Use For...Next loop through Workbooks : Workbooks « Excel « VBA / Excel / Access / Word
- VBA / Excel / Access / Word
- Excel
- Workbooks
Use For...Next loop through Workbooks
Sub Array2()
Dim avData As Variant, myWorkbook As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
avData = Array("North", "South", "East", "West")
For i = LBound(avData) To UBound(avData)
Set myWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=avData(i) & ".xls")
'Process data here
myWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
Next i
End Sub
Related examples in the same category
1. | To select a Workbook object from the Workbooks Collection object | | |
2. | To avoid confusion, you can select a workbook unambiguously- if you know the name of the desired Workbook object | | |
3. | When you need to step through several objects in a collection, use a loop and a looping variable to represent the index of the object to be returned. | | |
4. | Work your way through the entire object hierarchy to set one property | | |
5. | Creating a New Blank Workbook | | |
6. | Stores the current SheetsInNewWorkbook property, sets the SheetsInNewWorkbook property to 12, creates a new workbook (with those 12 worksheets), and then restores the SheetsInNewWorkbook setting to its previous value | | |
7. | Values for the UpdateLinks Argument | | |
8. | Opens the workbook named Plan.xls stored in the D:\Planning folder, providing the password for opening the workbook | | |
9. | Opens the text file named Data13.txt in the folder z:\transfer using an exclamation point (!) as the delimiter character | | |
10. | Closing All Open Workbooks | | |
11. | Sharing a Workbook | | |
12. | Declare a Workbook object variable and assign the ActiveWorkbook object to it, so that subsequent code can work with the object variable: | | |
13. | Working with Worksheets to add a worksheet | | |
14. | Copying or Moving a Worksheet | | |
15. | Moves the worksheet named Homes from the workbook named Planning.xls to the workbook named Building Schedule.xls, inserting the worksheet before the first existing worksheet in the workbook | | |
16. | Prints the first two pages of the worksheet named Summary in the workbook named Planning.xls to a file named Planning Summary.prn in the network folder \\server\to_print: | | |
17. | Returns the text in the active cell in the first window open on the workbook named Planning.xls: | | |
18. | Creating a Named Range from Workbooks | | |
19. | Deleting a Named Range | | |
20. | To apply a read-only recommendation to a workbook, set its ReadOnlyRecommended property to True | | |
21. | Activating a Window | | |
22. | Arranging and Resizing Windows | | |
23. | Add Workbooks and save it as a new file | | |
24. | Use the return value of the Add method to create an object variable that refers to the new workbook | | |
25. | The Add method allows you to specify a template for the new workbook. | | |
26. | To add an existing workbook file to the Workbooks collection, you use the Open method | | |
27. | Getting a Filename from a Path | | |
28. | To see if the workbook is already a member of the Workbooks collection | | |
29. | Activate Workbook | | |
30. | Files in the Same Directory | | |
31. | Overwriting an Existing Workbook | | |