vbProperCase: Converts the given string to propercase (aka title case-the first letter of every word is capitalized). : StrConv « String Functions « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

vbProperCase: Converts the given string to propercase (aka title case-the first letter of every word is capitalized).

Sub strConv3()
    Debug.Print STRConv("lowerCase", vbProperCase)
End Sub


Related examples in the same category

1.vbUpperCase: Converts the given string to uppercase characters.
2.vbLowerCase: Converts the given string to lowercase characters.
3.vbUnicode: Converts the given string to Unicode using the system's default code page.
4.vbFromUnicode: Converts the given string from Unicode to the system's default code page.
5.StrConv: vbLowerCase
6.StrConv: vbUpperCase
7.StrConv: vbProperCase