only allow the workbook to close if the figure in A1 is between 500 and 600: : Workbook Event « Excel « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

only allow the workbook to close if the figure in A1 is between 500 and 600:

     Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
           Dim dProfit As Double

           dProfit = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
           If dProfit < 500 Or dProfit > 600 Then
           MsgBox "Profit must be in the range 500 to 600"
           Cancel = True
           End If
     End Sub


Related examples in the same category

1.If you want to prevent users from printing only particular sheets in your workbook, use this similar code instead:
2.Preventing Users from Inserting More Worksheets
3.If you want Excel to stop prompting you to save changes you didn't make
4.Before Save event
5.To link that tab's command bar to a right-click in any cell, enter the following code in the private module of ThisWorkbook:
6.Pass value between events
7.Workbook activation events
8.minimizes the workbook's window:
10.use the BeforePrint event to add information to a header or footer before the sheet is printed
11.BeforeClose event is used to delete a custom menu
12.create your own Save dialog in the event:
13.Set application key in Workbook Open event and BeforeCloseEvent
14.Workbook open event
15.Workbook Events Open: enable custom toolbar
16.procedure is executed when the workbook is closed
18.The BeforeClose event for a workbook
19.The BeforeSave event for a workbook
20.Activate and deactivate events in a workbook
21.Cancel Close action based on the A1 value
22.If you want to make sure that all changes are saved when the workbook closes discard any changes to the workbook