Opening a Microsoft Jet Database in Read/Write Mode : Microsoft Jet « Access « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Opening a Microsoft Jet Database in Read/Write Mode

'Intrinsic constants of the Connection object's Mode property 
Constant Name           Value    Type of Permission
adModeUnknown           0        Permissions have not been set yet or cannot be determined. This is the default setting.
adModeRead              1        Read-only permissions
adModeWrite             2        Write-only permissions
adModeReadWrite         3        Read/write permissions
adModeShareDenyRead     4        Prevents others from opening the connection with read permissions
adModeShareDenyWrite    8        Prevents others from opening the connection with write permissions
adModeShareExclusive    12       Prevents others from opening the connection
adModeShareDenyNone     16       Prevents others from opening the connection with any permissions


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