Reading Data Strings : FreeFile « File Path « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Reading Data Strings

     Sub ReadStrings()
           Dim sLine As String
           Dim sFName As String    'Path and name of text file
           Dim iFNumber As Integer    'File number
           Dim lRow As Long     'Row number in worksheet
           Dim lColumn As Long  'Column number in worksheet
           Dim vValues As Variant 'Hold split values
           Dim iCount As Integer  'Counter

           sFName = "C:\Strings.txt"
           iFNumber = FreeFile
           Open sFName For Input As #iFNumber
           Line Input #iFNumber, sLine
           vValues = Split(sLine, ";")
           For iCount = LBound(vValues) To UBound(vValues)
              Debug.Print  vValues(iCount)
           Next iCount
           Close #iFNumber
     End Sub


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7.Handling Files with Low-Level File Handling