Set the slider value with RepeatButton : RepeatButton « Windows Presentation Foundation « VB.Net

Set the slider value with RepeatButton

Set the slider value with RepeatButton

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="WPF" Height="100" Width="200">
        <Slider Name="slider" Maximum="100" Minimum="0" Value="50" />
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <RepeatButton Click="SliderLeft_Click" Content="Click Me" 
                          Height="23" Margin="10" Width="70" 
                          ToolTip="Click to move slider left" />
            <RepeatButton Click="SliderRight_Click" ClickMode="Hover" 
                          Content="Touch Me" Height="23" Margin="10" 
                          ToolTip="Hover to move slider right" Width="70" />
Imports System.Windows

Namespace WpfApplication1
  Public Partial Class Window1
    Inherits Window
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Private Sub SliderLeft_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
      slider.Value -= 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub SliderRight_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
      slider.Value += 1
    End Sub
  End Class
End Namespace


Related examples in the same category

1.Set Delay and Interval for RepeatButtonSet Delay and Interval for RepeatButton
2.RepeatButtons have their delay properties set to 500 milliseconds and their interval properties set to 100.RepeatButtons have their delay properties set to 500 milliseconds and their interval properties set to 100.