulary list (verb or vocabulary list) */
  public void setType(String type) {
    if (type.endsWith("_verb_list")) {
      this.type = "VerbList";
      if (tenses == null) { setTenses(); }
    else {
      this.type = "VocabularyList";
      tenses = null;
  /** Returns headline for 1st flash card */
  public String getFrom() {
    if (isVerbList()) { return mContext.getString(R.string.message_tenses_infinitive); }
    return languageFromName;
  /** Returns headline for 2nd flash card */
  public String getTo() {
    if (isVerbList()) { return getSelectedTenseName(); }
    return languageToName;
  /** Returns selector for translations or conjugation (wrapper method) */
  public int getSelector() {
    if (isVerbList()) { return getSelectedTenseId(); }
    return languageToId;
  /** Returns vocabulary list name */
  public String getName() { return name; }

  /** Set new vocabulary list id */
  public void setName(String name) { = name; }
  /** Returns vocabulary list language (id) */
  public int getLanguageFromId() { return languageFromId; }
  /** Sets new vocabulary list language (id) */
  public void setLanguageFromId(int languageFromId) { this.languageFromId = languageFromId; }
  /** Sets new vocabulary list language (name) -> only applies to vocabulary lists */
  public void setLanguageFromName(String languageFromName) { this.languageFromName = languageFromName; }
  /** Returns size of vocabulary list */
  public int getSize() { return size; }
  /** Sets size of vocabulary list */
  public void setSize(int size) { this.size = size; }
  /** Returns tenses supported -> applies to verb lists only */
  public Hashtable<Integer,String> getTenses() { return tenses; } 
  /** Sets supported tenses -> applies to verb lists only */
  public void setTenses() {
    JSONArray result = getCollection("/tenses.json?language_id=" + languageFromId);
    tenses = new Hashtable<Integer,String>();
    try {
      for (int i=0;i<result.length();i++) {
        JSONObject remotetense = result.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("conjugation_time");
        tenses.put(remotetense.getInt("id"), remotetense.getString("name"));
    catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
  /** Returns selected tense name -> applies to verb lists only */
  public String getSelectedTenseName() { return tenses.get(selectedTense); }
  /** Returns selected tense id -> applies to verb lists only */
  public int getSelectedTenseId() { return selectedTense; }
  /** Sets selected tense -> applies to verb lists only */
  public void setSelectedTense(int tenseId) { this.selectedTense = tenseId; }

Java Source Code List