Save type info to form
Type CompanyInfo
SetUpID As Long
CompanyName As String * 50
Address As String * 255
City As String * 50
StateProvince As String * 20
PostalCode As String * 20
Country As String * 50
PhoneNumber As String * 30
FaxNumber As String * 30
DefaultPaymentTerms As String * 255
DefaultInvoiceDescription As String
End Type
Public typCompanyInfo As CompanyInfo
Sub PopulateControls()
txtCompanyName.Value = Trim(typCompanyInfo.CompanyName)
txtAddress.Value = Trim(typCompanyInfo.Address)
txtCityStateZip.Value = Trim(typCompanyInfo.City) & ", " & _
Trim(typCompanyInfo.StateProvince) & _
" " & Format(Trim(typCompanyInfo.PostalCode), "!&&&&&-&&&&")
txtPhoneFax.Value = "PHONE: " & _
Format(Trim(typCompanyInfo.PhoneNumber), "(&&&)&&&-&&&&") & _
" FAX: " & _
Format(Trim(typCompanyInfo.FaxNumber), "(&&&)&&&-&&&&")
End Sub
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