Make a constant available to all modules in your application, use the Public keyword in front of the Const statement. : Const « Language Basics « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Make a constant available to all modules in your application, use the Public keyword in front of the Const statement.


Public Const NumOfChar = 255
Sub publicConst()
   MsgBox NumOfChar
End Sub


Related examples in the same category

1.When declaring a constant, you can use any one of the following data types: Boolean, Byte, Integer, Long, Currency, Single, Double, Date, String, or Variant
2.To make a constant available within a single procedure, you declare it at the procedure level
3.Working with Date type value Constants
4.Use a constant in all the procedures of a module, use the Private keyword in front of the Const statement
5.Constants can be declared on one line if separated by commas
6.Working with Symbolic Constants
7.use a Constant to store the PI
8.Working with pre-defined Constant