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package ca.strangeware.cdb; /* www .j a va2*/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.util.Log; public class Schema { public class PickUp { public long id; public int sequence; public long trip_id; public int arrival; public PickUp(long id, int seq, long trip_id, int arrival) { = id; this.sequence = seq; this.trip_id = trip_id; this.arrival = arrival; } } public class Stop { public String name; public int number; public String label; private long id; public Stop(long id, String name, int num, String label) { = id; = name; this.number = num; this.label = label; } public Cursor upcoming_pickups() throws SchemaException { long secs = Schema.secsElapsedToday(); ServicePeriod sp = Schema.instance().currentServicePeriod(); if ( null == sp ) { throw new SchemaException(); } return Schema.instance().pickupsAtStop(,, secs - 300, secs + 300); } } public class Trip { public String number; public String headsign; public long id; public Trip(long id, String number, String headsign) { = id; this.number = number; this.headsign = headsign; } public Cursor upcomingStopsFromSeq(int seq) throws SchemaException { return Schema.instance().pickupsOnTripFromSeq(, seq, 5); } } public class ServicePeriod { private int days; private Calendar start; private Calendar finish; public long id; public ServicePeriod(long id, int days, String st, String fin) { = id; this.days = days; this.start = dateStringToCalendar(st); this.finish = dateStringToCalendar(fin); } public boolean servesDay(Calendar c) { int shift = 0; int dow = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if ( dow == Calendar.SUNDAY ) { shift = 6; } else { shift = dow - 1; } return (this.days & (1 << shift)) > 0; } public boolean inService(Calendar c) { return servesDay(c) && (c.equals(this.start) || c.after(this.start)) && ((c.equals(this.finish) || c.before(this.finish))); } } static private Schema the_instance = null; private SQLiteDatabase db; private List<SearchBuilder> searches; static protected Calendar dateStringToCalendar(String s) { int y = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, 4)); int m = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(4, 6)); int d = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(6)); Calendar rv = Calendar.getInstance(); rv.clear(); rv.set(y, m - 1, d); return rv; } static protected long secsElapsedToday() { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar midnight = currentDay(); return ((now.getTimeInMillis() - midnight.getTimeInMillis()) / 1000); } static protected Calendar currentDay() { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar day = Calendar.getInstance(); day.clear(); day.set(now.get(Calendar.YEAR), now.get(Calendar.MONTH), now.get(Calendar.DATE), 0, 0); return day; } class NoMatchException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5164809425478019384L; }; class SchemaException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -17366214209793334L; }; private abstract class SearchBuilder { private Pattern pat; public SearchBuilder(String re) { try { this.pat = Pattern.compile(re); } catch ( PatternSyntaxException e ) { } } protected abstract String interpret(String[] parts) throws SchemaException; protected String toSearchString(String s) { return "%" + s.toUpperCase() + "%"; } public String build(String srch) throws NoMatchException, SchemaException { Matcher m = this.pat.matcher(srch); if ( !m.matches() ) { throw new NoMatchException(); } String[] grps = new String[m.groupCount()]; for ( int i = 0; i < m.groupCount(); i++ ) { grps[i]= + 1); } return interpret(grps); } } private class Intersection extends SearchBuilder { public Intersection() { super("(\\w+) and (\\w+)"); } @Override protected String interpret(String[] parts) throws SchemaException { if ( parts.length < 2 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } String a = toSearchString(parts[0]); String b = toSearchString(parts[1]); return String.format(" LIKE \"%s/%s\" OR LIKE \"%s/%s\"", a, b, b, a); } } private class Number extends SearchBuilder { public Number() { super("([0-9]{4})"); } @Override protected String interpret(String[] parts) throws SchemaException { if ( parts.length < 1 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } return String.format("stops.number=%s", parts[0]); } } private class TranspoId extends SearchBuilder { public TranspoId() { super("[a-zA-Z]{2}([0-9]{3})"); } @Override protected String interpret(String[] parts) throws SchemaException { if ( parts.length < 1 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } return String.format("stops.label=%s", parts[0].toUpperCase()); } } private class Any extends SearchBuilder { public Any() { super("(\\w+)"); } @Override protected String interpret(String[] parts) throws SchemaException { if ( parts.length < 1 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } return String.format(" like \"%s\"", toSearchString(parts[0])); } } static public Schema instance() throws SchemaException { if ( null == the_instance ) { the_instance = new Schema();; } return the_instance; } private Schema() { this.searches = new ArrayList<SearchBuilder>(); this.searches.add(new Intersection()); this.searches.add(new Number()); this.searches.add(new TranspoId()); this.searches.add(new Any()); } private String buildSearch(String srch) throws SchemaException { for ( SearchBuilder b: this.searches) { try { return; } catch ( NoMatchException e ) { // do nothing } } return null; } private Schema open() throws SchemaException { try { db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("/sdcard/transit.db", null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY); } catch ( SQLException e) { throw new SchemaException(); } return this; } public Cursor stopViaSearch(String srch) throws SchemaException { String wh = buildSearch(srch); return this.db.query( "stops", new String[] { "id AS _id", "label", "number", "name" }, wh, null, null, null, null, null); } public Stop lookupStop(long id) throws SchemaException { String wh = "" + id; Cursor cr = this.db.query("stops", new String[] { "name", "number", "label" }, wh, null, null, null, null); if ( null == cr || cr.getCount() == 0 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } cr.moveToFirst(); return new Stop(id, cr.getString(0), cr.getInt(1), cr.getString(2)); } public Trip lookupTrip(long id) throws SchemaException { Cursor cr = this.db.rawQuery( "SELECT,, t.headsign FROM trips t LEFT JOIN routes r ON WHERE" + id, null); if ( null == cr || cr.getCount() == 0 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } cr.moveToFirst(); return new Trip(cr.getLong(0), cr.getString(1), cr.getString(2)); } public PickUp lookupPickUp(long id) throws SchemaException { String wh = "" + id; Cursor cr = this.db.query("pickups", new String[] { "id", "sequence", "trip_id", "arrival" }, wh, null, null, null, null); if ( null == cr || cr.getCount() == 0 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } cr.moveToFirst(); return new PickUp(cr.getLong(0), cr.getInt(1), cr.getLong(2), cr.getInt(3)); } public PickUp lookupNextPickUp(long trip_id, int seq) throws SchemaException { String wh = "pickups.trip_id=" + trip_id + " AND pickups.sequence=" + (seq + 1); Cursor cr = this.db.query("pickups", new String[] { "id", "sequence", "trip_id", "arrival" }, wh, null, null, null, null); if ( null == cr || cr.getCount() == 0 ) { throw new SchemaException(); } cr.moveToFirst(); return new PickUp(cr.getLong(0), cr.getInt(1), cr.getLong(2), cr.getInt(3)); } public Cursor pickupsAtStop(long id, long spid, long st, long en) { return this.db.rawQuery( "SELECT AS _id, arrival, departure, sequence, trip_id , stop_id, headsign, AS bus FROM pickups LEFT JOIN trips t ON LEFT JOIN routes r ON WHERE stop_id=" + id + " AND t.service_period_id=" + spid + " AND arrival>=" + st + " AND arrival<=" + en + " ORDER BY arrival", null); } public Cursor pickupsOnTripFromSeq(long trip_id, int seq, int limit) { Log.d("TIMING", "starting"); Cursor rv = this.db.rawQuery( "SELECT AS _id, s.number AS number, AS name, p.arrival FROM pickups p LEFT JOIN stops s ON WHERE p.trip_id=" + trip_id + " AND p.sequence>" + seq + " ORDER BY p.sequence LIMIT " + limit, null); Log.d("TIMING", "done (size=" + rv.getCount() + ")"); return rv; } public ServicePeriod currentServicePeriod() throws SchemaException { Calendar now = currentDay(); ServicePeriod rv = null; // TODO_donk: service exceptions Cursor cr = this.db.query("service_periods", new String[] { "id", "days", "start", "finish" }, null, null, null, null, null); while ( null == rv && cr.moveToNext() ) { ServicePeriod sp = new ServicePeriod(cr.getLong(0), cr.getInt(1), cr.getString(2), cr.getString(3)); if ( sp.inService(now) ) { rv = sp; } } if ( null == rv ) { throw new SchemaException(); } return rv; } }