Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private dblHeight As Double
Private dblWidth As Double
Public Property Let Height(dblParam As Double)
dblHeight = dblParam
End Property
Public Property Let Width(dblParam As Double)
dblWidth = dblParam
End Property
Public Property Get Height() As Double
Height = dblHeight
End Property
Public Property Get Width() As Double
Width = dblWidth
End Property
Public Property Get Area() As Double
Area = (dblHeight * dblWidth) / 2
End Property
Public Sub DoubleSides()
dblHeight = dblHeight * 2
dblWidth = dblWidth * 2
End Sub
Sub ClassDemo2()
Dim objKite As MyKite
Set objKite = New MyKite
objKite.Height = 5
objKite.Width = 8
Debug.Print "The area of a kite measuring " & objKite.Height & _
" x " & objKite.Width & " is " & objKite.Area
Debug.Print "The area of a kite measuring " & objKite.Height & _
" x " & objKite.Width & " is " & objKite.Area
Set objKite = Nothing
End Sub