Rectangles and Multiple Animation Effects : animate « SVG « XML

Rectangles and Multiple Animation Effects

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"

<svg width="100%" height="100%"
    <rect fill="red" stroke-width="1" stroke="blue"
        x="300" y="100" width="300" height="100">

    <animate attributeName="stroke" attributeType="XML"
             begin="1s" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" from="blue" to="yellow"/>

    <animate attributeName="stroke-width"
             begin="1s" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" from="1" to="40"/>

    <animate attributeName="x" attributeType="XML"
             begin="1s" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" from="300" to="100"/>

    <animate attributeName="y" attributeType="XML"
             begin="2s" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" from="100" to="50"/>
    <animate attributeName="width" attributeType="XML"
             begin="3s" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" from="300" to="500"/>

    <animate attributeName="height" attributeType="XML"
             begin="4s" dur="5s"
             fill="freeze" from="100" to="300"/>


Related examples in the same category

1.Chained Animation Effects
2.Continuous Rotation of a Text String
3.Multiple Animation Effects