Uri.UriSchemeGopher Field specifies that the URI is accessed through the Gopher protocol. : URI « Network Remote « VB.Net

Uri.UriSchemeGopher Field specifies that the URI is accessed through the Gopher protocol.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text

public class MainClass
   Shared Sub Main()
        Dim address6 As New Uri("gopher://example.yourDomain.com/")
        If address6.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeGopher Then
            Console.WriteLine("Uri is Gopher protocol")
        End If 
   End Sub
End Class


Related examples in the same category

1.URI info: LocalPath, PathAndQuery, Port, Query, SchemeURI info: LocalPath, PathAndQuery, Port, Query, Scheme
2.URI info: AbsolutePath, AbsoluteUri, Host, HostNameTypeURI info: AbsolutePath, AbsoluteUri, Host, HostNameType
3.Uri Class represents a uniform resource identifier (URI)
4.Create Uri with specified URI, with explicit control of character escaping.
5.Create Uri class based on the specified base URI and relative URI string.
6.Create Uri based on the specified base and relative URIs, with explicit control of character escaping.
7.Uri.AbsolutePath Property gets the absolute path of the URI.
8.Uri.AbsoluteUri Property gets the absolute URI.
9.Uri.CheckSchemeName tells whether the specified scheme name is valid.
10.Uri.Fragment Property gets the escaped URI fragment.
11.Uri.FromHex Method gets the decimal value of a hexadecimal digit.
12.Uri.Host Property gets the host component of this instance.
13.Uri.IsFile Property gets a value indicating whether the specified Uri is a file URI.
14.Uri.MakeRelative tells the difference between two Uri instances.
15.Uri.OriginalString Property gets the original URI string that was passed to the Uri constructor.
16.Uri.PathAndQuery Property gets the AbsolutePath and Query properties separated by a question mark (?).
17.Uri.Port Property gets the port number of this URI.
18.Uri.Query Property gets any query information included in the specified URI.
19.Uri.Scheme Property gets the scheme name for this URI.
20.Uri.SchemeDelimiter Field specifies the characters that separate the communication protocol scheme from the address portion of the URI
21.Uri.Segments Property gets an array containing the path segments that make up the specified URI.
22.Uri.ToString gets a canonical string representation for the specified Uri instance.
23.Uri.UriSchemeFile Field specifies that the URI is a pointer to a file.
24.Uri.UriSchemeFtp Field specifies that the URI is accessed through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
25.Uri.UriSchemeHttps Field Specifies that the URI is accessed through the Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS).
26.Uri.UriSchemeMailto Field specifies that the URI is an e-mail address
27.Uri.UriSchemeNews Field specifies that the URI is an Internet news group
28.Uri.UriSchemeNntp Field specifies that the URI is an Internet news group and is accessed through the Network News Transport Protocol
29.Uri.UserEscaped Property tells that the URI string was completely escaped before the Uri instance was created.