Catch and rethrow exceptions

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
public class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim FileToRead As String = "test.txt"
Dim TestFile As FileStream
Dim Reader As New StreamReader(FileToRead)
Dim I As Integer, S As String
Dim Result As Integer
S = Reader.ReadLine()
I = CInt(S)
Result = 100 \ I
Catch DivByZero As System.DivideByZeroException
Console.WriteLine("** Divide by zero **")
Catch BadConversion As System.InvalidCastException
Console.WriteLine("** " + S + " is not a number **")
Throw New System.InvalidCastException("My own exception happened here", BadConversion)
Catch OtherErrors As Exception
Throw OtherErrors
End Try
Loop While Reader.Peek <> -1
End Sub
End Class
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