Setting a Database Password : Database Password « Access « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Setting a Database Password

Sub Change_DBPassword() 
    Dim jetEng As JRO.JetEngine 
    Dim strCompactFrom As String 
    Dim strCompactTo As String 
    Dim strPath As String 

    On Error GoTo ErrHandle 
    strPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\" 

    strCompactFrom = "mydb.mdb" 
    strCompactTo = "mydb_.mdb" 

    Set jetEng = New JRO.JetEngine 

    jetEng.CompactDatabase "Data Source=" & strPath & strCompactFrom & ";", _ 
                           "Data Source=" & strPath & strCompactTo & ";" & _ 
                           "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=welcome" 

    Set jetEng = Nothing 
    Exit Sub 
    If Err.Number = -2147217897 Then 
        Kill strPath & strCompactTo 
        MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description 
        Resume ExitHere 
    End If 
End Sub 


Related examples in the same category

1.Setting a Database Password with SQL command
2.Deleting a Database Password with SQL command
3.Changing a User Password
4.Embedding a Database Password in Code
5.Requiring Password Validation