1. | Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace node. | | |
2. | Gets the node containing the DOCTYPE declaration. | | |
3. | Imports a node from another document to the current document. | | |
4. | Gets a value indicating whether the current node is read-only. | | |
5. | Creates a duplicate of this node. | | |
6. | Gets or sets the concatenated values of the node and all its children. | | |
7. | Gets the local name of the current node. | | |
8. | Gets the qualified name of the node. | | |
9. | Gets the node immediately following this node. | | |
10. | Gets the node immediately preceding this node. | | |
11. | Adds node to the end of the list of child nodes | | |
12. | Gets all the child nodes of the node. | | |
13. | Creates a duplicate of this node. | | |
14. | Gets the first child of the node. | | |
15. | Gets the markup representing this node and all its child nodes. | | |
16. | Adds node to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this node. | | |
17. | Removes specified child node. | | |
18. | Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild node. | | |
19. | Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression. | | |
20. | Handles NodeChanged, NodeChanging, NodeInserted, NodeInserting, NodeRemoved and NodeRemoving events. | | |
21. | Calls MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag | | |
22. | Select all the child nodes of the book node | | |
23. | Select all the ancestor nodes of the title node | | |
24. | Extensions.Ancestors(T) returns a collection of elements that contains the ancestors of every node | | |
25. | Extensions.DescendantNodes(T) | | |
26. | Extensions.InDocumentOrder(T) returns a collection of nodes that contains all nodes in the source collection | | |
27. | Extensions.Nodes(T) Method returns a collection of the child nodes of every document and element | | |
28. | Extensions.Remove(T) removes every node in the source collection from its parent node. | | |
29. | Loop through the xml nodes | | |
30. | XNode.AddAfterSelf adds the specified content immediately after this node. | | |
31. | XNode.AddAfterSelf (Object[]) adds the specified content immediately after this node. | | |
32. | XNode.AddBeforeSelf (Object) adds the specified content immediately before this node. | | |
33. | XNode.AddBeforeSelf (Object[]) adds the specified content immediately before this node. | | |
34. | XNode.Ancestors returns a collection of the ancestor elements of this node. | | |
35. | XNode.Ancestors (XName) returns a filtered collection of the ancestor elements of this node | | |
36. | XNode.ElementsAfterSelf returns a collection of the sibling elements after this node, in document order. | | |
37. | XNode.ElementsAfterSelf (XName) returns a filtered collection of the sibling elements after this node | | |
38. | XNode.ElementsBeforeSelf returns a collection of the sibling elements before this node | | |
39. | XNode.ElementsBeforeSelf returns a filtered collection of the sibling elements before this node | | |
40. | XNode.IsAfter determines if the current node appears after a specified node | | |
41. | XNode.IsBefore determines if the current node appears before a specified node | | |
42. | XNode.NextNode Property gets the next sibling node of this node. | | |
43. | XNode.NodesAfterSelf returns a collection of the sibling nodes after this node | | |
44. | XNode.NodesBeforeSelf returns a collection of the sibling nodes before this node | | |
45. | XNode.PreviousNode Property gets the previous sibling node of this node. | | |
46. | XNode.ReplaceWith replaces this node with the specified content. | | |
47. | XNode.ReplaceWith replaces this node with the specified content. | | |
48. | XNode.ToString returns the XML for this node, optionally disabling formatting. | | |
49. | XNode.ToString returns the indented XML for this node. | | |
50. | XObject.NodeType Property gets the node type for this XObject. | | |