Read data from dialog box and fill it into the cell : InputBox « Language Basics « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Read data from dialog box and fill it into the cell

Sub GetData()
   Sales = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Target Sales")
   If Sales = "" Then Exit Sub
   Range("B2").Value = Sales
End Sub


Related examples in the same category

1.The InputBox function displays a dialog box containing a simple text box
2.Using the InputBox Function: InputBox(prompt [, title] [, default] [, xpos] [, ypos] [, helpfile, context])
3.Get the return value from InputBox
4.Return a number from InputBox
5.Read password from InputBox
6.Validation with the InputBox() Function
7.How to handle error caused by value from InputBox
8.Use InputBox to read value for an array
9.Reference InputBox from Application
10.It is a good idea to include the title and default arguments to provide the user with a little help in knowing what to enter.
11.Checks for the Cancel button clicks and takes no action.
12.Use If and IsNumeric function to check user input
13.Validate the user's entry.
14.Provide help file for InputBox
15.To retrieve input from an input box, declare the numeric variable or String variable that will contain it
16.To make sure that the user has chosen the OK button, check that the input box hasn't returned a zero-length string
17.Combine InputBox and Do Loop to read user input
18.Use parameter name in InputBox function
19.Get the Password