Available Constants for the Type Argument of the AutoFill Method : AutoFill « Excel « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Available Constants for the Type Argument of the AutoFill Method

Constant        Value         
xlFillDays      5         
xlFillFormats   3         
xlFillSeries    2         
xlFillWeekdays  6         
xlGrowthTrend   10         
xlFillCopy      1         
xlFillDefault   (default)     0         
xlFillMonths    7         
xlFillValues    4         
xlFillYears     8         
xlLinearTrend   9       

Sub autoFill()
    Range("F2:F13").autoFill Destination:=Range("F2:I13")
End Sub
'R1C1 Style References
Sub r1c1()
    Dim I As Integer
    For I = 0 To 11
            Cells(I + 2, "F").FormulaR1C1 = "=Average(R" & (I + 2) + (I * 8) _
                  & "C1" & ":R" & (I + 6) + (I * 8) & "C1" & ")"
    Next I
End Sub


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