Looping Through a Recordset : Recordset « Access « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Looping Through a Recordset

Sub LoopThroughRecordset(rst As ADODB.Recordset, rg As Range) 
    Dim nColumnOffset As Integer 
    Dim fld As ADODB.Field 
    With rst 
        Do Until .EOF 
            nColumnOffset = 0 
            For Each fld In .Fields 
                rg.Offset(0, nColumnOffset).Value = fld.Value 
                nColumnOffset = nColumnOffset + 1 
            Set rg = rg.Offset(1, 0) 
    End With 
    Set fld = Nothing 
End Sub 


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2.Move cursor in result set
3.Build a string text from result set
4.Creating a Custom Recordset
5.Creating a Disconnected Recordset
6.Filling a Combo Box with a Disconnected Recordset
7.The Supports Method of the Recordset Object
8.Using the EOF Property to Determine the Bounds of a Recordset
9.A Recordset That Does Not Support the RecordCount Property
10.A Recordset That Supports the RecordCount Property
11.Whether Records Are Returned in a Recordset
12.The Sort Property of the Recordset Object
13.Using the AbsolutePosition Property
14.Using the Bookmark Property
15.Refreshing Recordset Data
16.Assigning Recordsets Dynamically to a form
17.Set recordset to form
18.Row order in Dynamic Recordset
19.Dynamic Recordset
20.Snapshot Recordset
21.Set Index and seek the recordset