1. | Animated StartPoint | |  |
2. | Animated EndPoint | |  |
3. | Animated StartPoint and EndPoint | |  |
4. | Animated GradientStop Offset with DoubleAnimation | |  |
5. | Animated GradientStop Color with ColorAnimation | |  |
6. | Animated GradientStop Opacity ColorAnimation.By | |  |
7. | Animated GradientOrigin | |  |
8. | Animated Center | |  |
9. | Animated Radius | |  |
10. | Animating Color | |  |
11. | Animating Gradient Offset | |  |
12. | Animate GradientStop | |  |
13. | Simple Key Frame Animation | |  |
14. | KeyFrame Point Animation | |  |
15. | Use Button to pause an animation with PauseStoryboard | |  |
16. | Use Button to resume an Animation with ResumeStoryboard | |  |
17. | Use Button to skip an Animation with SkipStoryboardToFill | |  |
18. | Use Button to stop an Animation with StopStoryboard | |  |
19. | Frame Rates | |  |
20. | Using PointAnimation | |  |
21. | PointAnimation and BezierSegment | |  |
22. | PointAnimation To | |  |
23. | Animate BezierCurve | |  |
24. | Animation of the combined transform | |  |
25. | Animate the Opacity of TextBlock at different starting time | |  |
26. | Animate Canvas position | |  |
27. | RepeatBehavior=2x | |  |
28. | Use DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame to switch text | |  |
29. | Paced Animation | |  |
30. | Xaml Clock | |  |
31. | Enlarge Buttons In Xaml | |  |
32. | Use SplineDoubleKeyFrame to rotate a Button | |  |
33. | Key frame animation | |  |
34. | Key frame spline animation | |  |
35. | Setting enumeration values with discrete animations with DiscreteObjectKeyFrame | |  |
36. | Point path animation | |  |
37. | String Animation Using Key Frames | |  |
38. | Expand Element | |  |
39. | Animating nested properties | |  |
40. | Animation LinearGradientBrush | |  |
41. | Use ColorAnimation to animate background | |  |
42. | Text Animation | |  |
43. | Start and stop an Animation with Button actions | |  |
44. | Animate Transformation | |  |
45. | Associating the clicking of each button with a stack of XAML that starts or stops the animation | |  |
46. | Limit the Frame Rate for All Animations in an Application | |  |
47. | Animated Button With Discrete Key Frames | |  |
48. | Animation In Xaml | |  |
49. | Using SpeedRatio in a hierarchy | |  |
50. | SplineDoubleKeyFrame and KeySpline | |  |
51. | Hold on end for an Animation | |  |
52. | Animate Several Properties | |  |
53. | Scaling parameters ScaleX and ScaleY are animated | |  |
54. | Animation ProgressBar. | |  |
55. | Control the Progress of an Animation | |  |
56. | Remove Animations with AnimationClock | |  |
57. | Remove Animations | |  |
58. | Timer triggered Animation | |  |
59. | Path animation by code, duration, RepeatBehavior | |  |
60. | Rolling Ball Animation | |  |
61. | Create an interactive animation using XAML and the Storyboard | |  |
62. | Create animations using the Storyboard in code | |  |
63. | Receive Notification When an Animation Completes | |  |
64. | Velocity animation | |  |
65. | A simple, finite animation | |  |
66. | Code Animation Accelerate Decelerate | |  |
67. | Animation with code | |  |
68. | Opacity Animation | | |
69. | Width and Height animation | | |
70. | TranslateTransform and DoubleAnimation | | |
71. | Rotate Button Animation | |  |
72. | Rotate Button Animation With Layout | |  |
73. | A Simple Animation in Code | |  |
74. | Stop, resume animation with Storyboard | |  |