Aggregation on multiple values : Aggregate « XQuery « XML

Aggregation on multiple values

File: Data.xml

  <employee name="James" salary="1234" yearServed="1" location="North"/>
  <employee name="Joe"   salary="3211" yearServed="2" location="South"/>
  <employee name="Jod"   salary="3422" yearServed="3" location="North"/>
  <employee name="Jason" salary="1321" yearServed="4" location="East"/>
  <employee name="Jack"  salary="2324" yearServed="3" location="North"/>
  <employee name="Jeep"  salary="4321" yearServed="2" location="East"/>
  <employee name="Jane"  salary="2344" yearServed="1" location="South"/>

File: Query.xquery

let $allemployees := doc("Data.xml")//employee
for $d in distinct-values($allemployees/@salary)
for $n in distinct-values($allemployees[@salary = $d]/@yearServed)
let $employees := $allemployees[@salary = $d and @yearServed = $n]
order by $d, $n
return <group salary="{$d}" 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<group total="1" yearServed="1" salary="1234" numemployees="1"/>
<group total="4" yearServed="4" salary="1321" numemployees="1"/>
<group total="3" yearServed="3" salary="2324" numemployees="1"/>
<group total="1" yearServed="1" salary="2344" numemployees="1"/>
<group total="2" yearServed="2" salary="3211" numemployees="1"/>
<group total="3" yearServed="3" salary="3422" numemployees="1"/>
<group total="2" yearServed="2" salary="4321" numemployees="1"/>


Related examples in the same category

1.Aggregating values
3.Constraining and sorting on aggregated values